a hostel he stayed in Delhi for his civil services preparations, he came to be
called as bada bhai by many IIT and medical aspirants preparing for
their entrance exams. All of them were normal boys having pleasant mix of
vulnerabilities and directionless strengths as conditioned by their teen years.
But one chap stood out as Godzilla. It was not just on account of his size, for
there were definitely some others who may also have been christened similarly if
only size was the only criterion. What made him the common enemy was his
arrogance and his effort to portray himself as the exceptionally powerful for
the ordinary bunch of schoolboys around. He had a strange swagger in his walk
that cried, ‘It’s between you and me!’ So guys it became an issue between one
versus many. Confrontation was inevitable. One night many smaller ones pounced
upon the hated Godzilla. War cry was: ‘Maro
saale Godzilla ko!’ It resulted in—as it always happens in a conflict
between one versus many (or few versus many)—a terrible defeat and consequent
loss of face for the giant.
moral of the story is clear: Thousands of nice acts of civility and good behaviour
may not fetch you even a single genuine friend, but an act of arrogance and
aggression is definitely bound to fetch you many enemies. There have been WW I
and WW II. The trigger point was the power going astray in some aggressive form
of nationalism that puffed out belligerent winds in four directions. Aggression
wins you very selected friends. So in both world wars, the so called axis
powers had lesser parties to their boasting kitty and the so called allied
powers were able to muster up the support of many nations across the world.
Whatever may be the amount of bloodbath, the result inevitably has to be in favour
of the allied powers, like it happened in both world wars. The fireball
escaping its burning guts is ultimately bound to douse the genie. Moreover, the
leadership of the allied powers earns the right to take world leadership.
is going much on the pattern of axis powers presently. Its inflated sense of
chronic nationalism has made it blind to the bitter facts of the previous world
wars. The way dragon is hissing fire around it has all the potential to trigger
a third world war. But believe it, Chinese missiles and bullets might taste
enemy blood in all the nooks and corners of this world, but its defeat is
inevitable and ordained by the laws that governed the first two world wars.
What Hitler let out through his individual manic personality, the Chinese
leadership is doing it collectively. Result: They have all enemies in its neighbourhood
and across the world. In South Asian context, only a failed state can be
counted as its real ally. If by dumping cheap exports in poor African
countries, Chinese leadership has come to believe that it has dozens of allies,
then it’s a gross miscalculation of strategic facts. By crossing all the limits
of diplomatic niceties vis-à-vis India through claiming vast Indian territories
as its own, it has taken its art of statecraft 70 year back to the Nazi era. By
stepping on the toes of smaller nations around South China Sea, it has created
a sort of one versus many situation. If there is a WW III, it must be believed
that the Chinese fate cannot under any circumstances be better than the
belligerent axis powers.
cooperation with America, India can play a great role in this coalition of
forces against the arrogant and blinded-by-power Godzilla and beat it like
those smaller boys beat the bully who ran down the stairs utterly terrified and
may be even pissed in its pants. Every Chinese act of belligerence driven by
madly chronic, expansive nationalism is going to earn it more and more enemies.
USA beat Russia in Cold War because there was NATO. It never trumpeted its
status as the sole decider of world’s destiny, even though it could have done
so. It always kept many allies to its side, even though they played a marginal
part in its campaigns. It was symbolic support, far weightier than the coldly
indifferent and aloof substance on the Soviet side. So China can carry on with its
enemy-making juggernaut, the Indians will meanwhile cooperate with the Americans
and China’s ever-longer list of enemies to beat the Mickey out of the Chinese
in the possible WW III.
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