The zero. The imperfect. The perfect. Three basic concepts which the mind can hypothesize in trying to understand the cosmic equation. The imperfect is forever striving to become the perfect. That's the basic functional element in the play of existence, the Leela. The imperfect running timelessly and endlessly after the perfect becomes the infinity. Infinity is just the ever-persistent, eternal impulse of the finite to become perfect. And perfection is impossible because one point of apparent perfection is just a transient state, a mere beginning of a new stage of the imperfect looking to further its path to perfection. The flow. And infinity collapses to zero, the empty.
The posts on this blog deal with common people who try to stand proud in front of their own conscience. The rest of the life's tale naturally follows from this point. It's intended to be a joy-maker, helping the reader to see the beauty underlying everyone and everything. Copyright © Sandeep Dahiya. All Rights Reserved for all posts on this blog. No part of this blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the author of this blog.
About Me

- Sufi
- Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Far away into the future
Be prepared, dear readers, for a
world that will outfox most of your imagination. You will have babies in the labs,
genetically customized as per your choices of color, eyes, hair and height
using the techniques of gene editing. These, I’m afraid, will be like factory
products. Gone will be the glorious gamut of uncertainties which the free flow
of life presents.
On a positive note, they have
carried out a nuclear fusion reaction that fuels the stars—roughly clumping,
crashing atoms into each other, instead of breaking them as in nuclear fission.
They were able to produce more energy than the input through laser beams. The
technology is but in its infancy, almost like the maiden flight of a
rudimentary plane by Wright brothers in 1903. The nuclear fusion experiment
carried presently is the embryonic state of a plan that will eventually help
mankind in producing one ton worth of coal energy from just one gram of fusion
fuel. But to make it feasible it may take almost fifty years of more research.
That will save earth from carbon emissions and radioactive waste. But will we
need clean nature by that time? I think by that time the human anatomy would be
mechanized—through bio-engineering—to an extent that would make Homo sapiens a
hybrid of artificial intelligence, chips, artificial limbs and organs, synthetic
nerves and lab-grown flesh. We—the all flesh and blood version of the
mankind—will create something that would ultimately break our monopoly on this
little planet. These super-human species would then look at our remains just
like we analyze the skeletal remains of Neanderthals and other prototypes of
humans that vanished on the path of evolution, leaving the entire planet under
the control of Homo sapiens.
Monday, June 3, 2024
Congratulations China for Change'e 6 mission
China's robotic Chang'e 6 mission landed inside Apollo Crater at the giant South Pole-Aitken basin. With eternal optimism I would take it as the next step in mankind's quest for more scientific truths. So congratulations China in the name of collective human endeavour for scientific spirit, exploration, research, analysis and data. Irrespective of how many punches we give each other--as different nationalities--in the ring, this little planet will face common problems. Climatic ravages will heat, beat, treat us the same irrespective of geographical variations and national interests. Scorching heat will bake us the same. The floods will drown us the same. Pollution will ravage our lungs the same. Wars will spill the blood all the same. Some hostile alien life form will, this I consider very likely, treat us the same--the weird dwellers of a far off planet. They will twist our ears the same irrespective of our racial and national differences. So while we give each other bloody mouths with solid punches, it will serve humanity to chalk out a collective framework to deal with global level threats, dangers and risks that will challenge our very existence as a race.
Thursday, September 14, 2023
The homosapiens' last sigh
Human mind is conditioned to hatch and plot more and more human-centric realities. Artificial intelligence and synthetic biology are the latest tools to further spread our intellectual wings and forge bigger realities. But ultimately the 'maker' will stand synonymous with the 'made'. Presently we can feel proud while looking at our products because they stand separate and lowly while we muse our our creations. But now there is a fundamental shift. The product isn't strictly outside our physiological body. The product is creeping inside us--into our neurons as artificial intelligence; into our cells as synthetic biology. We have been crazy about making something. And when there isn't anything left to make, we have started making a newer version of our own self. It's just like nature produced we humans on this tiny planet but got devoured by its product. Similarly the homosapiens will be gradually absorbed by a new product, a new species. Just evolution, maybe. So why worry. Make the most of it as one of the last real homosapiens generation on this small planet. Enjoy what life and mother nature has still to offer.
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Trash pickers of future
The scientists are taking up their domains with a legendary integrity. Every inch on earth is under our sweeping ambit. So we are chronicling space odysseys. The terrestrial miracles have been regularized to an extent to turn them most mundane things possible. The earth is littered with our rampant desires’ jargon. There is a dangerous fallacy at work but it comes attired as the new-age holism. So we are now space bound like Vasco de Gama and Columbus explored hitherto unseen lands.
The low-earth orbit has three thousand satellites. And thousands more are in the pipeline. Among this overcrowding, the risks of collisions are emerging at a grave rate. Then we will have a very lucrative profession of space-cleaners. The trash collector, who just asked me if I have any stack of old newspapers to sell, has to know that his sons and grandchildren will have the chance to clean space if they will persist in the trade and use the latest technology, like the rest of the traditional occupations are adopting new technologies.
The grain merchants in Delhi have their grandsons working on laptops to manage what was earlier done in fat red-cloth bound account books. In Chawdi Bazaar in Delhi, in a tiny few square yard space crammed with nuts, bolts and the portly grandfather, hardly leaving any space in the tiny cubicle of a shop, the educated grandson is tucked in a corner and trying online selling. So maybe the coming generations of these trash pickers will turn tech savvy and take their endeavors to collect trash in the space.
Monday, April 24, 2023
Artificial intelligence
My first line ever on an AI-assisted tool happens to be a question. "In what way you are different from a human's creativity?" I ask.
ChatGPT is very honest I must say. It replies:
"As an AI language model, my ability to create and generate content is based on statistical patterns and algorithms derived from vast amounts of text data. While I can generate language that appears to be creative and original, my output is ultimately limited by the data I was trained on and the rules programmed into my algorithms.
In contrast, human creativity is often driven by personal experiences, emotions, and the ability to think outside the box. Human creators can draw inspiration from a wide range of sources, including their own imaginations, personal perspectives, and interactions with the world around them. They can also intentionally break the rules and patterns of traditional language to create something truly unique and original.
While I can generate content quickly and accurately, I do not have the same level of intuition, emotions, or personal experiences that drive human creativity. In this sense, my creative abilities are fundamentally different from those of a human being."
I, yours truly, find it more honest than most of we humans. But it can be misleading, brutal, inhuman in the ways we can't imagine. Perfect lack of subjectivity has the potential to take it to the threshold of limitless objectivity, which in turn may undo what we have created so far, or change the meaning of all the elements of human civilization as we know it. Of all our inventions so far, this one has the potential to turn the tables against the humans, as it introduces a mechanical replacement for spontaneous emotions, open ended volition, fluctuating feelings, teasing Mysteries, ever chiding curiosity and numerous other checks and balances that keep the destructive monster in us under check, somehow. Now we want to hand over even our thinking to mechanized tools. And get busy in creating solutions born of our brain-substitute. AI-generated mail drafts, chatting messages, planning documents, summaries and will standardize the way we act, think, behave, even feel..a mass produced newage mentality and emotionality. But then maybe it's inevitable. It was fated to be. In our craze to surpass all life forms on earth, we were always expected to create something even above mankind. It's not a doomsday portrait of a poetic man. I would accept it as one more dimension in evolution. Moreover, it seems a pretty communist concept, this AI: A mass standardization of ideas, thoughts, emotions.
PS: This isn't tech-phobia. My only concern is that we get easily addicted to tools. So within a generation, we will be acting, planning, thinking, emoting the way algorithms want us. Then will we be the same humans, or some new avatar?
Friday, November 4, 2022
The Pleasure and Pain of being Human
The researchers on insects say that an ant has a tiny
memory span of mere six seconds. After this brief interval, it reclaims its
natural impulse of seeking food. It forgets that you had put a finger across
its path and in reaction it had to stop, sensing danger on the track. This
memory born of your interference in its errand lasts just for six seconds,
after that it has a new start.
In comparison, the Homo sapiens possess a memory span
of not just this lifetime but massive pools of memories from our previous
births in the form of proclivities and tendencies doing their incessant rounds
in the subconscious and unconscious chambers of the brain. It instinctively
keeps on taking us into the past, thus depriving us of the present time’s bliss
that the so called lesser species seem to enjoy. One may wonder, is such
forgetfulness, the kind enjoyed by an ant and other species, the real bliss.
Well, of course they have more fulfilling lives. They
have the existential limits; we have the possibilities beyond the world of
mind-born miseries. They face physical threats to their survival. We have the
great faculty of still feeling insecure despite all the securities around. We
but can’t compare life at various hierarchies of evolution. An ant’s karma is
bound around six seconds of memories. Ours is a bit more. There is just
quantitative difference. But there is hardly any difference qualitatively.
Look at her passion for life, the unswerving focus,
her ability to lift weight. Each moment in its short life is full of unwavering
karma. Nature expects the same from us. What are we? We are simply bigger ants
with a bit more memory. It’s never about bliss as such. In my humble opinion, the
most important thing is what we create out of that which has been given to us
by the accidents of birth, this body, our family, our circumstances.
Beyond compulsions, if we evolve to a level of living
by choice, this according to me serves a big role in deciding whether we live a
joyful or miserable life. This consciousness attached to this human body of
present has already crawled as ants. I, you and all of us have already enjoyed the
ant bliss in previous births, don’t worry dear readers. This cosmos has a
tendency for moving to complexity. So our individual consciousness is also
moving from the simplest body forms to a complex human body. And the journey
continues. Journey well you all!
Please don’t get dismayed at my calling our birth an
accident, merely a chance event in the cosmos. Beyond the loopy tales of
inflated egos, all of us are mere puny mortals in the scheme of mother
existence. We are mere drops for her overall existence, like the drops in the
sea effectuate the universality through their individuality.
Nobody has a claim over the tag of ‘more evolved’ or ‘less
evolved’ soul. We are mere work in progress. Now, coming to your ‘dismay’ about
our birth as mere accident. There is a lot of difference between ‘letter’ and ‘spirit’.
Yes, our individual consciousness has had a specific journey, across various
body forms in different births, whose momentum has carried us to the present
coordinates of mind, body, soul and circumstances. With that kind of cause and
effect linearity, we cannot say our birth is a mere accident. But ironically we
hardly remember anything of our past births, so given this human frailty, in
laymen terms, birth appears accidental because we don’t know the causes of past
karmas as such. We just know the effect, this birth and its circumstances. That’s
why our birth appears accidental. It appears so, but it’s not. When I say that
we have to be a creator beyond the incidental balls hurled at us, I just
emphasize the human faculty of conscious decision and choice making to be a
better version of ourselves.
One may say that our choices have brought us almost to
the brink of destruction. So the question may arise: Is our pursuit of
happiness the cause of the massacre of mother
earth itself? I would like to say that happiness is never a part of what
we have done so far that qualifies as ‘destructive’ in nature. Have you ever
seen a happy and joyful person going out to kill fellow human beings? A happy
and joyful soul will be driven by ‘needs’ not ‘greed’.
You may say that most of the people in their blind
pursuits, whose ill effects are written large over mother earth, are under the
impression that they are doing something that they like and love. So it’s
basically their pursuit of happiness that is the primary cause of present-time
chaos. No my dear readers, it’s the pursuit of misery that has brought us to
the threshold of mass unhappiness. This is the fatal addiction, like an
alcoholic creates physical and psychological doom under the impression that
what he does is driven by his liking, and hence happiness, for alcohol. But
would you term it as a happy choice just because someone likes alcohol. This is
not choice. This is compulsion and helplessness. One can make happy choices only
with a capable mind and body. It’s the helpless, compulsive pursuit that breeds
disaster, not choice-driven attempts.
With choice-driven persona, one becomes a creator, a
responsible citizen who knows the ill effects of his/her likes and dislikes.
Whatever we like, do or intend to do is never strictly in the bracket of likes
and dislikes. Most of the things that we do compulsively are mere escape routes
from the agonizing bitter truth driven by guilt, fear, anger, hate and
jealousy. There is a difference between what your soul craves you to do and
what we end up doing under the primal compulsive instincts of anger, hate,
jealousy, etc.
My idea of happiness is only about following the inner
voice of one’s soul, not the outer compulsion-driven pursuits most of us end up
getting trapped into. The real happiness and joy is proportional to how much we
create on the manifest plane following the singsong voice of one’s inner self.
Have you ever seen fragrant jasmine blooms flowering
from a prickly acacia? All these prickly fruits of pollution, wars and diseases
are the fruits of what we have sown. Their seed isn’t pursuit of happiness.
Their seed is pursuit of misery. The great mirage of our existence that
presents misery as pleasure! We are unfortunately following mirages in deserts.
You may wonder that little animals and insects follow
a code of conduct in keeping ecological balance, while we rampantly flout all
norms. Is that all it means to be a human being? Is it only about winning over
nature and destroy it in the effort? Don’t worry sirs and madams, this creation
isn’t human centric. Ecological balances at the level of the so-called less
evolved species may appear a nice code game. In our cases, if you find Homo
sapiens outstretching the natural balance, forces beyond earth will
counterbalance our misdemeanours. This termite mole-hill that we call human
civilization may pop out far earlier than we think, like it has happened many
times earlier. So till then let’s have a life of joy and purpose. Enjoy your
Monday, April 18, 2022
Dance on Chance
we consider success and failure (the outcome or the result) as the twin sides
of a spun coin (effort behind the result), we need to consider the difference
between landing headwords or tailwords as the result born of the last moment’s
extra swing, spin or any other momentum or movement tilting the scale on this
or the other side. Now, there can be three factors involved in this extra force
deciding the winner and the loser:
1. The
coin spinner or the tosser (subject).
2. The
revolving coin itself (object): if we suppose the object to possess some vague,
mysterious, inexplicable factor born of its inanimate freewill.
3. Some
abstract entity (negotiator or referee): functioning either in the form of
physical or natural laws like the atmospheric elements or in the shape of
supernatural laws to either act/favour on behalf /or against the subject or the
per the above supposition, the success or failure in a toss of coin—or our luck
or bad luck in drawing a card from a pack—becomes a very subtle and nuanced
game of multitudinous factors hidden in the simple act/result of the coin
landing on this or the other side.
is well aware that purely mechanical laws of physical sciences defined by the
input and output process do not completely cover the range of occurrences
coming across in real human lives. Human lives come across too glaring
loopholes to allow the application of scientific principles to human endeavours
taking them as simple inputs and outputs. Oftentimes, mountains of work
irrigated with the human will power, blood and sweat do not fetch even tiny
molehills. On the other hand, sometimes an anthill of an endeavour fetches the
mountain of a result. This mere incongruity in the outcome validates the point
of including the subtle role of the outside agents (either in the form of
physical things around us or the beings, things and forces whose working laws
we have not interpreted and explained so far).
role of the ‘outside agents’ is unreasonable to the persons of logic and
reasoning. They will shout, ‘It’ll leave us as mere helpless pawns shifted and
shoved on the chessboard of destiny by paranormal forces.’ Let the logicians
huff and puff with their explanations. The mysterious factor still haunts, and
those who believe in luck, fate, destiny and the most common denominator God
will continue to shine as the superbly carved beads in the same string held by
the cord of belief in the supernatural. They will continue to flaunt the
divinely held string till the theoreticians break it with the pull of their
proven hypothesis. The onus is on the latter for their path is made of either
proving or disproving. The former meanwhile is just happy in surrounding itself
to the misty, hazy, cavernous pit of unexplained, inexplicable, only to be
realised and felt factors.
if we choose a most clinically collected set of mechanical skills (standardised
and equalised) and put them in competition, we still have the position of one
outperforming the others, i.e., we still have a result in the form of winner
and loser. So if science cannot avoid the emergence of a winner from among the
set of equally equipped instruments, we have to accept the futility of
classifying winner and loser. It is a very lousy shortcut to define the
helpless termination of a phenomenon—a mere hypothesis such as time (Einstein
said there was no real time, it is just relative realisation) that has just
been coined to meet a tiny, practical end. It operates in a chosen utilitarian,
abstractly chosen set of possibilities and choices, so that the one category or
group of players falling into it is defined as winners; while punishing the
others with the yardstick of failure. If you remove these carefully chosen set
of conditions and eligibilities—that are purported to remove chaff from the
grain—every endeavour becomes beyond the tortuous segments of loss and gain to
become a pure work, a complete phenomenon, existing unblemishedly in the fabric
of happenings.
of us work for success. Victory is the favourite child of all endeavours in the
universe. Failure is the shameful, unwanted, depraved bastard born of misfires
and mis-hits accruing from some fault, either this way or the other, born of
invisible or invisible factors. The role of those who genuinely took part in
the race is irrelevant; the ones whose fierce competitive urgency catapulted
the eventual winner to draw out the last ounce of strength to emerge
victorious. When the winner hits the finishing line it is just the culmination
of a phenomenon, the whole phenomenon of race. We but just pluck out the winner
like we take away a ripe fruit, while putting in the dustbin of failure the crushed
windfalls that lie on the ground, the unwelcomed testimony to the process of
ripening when chancy windfalls saw many being dropped onto the ground. The
fallen ones but become the groundwork of the victorious, the one completing the
race of ripening. Unfortunately, the whole set minus the ripe and victorious is
cast away as the scrap in the process of hatching a victory: the long and
wordy, sweat laden steps carrying one onto the top. These are the oblations and
sacrifices to the Goddess of victory. The Goddess chucks up their flesh and
takes big swigs of their blood, leaving no vestiges of those struggling sinews
whose failure gave us our soul-satisfying winner!
high time we include the losers in the over-swapping concept of victory. Like
the rocket fuel burning and turning to ashes while catapulting the victorious
satellite into the required orbit, the fellow competitors also fuel the race.
If not for their pushing with their best competitive spirit someone would not
have been driven beyond limits to achieve some victorious feat. The losers are
thus contributors to someone's success. Let's change the concept to make it
more humane at least!
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
A Chapter from a Farmer’s Old, Dog-eared Book of Spirituality
Thursday, April 16, 2020
The first drop of life
All the divisions are man created. We can easily remove these. Love for our fellow human beings will sow the seeds of love for this little planet, our house. Don’t try to land on Sun; try to use the precious resources where in case of health emergencies our best cities in the world don’t bear the insult of the doctors and nurses fighting without even proper masks. A ballistic missile worth millions of dollars rusting in a bunker and a life-savior doctor fighting Corona without PPEs! See, what have we turned this world into!!