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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

सत्ता का संघर्ष

 राजनीति प्रत्यक्ष या परोक्ष रूप से छल और बल का ही खेल होता है। सत्ता का संघर्ष, किसी भी प्रकार की राजनैतिक व्यस्था में, ईमानदारी के पैमानों से नहीं साधा जा सकता। सभी दल अपने अपने हिसाब से छल बल का इस्तेमाल करते हैं। छल और बल पे सब दलों का कॉपीराइट है, चाहे कांग्रेस हो या बीजेपी। बीजेपी छल और बल को ज्यादा अच्छा मैनेज करती है। उसने इसको एक अलग ही आयाम पे पहुंचा दिया है। लगभग एक प्रकार की साइंस। बीजेपी छल बल की डॉक्टरेट है, और कांग्रेस बेचारी सिर्फ ग्रैजुएट है। बस यही फरक है दोनों में। 

हरियाणा में की गई बेईमानी को J&K की ईमानदारी से ढक दिया। इसी तरह से महाराष्ट्र के बेईमानी के धब्बों को झारखंड के सफेद ईमानदार पेंट से ढकने का सफल प्रयोग किया गया। अब जबकि हरियाणा और महाराष्ट्र के परिणामों को लेकर EVM पर सवाल उठ रहें हैं तो एक बार फिर थोड़ा ईमानदारी का पेंट कर दिया जाएगा। दिल्ली का चुनाव ईमानदारी से होने के ज्यादा चांस है। वैसे भी वहां उपराज्यपाल के माध्यम से परोक्ष रूप से लगाम तो केन्द्र सरकार के हाथ में ही रहती है। दिल्ली सरकार के पास बहुत सीमित अधिकार हैं। 

इसलिए अब दिल्ली हारो एक ईमानदार चुनाव में। इससे जम्मू कश्मीर और झारखंड के ईमानदार पेंट की कोटिंग के ऊपर एक और परत जम जाएगी क्योंकि हरियाणा और महाराष्ट्र में इतने बड़े खेल के सबूत हैं कि अब आगे कई परत ईमानदारी की चढ़ानी पड़ेगी छोटे चुनावों में। तब कहीं जाकर थोड़ा दब पाएगा मामला।

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Mutterings of a poor voter in thawing democracy

 Jinping wins (Tibet atrocities and Xinxiang concentration camps), Putin wins (Ukraine massacres), Modi wins (Godhra riots), Trump wins (Convinced felon)😰😨😓😥😢😨😧😩😫😷🤕🤒🤧😪 Now is the time for us to be like three deaf, mute and blind monkeys 🙊🙉🙈 or shift to some other planet, for which unfortunately there is no choice except Musk, Zuckerberg and Bezos... But Musk won't take that option. He is the bright eyed super genius of mighty Trump. The rest two beware. Take your rockets out. In any case the mighty four have the power to dispatch anyone to some extraterrestrial planet - I mean if not in body but soul at least.😀 The super-strong guys are actually eligible to share the same table and have relaxed talk over wine. Modi of course will have milk. Then who will be their common enemy? Maybe small people like you and me who think they have their own mind and feel like speaking the truth. Democracy will get diluted like never before. It has already thawed quite significantly in the world's biggest and the strongest democracies. I think Putin and Xi Jinping are the trend-setting big, bad guys, inspiring the rest to follow in their steps. Who will they hunt if not each other then? Because the most powerful can't help hunting. They have to. Almost natural. I think they will hunt the little voices of liberalism, freedom of speech, truth, human rights, equality, gender parity etc. Putin will be allowed to retain whatever he has captured in Ukraine. China will be allowed to take over Taiwan somehow (with the shamshow of American opposition to that). If India plays its cards well, it might have some more chunk from PoK. And America? It will be allowed to have the symbolic chairmanship on the table of the four. The mighty tigers then will be free to play cat and mouse with little liberal intelligentsia mice😂 But who knows the aliens, who have been taking reconnaissance of our small planet for decades, will finally step in and present a common challenge to the four. 😜 Then it will be quite interesting.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Using honesty to validate dishonesty

 प्रतिद्वंद्वी को निष्पक्ष लड़ाई में कम महत्वपूर्ण राज्य जीतने की अनुमति दें; इस बीच, साथ-साथ अधिक महत्वपूर्ण राज्य जीतें, भले ही इसके लिए अनुचित साधनों का उपयोग करना पड़े। उदाहरण के लिए, जम्मू-कश्मीर और हरियाणा। जम्मू-कश्मीर कम और हरियाणा ज़्यादा महत्वपूर्ण क्यों है? क्योंकि जम्मू-कश्मीर में सर्वशक्तिमान उपराज्यपाल के पास वास्तविक शक्ति है और विधानसभा अब तक लगभग नाममात्र और प्रतीकात्मक प्रकृति की है। इसलिए इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि विधानसभा का संचालन कौन करता है। हरियाणा क्यों है ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण? क्योंकि यह परम सत्ता की सीट दिल्ली को तीन तरफ से घेरता है। किसान हरियाणा की सीमाओं के बाहर बैठे हैं. यदि कोई प्रतिद्वंद्वी सरकार सत्ता में आती है, तो वह सीमाएं खोल देगी और किसान दिल्ली में अपने अधिकारों की मांग करेंगे। अगले चुनावों में भी यही स्थिति होगी: झारखंड और महाराष्ट्र। निष्पक्ष मुकाबले में कम महत्वपूर्ण झारखंड को हारें; महाराष्ट्र को जीतना अधिक महत्वपूर्ण है, चाहे जो भी साधन अपनाना पड़े। फिर आपको प्रतिद्वंद्वी द्वारा आपके द्वारा चुनाव में हेरफेर के आरोपों को खारिज करने का एक तर्क मिल जाता है। आप बस इतना कहते हैं कि देखिए आप दूसरे राज्य में जीत गए और फिर भी आप ईवीएम के दुरुपयोग का रोना रो रहे हैं। यही कारण है कि एक साथ होने वाले इन चारों विधानसभाओं के चुनाव को दो भागों में बांट दिया गया। यह घोषणा लाल किले पर एक राष्ट्र, एक चुनाव की घोषणा के एक दिन बाद की गई थी।

Allow the rival to win the less important state in a fair fight; meanwhile, side by side win the more important state even if it means using unfair means. J & K and Haryana, for example. Why is J & K less important and Haryana more? Because in J & K the all powerful Lt. Governor holds the real Power and the assembly is almost nominal and symbolic in nature as of now. So it hardly matters who holds the assembly. Why is Haryana more important? Because it surrounds Delhi, the seat of ultimate power, from three sides. The farmers are sitting outside Haryana borders. If a rival government comes to power, it will open the borders and the farmers would be in Delhi demanding their rights. The same will be the case in the next set of elections: Jharkhand and Maharashtra. Lose the less important, Jharkhand, in a fair contest; win Maharashtra, the more important, using whatever means it takes. You then get a logic to undo the rival's allegations of election manipulations by you. You simply say that see you won the other state and still you are crying about the misuse of EVMs. That's the reason the elections for these four assemblies, which were due to be held together, were divided into two sets. The announcement coming a day after the Red Fort declaration of one nation, one election.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Whose verdict is this?

The election results in Haryana don't represent the ground realities. There are very serious allegations of systematic manipulation and hijacking of process and machines. It's the election commission's verdict, not the people of Haryana.

It's very easy to make technology a weapon in pursuit of your goal. Israel used technology to put explosives in pager devices used by Hezbollah. Similarly, EVM machines are sitting ducks for manipulation. Save Indian democracy. Say no to EVMs.

Now sceptics and andhbhakts will mention J and K election results. There was no need to temper there. It's under lieutenant governor who has so many powers that the MLAs are mere symbol. Imagine the lieutenant governor of Delhi doesn't allow the Delhi government to function. The kashmir governor is at least ten times stronger. So they already have their government in effect there irrespective of who comes to power in the legislature. 

And if the EVM is so foolproof, why do the countries which are 50 years ahead of us in technology still use ballot paper? America landed a human on the moon almost 60 years back and we have recently landed an unmanned craft there. And America doesn't believe in EVMs right. Andhbhakts any arguments from your side please? The country that made EVMs for the first time - Germany - doesn't use them on the grounds that it isn't possible to trust its credibility.

Give Indians first a cheated fake result. Even the commonest of us have enough brains to discuss and chalk out the true success story of a fake result. We will then spin the success hypothesis to validate the false. You just need to cheat us and then leave it on us to prove with our shrewd acumen that it was no cheating, it was rather a masterstroke to achieve true, honest success. Well done Mr Kumar! You did your job, now we do ours😂

Friday, August 2, 2024

Common and uncommon

 An earthworm is the mildest, most harmless version of a snake. Similarly, the common man is the mildest, most harmless version of a politician. In both cases, the former ones crawl to survive and eat muddy crumbs for survival; while the latter ones are fanged, poisoned and slither around to hunt with impunity.

PS: Within the snakes and politicians, there are different types. Some are vipers, cobras, krates and mambas. The lethal ones. The other are rat snakes, sand boas and many other harmless crawlers who carry the fear and stigma of the lethal ones in the genre.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Cult leaders

 The biggest problem with Big Brotherly cult leaders is that they 'rule', not 'serve'. They float above the ground realities and cast a shadow that clouds the minds of the masses with downsizing rhetoric, jingoism, ideologies and vain principles. No wonder the blind followers lose 'independence of thought and spontaneity of action'. The collective mind of the subjects gets primed for a doctored reality where the cult figure is the ultimate saviour. No wonder the cult leaders have an inherent distaste for free thinkers, intellectuals, artists and philosophers. They just hate anyone who doesn't fit in the mold of doctored reality.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

A scared writer

 Critics of Them, justified of course in your intentions and reasons, a word of caution. They are down but not out. As the saying goes, a King is a bad enemy, a worse friend, and a fatal family relation. So stay rooted while you criticize Them. They will hit back at the level you are, wherever it may be, anywhere you are, using the hierarchical powers suitable for your position and standing to push and prod you again into the hole. They may not do much to take us out of our miseries. But They will surely hit back! I have no shame in accepting that I am scared of writing or saying even a single word against Them. Because I know They always hit back at their critics! They have the power! And they expertly mean to use it against dissent. That is the hallmark of powerful Kings! Power has natural disposition for misuse. Here at least they are subservient to the concept of power. Power has power over Them. So my dear angry, cantankerous birds, take a pause. The fear of corona and the fear of Them are both essential to stay alive and safe. So play it safe! Lastly, pray, pray and just pray for all of us. We the common subjects of Them have no oxygen, no vaccine, no hospital beds. All we have is our prayers. So let's pray for each other. Let's use all our power of emotions to keep our boat afloat!

The common man

 While a plain featured Abraham Lincoln, struggling as a law student and part time worker, drew inspiration and ignition from his beautiful lover Marry Todd, his friend had a jibe, 'Don't you think you are too beautiful to be the wife of this ugly man?!' Lost in the common features of her man, she simply quipped, 'Common looking man is the best! That's why God has created so many of them!'

The master tricksters

 We are the master tricksters. To keep the hypothesis of abundance and material wealth, we basically groom "shortages" of various kinds. If no ever-existing shortages, how will the river of corporations flow? Does a river flow after reaching the sea? So it's primarily about keeping the needs, desires and aspirations above the things available. Always. It's never about fulfilling the needs. The trick is in keeping the needs going high and high, so that pursuit stays there by default.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

छोटी सी किरण

 मैं भारतीय लोकतंत्र में सुधार के कुछ संकेत देख सकता हूं। लाखों गरीब वंचित लोगों ने मिलकर मोदी, भाजपा, नौकरशाही, चुनाव आयोग, ईडी, सीबीआई, आईटी और अरबपतियों के खिलाफ लड़ाई लड़ी। परिस्थितियाँ उनके विरुद्ध हिमालय पर्वत की तरह खड़ी थीं। लेकिन उन्होंने अपनी मतदान की शक्ति का उपयोग किया। वे कोई विकल्प नहीं दे सके क्योंकि सरकार के ऐसे क्रूर, शक्तिशाली किले को तोड़ना उनकी क्षमता से परे था। लेकिन उन्होंने एक मजबूत विपक्ष दिया है जो लोकतंत्र के स्वास्थ्य के लिए जरूरी है।' मुझे उम्मीद है कि विपक्ष को अब संसद में बोलने की अनुमति दी जाएगी न कि उसे परेशान किया जाएगा, चुप कराया जाएगा, निलंबित किया जाएगा और सदन से बाहर निकाल दिया जाएगा। मुझे उम्मीद है कि अब हम भारतीय मीडिया को बंधनों को तोड़ते हुए और पिछले दशक में हासिल की गई शर्मनाक स्थिति को दूर करते हुए देखेंगे। मुझे उम्मीद है कि शक्तिशाली सरकारी मशीनरी अपनी भूमिका ईमानदारी और सत्यनिष्ठा से निभाएगी। मुझे उम्मीद है कि सरकार अब सत्ता और पैसे के दम पर दिखावटी सब्जबाग खड़े करने की बजाय आम लोगों की समस्याओं के लिए काम करेगी। और राहुल गांधी को बधाई! वह विपक्ष के अच्छे नेता बनेंगे। भावी प्रधानमंत्री के रूप में अपने कौशल को निखारने का यह उनके लिए एक अच्छा अवसर होगा।

A little glimmer of hope for the Indian democracy

 I can see some signs of recovery for Indian democracy. Teeming millions of poor disadvantaged people fought against Modi, BJP, bureaucracy, election commission, ED, CBI, IT and billionaires. The odds were pitifully pitched against them. But they asserted their power. They couldn't give an alternative because it was simply beyond their capacity in the face of such brutal power assertion by the government. But they have given a strong opposition which is necessary for the health of democracy. I hope the opposition will now be allowed to speak in the parliament rather than being heckled, silenced, suspended and thrown out of the house. I expect we will now see Indian media breaking the shackles and cast away the shameful shape it has acquired in the past decade. I hope the powerful government machineries will fulfill their roles with honesty and integrity. I hope the government will now work for the problems of the common people instead of just creating a showy façade on the basis of power and money. And congratulations Rahul Gandhi! He will make a good leader of the opposition. It will be a good opportunity for him to hone his skills as the future prime minister.

Monday, June 3, 2024

लोकतंत्र की क्षति

 लोकतंत्र में राजनीतिक दलों द्वारा एक दूसरे पर आरोप लगाना आम बात है। लेकिन चुनाव आयोग पर आरोपों का स्तर पिछले सभी रिकॉर्ड को पार कर गया है। ये आरोप कहां से आए हैं? यह चुनाव आयोग का अपना काम है. वह सिर्फ यह नहीं कह सकता कि विपक्ष अफवाहें फैला रहा है और छूट जाएगा। सरकार के पक्ष में चुनाव संबंधी मुद्दों पर इसके पक्षपातपूर्ण दृष्टिकोण ने आलोचकों को इसकी तटस्थता के खिलाफ उंगली उठाने के लिए पर्याप्त वैध कारण दिए हैं। पिछले कुछ महीनों से वह जो कर रहा है, उससे निष्पक्षता नहीं झलकती, इसलिए स्वाभाविक रूप से उसके खिलाफ बहुत सारे सवाल उठ रहे हैं। इससे भारतीय लोकतंत्र की छवि को बहुत बड़ा धक्का लगा है. क्योंकि अगर चुनाव कराने वाली मशीनरी ही अभूतपूर्व तरीके से संदेह के घेरे में आ जाए तो लोकतंत्र की बुनियाद हिल जाती है। इसके अलावा विपक्ष के ख़िलाफ़ सरकारी एजेंसियों का चुन-चुनकर दुरुपयोग करने का स्तर भी भारत में नये शिखर पर पहुंच गया है। इसमें कोई आश्चर्य नहीं कि भारतीय लोकतंत्र बुरी तरह क्षतिग्रस्त हो गया है। अब यह सवाल नहीं है कि कौन जीतता है और कौन हारता है। असल मुद्दा देश में लोकतांत्रिक प्रक्रिया को नुकसान पहुंचाने के बारे में है।' एक आम आदमी के लिए भारत के चुनाव आयोग की कार्यप्रणाली से निराश होने के पर्याप्त कारण हैं। यह लोकतंत्र की भावना को नुकसान पहुंचाता है. मैं भविष्य में भारतीय लोकतंत्र को कमजोर होकर निरंकुश रूप लेते हुए देख सकता हूं।

Big dent to Indian democracy

 It's usual for the political parties to put up allegations against each other in a democracy. But the levels of allegations against the election commission have surpassed all past records. Where have these allegations come from? It's the election commission's own doing. It can't just say that the opposition is spreading rumours and go scot free. Its partial and biased approach to election related issues in favour of the government have given the critics enough valid reasons to raise a finger against its neutrality. Fairness doesn't reflect from what it has been doing for the past few months, so naturally lots of questions are being raised against it. It has given a huge dent to the image of Indian democracy. Because if the very election conducting machinery comes under suspicion in an unprecedented manner then the foundations of democracy are shaken. Apart from this, the level of selectively misusing the government agencies against the opposition has touched a new peak in India. No wonder Indian democracy stands hugely dented. It's no longer a question of who wins and who loses. It's about the harm to the democratic process in the country. There are enough reasons for a common man to feel disappointed with the functioning of the election commission of India. It harms the spirit of democracy. I can see Indian democracy getting diluted to take autocratic shape in future.

Friday, May 24, 2024

A common Indian voter's humble appeal

 Election commission please always remember that when a poor laborer skips a day's wages and lines up to vote in sweltering heat, he has some fundamental belief in things taking a favourable turn for his miserable fate...and for the same he expects the elections to be a defining force in reshaping his/her miserable life. Elections are morning prayer hymns in the festival of democracy. Don't forget this and do your constitutional duty in a fair and impartial manner. Otherwise the Indian democracy will be dented irreversibly--or has it already been--and you will be judged very very strictly in the coming times. 

Election commission of India, we have a right to know from where and how these 1 crore and 7 lakh additional votes surfaced in your data published after almost two weeks of the polling. In the face of unsuitable and insufficient explanations by you, your role will be under dark shadows and the foundation of Indian democracy will shake. It will put the country embroiled in lots of internal strife post June 4. The people won't accept this infringement upon their democratic faith.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

An interesting phase in Indian politics


The power equation has a very common thread among the power aspirations—you want to be the real controller of affairs; you have an impulse against sharing it with centralization-diluting people, groups and institutions. There is hardly any chance to come across a politician who doesn’t want all-out power in his own hands. The only deciding factor is to what extent he can manage it. So we can safely say that all politicians are basically cult aspirants. From this point, Modi is justified in trying to rise above his own party and the parent organization, the RSS. But the trends after two phases of parliamentary elections give rise to a pertinent question: Is cult politics (which can be safely called electoral autocracy) feasible in India?  

To seek answer to this question, we have to first find out where it’s practical and effective to operate the politics of cult. Of course the communist countries come very close to set up a system that easily digests the mythical cult of an individual because systematically the entire society is cut in the same fabric, doing away with socio-economic and religious diversities. In a beautifully manicured field, it’s very easy for one sturdy sunflower to stand in the middle and function as the all-go point of authority. It is also possible in the mono-religious, theocratic societies, predominantly Muslim countries for example. There is a firm, homogenous hold of faith over the people and in this evenly leveled society an individual can easily rise above and rule over the rest.   

However, cult formation in a massively varied society like India is a big challenge. There are so many regional disparities, economic variations, caste categories and religions. It’s an exciting jungle of different plants and trees having varying heights. How far you will go to be at the same height from all of them? You cannot serve as a common denominator to all of them as a cult figure unless you use brute force or do something as drastic as changing the constitution itself, both of which are virtually impossibilities in the Indian set up. There are so many centrifugal forces always pulling the power away from the center. You can have some moments of a total grasp but things will slip out of hand because India is an exotic Pandora box. And that’s where the uniqueness of this great country lies. We love our freedom of not being perfect. We are a bouquet of colors which is so appealing to this rapidly mono-coloring world. We are an exotic chaos which is far more interesting than any order. We have earned our freedom after centuries of subjugation and we would very much like to keep enjoying the spirit of freedom including the freedom of expression.  

You simply cannot rise above history by belittling past greats like Gandhi and Nehru. They had their own cult following but it was showered upon them by the people willingly and out of respect and affection. It wasn’t a product of their cult-formation direct endeavor. It was just an outcome of their sincere efforts for the welfare of their motherland.   

How big and effective a cult you can erect in such a diversified society as India depends on your personal capacity. And Modi has been the most effective and capable person since Nehru and Indira to rise above the hordes of power-diluting factors and rule as a supreme authority. Beyond judgments, I see it as a mark of his capabilities, his brilliant oratory and the spirit of keeping an unrelenting hold on all those around him. But in such a tight-gripped system in a democracy, there will always be tension among those whose powers have been diluted. They will look up to you with anxiety because you are keeping their loyalty by force. To maintain an unchallenged authority as the central figure it requires frequent purges like in communist and theocratic countries. But it isn’t possible to do so in its direct form in a democracy and that too the largest democracy which is always under the scanning radar of the world because what happens here has a direct bearing on the global democratic machinery. Yes the indirect tools of intimidation like ED, CBI, IT and other authorities work to an extent by keeping the opponents (both within and outside) cut down to a manageable size. But it is a deterrent only. You can just control your opponents till a point, not do away with them altogether.

One can feel a strong undercurrent of change in India after the two phases of elections. There is oversaturation with the brand Modi in people’s psyche. If you hear Modi-Modi one billion times, of course there will be a Modi fatigue. You lose that charm over people’s fancying spirits.

I think almost hundred percent media control is counterproductive. It discards the basic principle of safety valve. Freshness and newness are the basic elements of news that keep people glued to the news channels. The electronic media is so saturated with Modi narrative that it turned very boring for the common masses. Of course the diehard zealots would love watching it but they number very less. Most of the people would at the most like a leader instead of turning blind followers.

In the absence of a safety valve type dissenting outlet in the mainstream media, the journalists and critics who had been kicked out of the mainstream media platforms found their outlets through numerous social media platforms including YouTube channels, which have been highly effective in presenting a different aspect of the situation. People liked these interesting, discordant voices for their varying opinions. They had the element of fresh news. No wonder these platforms will have a decisive role in the current elections. Cheap internet plans allow the people to stay glued to their social media choices, who is even bothered about the television.

In his place I would have kept the ratio of 75:25 in the mainstream media—75 percent my narrative and 25 percent for the opposing voices. It would have acted like a safety valve and so many tiny punctures in the tube won’t have surfaced in the form of mushrooming social media channels. Of course Modi government has its own mushroom sprouts in social media as well but their content has been a copy of what people see on the television, so that also lost interest and hence viewership.

All in all it will be a very interesting election during the next phases and Modi, the master he is of our emotions, will of course try to raise a blizzard, trying to flare passion and bring out the critically opinioned and imbalanced persona in us and flock after his cult. How much he will succeed is to be seen.        


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

अबकी बार किसका वोट?

 बेचारे राहुल गांधी को तो चुनाव आयोग ने बकरी बना रखा है. वो कुछ भी मिमिया दें तो एक डंडा मारते हैं उनके सर पर और दूसरी तरफ महाशक्तिशाली बाबा को खुले सांड की तरह छोड़ दिया गया है.. वह कुछ भी रांभ दें तो चुनाव आयोग भाग के अपने ऑफिस में घुस जाता है...अब आप ही समझिए ये संस्था किसकी है..बोलना मना है...🤐सिर्फ सुनो...किसकी? जो हमेशा मन की बात करते हैं😷

हमारे परिवार ने भी बरसों से कांग्रेस मुक्त भारत का सपना देखा है। आजादी से पहले दादा जी जमींदार लीग के समर्थक हुआ करते थे, और जहां भी कांग्रेसी लोग सभा करते थे, सीधे साधे किसान लोग जो आर्य समाज के अनुयायी और जमींदार लीग के समर्थक थे, कांग्रेसियों की पिटाई करते थे। दादाजी बताते हैं कि काई बार तो डर के मारे कांग्रेसी लोग टोपी सर से उतार कर जेब में छिपा लेते थे। उसके बाद पिताजी की भी यही धारणा रही। उसके बाद हम और उसके बाद हमारे बच्चे भी इसी खानदानी राजनैतिक सिद्धांत का पालन करते रहे हैं। चार पीढ़ियों से हमने हर किसी को वोट दिया है, सिर्फ कांग्रेस को नहीं दिया है। और अब 70-80 साल के पारिवारिक राजनीतिक इतिहास के बाद एक बहुत क्रांतिकारी कदम हम उठ रहे हैं। अबकी बार कांग्रेस को वोट देंगे। हालांकी हुडा सरकार ने मेरे साथ प्रांतीय सिविल सेवा के मामले में बहुत बड़ा अत्याचार किया था, लेकिन बाद में खट्टर सरकार ने भी कसार नहीं छोड़ी। खैर व्यक्तिगत मामलों को भूलते हुए देशहित में फैसला लेते हुए यही सोचा है कि अगर मीडिया की दासता, गैर लोकतांत्रिक मनमानी, संविधान को बदलने की साजिश, व्यक्तिगत आजादी, बोलने की आजादी, पढ़े लिखे आदमी की इज्जत, घृणा मुक्त समाज की रचना करनी है तो हमारी वोटों का कांग्रेस को समर्थन देना ही बनता है। यहीं हम कर सकते हैं। बाकी ज्यादा आशा तो नहीं है, क्योंकि जिस तरह से संस्थानों को जकड़ पकड़ लिया गया है, उस हिसाब से मैं चुनाव के नतीजों में ज्यादा आशा नहीं रख रहा हूं। फिर भी..

Monday, April 15, 2024

The political nursery


It was a hornet’s nest unleashed on us with the announcement of elections for the village panchayat, the village level governing body. Sarpanch elections have acquired such seriousness as to hold the entire village by throat and give it a very serious shake. The atmosphere is clouded with posters, pamphlets, banners and fliers, so many of them as we didn’t even see in parliamentary elections during our childhood. Politics is a lucrative career, in every sense of the term. It’s the biggest key to empowerment.

Most of the power aspirants have little clue about what is to be filled up in the nomination form even though these are in Hindi these days. So a big task awaits me. They appear on the edge of life, so much seriousness about the forms. God forbid if there is some mistake and it might get rejected. So they trust the bookish guy in the village. The form is almost an intimidating booklet with so many instructions and clauses. ‘It left my head spinning,’ one of them looked very sad.

I peer nervously at the form booklet. There are many pages devoted to the ongoing and past skirmishes with law: a record of petty as well as solid falling off the legal ladder. So the government of India fully understands that the contestants will have lots of FIRs, court cases and complaints against them.

But I felt further cut down to even smaller academic size the moment I reached the column for academic qualifications of the candidate. It was just one line at the end of the page, almost inconsequential. By chance the printing ink was very light here to make it even more insignificant item of little concern. So the government knows that the candidates will have just as much academic record as to fill up merely a half line at the end of a page in the form.

Sarpanch elections have acquired massive proportions. Campaigning has become unbelievably expensive. Lots of cash is also distributed among the poor voters. They even have loudspeakers mounted on E-rickshaws proclaiming the credentials of a candidate who would make it a Ramrajya with clean governance. One candidate spent one crore rupees. He did a lot of charity work as well. Many ineligible bachelors were lucky to get brides with the kindness and connections of this candidate. He took large groups of villagers for fully-sponsored pilgrimages as well. He raised a whirlwind with his tireless activities. Then his clever election committee built a narrative that he has spent each penny in his pocket and will commit suicide if he lost the elections. There was a sympathy wave and he won handsomely.           

Saturday, April 13, 2024

सबका नंबर आएगा

 इतना सन्नाटा क्यों है भाई?! डरो मत नंबर सबका आएगा। Electrolal autocracy के साइड इफेक्ट्स हैं साहब। शुरुआत बड़े ऑपोजिशन के लोगों से हुई है, लेकिन अंत में आम आदमी का भी नंबर जरूर आएगा। विश्व गुरु बनने में सबका योगदान होगा। एक साधारण आदमी का भारत को विश्व गुरु बनाने में योगदान इस तरह है: आंख मूंद कर राजा साहब की आज्ञा का पालन करना, जो कुछ हो रहा है उसको सैद्धांतिक तौर पर ठीक मान कर अपने दुख को हजम करने की आदत डालना, चाहे आपको बिना बात जेल में डाल दिया जाए तो फिर भी स्वीकार करना की गलती खुद से ही हुई होगी, राजा को देवता मानकर पूजना, ED, CBI, IT धर्म रक्षक संस्था मानकर उनका अपने द्वार पर स्वागत करना, EVM और EC को निष्पक्षता के देवी देवता मानकर घर के मंदिर में उनकी फोटो लगाना, गंगा स्नान की जगह राजनैतिक वाशिंग मशीन में सफाई करवाना और भागवत्ता प्राप्त करना, कान भाड़ मीडिया के शेरों की दहाड़ को खरगोश की तरह नम्रता, सच्ची श्रद्धा से सुनना और उनके बताए जुमलों को पवित्र ग्रन्थ मानकर उनका अनुसरण करना। इस तरह की अनेकों छोटी छोटी चीज़ें हैं जो आपको आने वाले पांच सालों में जीने के लिए तैयार कर देंगी। ऐसा करने से एक नए भारत में आपको जीने में काफी मदद मिलेगी।

Friday, April 12, 2024

The criticality of everything from religion to rags


There are critical issues. Everything, from religion to rags, seems in a tight political grip. However, unbothered of all the bigger things a beautiful scene unfolds. It’s a lovely lush green carpet of tiny wheat saplings in a field. A relaxed evening is building up. Bright, warm, yellowish sunrays streaming down on the little wheat crop painted with farming precision in the fields. A farmer is watering his wheat crop. Watering the crops means a feast for the egrets. A party of snow-white egrets is feasting on the worms and insects scurrying out to save themselves from the flood.

Elsewhere, the mankind has been at war with nature. And in its angry, stressful wake has lost 50 percent sperm count during the last fifty years. We may go for blatant propagation of our species, but mother nature knows exactly well how to level up the things.

We love cows and revere them. They seem to feel somehow that they are empowered politically at the moment. So they sit right in the middle of busy roads and majestically chew cuddle. I think they are safer on the roads than the humans are. The vigilante groups are very diligent in their responsibilities.

The monkeys are also revered by we Hindus because of their connection with Lord Hanuman. We are very busy these days, so have little time to do justice to our faith. So as we are running for office and business or pilgrimages we throw fruits and eatables towards the monkeys waiting by the roadside. The cute simians run to grab the respectful offerings. Many get killed and injured by speeding vehicles. But the thrower of things thinks that he has done a pious task.   

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The lost faith

 Casting a vote feels futile in the present circumstances. As a voter, using the EVM (in its current form and management under a vastly politicised election commission) feels like going into the battle with a stick while the mighty soldiers are fighting with rocket launchers. Further, under the current political authority, my faith in free and fair elections has been jolted because when you try to retain power 'at whatever cost' then democracy gets sabotaged. There are enough loopholes in our entire bureaucratic, judicial and legislative system to allow misuse and manipulation to pass as legalized actions. The media, as all of us know, is no longer free, fair and unbiased (with the exception of few upright journalists whose name can be counted on fingers), in its reporting and coverage of issues. Fancy, fictionalized narratives do the rounds, pleasantly blinding the people in their sand-swirls. Yes, India has emerged strongly internationally, no doubt about that. But it has come at the cost of lots of undemocratic maneuvering internally. The society is highly polarized on hate principles based on caste, region and religion. The rich have turned super rich; the poor have turned poorer. The farmers and laborers are under a lot of stress. An empty stomach can't pacify its hunger by reviving the hypothetical national glory of Dharam Rajya and Vishva Guru. They need bread. We still are a poor nation with a high quotient of jingoism and hoopla. So on the voting day, it would be far better to carry on the routine work. Why should we the common people disturb our mundane schedule? The election day is a festival of democracy. One should be in high spirits on this occasion. But how can one feel it to be a festival when it's just a mudslinging game among the power aspirants?!