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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)
Showing posts with label International Relations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Relations. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Imperilled democracies

 Capitalism was one of the hands -- that too indirectly -- which pulled the strings of the puppet of democracy. Of late capitalists have begun to pull the strings -- directly. Individual powerful capitalists now are a parallel force in the world's largest and strongest democracies. Democracy is now more or less capitalist democracy. Well, when the entire world becomes a bazaar, and tariffs and profiteering become the geostrategic forces, the world will have major upheavals. Other democracies will be stretched thin in the wake of this reshaping of the two major democracies: India and the USA. Against this background, communist capitalism will be viewed in new light. It might be viewed as far more normal than it has been so far by the world outside the iron curtain. It will no longer be an anathema merely on ideological ground. Democracies will possibly lose the high moral platform from where they have been taking potshots at the communist China. There will be more practical judgment of China and its system of governance. Basically the greed for power, money and authority carries the same muscles, bones and tissues under the varying skins of political ideologies and systems.

Now the sun of blind profiteering will tan all types of skins in the same colour. 

We get bored with what we have possessed for a long time. So don't get too surprised if the equations get reversed in future: democracies taking to communism and communists trying democracy. 😀

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Congratulations Global Elder

 As a non American global citizen I respect the Americans' choice in electing Trump. I can't analyse on bigger issues but I think the major gain from being mere Trump to become President Trump is that he will be able to terminate the federal legal cases against him and suspend the state cases till he occupies office. As a layman I view it as the major take away: the ability to become above law. That I think is the real Power. Wish you a powerful, bombastic, fantastic time in the seat of Power. Our leader is also a big fan of yours. So we see benefits for India unless you get irritated about us. But yea now I believe you were supposed to become the American President. Fate saved you from death just by a millimetre. It had plans. To reward you with power over millions of square kilometres on earth. Sometimes being one millimetre short of death means trillions of square yards of powerful life. The world will be at the mercy of your temperament. Please rule with mercy, benevolence and wisdom of an elder. Because you are the Globe Elder now.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Desert Dagger

There were killings, slaughter, genocide. Holocaust. From its fire a dagger was born. The Desert Dagger. Forged in the sandy, fiery furnace of killings, torture, annihilation. Enemies rasping at its edges from all sides to annihilate it. But that merely sharpens the edges. The Desert Dagger has a pointed tip, the pinnacle of all the sharp, serrated edges around it - survival. It has the soul of steel. It has one soul, one goal, one dream, one people - survival. It knows how to reshape its pain into hope and then turn hope into cutting edge technology - sharp, precise, surgical., unsparing. 

The Desert Dagger cuts and writes its destiny on the book of life having sandy pages. It's a mighty pen held in one hand. It knows what it has to write - the book of survival, the manual of survival at any cost. Where does the Desert Dagger's soul, spirit and matter come from? It comes from the memories of millions who perished in gas chambers. It comes from the teary, rosy dreams in hearts - the dreams of survival of a race. It comes from the razor sharp logic in the mind - the logic of fight when surrounded from all sides and kill before getting killed.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Arrogance Vs Efficiency


The fall of Sheikh Hasina government in Bangladesh is very worrisome for the Indian strategic interests; just like the fall of Rajapakshe clan in Sri Lanka must have bothered the Chinese communist government.

For a country like India whose democracy is always on the livewire, it’s suitable to have democracies in its bordering states. Bangladesh under Sheikh Hasina—however milder version of democracy it might have been—is always a better bet for India in comparison to any other option.

She was firmly in the seat for the last fifteen years. Despite all the diluting elements of a proper democracy—like ‘crackdown on the opposition, including the jailing of leaders, stifling of dissent, and muzzling of media’ (was she too inspired by her fellow friend in the neighborhood?)—she has been the best shot for the Indian interests. Her ouster acquires more worrisome shades given the fact of unfriendly regimes in Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and the military junta in Myanmar.

When you are a proponent of strongman (or strongwoman) politics, there is a very fine line between what is tolerable and intolerable. Dissension builds up over a period of time and if you aren’t prudent enough to keep safety valves for the seepage of extra effervescence—thus avoiding an explosion—you might become a villain suddenly. The fuel has accumulated over the years; now it needs just one trigger to ignite mass sentiments. There were people swimming in the private pools of mighty Rajapakshes and now you have people taking away framed picture and paintings from Hasina’s official residence.

She could have easily enjoyed her fifth term. What was the use of bringing job quota for the descendants of freedom fighters? One can give positive incentives in so many other ways instead of directly antagonizing the younger section of the population. It was foolish on her part; as farcical as would be the Indian government’s job quota for the descendants of the founding members of the Hindu rightist organizations in the country. Instead of allowing the fire to spread while hundreds died in the protests she could have shown a clever side—staying adamant at all costs is being very foolish, even if it makes one feel strong—by revoking the measures; like Modi did once during the farmer protests by taking back the unpopular farming laws. This is the only time I have seen him allowing some space to the voice of dissent; otherwise it has been a steel frame. It’s fortunate that he did it because it saved India from a bigger fire. But the way female wrestlers were treated—and the oppressor facilitated—still rankles the soul of most of the people in the peasantry class. And the less we say about Manipur, the better it is. I know it’s far more complex situation over there than anyone of a common person like you or me can understand. But despite all the nitty gritties the country’s premier can at least take some symbolic measures to put balm on bleeding Manipuri wounds.     

It’s fortunate that collective Indian psyche is far more mature and would respond—not react—through ballot paper during elections under similar circumstances like it did during the recently held general elections. There are big parallels between how PM Modi and Sheikh Hasina run their government. But our response has been to stop him from hijacking our entire democratic system. Despite the blatant misuse of agencies and the election commission—and I take the result with a pinch of salt and there are enough reasons to believe that election wasn’t fair as it’s supposed to be in the world’s largest democracy—the BJP lost its majority and hence the power to rule with an unsparing rod. A coalition government is the best shot for the social harmony of the country at the moment.  

What is it that undoes the position of a powerful authoritarian leader in a democracy? I think, it’s the plain old overconfidence. An illusion that what has been passing for long will continue to do so. As the most powerful person in the country you think that alpha male type tactics are the only signs of strength and power. You think any adjustment of other’s opinion is a sign of weakness. Like PM Modi initially did during the farmer’s protests. About 700 farmers lost their lives during the cruel summer and winter months during the yearlong agitation. But he didn’t even think of meeting them. The champion and elite female sporting icons kept crying on the road for justice but he didn’t even once expressed his willingness to listen to them. Manipur is burning for more than a year but he hasn’t visited it even once during the times when his subjects need a healing touch. Just mere presence and soft words will do. All of us are lucky that Indian voters are far more mature and respond through ballot box only. And that’s the strength of Indian democracy.         

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The perennial hunter


It’s an angrier world than ever. There are wars, violence, blood and gore. A very insecure world it is. Trust is falling apart. Faith lies sidelined and charlatans misuse trust and belief for parochial motives. The states are arming themselves with more and more deadly weaponry. There is a stampede for supremacy and one-upmanship.

Violence has been deeply institutionalized in the society. The states, intelligence agencies, shadowy players, business mafias, cartels, religious fanatics and many other actors have been covertly and overtly using institutionalized violence to further their interests.

Its effects can be seen in the society. Relationships are falling apart. The people are lonely and depressed. It’s a very unhappy world. And a very dangerous spin-off surfaces: the individualization of violence. The stand-alone shooter mired in his lonely, unrelated world. Someone marooned on the island of pain. He too launches a war, goes out with a sophisticated weapon and shoots innocent people out there for mundane activities of life.

There is so much collective mistrust, hate and insecurity around. The lonely individual absorbs his share of fear, phobias and suffering from the air around. Then he goes for a blast. It’s a culture of arms. Imagine sophisticated weapons in the hands of lonely, anguished, depressed individuals. An unarmed depressed man might go for verbal assaults or fist-work at the most. If you are equipping him with sophisticated armory, you are providing predatory talons to his lonely suffering and anger. Isn’t it an aid in crime? Give back his faith and love in humanity that he has lost, not arms.

The arms industry is running the world. They are the ones who finally decide which country gets bombarded or whose innocent blood is shed in which part of the world. They are very dangerous people. The lethal-most traders they are. To them an ant squashed or a human murdered hardly makes any difference. They are sadistically addicted to blood and gore. It’s simply business. Commerce. To sell more grains you need more hungry bellies. To sell more weapons you need more wars and murders. And a violent society serves their purpose well. A violent society will have more violent leadership. There will be more wars, more blood, more butchering. So they are happy with the scenario of lonely, depressed human hunters.

Ironically, we started as hunters of other species. Now hardly anything is left to hunt in the jungles. So we are hunting our fellow humans—just for the sheer mad fun of it. Nobody is safe anywhere on the earth. Anyone can be killed by anybody over anything in any part of the world.

Is there any chance of redemption? The scenario is very bleak but there is a slim chance. Almost hundred out of hundred mass shooters, bloodthirsty dictators, warmongering leaders, fanatical religious heads, mafias and other evil incarnate are men. The statistical truth is we ‘men’ have failed in managing our mother earth. So let’s try with ‘women’ for a change. Let’s have more and more women in leadership positions. Yes, it will be a far more chatty and gossipy world but that is still better than blood and carnage that we see around.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

An angry world


It’s an angrier world than ever. The world leaders are unleashing bombs and artillery fire that gets heroically displayed on television sets. Violence and the rule of gun gets more established as the predominant norm of the present society. In the US, a six-year-old boy shoots his female teacher at the school during an altercation. The shooter is so young that the state and federal laws are clueless about how to hold the shooter accountable under any form of juvenile law. The officials are sure that the gunshot wasn’t accidental. But such a young kid having a handgun in the class! It’s a city of 185000 in Virginia known for building navy vessels and aircraft carriers. The boy is too young to be handed over in the custody of the department of juvenile justice.  

Sunday, June 9, 2024

War and peace

 Mankind's basic tendency is war, tension, strife and suffering. Peace is simply imposed against our will.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Stand with Ukraine

Here is a simple message from a common Indian for the national leadership. Please stand with Ukraine! Please don’t trade your status of world’s largest democracy with cheap weapons and oil purchase from the autocratic Russian regime. In the short term, the latter might appear feasible and profitable. But in the long run standing for international order and respect for a country’s sovereignty will be more viable options because both Pakistan and China have claims on our territory. Staying neutral is no option. Suppose China violates international order and challenges our sovereignty by barging into Arunachal Pradesh. Would we appreciate it if the entire world stays neutral? Following international order and abiding by a country’s sovereignty are the bulwarks against communist China. As per their party manifesto they plan to annex Arunachal Pradesh after conquering Taiwan. So all those pro-Russia hawks deeply embedded in the military and diplomatic corridors, kindly see beyond your vision that is still spellbound by the Kremlin domes. Change is the law. And those who change they survive better.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Aim for a better Taliban and the worse of other terror outfits in the new superpower's backyard

 How to make yourself appear more presentable if you cannot absolutely bring out any change to your own self? Well, our cognition and interpretation of reality is relative and comparative in nature. Use it. Make yourself stand by the side of a still messier persona and emerge as smarter—apparently though—without any change in substance. You will be at least symbolically better. Well, Taliban are far smarter than the last time they were bundled out two decades ago. To make it better for them, they are learning politics pretty fast apart from firing guns. So they may be up for a better innings this time. Given their past, they were almost unacceptable to the world outside Pakistan and Afghanistan. They cannot change their skin altogether. So what was the option? They allowed IS-K, a far bloodier version of terrorism, to stand by them and appear more acceptable and less savage. A very smart game. Please don’t commit the mistake of categorizing terrorism in good or bad terms. These are plants from the same nurseries. Taliban, IS-K, TTP, LeT, JeM and many others are simply different colored plants in the nursery managed by Pakistani generals and the ISI. These are mere chess pieces, move up one, take back the other, sacrifice this one, abandon that one as per the varying situations. The more pieces you have, the better it is. That’s why Pakis keep many outfits under their patronage. You cannot just rely on one. In the face of the gruesome bomb attacks at the Kabul airport by the IS-K, the West now naturally finds Taliban a bit more digestable because may be they are apparently less bloodthirsty. The West should not be too bothered about who rules Afghanistan. They should forget about it for some time. If at all you can do something, facilitate the safe exit of those Afghanis ho want to leave the land in turmoil. Then leave the field clean for the nursery of fundamentalism to thrive unchecked in the backyard of China. Terrorists have no friends. China may think that its clout in Pakistan will be sufficient to keep its Uyghur plans intact. The concept of Islamic Jihad is above and beyond alliance or falling out with outside powers like America and China. China is temporarily part of the scheme just because America is out of it. Its temporariness they will surely taste for much bitterness in mouth with the passage of time despite tea sharing with Taliban leaders. Did you ever see a case where there was a fire in a house and its immediate neighbor did not feel the heat? The Chinese will also feel the heat. About Pakis we need not say anything because to them feeling the heat is a normal part of life. They are used to it. The Talibs have as much a right to rule as the Americans, Russians or Britishers if they can capture Kabul like they have now. Let it be the way it is. Why force a change? When the land is ready for it, the change will come from within. Give resources to the Panjshir valley group to retain their freedom so that this can be used in future. Don’t allow Ahmad Massaud’s land to fall in the hands of Taliban. The West still needs a bit of foothold in the backyard of China. This little space should be sufficient. Use it for geostrategic purposes, focus on ETIM. If you have the guts and resources to nurture it, do it. Recognize Taliban and give them the protocol driven respect a ruling group deserves. It will make them more responsible and bring less mayhem in the lives of ordinary Afghans. Why douse fire if the water you throw also aggravates the embers. At the moment we can try for a better Taliban. It’s prudent to stop the ‘no Taliban’ strategy. Their political office in Qatar has given them some training and experience about how to handle things diplomatically instead of talking through guns all the time. Slowly they will loosen the Pakis grip on their wrist because a grip by an outsider is the least they want. Now they have been focused on ousting America, after some time and cool Afghani deliberation they will prefer to have their hands free of the Pakistani grip. They just cannot help it. They have to shake off any foreign grip. Pakistan has been handy so far in reaching Kabul. But if they stabilize their power for a considerable time in Kabul, Pakistan will be less handy.

Monday, August 23, 2021

The great game among errant kids

 Let’s talk about Afghanistan from the geostrategic point of view. Please don’t feel bad if the life of an Afghani citizen is seen almost inconsequential in this talk about ‘the great game’. Geostrategic maneuvering is primarily about the interests of the superior powers. The interests of the hosting yard, where the game is fought, are inconsequential. Whoever goes to Afghanistan doesn’t go there as an enemy of Afghanistan. He goes there as someone else’s enemy. The Britishers went there as the enemies of Russians. The Americans went there as the enemies of Russians. Presently, Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran are there as the enemies of America. Pakistan has more reasons to meddle there. They are there as the enemies of India as well. The Afghan tragedy is that nobody has gone there as a friend of Afghanistan. It is always some outsider’s enemy. And enemy’s enemy makes a very shaky friendship. China and Russia will realize it during the coming decades. For the Russians it will be a repeat lesson if they cross over the line again. And a superpower intoxicated China has to learn this Afghan lesson inevitably if it really wants to claim superpower status.

The Afgahnis have more or less accepted poverty as their most prized asset at the cost of their fierce pride, clan loyalty, spirit of independence and a culture of killing and dying. Dying and killing isn’t too much a shock in Afghanistan. It’s very easily digested. Craze is craze. Someone fights for superpower status, the Afghanis fight to keep their ideology and medieval principles. It’s their opium. They love taking long draughts at it. It’s good that Americans have packed their bags. Instead of having their army in the enemy’s backyard, it’s more practical to have a lethal naval unit that can move to any part of the world with effective deterrence. On top of it, take a quantum jump in space warfare. Be several years ahead of the nearest rival. Be in a position to harm the enemy’s space assets. It’s just like sitting on high ridges from where you can easily those coming up the slopes. The formula is: Be up there in the skies, higher than the others and trample down your enemy if they dare to stare at you in the skies.

The ‘graveyard of empires’ is surely going to be the graveyard of the next superpower also. Taliban know that they aren’t supporting Taliban as such. The Chinese are merely opposing the Americans. In this, the Chinese are repeating the American mistakes of nurturing a genie that is sure to go against the master at any cost. In future, fundamentalist Islam is a bigger threat to China than America. America hasn’t reformation camps for Muslims. There an ordinary Muslim goes about his/her routine without too much pressure on their faith. The insurgent groups in Central Asia and Taliban are well aware of what is happening to Uighur Muslims. It’s a temporary accommodation on their part to take China as an ally. One, but, must not forget that fundamentalist Islam’s first priority is keeping their faith intact, however objectionable the outer world finds it. So China will surely realize it later. A badland of blood thirsty Jihadis isn’t that much of a threat to America as it’s to China. Superpower status definitely costs you the sleep of a few nights. Let the situation keep worsening in China’s backyard and its flares will surely reach the Red bastion. In fact, by being there America was doing a bigger favor to the Chinese than to itself.

What about Pakistan? They haven’t learnt any lessons from their fire-mongering against India, which ultimately destroyed them to the extent of making them a vassal state of China. Wait, China is a very tough taskmaster. Imran Khan, your Red Father will extract the costs with a nice rate of interests. Chinese are not Americans that they will pour billions of dollars in the name of fighting terrorism while you keep sheltering Osama Bin Laden. They know how to take more at the cost of giving less. Very strict businessman, I tell you. A democratic creditor will at the most pull your ears and shout at you for bunking your payments. However, an autocratic creditor will spit at your face and put its index finger in your ass for the littlest error. So take care!

What about the modern, educated, cultured voice of sanity in Afghanistan? They have no option. They have to leave and set up their world at some other place. Simple message for them is ‘please leave at any cost, however possible.’ Pakistan you be careful of TTP. They will continue pulling your beard. China don’t count off ETIM like you have done so far. Taliban is a great encouraging example for them. They have an idol now in the form of a triumphant radical Islam. India, keep supplying the Northern Alliance with material help because as a regional power aspirant you too are helpless. So to keep your interests, you supply guns to the Northern Alliance. America, you please keep a low profile for some time and focus on your technologies. There is no need to get into a street brawl with the Red bully who wants to dissipate you. You just mind your own business for some time and don’t get instigated by the puns and pranks about your so called ‘defeat’ in Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, victory and defeat mean almost the same. Their own defeat is no defeat. And the outsider’s victory is no victory. Why the hell people go there to fight. It looks like a circus ring now. Abandon it. Of course, help those who want to come out, give them visas and facilitate their rehabilitation. But allow the medieval species to lead their lives as they deem fit. And the fight for world supremacy has better avenues. This barren land is very boring. Go and write success stories on the sea. Have countless submarines, aircraft carriers and destroyers. There is more mobility. Now please disturb the aquatic world. There has been enough terrestrial mischief. And run to the high ridges, I mean go higher into the skies and throw pebbles from there at your enemy’s pot. Well, in any case space wars will acquire legitimacy very soon. So why bother about these poor Afghans. Leave them at peace in their caves, elder councils, medieval beliefs and chuckled smiles at both dying and killing.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Speak up please!

 The Western media finds it so easy to lambast India as a pandemic victim. Pouring more of scorn and less of concern over our suffering. But they lose their reporting spirits in condemning China who is actually the perpetrator of this pandemic.  China is too powerful now. And reporting truth is inversely proportional to power. So China goes scot free and India that's hugely damaged gets further bashed up. But don't worry, we have the oldest spiritual values on earth. We will bounce back like never before! This is our dark night of the soul. The rising sun of a new day will see the best version of India.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Antigen of democracy against Corona Virus

After removing CamScan, the only Chinese application on my phone, I had the sadistic glee of an old monk in a Himalayan cave chuckling after throwing his rosary at a red-faced (red-capped in my case) monkey who has been up to intolerable nuisance since long. Well, certainly a loss for the monk. The beads broken and the equipoise displaced. I can't see much of a loss for the monkey because even with a slight bluish welt on its nose due to the rosary strike, it still is the same shameless monkey. One tiny strike hardly matters. In any case they keep on bumping their heads around all the time. They can't help. Chinese Communist Party will be what it's come any situation. They will keep their nuisance like the infallible laws of nature. But they will fundamentally change our behaviour, forcing monks to start throwing rosaries and paper tigers like me to delete Chinese applications. The world changes fundamentally to the challenges put up like the CCP. We should avoid committing the blunder of condemning China and CCP in the same vein. They are different. By targeting China enblock, the CCP cadres get support even from the CCP pessimists among the populace. Segregate CCP specifically and launch a diatribe against it. In that case, those Chinese who have suffered at the hands of the CCP will support the movement. Pick out CCP not China itself in you opposition. Who knows within a couple of years, 90% of the common Chinese population, will take up a stern stance against the CCP that is holding them almost captive. As I had said an year back, the West has to ensure that the bug of democracy, after striking Hong Kong, has to spread to the mainland. Give them the virus of democracy just like they have given the world Corona virus!

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Fire-spitting Dragon or just a Fat, Flabby and Jolly Bania

In pre-independence India, the people of trading class, Banias, were the stock markets, banks, treasurer, economists and much more, all rolled into one. Just a few households in every countryside settlement, they were the crown of the economy sitting affably on the head while farmers and laborers sweated out like ant swarms.
Caste and communities were not straightaway imposed on people randomly. These got ingrained with different attitudes and personal traits over generations. A farmer took pride in being called rough and rowdy that pacified his ego and he defined life in terms of keeping his temper and straightforwardness at the tip of his nose perched over mustache brimming with attitude, even if it meant surviving like a beast in the rough and gruff of a hard peasant life.
Some took pride in fighting and made it the illustrious element of life that validates one’s existence. They turned out to be Rajputs, the warrior clan. Others took menial jobs, probably finding these to be easier and less hassled, and came to be dumped at the bottom of caste hierarchy. Another matter that over a period of time these came to be cemented identities decided by birth and the social system fixed them as mighty disadvantages since birth. So the base sunk deeper and deeper into the pits of deprivation and miseries. Here we are concerned only with the way it started, not about the pains that ail the present time disadvantaged castes.
So casteism evolved as a sort of social Darwinism at play. In the same vein, Banias defined life in terms of gold and silver coins in their coffers. Their sense of worth, dignity, respect and over all identity came to be centered around money and the ways and means to pile more of it in their heavy metal chests set in lime and mortar fort like lakhori brick walls. A Bania won’t mind ill manners, abuses and disrespect by a rowdy outlaw kind farmer as long as the latter was indebted to him in his red-cloth bound account book that had the chronicle of many generations of indebtedness jotted down by his pen. From that standard, the farmer was simply a poor devil hopelessly indebted to the money lender. As long as the farmer kept pawning away his buffalo, grains or anything worth the appreciating eye of the moneylender to meet his emergency needs, his bad behavior hardly counted in the monetized version because it didn’t carry any price to the Bania. A farmer would keep grumbling obscenities under his breath, the Bania but would keep smiling and speak with sugar-coated words, all the while fully having a feeling of the foul words. To a well-meant spider the bickering of trapped flies hardly matters for anything.
The Banias kept lathaits, the muscled criminal type stick-wielding guards, their sticks well oiled and muscles twitching with wrestling pit acrobatics and push-ups. In between, the fat, flabby Bania chuckled good naturedly. He never intended to use the power for the sight of blood and broken bones. Never means never! Fighting wasn’t his domain. Trading and making money requires peace, gentle words and an ever-smiling countenance. A farmer would be the first to lose temper and a Bania would be the last. Well, that set up their antipodal positions on the economic ladder. The farmer used brawn and toiled all through life, thinking his rugged misdemeanor and arrogant attitude was all that mattered to define a human life. The Bania used brain and minted gold from the mine of peasantry’s drudgery. Nothing wrong at any end; just the difference between hard work and smart work.
Looking at the almost unused resource--rarely used and thus almost redundant--the stick-wielding group of outlaws, it appeared nearly unnecessary expenditure because trading was the theme not intimidation. It was primarily a symbolic force more for self defense because if you go belligerent you will kill the hens that lay eggs for you. To a Bania it only meant that the rowdy farmer would keep his anger to the limits of cursing and foul words even to the extent of these reaching his bodyguards’ ears. They won’t pounce till the farmer actually attacked the Bania. This possibility was rare because a symbolic force can at least stop the attacker. And if the situation developed to take the unlikely scene of a real physical fight, the Bania would in fact continue laughing in a jolly manner and ask his men not to attack and allow them to use force within the limits of repulsing the attacker only. The Banias indeed have had legendary patience. No wonder, Goddess Lakshmi, loves their peaceful households. The farmers have legendary uncouthness and the Goddess avoids their humble abodes.
The real threats to the Banias from the gangs of robbers—although always present theoretically yet farthest in practice—was more of an exception, since it happened just one or two times in the entire lifetime. For the rest of the time, the Bania was happy to be circled by his restful symbolic force and treated the peasantry like petty truants whose tantrums had to be tolerated to keep them there in the system of economy to continue raising their multi-generational debts. A Bania ate his bread out of his patience and smart work. A farmer did his on the basis of his hard work only.
China is that typical Bania. It has to earn profits and do business at any cost. It has a well-oiled army just like the Bania had his gang of muscle-men, who lazed under the sun most of the time. It cannot afford to kill its trading prospects by getting belligerent in the real sense in the form of  a bloody battle. I mean they may bellicose and create rhetoric like hell but they will surely fall short of an actual war; simply because they cannot think of losing their trade. With your priority to trade and make profits at any cost, you can’t be a belligerent hardcore soldier, however hard you may try. Money has its tremendous soothing effect on one’s senses.
The Chinese are the smartest Banias on earth and smart Banias never fight in the real sense. They just put up a mock show of aggression to keep trading. Even while investing the biggest sums of money in their military, the Chinese government basically thinks in economic terms. The economic and trading implications of maintaining a huge army, that’s the credo. A keen sense of trading automatically smoothens out lot many pinchy edges from one’s persona. One’s craving for profiteering allays the beast aside and puts precaution on the front. To be a really bloody fighting soldier one has to first be a non-trader, a loser in economic terms. The Chinese Red Army is the former and genocidal suicidal factions fighting in the middle east are the latter. You can calculate their economic worth. The Chinese calculate their defense expenditure as one of the overheads in the scheme of economy, where the armed strength and its symbolic visibility on the surface are more in symbol than in substance.
The current flare-up with India across Himalayan borders is a bit more than trading this time. Cornered by allegations over Corona, China is now engaged in these skirmishes to create dustier scenario of a war time situation so that Corona issue gets diverted a bit. Well, armies these days play more of symbolic role than they do actually on the battlefield. In fact, they are more useful in quelling internal dissent than in wading off external threats, which again are exception like an outright attack on a Bania by a robber gang that happened once or twice in his life time.
America keeps it army for all these and something more also. Something extra! Well, that makes it the superpower. About that extra, we will talk some other time!

Monday, May 25, 2020

A philosophical fart and the senses went tart!

It’s better to have a cold war than a fully fledged hot war scattering trees, bones and earth by the raucous blizzards of bombardment. So China and America are full time busy in the cantankerous but innocuous cockfight. America is probing many a Chinese company to delist them from its stock markets. China’s foreign ministry releases aggressive statements on a daily basis in return. It releases the pent up, extra energies and assuages the ego a bit because each side can salvage brawny verbal points. Mind can invent as many victory points as possible. So what is the harm in formulating more and more!
As both the US and the Chinese try their level best to forge their truths, as all of us do, the fate of international geo-strategy hangs suspended pretty weirdly. At the grossest level of existence, 'Truth' is a little candy held tightly in the fist of the hand that is 'Powerful'! Let’s see who turns out to be more powerful to get the copyright over truth.
To keep India busy in the sweet sour cute cold war, China has been throwing chili now and then in the boiling pan of Sino-India relations by patrolling more aggressively along the rugged LAC in the Himalayas. Stones are thrown, abuses hurled in strange languages, and pushing and jostling takes place in Ladhak. Nepal and Pakistan are ever so happy to appease the Red Master. China proclaims Mt. Everest as its own. The democratically elected communist coalition—hatched by the holy land of communism itself—of Nepal doesn’t mind this diplomatic misdemeanor; rather they take it as an appeasing rap on the knuckles by the supreme aka. In a lopsided relationship, with one side almost a cringing servant and the other a bully master owner, a mild strike on the bum by the latter appears like an encouraging pat, like egging the ox to pull the cart harder. Nepal knows that China is a very hard taskmaster. So they pull the cart still harder and raise objection against the Indian road to Lipulekh pass. It’s our territory they say. To further rub salts on Indian wounds, the cringing communist head of Nepal claims that the Corona mutant from the Indian territory is more lethal and it has created immense damages in their territory. I hope he won’t demand war damages from us! The Red Master must be very much happy and would throw more Yuans in their famished pockets. A prominent Bollywood heroine of Nepalese origin gets carried by the patriotic fervor—a nice opportunity to sow the seeds of political career anywhere in the world—and supports her motherland. Many an Indian baulk with irritation accusing her to insult the land that has given her name, fame and life’s fun game.  
Taiwan’s nationalist leader Tsai takes oath for the second term as the island nation’s President. The Red Bull is chagrined beyond limits across the 200 Km strait on the continental mainland. More Chinese aircrafts are loitering like rampaging locusts, ready to chuck out the ripe harvest, Taiwan being such a beautifully managed developed nation. She but is a gutsy lady. It’s very scary to even think about the little island’s precarious position as the mighty mainland nation acts like a land mafia, always eying the territories of its neighbors. They are even itching with communist chili to grab Hong Kong well before 2047 as per their agreement with the Britishers.
Long before the cobra raised its hood, Dostoevsky had predicted well about the great eyewash that would set the stage for the grossest misuse of power in an institutionalized manner. Looking at the seeds of communism, one of his characters in the book Devils forecasts:
"...a final solution of the question of the division of mankind into two unequal parts. One tenth enjoys absolute liberty and unbounded power over the other nine-tenths. The others have to give up all individuality and become, so to speak, a herd, and, through boundless submission, will by a series of regenerations attain Primeval Innocence, something like the Garden of Eden. They will have to work, however. The measures proposed for depriving nine-tenths of mankind of their freedom and transforming them into a herd through the education of whole generations are very remarkable, founded on the facts of nature and highly logical."
Well, flawless forecast by the maestro! The experiment has been hatched in China exactly like he predicted 150 years ago. The one-tenth communist cadre and their cronies push the docile and disempowered nine-tenths like a herd of sheep. Nine-tenths of Chinese are the gentlest and most docile citizens of mother Earth. One-tenth are literally devil incarnation. God save us. And God save my Chinese brethren! There the best and the worst are living side by side.
O Almighty, let there be subtle strains of democratic vaccine against a diseased ideology! Cure is on the way! Hong Kong erupts again after the Corona-enforced curfew. I see a happy, healthy and restful China sometimes in future. My Guru Dalai Lama may bless His birthplace once again, and I may get blessed by bathing in Lake Mansarovar. Well, both postponed till democracy cures the dragon!
We have our very own nursery of communism right there in the heart of Delhi. JNU-type intentional untidiness—which they foolishly take as a mark of intellect and wit—gives, at the most, bespectacled morose look, guttery stench in armpits, rotten swab of wool in the navel (and somewhere unmentionable also), lice in hazardous hair and the communist bug in the soul. All that is required is disinfectant jet sprays for the body and Ramayana, Mahabharata and Gita lessons for the soul! The Pro-Hindutva Vice Chancellor appears to lie in wait for the same like a leery, happy fox.  
The US, nursing its wounds and looking for ways and means to maintain its superpower status that has been shaken a bit by idiotic Corona, is pumping up zeal into its lethal most aircraft and humongous gladiatorial aircraft carriers in South China Sea. Back home, the land of supreme individual freedom, is helping people to step out and breathe easily in free air. Any kind of restrictions on its citizens appears so unlike America. Americans love their individual freedom. Even their government can’t keep them tamed for too long. There is a drive-in theatre in a US stadium. The giant screen plays a movie. People drive onto the sports turf in their cars and watch the movie from inside cars, face masks and all, and nobody allowed to step onto the turf. It appears a new game. This life itself is an ever-unfolding game. So always be prepared for new twists and take it as a game only.
A typhoon in the Bay of Bengal seeks attention by its furious winds and storms. It ravages West Bengal and Orisa to push Corona from people’s psyche in that region. The honorable PM comes out to take an aerial survey of the devastation in the east. He has stepped out of Delhi after 87 days. He looks eager, enthusiastic but drained out after almost sleepless fight against the deadly virus. An air crash in Pakistan, killing more than 100 people, even breaks the ice between India and Pakistan and the Indian PM offers his condolences over the Paki loss. PM Modi has broken the ice. You can very well imagine the level of frigidity in the relationship between the quarrelling boys of South Asia by the fact that even a condolence message counts as breaking the ice.
Till there is a branded separate cure for Corona, the medical fraternity is juggling with alternatives. Some take Remdesivir as the wonder drug, others shout for HCQ, including President Trump who takes the latter to keep his armor braced for the Corona salvo that might be fired at him.
Afghanistan appears to shake off the dust of hardcore, unrelenting religious zealotry as it acts with common sense and turns practical to save life by cancelling state celebrations on the occasion of Eid. In any case, the holy message of Eid be better carried out in practice and celebrated in heart than in fulfilling mere rituals while carrying hate and malice in heart. Pakistan, as can be expected from the champion land of Islam, allows mass gatherings for namaaz to appease military and mullahs. Of, Eid Mubarak to all Indians! I hope I am not breaking some patriotic vow in greeting!             
People and governments seem to have come to terms with the Corona reality. The rising statistics hardly create scary ripples down the spine. Even misery has a saturation point. Too much of it stops giving pain and suffering as its sharp fangs lose their pinch. Even misery should know the rule of moderation; otherwise it melts in the ubiquitous sands of the rutted path.
People have surged out like a dam bursts suddenly. The cases in India are rising at the rate of nearly 7000 every day. It would have given heart attacks to government, administrators and people two months ago even to think of such a figure in a day. So even though India stands as the 11th worst affected country in the world, people and government don’t find it too scary. Most importantly, business, life, office, desires, needs and cravings are more forceful than the fear of Corona. So people, having drilled their minds about basic precautions, are jumping over the fence during this transformative stage of Lockdown 4.0, before fully melting into the freedom of normal time again. Good thing is that the recovery rate is going up in India at around 40%, with people sneezing, getting feverish, breathing with difficulty and coming out healthy again. Strange are the ways of human anatomy, a thing that is fatal to someone causes just mild dis-ease in the other.
One more thing, the cases are hugely underreported in India and so must be the number deaths, given the shape and size of our demography and the puzzling socio-economic and cultural knots in between. It’s not possible to exactly document the Corona ravages across the teeming millions in the cauldron of poverty. Poorest migrant workers have scattered across the country, leaving hardly any trace of their pain, losses and miseries. Who will trace their footsteps to exactly chronicle the losses they have suffered, ranging from the loss of livelihood, hunger, fatigue and death? So this portion of Corona damages stays outside the pale of Corona management.
The issue of migrant workers’ miseries has finally roused the dormant political turtles, who were sulking for the last two months, their neck withdrawn into the hard shell and the sulking face lost under the cover. So the political opposition has finally something to croak about and the very same ear-busting debates have started on the news channels. Little does anyone realize that there are scores of poorest migrant workers—who waged the most lethal battle of their lives in reaching their home states, jumping over the lockdown fences, falling, getting wounded, walking hungry, sick and ill, injured and many perishing on the way—are quarantined in tarpaulin sheet tents without any basic facilities and left to fend off both Corona and hunger on their own. The fire is too far from the political citadel. It doesn’t burn the august occupants of the castle. It warms their spirit and lights their stage to go into politicking again to create fabulous careers out of the rutting miseries on the ground.
A gleaming golden fact out of the mangled remains of the global economy! It should also be taken into the parameters of economizing, profit and loss theories. There has been the biggest fall in Carbon-dioxide levels. Give some credit to Corona man! There are bitter lessons it has taught us. The plot is written in poignant phrases. A father is carrying his children in baskets tied to a pole carried over his shoulder. He has miles to cover in the sweltering heat. A tribal couple, bored with lockdown, decides to dig a well. The well is 15 feet deep and 5 feet across. Like a cute pair of sand beetle they wheedle out earth for ten days to reach waters for their tiny kitchen garden plot, their goats and a few swigs for other people in the dry land around them.  
All of us have to fight for our own stories and be our best version. This little girl takes firm steps, pedaling her way to stamp her signature on the fleeting currents of existence. 15 Year old Jyoti Kumari etched her new identity on the slate of miseries. Lockdown saw her stuck up in Gurugram with her injured father. Their home was 1200 Km away. She pedals to glory in 7 days, carrying her sick father on the carrier behind. The Cycling Federation of India Chairman has said that if the gutsy girl, an eighth standard student, passes the trial, she would be taken as a trainee at the state-of-the-art National Cycling Academy. Adversities flow between the banks of opportunities. We just have to force our way to the bank or perish downstream like a dead tree bough.  
And what do I do as a common Indian while all this is happening? I smile and take lessons from a beautifully blossomed red hibiscus smiling with little red bulbs of life against the background of cracks in the wall. Although there are cracks in life, she but smiles softly and whispers an assurance: "Don't worry, all is well!"
The tiny rose bud would have surely perished, if not for our tiny moisture of love that saw it being placed in the shade of a tree. The sun is firing on all cylinders at last to take the belated summer to its peak. The temperatures are over 40 degree Celsius. The bud blossoms to be a beautiful rosy lass and sprinkles her smile in the hot eddies of the pining sandy swirls. A smile is just one breath away, provided we give it a chance. Even in the fiery pits of burning summer, a blossom awaits our cool, caring shade to smile for life and living! I enjoy the smile of the sun-shaded rose! And when the afternoon sunrays come to kiss the shy, shaded beauty for a brief flirtatious moment, she opens her heart and gives a full smile. Guys don't miss to smile even at those who mean to rob you of your smile. Our own frown eats our smile, not other's intentions! After some time, the youthful full blossomed rose starts graying and a little bud opens just under it, shaded still further by the mother rose under the shade of a tree. Proud, protective Mama and her smiling angelica! Kindness leaves a sweet trail! Invest a few emotions of kindness and wait for the results!
Let China and America continue in their fight to save humanity from their own perspectives, I do my common man’s duty to sweeten my immediate mundane surroundings. A bucket of water lies under the tree shade. Hundreds of honeybees throng with a buzz to suck water and regurgitate it in their hive to save their larvae from a painful boiling death in this heat. To undo bitterness, we don't have to turn bitter and fight it. All it needs is to give sweetness more chances. Each and Every Honeybee saved means a sweeter world.
Dostoevsky states in Devils: "Forgive me for sins voluntary and involuntary. By sinning, every man has sinned against all other men, and everyone is at least in part to blame for the sin of others. There is no such thing as an individual sin. However, I am a great sinner, and my sins may exceed your own!" I take the onus for my individual sins as the contributors to others’ sins and do penance by looking at the selfless service of these little insects. Many of them perish to keep the hive buzzing. As parents, humans also do the same by the way! Let’s hope, we enlarge this family feeling to include more humans outside our families and then all of nature around!
A buffalo brays loudly. It must be thirsty. We farmers are very much obliged to them. They have been our lifeline. Moreover, a buffalo can take one to heaven also. Yamraj, the God of death, roams on a buffalo, and so does an enlightened sage like Paramguru Lao Tzu. Both take us to heaven in different ways. Yamraj does the deed like a tough peasant, Paramguru accomplishes the deed like a caring mother. I recall countless buffalo rides in childhood. Some were Mom type sympathetic and carried with affection and care. Some were nuisant and jumped, hopped and scattered their behind like the evil belle dancer to topple the rider like a coconut falls from the tree. Well, with buffalo being almost a living Goddess to my people, you can very well imagine our culture. Our culture is agriculture basically. And we have such pointed rough edges to our persona that nature appears to keep us to puncture bloated egos with our farming fangs.
Paramguru Lao Tzu on His buffalo! It makes him a father figure to me, not simply by his philosophy that I admire so much, but by his buffalo-riding look that instantly creates a niche in my heart. To we farmers, a buffalo has defined our lives the way gold has defined the lives of the trading community. A buffalo is almost a family member to unleash brotherly affection when in good mood and lynch with a switch when in bad temper. Well, but it is never one way show. Buffaloes too have had their mood swings and the resultant bruised bums, broken bones and toppled carts. Hail buffalo for He carries my Guru!
As we are busy in the little kindergarten of life, a team of scientists has observed that "a fountain of high-energy particles erupting from the ice" in the biting cold of Antarctica may in fact be a solid evidence of a 'parallel universe'. The standard model of physics might be swashed away. It resembles to a unique phenomenon known as "upside-down cosmic-ray shower". On the surface it looked just a cosmic ray, like one sees in a reflection off the ice sheet. However, it wasn't reflected. Keep your hold on your logic; it seemed as if the cosmic ray was coming out of the ice sheet itself. Another Googlie from Mother Nature!
Dear physicists, stretch your imagination as much as possible. It's a never ending spool of energy. It won't finish. You will always have the cord in hand and still more to come. Keep pulling for fabricating more convenience of life that you proudly name as ‘science’. Beyond that, kindly abandon the illusion of hitting the last mystery! Keep pulling! Forever!
As all of us set out again to claim our portion of freedom after the Corona hiatus, a philosophical fart tarts my senses. Long before we release our kite to fly for freedom, we tie it with the bondage of string. Before we set out to liberate ourselves, we enslave ourselves to dogmas, faith and beliefs. Is there any difference between what we take to be freedom from what we know as bondage? Don't worry guys; I have mild symptoms of Dostoevskian mental diarrhea! Relax! Don't catch it yourself! Haaa haaa!
You can very well estimate my situation by reading the following excerpt in Notes from Underground by Dostoevsky: "Oh, gentlemen, do you know, perhaps I consider myself an intelligent man, only because all my life I have been able neither to begin nor to finish anything. Granted I am a babbler, a harmless vexatious babbler, like all of us. But what is to be done if the direct and sole vocation of every intelligent man is babble, that is, the intentional pouring of water through a sieve?" Hope you got the clue for my mental diarrhea.
And finally, here is my recipe of a perfect human being: strong body, sharp mind and soft heart. I mean Shiva! Be a Shiva!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The cute weather war between India and China

The world definitely has to look beyond Corona. After all, it cannot just be a Corona-centric world forever. Lockdown 4.0 beginning from May 18 will definitely have easing of restrictions. As more and more countries have come to terms with the existence of the Wuhan virus, the easing of lockdown measures has begun. The real test of individual precaution and immunity will happen when we come out of the trenches and face the enemy in the eye. Let’s hope we have the vaccine when we decide to fight in the open.
If at all there has to be a war among we humans, let it be a cute war. Mind you, a cute war avoids bloodshed and gratifies our egos almost in the same way a bloody war does. Winning in a street pebbles game and at Olympics has the same parameters qualitatively. There is just quantitative difference. So why take animosity to the level of blood-bathing when we can have our innocuous brawls. Sanity has sunk in Indian and Pakistani minds. We have decided to engage in a cute war, the Weather War. Instead of going for surgical strikes in the POK, we have issued weather bulletins on the Pakistan occupied territory of Kashmir, thus implying that it belongs to us. Pakistan also hits back by broadcasting weather report of Ladhak. They but misfire even here. The hilarious goof-up: they say maximum temperature is  ̶ 4 ͦ C and the minimum is  ̶ 1 ͦ C. What a lovely and cute weather soldier they have at radio Pakistan. He is right as far as digits are concerned. But there is a thing called minus sign also. Pakistani government, kindly train them well for the weather war!
To prepare us for a much transformed Lockdown 4.0, the honorable PM addresses the nation for the fifth time during the tough phase. His address isn’t Corona centric this time. He exhorts Indians to move ahead and become self-reliant. I think it’s the best way to cut China to its size by robbing them of such a huge market that we have offered them on a platter. The trade deficit is too much: we export worth 60000 crore; and import 425,000 crores. Do you still need to know where we should aim to hit. Again a cute war! Make their exports to India redundant.
The PM has laid down the foundation of a self-reliant India by announcing an economic package worth 20 lac crores in 2020. ‘Be vocal for the local!’ he gives the clarion call. He exhorts we Indians to look beyond Corona by coming out with basic precautions and see through the transitory Lockdown 4.0 to move ahead with reasonable protection to full scale progress and development.
We have the potential to become the manufacturing hub of the world. With 20% share, the Indian generic pharmaceutical industry is literally the pharmacy of the world. Let there be a vaccine developed anywhere in the world, they have to depend on the Indian generic pharmaceutical industry for mass production and supply.
In a globalized world, wars will be primarily economic in cold phase and biological during the hot phase. The heat of the hot phase we are all bearing currently. The cold phase in economic terms will follow. Australia has been vocal about international investigation to look into the virus issue in China. An angry China hits back by cancelling a beef order worth 2 billion dollars from Australia. Again cute salvos in a cuddly war. Let’s continue doing that. It’s funny and interesting at the same time.    
The one-party system in China has all that it takes to misuse power. There is hardly any balance of power. At the grossest level of existence, 'Truth' is a little candy held tightly in the fist of the hand that is 'Powerful'! A dictatorial regime twists ‘Truth’ to scatter it to dust around. It blinds the masses with the rising dust of ideology. Let’s—through cute wars only—ask them to have at least one opposition party, however weak it might be to begin with. It will help us to forget our injured democracies, if even the fake opposition in the Red bastion takes comic salvos now and then at the real power center. One cuter salvo in the cute war against China! Put Taiwan on the forefront at WHO meets to discuss the effective measures to stop and handle the pandemic. It’s better to throw chili in the enemy’s eye instead of throwing grenades.
Now another theory has surfaced. It says Wuhan had Corona cases as far back as September last. A team of doctors in masks and PPEs had thronged the Wuhan airport after getting the reports that an airplane passenger had collpased suddenly. They made it pass as a military drill to manage emergency medical situations. In October, Wuhan hosted the world military games in which 10,000 military personnel participated. Many participants now tell that they felt sick with influenza type symptoms. In fact, France has tracked its zero patient to be a woman who visited the store operated by the wife of one of the military personnel who visited Wuhan for the games. It was way down the line on December 31 that China announced the outbreak. If that is the case, it makes it equally serious to the theory of deliberate or accidental leak from the lab.
A smile is just one breath away, provided we give it a chance. Even in the fiery pits of burning summer, a blossom awaits our cool, caring shade to smile for life and living! Enjoy the smile of a sun-shaded rose! I have put the rose in a shade too give it a chance against the merciless heat. It dazzles the hot air in the shade. A winsome smile! This is what I do to stay meaningful to life and living within my premises. Creation is creation. I facilitate the creation of these little smiles. And when the afternoon sunrays come to kiss the shy, shaded beauty for a brief flirtatious moment, she opens her heart and gives a full smile. Guys, don't miss to smile even at those who mean to rob you of your smile. Our own frown eats our smile, not other's intentions! When you come out of the trenches, be your better version! I suggest a recipe as well. The recipe of a perfect human being: strong body, sharp mind and soft heart. I mean Shiva! Try to be Shiva!
At the personal level, it has been the worst time in my life. Here are the most meaningful words spoken to me during the last few months---as I tried to steady my feet after the most irremediable loss of my life---by a Tibetan Buddhist Friend. Truth seems to have showered her with the ultimate grace during her months-long meditations in the snow-clad caves in Ladhak. Thanks O seeker of truth for balming my bruised soul through such simple and succinct words:
"We have been born to learn about the love and impermanence of life, and we will have to learn this lesson again and again until we have eternal peace before every injury!"

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Vaccine for a new virus and an old ideology

The total number of Corona infections is around 3 million, a third of these in America itself, and majority of the American cases in New York, the symbol of its socio-economic and modern-day cultural might. The death toll stands around 200,000, a quarter of these in America itself. This is an oddity and leaves the field open for interpretations even by amateurs like me. After the jolting shock, now the narrative shifts to the real cause. A French Nobel prize winning scientist has termed Covid-19 as a man-made virus from a technical point of view. It’s a scientist’s conclusion, not some willy nilly amateur thinker like me. A team of Indian scientists has also pointed out the unconventional nature of the virus, i.e., it’s something man-made.  
It makes the Chinese fruit market theory almost groundless. If their fruit market theory doesn’t sell, they will go for the second best option: accidental spread from the lab theory, assuming that an accidental death is more pardonable than an outright plain calculated killing. But we the targets will use our brains to see beyond the China manufactured narrative, which in any case is bound to be substandard like any of their products. Even if we accept their accidental theory, a common sense question arises. How come Beijing, just a few hundred kilometers away from Wuhan, stands almost untouched, while New York, thousands of kilometers away stands ravaged so terribly? Let us not forget, accidents are accidental in their ramifications also, not so selective to target cities thousands of miles away and sparing congested, crowded urban corridors in the vicinity of the accident site. No wonder, questions are being raised about China’s culpability in the biggest bioterrorism case till date.
Millions of people have travelled from Wuhan to the rest of country, still how come it got localized in Wuhan only? If it is so contagious as to board a flight and spread from dozens of fliers to millions in a span of two three months, how come the rest of the Chinese territory stands untouched? Is lockdown so effective as they claim? India’s experience with lockdown proves that it certainly is effective to an extent but not like Wuhan where very soon things turned almost normal and the rest of China almost untouched. Despite India’s strictest in the world lockdown measures, the virus has spread across 430 districts out of 550. Just lockdown is not sufficient to contain it like the Chinese did. There definitely is more to the story. In 2019, there was enmass TB vaccination program in China. Was some vaccine served in the guise of TB mass vaccination?
Many are the loopholes in a democracy, even if it is a superpower like America. There is a tendency for things coming into the open. The political aspirations of the opponents always keep door open for ventilation, secrecy hardly finds a suitable closed door here. But a hardcore dictatorial communist regime has all the time and resources to hatch any evil design in leisure time without bothering about any pull from political, social, moral or legal strings. It’s not about the relative good or bad of a political ideology. The simple possibility is that power tends to be misused. And unquestioned power corrupts absolutely. The suffering world needs vaccine against Corona. The suffering Chinese masses need democracy.
If just a few hundred international flights from Wuhan to the rest of the world can create such mayhem, imagine what will thousands of domestic flights, in addition to rail and road transport networks branching out of Wuhan, will do to China? The Virus seems to be very lenient on the mainland. Or is it a different strain than the one which turned too adventurist to turn a globe trotter and board a flight? The site of the accident hardly bears any signs of the accident, while far off places have the tell tale signs of mayhem! Strange! Usually we have things messed up at the site of the accident. This incongruity itself leaves enough scope for suspicion on China and makes it liable to give clear answers by default. This doesn’t seem to be some accidental leak from the Wuhan lab. Had it been accidental, by the natural consequences of it, the maximum effects would have been in Beijing, not New York. It is however another matter that they will try to create new pockets of infections in China in a controlled manner in order to avoid an eventuality where the road accident site appears absolutely safe and clean and the glass, blood and bones scattered in another country. That is crazily funny.
The Chinese government hasn’t forgotten to make money even out of this misery. Faulty Chinese testing kits are slapped in our unsuspecting faces as if these are the aides of Corona. India rushed to buy 600,000 testing kits. Can you believe it, the accuracy rate of the testing kit is a miserly 5.4%. In their zeal to export as much as possible, they hardly care about quality. We always knew about the sorry tale of their quality. However, substandard toys is one thing, quality compromise in life saving equipment is a sin. But do they even have this term ‘sin’ in their red book? More than 63,000 PPEs out of a big stock India has imported are found totally unusable. Same story is told by many other countries. Even when the entire world is suffering in this pandemic, they remember profiteering through the same use and throw substandard Chinese goods. There is a sorry tale of faulty masks also. China the ambitious exporter has exported a terrible googlie this time. Company shares are crashing world over, China is all eager to make gold out of misery. They are running to take over downed companies. They rushed to sail in many Indian companies also. They tried to buy shares in HDFC, one of the biggest banks in India. The Indian government had to bring out a mid-night resolution to change the FDI norms to stop the dragon from eating many an Indian company. The dragon cribbed and condemned it as unethical as per WTO norms. Look who is talking of rules and regulations?!
Several voices have now started surfacing to make China pay for this global suffering. American state of Missouri has filed a lawsuit against China and asked for reparations. Of course, China has scoffed at it. It’s like a little boy throwing a pebble at the fiery dragon. In return, they have increased patrolling in South China sea, intimidating smaller countries in the neighborhood. The US aircraft carrier Roosevelt had to be taken off the stage of Chinese hegemony here. The aircraft carrier was prepared for the biggest military threat from any quarters, but Corona turned too smart for its cosmos-hunting radars. Hundreds of sailors got infected. So in the open waters of its personal pool it consolidates its forces now. Its warships are coming dangerously close to little Taiwan. Although America is reconnoitering the area through its B-52 bombers, but is anyone in a position to say anything if China grabs South China islands or even attacks Taiwan. They hardly bother about humanity’s recovery; instead they are carrying out military exercises. Possibly they expect retaliation later or sooner. Their already iron-hard firewall, keeping their subjects well caged, turns steely and sprawls further to take a deadly grip even over gaming platforms because the users can chat with the players from abroad. They must be propagating their own narrative like communist states usually do.
Corona is lethal, but the Chinese communist ideology is even more lethal. For the former we need a vaccine, for the latter, democracy—a very feeble pill though it is—is the cure. As the world stands victimized, we should not forget that the Chinese common people are equally victimized. In fact, their tale of victimization is hardly known and spreads over many decades.  

Monday, April 20, 2020

An antidote of democracy against the communist bug

China is crafting a suitable narrative to the Corona suspicion theories. As they find that the suffering world's prying eyes are now sternly focussed on the deliberate, or inadvertent, unleashing of the virus from the Wuhan lab, they are drawing the discussion and accusations away from the Lab to the animal market theory. They have raised the death toll in Wuhan by 50%. They want the world to believe that the only wrong they did was to cover up the number of deaths at the most, and that the virus spread accidentally from the food market, so that the bigger accusation of the virus being deliberately unleashed from the Wuhan lab gets into the background. So that the most serious accusation against them comes out to be that they tried to cover up the seriousness of the issue and consequently suffered themselves first. They are accepting a lesser fault in order to cover the main one. A note for sceptics who may say why would they allow their own people to die in order the wreak havok outside. We shouldn't forget millions have been eliminated under the communist ideology. So allowing a few thousand of their own people to die in order to achieve làrger targets is very much of a routine task to them. They themselves are infected by a more serious thing, which they consider more serious than Corona. It's the democratic movement in Hongkong. The antibody of democracy was eating into the vitality of the communist bug. They were scared that this bug will bite their mainland. So who knows they might have put a bigger bug in the global body. Just like they helped Corona spread through the world, the entire world should come together to facilitate the antibody of democracy against the communist bug. Right now we are in need of a vaccine against Corona. But the world peace in future needs the antidote of democracy against the communist bug in China. As they stand culpable in the Corona pandemic, punish them by forcing them to adopt democratic reforms in the country. Multiple voices are always more effective in forging a narrative. Build the narrative of democracy in China. It will be good for the Chinese people, 90% of whom are the most diligent and nice type. Just 10% communist thugs are holding the peace of their own people and the world at large at random. As the entire globe suffers Corona effects, let the Chinese communists also face the consequences. Let them get huge injection of democracy on their pride-swollen ass.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Wuhan Syndrome and the next gen warfare

Is anybody talking about building next generation warplanes, satellite shooters, next monster ballistic missiles, some super-dad of a Nitro, hrdyo or any x y z bomb or any other type of extension to our greed for power? Are there top security meetings taking place to rule the planet? Everything has been pushed to the corner in the face of a common threat. Lesson number one, in the face of irreversible damage to Mother Nature and the over-sweeping forces of globalization, the problems will be common for Homo-sapiens. So stop creating any more among yourself. These are nothing but assumptions, insecurity and virtual fears in the face of imagined boundaries and mind-contrived notions of having different interests and identity. The walls have crumbled now. It’s just one open field. So play the same game for the benefit and enjoyment of everyone.    
Irrespective of the fact whether the patient zero was an inadvertent culinary experiment in Wuhan animal market or some chance, mischance, deliberate, helf-deliberate or any other reason possible pushing the situation to the leaking of the deadly virus manufactured in the Wuhan biological weapon test lab, the result is that it has carried out the repercussions of the scale of a world war three. Wars have changed shapes and context over the millennia. The greed for power, the rapacious urge to dominate, the ever-persistent gluttony for more and more, all these and more that gratify individual and collective ego are itself deadly mutants that have hijacked our creative brains to keep the destructive trait one step ahead of the peaceful use of our logic and reasoning. The main thing is: we have failed to learn to live in peace.
China and its ambitions to be the all powerful master isn’t the only genesis of the problem. It’s a symbol of our collective greed for more and more by killing the aesthetics in mankind in parallel with burning the house, the little planet, we live in. Behind its iron curtail, things have been very shady in China. The strongest in the Chinese society destroyed millions of their own softer lives in the name of an ideology that nurtures the biggest evil in the name of serving the cause of the maximum, i.e., communism. A serpent which is used to eating the weaker ones among its own species will hardly stop at dining in its own house. It will slither out of its hole to gobble up preys outside also. Like they can boil live animals to satisfy the cravings of their tongue, they will hardly listen to any prick of conscience before planning to unleash any suffering on the humanity outside the Chinese borders. This steely resolve is their strength.
Aggression serves in the brute game of the survival of the fittest. But that is where the entire meaning of humanity gets lost. It’s like retracing the steps back to the pre-historic times when our ancestors survived as one of the animals in caves and forests. We could break that vicious loop of the naked game of the survival of the fittest only because we had the power to group and manage things collectively. Contrary to the belief that our reasoning served as a weapon to enable us to reach the pinnacle of food chain and rule the planet, it’s the still more effective soft power of emotions and empathy that served as the basic fuel of our civilizational progress. Use of logic, reasoning and the subsequent science and technology is merely the means to achieve the ends of cooperation and the common goal to excel as a species. With only raw aggression, we would still have been struggling as one of the apes in the forests. We excelled not because we made deadly weapons. We thronged because we could consciously love and were aware of our empathy to contrive things and manage affairs with a larger collective identity. Now with no other species in the arena to compete against, we are carrying the struggle to excel among within the species. So the domain of collective affiliation and identity is shrinking now after expanding to its peak when Homo-sapiens primarily identified with their own species to evolve at all levels. Now the collective affiliations are shrinking within the Homo-sapiens. It now shrinks along the boundaries of nationality, religion, caste, creed, class, continent and many more. Just as we fought against other species, now we create different subspecies of mankind on the basis of caste, class, nationality, ethnicity and religion. It’s the same age old war that we started against other species. To compete at all cost, even though there is hardly any need anymore, leaving it a divided house now at the risk of crumbling down far earlier than anyone of us can think of.
As I look at China’s obsession for more power and clout, I have to point out that I am no supporter of the USA either. They have been doing all that takes in the power game to stay the de facto ruler of the planet. It includes sustaining conflicts world over to weaken nations and encash resources out of conflict areas. However, the saving grace is that they are a functioning democracy. People have a direct role in choosing their head. And the option of choosing a leader still leaves a whole lot of prospects for the humanity. At least, the head of the state is accountable. He has the necessity of going out there before the electorate and get the license of governance renewed again. The leadership in China is not accountable to anybody. And such power sitting on the head of such immense resources is nothing sort of a potential hazard for the masses both within and outside their boundary.
Now, with just 3000 deaths, which is nothing in comparison to their millions of slaughters under communism, they are in a fine position to start throwing the sickened humanity outside Chinese borders with cheap, hardly reliable medical supplies. More business. More money. More clout. They want it at any cost. Their biggest rival is on the knees with the risk of even 100,000 people dying from Corona virus. That is what is most important to the Chinese. They hardly care if there have been collateral damages to their own late-found cronies like Italy, who had become the junior sergeant of Chinese belt and road initiative meant to tie a serpent knot on the world economy. Italy unfortunately served as the launch pad of infecting the entire Europe and the rest of the world in its wake, given Europe’s position in the day to day functioning of the world.
The wars in future will come in different colors than we have got used to see in the past. All of us have the fire-spitting metallic birds, the very same ballistic whales that swim in the seas outside our atmosphere and then dive to strike suddenly, the very same fire and hell spewing nuclear bombs, the same guns, mortars and military arsenal. All countries can kill similarly. So who will take the risk of hitting with the same weapon that lies in the opponent’s holster also? The new weapon is inelegant shrewdness and ingenuity to hit the opponent’s interests in almost invisible, indirect and intangible ways. Corona isn’t a self-evident war. Beyond the estimations of what and whys of it, it is primarily an epidemic. The scourge is visible to the human eyes. Only its tell tale effects are visible. Instead of investing in firearm factories, you invest in setting up stages, where the real motives always stay behind the scene of the confusion. You incubate pandemics. You calculate the reactions, visualize the scenes arriving on the stage later after the silent trigger has been launched in the murky haze of human brains, then you act, behave and respond in the ways where the unsuspecting sufferers hardly believe you to be the real mutant brain behind the chaos. And you draw out advantages, indirectly, out of the things changing to a chaos on the stage. Things indeed appear incidental. While in reality it turns out to be a well scripted act.
Not that the rest of the super-power aspirants won’t do the same. They will definitely try the same. It’s only about who can be more deadly. It is not about choosing the best. There is hardly any option for that. It is simply about ‘who is a lesser evil’. And democracy is always going to be a lesser evil. With the next generation warfare, a closed secretive form of government is most qualified to succeed, where there is no specific battleground, no specifically outlined cause, no tangible target to grab. All you know is that you have to weaken the opponent at any cost and draw advantages out of that. You can do anything you want, simply because you are not answerable to anyone in the domestic population.
The motive has been the same historically. But the ingenuity of human brain was only limited to swords, and later modern weapons, where there were cuts and bruises on both sides. So if China sacrifices its own 3000 people, it will take it as its share of casualties in the new version of warfare. If with the stage-managed loss of such lives, they can bring down the entire planet on its knees, wreak havoc with its economy, suspend all other forms of military competence in the rival camps, they will take it gleefully. In the conventional warfare, you cannot even win a local battle in lieu of such number of casualties.
Deadliness is now sneaking into the domain of intangibles. Like this virus is invisible. You don’t get alert like you can do on seeing a snake. To forge out such an invisible enemy, you have to be very ingenuous in approach also. In fact, that is primarily the investment to launch the campaign. It’s about breaking all boundaries of ethics, because even in a bloody conventional war including the nuclear weapons, which are pretty conventional as of now by the way, even with your numerical and technical superiority, you give your enemy a chance to fight and die to uphold their own belief, values and position. Like in villages, the feuding farming families may unleash their fury on each other. They may murder, they may do whatever we have known as routine in terms of violence. But still there are boundaries, almost unbreakable, which even the worst enemies avoid. Their animosity seems to melt away beyond the broadly recognizable contours. All farmers have their crops under the open vault of skies. A major portion of their economic interests lies open to any kind of risk imaginable. That is the domain where mine and yours merge. You want your enemy to be decimated, but you want all farms free of fires because there is something, a voice of conscience that stops you. Your own sense of ego cuts you down in your own eyes if you think anything like that. It belittles you. Those are the open skies, the rivers, the lakes. You avoid that and decide to fight a bit on the tangible stage, where there are chances of you suffering also. But you take that as an offering to the Goddess of your ego. A Chinese type of next-gen warfare has the capability to breach any such false sense of curtailment by one’s ego. They are capable of doing anything in the name of innovation. Heart has no say. The calculating part of the brain has swiping powers, simply because their secretive system of governance allows the maximum chance to groom such a capability. Here the farmer will simply go out and cut his crop, leaving a portion of his own to be seen as burning with the rest, and light the fire. That’s it. You can defend your military installations, your cities, your borders, but limitless breaches are there in the porous and open realm of air, water and forests, the things lying there in the open like farming fields lie there only at the mercy of a sense of conscience, a self-accepted boundary, making them safer than the missiles hidden in deep bunkers.
This Chinese syndrome isn’t an outcrop in abstract. It is the recipe born of the collective fire of modern humanity’s misguided sense of achievement, in grotesque dehumanized values which put human interests before anything else on this little planet co-shared by millions of other species. Just cause and effect man! Like in a weakened immune system, the disease has to start somewhere, here also it happens to get into effect from a system of governance most suitable for the evil-effects of our unsustainable practices to be carried out. So taming China is just a partial solution. In the absence of systematic overhaul of the overall value system, we will have a new version of the Chinese kind new gen warfare and stealth somewhere else. It’s just a symptom. And treating symptoms never fully cures the root cause of a disease.  
As we go into a global lockdown, it’s the time to think and ponder. The things discussed above are mere symptoms of a bigger malady: our collective greed at the level of our species. What is the use of wreaking havoc without limits to greed and create trillions strong economies, if you have to spend trillions again to ward off the consequences, as the roof of the cave over our head, where we have been mining, caves in? Can’t we be happier with less, and that less will be still more than what we will be left with after spending on emergency solutions to save ourselves from plethora of cascading problems.
Rest man rest! Pause. Hell won’t break lose if you pose for some time. You will still have the same little gob of earth circling around the sun; you will have the same days and night, same weather systems. In fact, you will have a better version of everything else, as the sand raised by your hooves settles down while you take a rest for some time. Ask anyone, the skies are clearer than ever in recent decades. Delhi has AQI like any Nordic capital. Can you believe it?! Ozone layer is replenished. Birds appear to chirp more enthusiastically. See, what can your hiatus bring to this little home of ours in just a week! Use the Wuhan syndrome and the resultant Tsunami for forging a better future. Catastrophe has no limitations. It takes millions of years to make, and a few chaotic moments to break. It will take China a bit of time to realize its mistakes. And realize they will some fine day, I am sure. Meanwhile, if rest of the world mends its ways, the Chinese next gen warfare and the value system of their ill-conceived competence will become irreverent. Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolent noncooperation will accomplish what super-nukes cannot do. Make it all versus one, but in a nonviolent compassionate way. Just don’t cooperate with the Chinese version of hegemony and dominance at any cost.