says all beings, across species, and the related phenomena across various
natural processes, are propelled by the survival instinct among the
constituting elements. In this tussle between the superior and the inferior,
the nature evolves in its multitudinous forms comprising tragedies, ecstasies,
pleasures and pains. It is basically a class struggle both at the intra- and
inter-species level. Both in natural and human systems (we humans now operate
almost in exclusion of nature), the fittest ones adapting better to the
plummeting circumstances are the ones to take a lead in either milking the
resources or in laying the framework for the overall system to function.
human system is a big behemoth, intriguingly evolving, following the parameters
of the jungle in its human variants. There is basically a fight for individual
and even collective interests. Of course to make us believe that the human
society does not follow the raw principles of nature (like the lion eating the
deer—unsinfully—to survive), we have interposed the institutions of religion,
morality, ethics, concept of good and bad, sin and pious deeds, karma, etc. However, as per the
principle of social selection (derivative of natural selection), the human
society moves ahead over time defined by clash of interests at various levels
in different fields. If we remove the differentiating layers and levels in the
society; if we remove the hypothesis of sin out of this struggle—like we have
removed from the struggle between lion and deer—the leftover will simply boil
down to a struggle between the more skilled and the less skilled. Out of the
numerous levels of interests (ranging from individual, family, religious,
state, earth,….), one clash of interest is at the level of the upper and the
lower class. From the start of the known history, human affairs have been
shaped directly and indirectly by the class struggles (between the upper and the
lower), among individuals within a particular class on the basis of their less
or more suitability, and even among the individuals of different classes.
Although with changing times, the fields of struggle have changed as well. This
broad overarching struggle contains many sublevels to trickle down to the
tiniest triumphs, humiliations, wins, losses, exploitations, etc.
communists have been tonking their ideas and ideology infested heads against
this almost inevitable defining differential in the society that seems to be
pushing the motley mix of minority’s triumph and the majority’s woes. As a
counter to this, one might say that the Western liberal democracy might reverse
the ratio. However, it comes at the cost of an invincible super state which
with the purpose of safeguarding the majority’s interests has to be a still
exploitative institution that mightn’t exploit its own have-nots much but then
it can very easily do so to the teeming millions in the third world.
up cudgels from the famished majority’s side, the communists thus unite the
working class interests to make it super-strong so that it can suddenly go
berserk and break apart the centuries old system of exploitation and its
supportive elements. For this reason the communist movements are called
‘revolution’. Earlier it was against the monarchy, nobility, aristocracy
embaling in them what we call ‘luxury’ aesthetically and intelligently
supported by the religion. Religion, for its pious injunctions seems to be more
effective in stopping a poor person from seeking alternatives than stopping the
exploitation by the upper class. So the revolutionaries as atheists pluck out
the sinews of long-held beliefs, convincing, providing solace and sympathy to
the underclass. A Godless person is less accepting; carries immense prospects
of imposing his will through covert and overt means. Hence religion is held
culpable by the revolutionaries in the sense that it forces people—makes them
habituated to their woes as the will of the divine forces beyond their
control—to become adapted to their ill fate rather than putting the same time
and energy in remedial measures. Religion, of course, for centuries has been
good, sympathetic, solacing companion to the masses helping them in licking
their wounds and swallow the sorrows. Thus the revolutionaries break its
façade, terming it stagnant in its principles and in cohort with the
exploitative classes. Religion too unfortunately demands its share of glitter
and glamour that only the upper class can provide. After all, a poor person’s God
is a lesser God. The religion of the poor with limited resources is even termed
as animism.
the revolution led by the newly pious injunctions of classless society tears
out (generally in a bloody manner) the ancient system, the interests of the former
upper class are either hijacked by a dictator or an all powerful
super-body—polit-bureau or the central committee—which in itself replaces the
empty seat of godhood; a tiny blackhole type superforce to root out the still
surviving differences of any type. Unfortunately, differences are bound to crop
up somehow. So they keep on nipping the buds. This sudden rush of purgatory
blood leaves gory tales far more horrible than the ones committed by the former
system over centuries. Their tales of atrocities committed in just years
outmatch the ones perpetrated across decades or even centuries by the earlier
system. It is just like a helpless group of sufferers running away from the
semi-lethal teeth of a wolf into the shelter of a hungry lion with super-strong
claws. In this religionless weeding out for the cause of the supreme ideal, the
religious tools of mercy and pity do not exist to act as the check dams. After
all, religion has been constructed to function as a check dam to save a
situation where ‘the lion eats the deer’ principle is allowed to operate in
milder nastiness in the human society. In a Godless state all hell breaks
loose. After many bloody strivings, the communists much to their chagrin find
that the divisive curse of the selfish, individualistic interests still
survives in one form or the other.
socialist, liberal democracies on the other hand are less glaring and more
subtle in their deeds, because here the old exploitative forms have been
redressed as modern principles of liberty, equality and fraternity. It is a
subtle and white-blooded exercise: the old forces in their more acceptable
avatars. It also promises to provide ample opportunities to the masses to
struggle through the lawful checker work to move up the capitalist ladder to
reach the class on the top. It believes in conversion rather than coup born of
the clash of interests.
hard the communist regime might try the class differentials will persist in one
form or the other; simply because we are human beings, cast in so unique and
numerous ways with billion ways of thinking; and not just same colour factory
PS: Something
away from the main discussion in this topic! The reason why a democrat
politician, an industrialist or a dictator occupies his/her influential
position can be—among others off beat factors like luck, fate, destiny—that the
said person is stronger in getting his conscience unchained from the
restricting principles of good and bad in the game of survival. It boils down
to: Who is more skilful? It is just a matter of more or less skills.
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