Happiness gets brewed fully to
turn joy. But to love, essentially, and be loved, as a simple natural
corollary, are the necessary ingredients. Love, joy and happiness then radiate
from your soul and draw many a good circumstances in your life.
Here is a simple exercise to
evaluate our options before we move on. When do you think your bigger loss
occurred: when someone broke your trust and love or when you broke someone’s
trust? Sadly, my book is only for people choosing the second option. Others can
go to more practical guidebooks to seek their destiny.
The secret to happiness is
unconditional love. Contrary to our experience, happiness is a matter of
choice. I firmly believe that one can choose to be happy.
Nathaniel Hawthorne: “Happiness is
a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which,
if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.”
Guys, unconditional happiness
isn’t possible without unconditional love.
Since most of us are roaming the planet to look for something that is
safe in our pocket, the discussion becomes relevant.
Myself, by the way, is someone who has taken the quieter by-lane to be
happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street is intimidating
with the added risk that I may well forget myself after being lost in the
crowd. As you walk in the crowd, the monotony and anonymity takes over. You
lose the charm of life in doing the same things others are doing. You don’t
feel the kick in solving the same problems using the same old, oft-repeated
methods. The solutions also are boringly the same, the results also the same.
A chronic boredom starts nagging the self. We try to fake being happy,
forcefully trying to convince ourselves and others with our material
achievements. But in our heart of hearts, we know that the happiness ever looks
at the farthest end of the planet or even beyond. The long and winding chains
of the preconditions to be met, before you trudge nearer to the ever-elusive
happiness, are spooling on and on: the dangerous mathematics of infinitely long
factors and functions of happiness.
I will be happy if I top the exams, then you become a topper, ok let me
grab the best job, you get it, ok let me be the best CEO, you become one, then
more. Then your children have to be the same or even more to take you to the
still elusive dream of happiness. More money, more power, more prestige, more,
more, more. Then there are others in the fray who can turn you unhappy even
after you have overturned the records set out for yourself. There is no
stopping. And hence no happiness. Forget about joy.
The problem is if your happiness is not within you
from the beginning and lies at some goal-post in future at a distance, there
are millions, trillions, zillions and even more open-ended factors that affect,
mathematically scuttle your chances of a win. Forget it. It’s futile chase. The
more we run after conditional happiness, the more we push it away from
The fundamental mistake is that we expect happiness to be the fruit on
the tree of our efforts, i.e., the result, the fructification. No, it simply
isn’t. It is the root of the tree of our endeavors, where we begin from, which
lasts from the beginning to the end. If it’s not in the beginning, forget it,
it won’t appear later. It has to be there before you begin and persist while
you are in the process, while you are in the journey. Learn to take the effort
itself as a form of happiness. And simply doing becomes the cause of boundless
The state of being happy can be habituated. Practice it as a daily
routine, like you pump iron to tone your six and eight packs. Nurture the habit
of just feeling happy, causeless and reasonless. Just smile when you are alone.
Please try it and you will know what I mean. It lets loose a cascading effect
driven by the hormones triggered by the movement of the muscles around the
corner of your lips. Try it. Close your eyes and just smile. Unconditionally.
You will feel how comforting it can be just to be happy.
The fruits will follow later as you slog it out in the battlefield. It’s
a simple verb, being so, a simple act, a solacing function.
We but treat it as an intimidating noun in future, interpolate it as success
and achievements, the fruits at the end of the journey, the light at the end of
the tunnel. It but is the lamp that is within you when
you are in the dark.
The path to happiness can never pass through the stages of unhappiness
and mental struggle. It’s the present in continuation. Remove all future
components from the equation of your happiness. So passing through the quieter
by-lane, not stomped and nudged by the teeming crowds, one can reach a solitary
path, laid out just for himself/herself, to reach his/her destiny, to be happy
primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. All in
all, you just practice the art of being happy
unconditionally. And unconditional happiness is love personified.
If you have any doubts about losing the achiever’s tag, which sounds
plausible in being on the main thoroughfare, kindly reevaluate your position.
Being unhappy in the same way as others with loads of the same stuff like
anyone around is no replacement for a liberated self seeking its own destiny on
a free path leading to the ultimate freedom.
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