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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)

Monday, April 18, 2022

Better to have a Godless World Now


Let us be clear on this! The concept of God was a nice production of human thought to give answers to unanswerable happenings, mishappenings, chance throw of dice and destinies, hard fought struggles and expectedly-unexpectedly varying outcomes. And then out of this motley mix of fires, misfires; success and failure; rise and fall; ecstasies and miseries, there arose natural questions--Why?? Why?? The concept of God was offered as a panacea for numerous puzzling symptoms plaguing distraught humans seeking answers to this 'why'.


You have to believe with a blind faith if at all you want to get some solace or unproven blessing. If you suffer unjustifiably, religion tells you that you might be suffering on account of bad deeds in the previous birth. If you are not getting the results of your good deeds, it tells you that you will get it post death. Both things are not proven, previous birth and after-death status. God is not proven. All the proofs to verify His existence are themselves contrived in a way that even these cannot be proven. So the final nail in confirming His existence is: ‘He cannot be known! He can just be realized and felt!’ So ultimately it boils down to a feeling, a realization! So very smartly it has been brought down to a level of feeling, a zone where logic is pushed aside without any rhyme or reason! And this feeling and realization is shaped by the unquestionable belief in His existence.


So where do we land up?! Like we are the owners and makers of rest of all the feelings in us, here as well we possess this feeling in us. Sum and summary: Aham Brahma Asmi, means ‘I am the God I am seeking!’ It started in human brain and is realized in human heart and actualised by the human hand in practice. Rituals that are meant to appease Him, are just smart ways of keeping social order and keep the people believe in the thin line dividing good and bad, moral and immoral, otherwise there will be a chaos.            


After a debatable journey, the concept of God has outlived its utility. Mankind framed the idea of God to create a psychological field of safety against natural forces that were beyond his knowledge and comprehension. Those mysteries have been explained quite well now. So we need not continue to pay lip service to it anymore. Doing so is proving more harmful to the creator of God, the human brain, the mankind. Religion is a thriving unquestioned business. Do you remember Asha Ram? Similarly, there are hundreds of Godmen exploiting people for their belief in the concept of God. Millions are dying in the name of various Gods. Political parties are pulling votes in the name of religion. High time we abandon this redundant concept! At the practical and mass level, it is doing more harm than the psychological advantage it provides against unknown apprehensions and insecurities at the individual level. Disadvantages and losses at the collective level are far more than the individual sips of solace driven by surrendering the self to the divinity.


Times have changed across centuries. Almost everything changed in its wake. But religious differences are the same. Blood-shedding in the name of religion is the same. Isn't it high time that the world community starts dismantling the hold of exclusive religious principles on people and states? It is the time for an all inclusive world religion, the religion of all humanity, humanism. It is the time to contrive a better idea than exclusivist Gods for various groups. We can think better to have a more relevant concept. The new concept can have Allah, Jesus, Buddha, Hindu Gods and other major deities in its fold. Main issue is how can Islamists be convinced to see beyond the rigid confines of their unchanging tradition?! All other religions are melting under the warm sun of internationalism. But icy blocks of Islam are holding their medieval solidly crystallized layers like polar snows. Will Islam ever be lenient to non Muslims!? World peace and harmony depends on the answer to this question. If internationalism succeeds to liberate humanism buried inside Islamic fanaticism, we can expect to have a peaceful world following the religion of humanism. In any case religion has to be systematically dismantled to lay the foundation of a common world, like it was earlier constructed in ancient times to stamp the man's authority on earth under subservience to natural forces.


We can analyse the factors that gave birth and then propagation of the concept of God. Mathematically, God is just an incalculable sum of infinite series of chance factors.


If at all there is divinity, it is chance, coincidence! Chance is divinity! If ever there is a force that shapes things in universe and consequently the human lives, it is the chance factor. Random forces shape even the patterns that appear constant and infallible to us. Suppose you hold ten playing marbles in your hand. You keep these on your palm and take utmost focus to throw in a way so that you get maximum pieces in the hole. The chain of event that proceeds is utterly carried and pulled by the chance factor. Who knows with what balance and from what height, distance or tilt you decide to go for your throw!? You have numerous options as per the aforementioned variants! Then by chance you get carried to think one particular position more suitable than others. Who knows in what funny ways the marbles float in air? These can float in relatively favourable and unfavourable arrangement to hit earth in who knows how many ways to scatter in who knows in what directions and strike each other in who knows how many ways and how many angles to result in who knows how many moving away or into the hole? It is a long and endless series of independent still minutely dependent possibilities. One conscious act of taking the marbles in hand driven by the intention of putting as many as possible in the hole results in an endless serious of probabilities that work independently in between the throwing stage with particular intention and the resulting stage emerging as an independent result. The result is free, so are the numerous bits of independent realities driven by the free will of the chance factor. From the micro to the macro levels this factor works to coincidentally shape destinies and the way universe functions.


In the fathomless domains of this chancy super-quotient, we have independent units that recur in patterns with regularity to substantiate our scientific theories. These are but particular outcomes carried by the swift forces of chance. Universe is an outcome of some chancy explosion. Life on earth is pleasant coincidence, divine chance. See the dance of prince chance in all its charm around you and in your life and you will feel its superweight! And if chance is the God, we should take no chance with the chancy quirkiness and rather shape our destinies more practically, more logically and less blindly.   


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