It is about politics, the necessary evil for the
contemporary world. Before we discuss the political ramifications for this
politicized word, let us go back in time to take a look at the roots of the
tree of authority that holds the thriving tree of politics in the modern times.
Well it started with absolute monarchies.
It has been the supreme irony of our so called
‘civilized fate’ that try as hard as we can manage, we cannot stop the pyramid
type, hierarchical and classified pattern of the social set up. In a pyramid
social formation, the higher the class, the lower the weight on its shoulders,
and higher the weight on the lower ones constituting the base. In the beginning
we had the pointed peak of the social pyramid represented by the unrestrained,
unchecked, all powerful potentate, the King, with all his weight on all below,
and no weight on his shoulder at all except the light hallo of divinity falling
on his crowned head. The crown just acted as a paperweight holding the paper
sheaf wherein endless lines of unlimited authority decided the fate of those
below. Sometimes the winds did ruffle the edges around the margin, but the sheaf
as such was always safe; the centre of gravity exactly falling in its middle in
the form of divine rights. Safely tucked under the big stone of cosmic
proportions, the papery revolt just could not send even a single tremor across
the book of divine rights.
Later, as the civilization unfolded a bit more,
absolute monarchies were either blown off the top, or some checks and balances
were put in the path of all powerful authority in the form of some
constitutional provisions like elected representatives trying to bolster the
principles intended for the emancipation of the lowest layers in the pyramid.
(Times have more or less weathered the massive crown heads of monarchies and we
are left with a few residual, beaten crags struggling in low relief with beaten
joints and chips flying away attacked by the rasping desert winds of the
popular unrest.)
Will we be ever able to wipe out the successive
upper plateaus of exploitation (as the denuded pyramid comes lower, having lost
its upper layers, the slag sliding down the sides and slopes to reach a one
common uniform layer of everybody’s authority and thus none’s authority)? Under
such a scenario, all authority denuded and spread equally among the masses on a
uniform plain, will self responsibility allow things to function in all
empowered citizenry? Will we function as expected and idealized? Well, answers
to these questions lie in future’s womb. It depends on the extent to which the free
citizens become self-responsible in a not so free world governed and managed by
increasing mechanisations at the individual, social, institutional and
governmental levels.
Passing through successive layers of exploitation in
the pyramid, we reach our very own broadly cut plateau at the top involving
numerous players—legislature, executive, judiciary, bureaucracy, capitalists,
criminals, religioners—our present political system at the top now. Times have
eroded the pyramid and left this broader plateau at the top after cutting down
the pinpointed head of absolute monarchy. Here all the evils of the former
pointed absolutism have been handed over to a broader section of players. The
dirt of absolutism has been raked up to be spread among the progenies of
absolutism. The ‘will to power’ has sired numerous little crown-heads who try
to convince the lower layers that this facelift is meant to ensure the equal
rights for the masses. So here we land up with the grandchildren of absolutism,
i.e., politics and its big, broad, legally secured crown of authority (which by
the way is very safe given its broad supportive rim of constitutionality).
Presently, politicians rule at the flat top of this denuding pyramid. Murkily
spread over this vast pedestal of authority—their authority constitutionalised—suitably
served and aided by the so call ‘influential class’, it now wears the ruling
crown, a multi-headed monster, the great scion of absolute monarchy, changed
with changing times, in its new avatar. What has but not changed is the will to
exploit and self-serve to survive. Why not? After all, it carries the same
blood in its authoritative veins like its grandfather, the absolute, all
powerful King.
Earlier during the days of absolutism, it worked
with impunity and through blatant dispensation of whatever it required to keep
its clutch hold on the lesser mortals, now it does through the subtle art of
politics, through ‘siyasat’. The long
and windy corridors of political hypnotizers echo with lispy conspiratorial
whispers; of suppression, secrecy, connivance, plot hatching and what not.
Under the monarchy, the despotic game was limited to the royal lineage and
their chieftains, now the crown is up for grabs by anyone interested. The only
eligibility is the ‘will to power’. In its multitudinous aspect, the fight for
little-little crowns up for grabs on the plateau: for legislature, for
executive, for judiciary, etc. The rules of the battle in this vast battle
ground are solidly fixed up in the constitution book. Rule are but rules, mere
words noted down in hypothetical conjectures in the books. These cannot come to
life and fight for their sanctity and protection if faced with blatant
violations. Since brains are developing even faster for any law, for every rule
there in the book, we delve deeper into our creative self to contrive bypasses
and short-cuts to either escape their feeble dragnet or even poke our noses at
them after judiciously cutting the netting. Our present set of power holders,
the politicians, practically, suitably and efficiently manages the game. They
munch the meat of authority and throw bones to their cronies, bureaucrats,
businessmen and criminals. The unchecked orgy earlier perpetrated by a single
monarch, is now enjoyed by a faceless many-bodied class, the politicians.
In all its forms, democracy is considered to be a
religion drawing its inspiration and authority from the scriptures of the constitution.
A holy book, but, is just a holy book. If not in full letter, but in spirit at
least we easily violate the pious injunctions. Apart from these pious
injunctions, what happens in reality is an open secret. Except for a few big,
mighty words, constitutions are amended to suit the latest political masters’
present day growth prospects. See beyond the superficiality of the decked up
bride of democracy coquettishly bragging the independence and autonomy of its
various arms, you will see that the politico-bureaucratic-judicial-executive
machinery is explicitly or implicitly, directly or indirectly, ultimately
mastered and pulled along by the modern monarchs, the politicians. Take for
example the bureaucracy, once considered the steel frame of the British Raj, it
has now become feeble meshed cage with rusty, breaking wires and gaping holes.
All of us know the fate of a bureaucrat if instead of becoming a hyena chucking
up the leftover of plunder by some politician, he becomes just a ‘grass eating
vegetarian cow’ honestly following the principles and rules of his service
book. He is spotted like a black sheep in the easygoing white flock. Harassment
and punishment postings ensure that an official of the same cadre and
experience can be made a meat-eating hero or a famished zero by the lion, the
politician. It’s a clear choice. Either become a steely, profiting arm of a
politician or be ready to be thrown in dustbin corners of the bureaucratic
corridors. All of us know how state level bureaucracy is selected! Corruption
is constitutionally embedded. State Public Service Commissions are just
handpicked bodies of the state monarch, the Chief Minister. Literally everybody
knows how almost 100% manipulations go hand in glove with the state’s ruling
politicians. Manipulations are simplest of things at all the stages of
examination. If someone just pushes ahead in prelims and mains stages of the
examination, the all powerful boards have powers to undo all the hard work and
marks gap between the highest and lowest qualifiers during the farcical
personality test. So the prospective provincial civil servants easily start
their innings as political loyalists. To muster up high-end pay, perks and
profits, they operate like loyal palace grooms discharging functions assigned
by the political patron.
Without making much of noise against the plunder of
public money, severe breach of laws, gross insufficiency of public morals and
rules, the judiciary too toes the line. Directly or indirectly the political
masters influence the functioning of justice dispensation. The dark corridors
leading to the appointments and elevation to higher chairs in High Courts and
Supreme Court definitely allows the politicians to hold ears of ambitious
judges. Judiciary is allowed a free play by politicians in cases where only
masses are involved. In such cases the judges can afford to have some
discretion, be honest if they want and take money from one of the parties
through the lawyers (like they generally do) to tilt the hammer of justice this
or that way. But in cases where the ruling government’s interests are at stake
directly, no judge can afford to feel the pinch at his bottom if he decides to be
driven by integrity and honesty. Once in a blue moon, some odd case is
deliberately picked up where the court gives verdict against the government and
it is put on the front pages in media. It is just to keep people believing in
the assumption that judiciary is fair. Poor masses do not know, under one such
case highlighted, thousands of other cases where judiciary toes the political
line go unnoticed. One hammer of dissent against government is at the cost of
hundreds of political facilitations by condescending judges to appease
political masters. Led by the instinct of self preservation most of the judges
do not prefer to rub shoulders against the system. In this clattering noise of
self gratification, the voice of justice gets buried in the stampede towards
profits and promotions.
Politicians as the masters of the public and private
economy are offered oblations by the business class. We have the biggest
industrial houses of the country pouring unaccounted and illegitimate money in
political pockets. Since it is a fight to further one’s own interests as far as
possible, using any means possible depending on one’s own skills and
shrewdness—it is just as per Darwin’s principle of natural and social
selection—we come across the cut throat competition in the social jungle having
its social lions and social deer. So we have the people who would never think
twice before striking others’ head to boost their own chances. Of all the
scoundrels, politics draws the fittest scoundrels who form a nexus among
various scions of exploitative elements. Those who are left out of this fold
become the poor, dispossessed, suffering underclass.
In the social jungle, the principles of raw nature
like ‘the superior kills the inferior’, ‘might is right’, ‘stronger meat chucks
the easy meat’ are prevalent in humane, implicit form. Whole façade of
civilization has been created to screen the blind passions and intentions to
kill and decimate each other. Instead of killing and exterminating each other,
the human version is through cheating, forgery and outwitting. A lion is at the
peak of natural pyramid and food chain, eating away the last interests and easy
meat that successively struggle at the lower hierarchies to emerge victor at
the next stage to be gobbled up by the more potent, powerful and skilled ones at
the next stage. In social jungle’s pyramid, the apex of our food chain of
interests is occupied by the social lion, the politician. Every lower interest
at the lower hierarchies is finally destined to be deposited and digested
expertly in its guts.
Politicians, thus, are the new age monarchs who are
able to outsmart fellow human beings both at the individual and mass levels.
Where will we end up with passage of time? Will the progenies of exploitation
change in future? Or the politicians will even allow their own progenies to
change them? Politicians seem invincible, not to be defeated by any change!
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