went wrong?
The New Year 2015 did get the BJP’s
ever-soaring balloon a bit punctured to let out some air and save it from
escaping into the heavens of glory. Kejriwal won Delhi assembly elections,
after having presented his still more worn out jersey and muffler, and still
more common suffering face to each and every slum in Delhi. The masses whose
lives and generations have been spoilt by poverty, hunger and multitudes of
deprivations, definitely play a spoil-sport, a short of revenge, when they get
a chance of hitting back and they generally hit at the one apparently sided
with the better classes.
The retired history professor, who
had actively provided full-time support for the Modi wave had his little plate
of woes. The BJP had won from the constituency and all through the campaigning
the BJP candidate had looked at him with such friendly smile that the poor
academician got into believing that he was possibly the best hand around the
would-be Member of Parliament. Under such assurance the political bug bit his arse
inevitably to give him a sadistic nightmare of getting a little political
career for himself. To still take his recently-cropped up ambition, the
elections for the state assembly were around the corner. The party you support
having almost absolute majority at the centre, the local MP smiling at you like
you are a bosom pal and obliged to you for your all-out support in the
campaign, and elections around the corner for the state assembly! Having spent
his life in books, convictions, far away from the grit and grind of the real
anvil that hammers down political careers, he found his eligibility to get
ticket to contest from his area as near infallible. But when the plotting,
scheming and strategising game of grabbing the ticket started, he was like the
tiniest little boy standing scared in the corner while the fatter, ugly urchins
blabbered to eat the pie. The stampeded left him heaped on the ground with his burden
of bookish knowledge and bruises on his clean self. His presence was not so
much even felt by anybody. Coming back almost in tears from the state capital,
he cursed the MP whom he had toiled for and missed his thousands of pension
funds that he himself had invisibly poured into the flooded river of political
financing to make the candidate’s campaigning more glamorous and temporarily fruitful
to the poor in the constituency. The parliamentarian had not even looked at him
in the state capital.
Pushed and shoved in the little
political pie-gathering stampede, the old historian was nursing his
reflections. He even felt happy about the tiny muffler man beating the burly
The professor was now having razor sharp analytics of
the BJP’s defeat in Delhi. His reflections and pen competing in what he thought
and what he wrote.
Killing the Goliath!
So the muffler man
Kejriwal does what has never been done before! More than reflecting over his
victory, we can reflect over BJP’s set of mistakes.
People do not
appreciate the class when their fates are stinking in a mass!
It is good to have a smart, suave and presentable
Prime Minister. But people will definitely follow a faded jersey clad muffler
man if they find him pitted against somebody clad in royal clothes. So it was a
100,0000 INR suit against the 200 INR muffler. The masses in Delhi obviously
chose the latter! India after all is a country of struggling, hungry, ill-clad
masses. They sympathise with the underdog. Modi, the tea seller of the past,
garnered sympathy in parliamentary elections. Now it is the time of the muffler
man to be made a prince from his castrated status of a crazy idealist. It was
not for nothing that Gandhiji abandoned clothes to mix with the poorest of the
poor. Modi has to look less exclusive! Indian masses are decades away from
their appreciation of style and statement like the Americans appreciate the US
First Lady's style.
The revolting professor, denied a political dream of
his own, sprinkled the ink of irritated reflections flowing from his pen.
Never let loose a panic wave even among
the lesser mortals even if they are lying dusting around your feet. They will
stealthily crawl up in the dust to stick around your feet to dump their beaten
selves, like a stone around your feet, stopping you from moving ahead.
Never ever publicly declare your intention to
annihilate your enemy. However strong reason you have to destroy him! The
slogan of ‘Congressmukt Bharat’ is
catchy, but injurious. Do your deed, but why repeatedly tell your enemy that
you are going to annihilate him?! Congress is cornered. They know the BJP wants
to dismantle the party itself. So what is the option left for them? Their sense
of victory right now can just be to help anybody in defeating the BJP. They did
it smartly in Delhi by shifting its votes to AAP’s coffers. They even know that
AAP’s clout will increase at the national level. They are but very much
comfortable with the idea that AAP gets 50 or 60 seats in the next
Parliamentary elections. Well and good. They are happy to lead corrupt
coalition governments, unlike BJP that wants a one party show in India. So AAP
emerging nationally is a step towards Congress getting one more partner in a future
coalition government.
When the BJP started its all-out campaign to wipe out the
regional outfits, the professor had this apprehension that all and sundry
political forces, which hitherto did not see eye to eye, will cling to each
other in the short term to somehow survive the BJP onslaught. The academician
now termed it as their political trump card. The ideals shift, more so off the
common man.
The BJP getting a
bitter political pill that will cure it of its paranoid political fever to colour India
politically in just one colour!
This is what had happened in Delhi assembly elections.
Congress, communists, Janta Dal, Bahujan Samaj Party, and many others, all
allowed their vote bank to go under AAP's fold. Result! Defeat of the mighty! India is strangely unified in teasing diversities. Those who accommodate
these divisions survive, and those who cross age-old barriers will come against
unified opposition from various groups. Lesson is learnt: You cannot afford to
neglect friendly regional forces. Having regional partners is a sign of your
strength and legitimacy, not weakness. It is not for nothing that America that
can singlehandedly wage war against the whole world, still keeps small
contingents of troops from friendly small countries. It adds to the legitimacy
of its actions.
The professor reproached the bigger
world of the bigger stage-masters who managed things in such a way that the real,
capable and honest people lose their rights to contest elects.
Do not outgrow
your skin to appear mythological. People like small characters on the real
stage of life. Bollywood has saturated their desire to have super-powered
Another factor that has
put the BJP in a shady zone is the few personas emerging all powerful and
manipulative. It makes a party look aloof from common man, creates
apprehensions, puts it in a too lofty position at which the common man looks
with insecurity. Hope Modi, Shah, Rajnath and Gadkari pull strings in more
subtle ways, instead of making it evident in high profile posturing in media.
Let the BJP, the party, be at the forefront at least in media! We can have more pictures of development works
accomplished by the BJP, and lesser full-framed robust pictures of arrogant
Shah walking majestically after press conferences. He can continue with his
string-pulling from behind the scenes, but it should not be evident in media.
Amit Shah is also becoming too predictable in that he goes for religious polarisation.
He has to pull his strings differently now, and without high profile posturing
in media.
People want to stay secular in the
country, at least those who are not politically ambitious.
educated part of the Indian population is outright against religious rhetoric
and extremist talk and posturing. Have administrators in your cabinet. Saffron
clad jingoistic sadhus and sadhvis can catapult venom from other
platforms, but if they do it from the ministerial positions, then even much-appeased,
ancient Hindu Gods would not save you from the modern day public’s new anger.
The class that recruits khaki-clad, stick-wielding fake soldiers should be made
to understand that they can serve mother India at the practical level and spare
hypothetical verbal jingoism and sloganeering to the politicians. If the blood
has not been allowed to be boiled down to a sufficient degree in their veins
post-independence by the Nehruvian ice, they can get it further boiled up and
as the true sacrificing Indians can send their own sons to army and dedicate
their lives to remove darker shades from the people’s lives. There are billions
of things to be done by the hands; we can lead our lives without their
tongue-work. Already the dress is damn funny. It needs to be changed. Legs are
too thin, the shorts too wide. And it will help the nature if sticks are
old professor was tired after the fusillade. He was even feeling scared. This
time from the different side!
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