oftentimes mistake their insecurities, lust, possessiveness and ego as love.
You look for perfection, as per your expectations, in your relationships. It
blocks your vision. You then look sideways to blame the externals around you.
You shout at people, call them names and blame them for your discomforting
situation in life.
Ego is an
illusion that creates a false identity preventing you from coming face to face
with the real self. And from the false chambers you cannot be a loving person.
You have to nail down the culprit. You have to be vigilant. You have to observe
it closely. Mere observation will help you come out of its trap. The moment you
come out of the dark room of ego, humility, modesty and respect for others will
sprout forth. And that is where the sun called love dazzles with its
life-transforming warmth.
Now let us come down to the funny
game of breaking the walls that don't even exist. A very small and practical key
that can unlock and set the love code free to sparkle in your life.
start with the body. It’s not a wall, this body, separating the world outside
that our illusionary ego, the sense of ‘I’ makes us believe, exclusively
separating the self from the other. The stronger the feeling, the bigger is the
illusion. And, as a direct result, lesser is the scope of love and compassion
to blossom.
are no separating walls. They appear so on account of the conditioned mind and
the limited perceptions, thanks to our sense organs that interpret the
fragmented parts perceivable to them in the forms of touch, taste, feelings,
appearances and shapes at certain frequencies. The latter are nothing but
concentrations of energies at particular frequencies. Otherwise, it is the same
cosmic energy, vibrating, evolving, transforming in endless chains. It’s
nothing but an ever-existing evolution, with balancing counterpoints all along
the way. The apparent creation and destruction, the dualities, are nothing but
the balancing acts as the cosmic design unfolds. You can compare it to a
pole-wielding rope-walker. The movement is onwards, but at each step the pole
sways between the dualities to manage the balance and ensure the movement
let’s start with the cemented identities of the separation of the self from the
big scheme out there. At least accept that there are windows in the wall.
Accept that it’s not an unbreakable stone wall around your flesh and bones.
Open the windows and let the light flood in. By taking windows as walls, we
just keep on piling a crust of illusions around our apparently exclusive self.
Then it becomes a fortress, created and cemented solidly by the mind. A dark,
sooty psychological crust around the self. It’s a narrow, confined world of
insecurities, jealousy, self-centeredness, hate and complexes. The things that
should hardly matter become life-defining parameters. Under the tar of
illusions, our real self, our real potential, our gateway to success, plus
peace, lies dormant in the dark.
crust becomes too hard. But its brittleness increases with its thickness with
the passage of time, as our age and experience tell us later. It is bound to
crack. And when it does, we feel the pain. Our assumptions of happiness and
success turn out to be flimsy and childish. It seems we just ran after a
mirage. No wonder we die in pain and agony.
guys start hammering down the crust. Practice opening the windows in the
illusionary wall. Let the light pour in. It’s there, everywhere, the real you,
with your potential of greatness and peace. As much as you pursue dreams in a
competing world, return home to your real self in the evening for rest and
repose. That is your root, the real origin. Nourish it. Leaves, branches and
trunk are important. But these are the manifestations of the potential of your
roots that lie there in the soil of unity and totality of one universal energy
going on and on in countless transformations, following the same laws in different
transformations at each stage. So nourish your roots to the real self. The
branches will be sturdy, the leaves healthy and shiny. And the biggest reward,
the best takeaway, falls in your basket. It’s the fruit of love. It’s the
certificate of self-authentication. It’s the degree of coming home to realize
your essential loving nature.
Go and
embrace the tree near you. It is the same energy, utilizing the five primal
matters like yours, manifesting its tree form at a slightly different frequency
than yours.
As Victor Hugo says, “Life is the
flower for which love is the honey.”
To have a taste of the ultimate
sweetness, you have to come out of the self-imposed prison. If you have become
too habituated to target enemies, if that is what fuels your journey to achieve
targets, then target your own ego first. The biggest enemy is nearest, within your
own self. Come on, first at least acknowledge its presence. Observe its tricks
objectively. You will soon realize the hollow foundations of this phantom
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