Tom T. Hall: “I'm a very comfortable
and happy-go-lucky old man. I never wanted to be great, because I'd just get
A certain level of smiling
level-headedness makes you a relaxed, anxiety-free and fun-loving guy. Well,
for that you have to contrive your happy-go-lucky image in your own ways.
Please don't get carried away by people's birth-time entitlements.
Happy-go-lucky attitudes are raised up instead of the inheritance, entitlements
and attitudes we are born with.
Don't go by the meaning in letter as
somebody cheerfully unconcerned about future. The mere fact of unconcerned
cheerfulness makes you easy-going. This is not to make you overtly carefree and
casual, nor is it to instill devil-may-care attitude. It's a benevolent
light-heartedness. We only know of one type of concernedness, and that is
chronic. But there is an untroubled mild concernedness that allows you a smile
on your face instead of a painful frown as you slog it out in life.
Enjoy your healthy nonchalance. It's
basically about the right proportions. They say, even nectar in larger amount
is more dangerous than poison. And poison in right amount can be more
beneficial than nectar. So look at these adjectives carefully. In due amount
they hold the key to a great contended self and hence a loving persona. So
enjoy being lazy and laid back in little amounts. They save your engine from
getting burnt out prematurely. Believe me, they ward off whole lot of distress
and confusion.
The adventure and fun of life
decrease in proportion to the distance between the point of your craziest,
wildest urge of your heart and instincts on the one hand and the low point
where you chose to be, driven, rather checked, by your fears, overvaluation,
inhibition and assumptions, all of which stopped you from saying 'yes' to the
moment and the choice that had all the possibilities to change your life
Never underestimate the consequences
of your endeavors. A butterfly flapping its wings in Africa is linked to the causes
that drive a furious hurricane in America. So no action is small, only our
fears and insecurities turn it puny, belittled piece of failure.
Coming back to the choice that could
have seen you soaring up on a sunny journey at the highest height, but which
you missed through over-analysis and chose to crawl on earth, cursing yourself
at every step over the so called missed opportunities. Long after that choice
is gone, and you cast a helpless look at the sweeping miles between where you
could have reached if you had the guts to say 'yes' to your heart and the poor
point where you chose to be, you just can't help but find life almost
Destiny isn't a cheater altogether.
There are moments passing through our lives when, with only a little bit of
daring 'yes' we can change the entire course of our lives. Say ‘yes’ to the
liveliest, loudest, craziest and wildest cooing of your heart. If not the
destination (and there is no destination by the way), you will love the journey
for sure.
A little stroll impregnated with
your heart's consent is far more substantial than hundreds of miles of sweating
run if you have forced yourself into it. Those miles after miles are not the
rewards to your self-punished self. It becomes a punishment for not being true
to yourself.
Listen to your heart, shut off all over-haggling
by your mind that is tricking you by forcing you to compare and belittle your
worth through the scales of others’ journeys. You need to have your own scale
to measure the worthiness of your journey, how many miles you have to go, to
what pace, availing how many stopovers and many more.
Use others' scales and all you do is
just self-fuck at the cost of lot of pain to your ass. So we always have
the option of being a happy-go-lucky person instead of a self-fucking moron.
And unlimited love is always lurking around such a self-made happy-go-lucky
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