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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)

Friday, May 6, 2022

Life: A Virtual Bubble of Consciousness born of Matter/Energy Transformations


As per the classical mechanistic model of physics, they assumed this universe to comprise matter and empty space beyond. This approach was basically born of looking at things in exclusivity, strictly defined by separate boundaries, i.e., end of one and the start of the other. But if things were so exclusive, how would the lumps of matter scattered in the universe interact, and get into a transformative process, across the barriers of empty space in between?

Further researches convinced the scientists of the existence of a zone of interaction, the buffer zone floating between matter and emptiness (as they visualized space then) in the form of electromagnetic and gravitational forces in the empty space. The latter were taken as mere ripples (or effects) of the matter floating in the emptiness of space.

Then the quantum scientists went ‘within’ and more and more ‘within’ into the supposed solid, indestructible wombs of particles. Layers after layers of the once solid particles were peeled off, only to land at flashes of energy at the far end. The solid matter turned out to be mere clumps of energy. More importantly, the empty space, hitherto supposed to be the medium for electromagnetic radiation and force of gravity (presumed mere effects of matter) turned out to be the same extension of the quantum field, which manifests as matter in the areas of high energy clumps. So it leaves us with one entity: a quantum field where energy is getting transformed cyclically.

So now it’s accepted that it’s just singular energy field involving infinite lot of virtual interchanges of subatomic particles giving rise to cosmic blizzards. An infinite potentiality of transformations and cyclical handovers from one state to another, just change, no give, no take, no loss, no gain. It’s merely a recurring makeover of energy in the universe in which the apparent matter (in the form of dense cluster of energy) simply happens to be a transitory stage. The present cycle of the universe began with the big bang to continue expanding till the big implosion, the cosmic crunch, only to go round and round like an endless journey along a circle. Simply a cosmic heart beat, with the beat interval of billions of years.

Like an infinite circle is composed of little series of straight lines, similarly this cosmic multidimensionality also comprises definite patterns of linearity, not in the strict sense of straight lines but in the definiteness and specificity of patterns. A circle is merely a clump of numerous straight lines across its periphery. Similarly, the cyclical transformation of energy in this mammoth circle cannot just go randomly. Its basic building blocks have linear patterns in the directions of evolution.

Suppose there is rainfall on the slopes of a mountain. Under the law of gravitation, the water has to flow down. It cannot move up or stay where it lands. So gravity is the superior law defining this particular process. It has to flow down or at least retain its tendency to flow down if there is some obstruction. In that case, the tendency takes the form of potential energy. So each and every ounce of this existence is simply a manifestation of one energy transforming into the other. The moment water moves down, the potential energy changes to kinetic energy, which goes into changing into many types of actions that are a result of the movement of water.

Now raindrops fall randomly. However, the process later on cannot remain on the same scale of arbitrariness. Here things acquire a shape. The water coming down acquires stability over a period of time after the initial moments of chance and arbitrariness handed over by the falling rain. It stops at obstructions, takes recourse and very soon, without any choice and prejudice, as per the supreme law of self-sustained spontaneity, establishes a little water channel. Many such individual channels make a rivulet, and many rivulets go into making a mainstream, which cuts its valley where its initial turbulence is changed into an effortless flow in a broad winding stream during the mature and old age.

Same is the course of flow of energy streams in the forms of apparent matter (clumps of energy at specific frequencies). The supreme law is that the net energy is zero, and to have zero you can have countless, infinite plus and minus components, balancing out each other for a zero net result, like at each stage you add and subtract the same amount. You are at liberty to have infinite interplays. So under the supreme law, it has to flow in cyclical transformations. Visualize a circle and try moving your finger on its periphery. There is a journey without end till you get tired. However, your getting tired or losing interest in continuing with the job is no benchmark to set up an ‘end’ to the journey. The path still stays with its potential for infinite movement.

With our limited sense perception, we have a linear, fragmented view of things and phenomena. To make things tangible to us, we need to have a straight line of cause and effect, a simplifying linearity, which presents a convenience to help us in running our tiny world. However, in a cyclical transformation, the movement is endless without net loss or gain. It’s the same set of energy moving on and on. The apparent diversity of the matter is simply due to the existence of different frequencies on the path of transformation.

Now this energy also cannot transform randomly. It has to develop a pattern over a period of time, just like water falling as raindrops over a slope cannot flow randomly forever and finally acquires suitable channels given the geography. Its freedom to flow under the force of gravity also gives it a duty to acquire a definite pattern over a period of time, so that it adapts to the platform of its action, that is, the terrain, and becomes one of the parts in the holistic scheme of self-sustaining ecosystem. Similarly, the energy transforming itself under the supreme law of cyclical transformation acquires a shape, a pattern, a design, a specificity, or a definiteness with the passage of time. Like the random drops acquire an order in the form of stable channel over a period of time, this consciousness evolving through matter/energy transformations in a particular direction turns into a recognizable entity, a flow, a spontaneity.

The flow of matter/energy in one particular direction gets a distinct shape in the form of individual species of animals, trees, birds, reptiles and much more. Take for example Homo-sapiens. It’s merely a flow of matter/energy in this precise direction that has acquired a particularity after cutting down its path through the choiceless spadework on the terrain of creation. The choicelessness itself hands over the reward, where it appears like there is some freedom of flow in a well set course.

In the case of humans, the flow of this matter/energy over the path of its passage has ingrained certain characteristics, just like it has for any other species. That repetition, that linear ease for a smooth passage, gets imbibed as the genetic pool in the DNA to give rise to a species, a temporary but tangible part in the passage. The milestone but stands notified as a species. Most importantly, selfless love is the propelling force behind the emergence of this species-specific distinct course. If you have and doubts, kindly closely study the extent of parental care undertaken by each and every living being to ensure the survival of their little ones on this planet. You will understand what I mean!

These millions and millions of distinct courses in the form of manifestations of energy, apparently linear, are the constituents of the big circle of nothingness. However, in this ever-shifting play, the evolution of a definiteness, the cementing of its course, facilitated by the so called gene pool, is tangible as a species- or genre-specific collective consciousness primarily. It defines broad identities like humans, birds, animals, reptiles, etc. The simple fact is that in one particular direction, the flow of matter/energy allows the pathway, like the water channel does for the random drops of rain, for the propagation of a particular species. The overall, tendency that allows this choiceless emergence of such patterns is the cosmic consciousness. The supreme awareness facilitating the establishment of patterns in continuous flow is the ultimate law.

Now just like water in the collective consciousness of an established course, i.e., river, comprises many water molecules, the collective consciousness of a particular species also comprises numerous, individual particles of consciousness. Again under the simple law: the whole is just an assortment of parts; the part is merely a miniature of the whole. So the individual consciousness also ingrains its identifiable characteristics within the collective pool of that particular stream. In humans we call it the karmic imprint. It’s an assortment of the processes and stages passed in the early stages of the journey experienced by one individual consciousness.

Like a well-established river course is not inclined to take a sudden recourse, the divine momentum in an individual consciousness also makes it inclined to retain its course. Particular consciousness is just the set of an individual course within the collective course of a particular species, the latter itself being an individual consciousness within the super-sea of cosmic consciousness. It’s the self-evolving program running the hardware of energy transformation processes.

These countless strands of individual and collective consciousness, comprising the overall cosmic consciousness, are mere virtual fuel-tanks facilitating the cyclical transformations of energy. Where does the feeling of being human, the set of our seven sins and the set of so called positives at the levels of emotions, stand in these energy transformations? Take a small example. A neighborhood woman has very nice emotions for my mother. She sees my mother outside the house and as usual having a good feeling for my mother shows concern for the wild growth there. She has seen a snake there, she tells. This information is born of her concern for my mother’s safety.

I catch the notes of care, concern and fear. I decide to go out once their chat is over. Yea, there is wild growth. The snake must also have been there. But where will poor snakes go if not in wild growth? This earth itself was a big clump of wild growth. However, we have turned it into a well-managed house. Where is the place for lesser species in mankind’s well-decorated house?

Anyway, there is something more important here as I cast an apprehensive look. I have been thinking of planting peepal and banyan plants for some time. I have even sown seeds for it. No germination. A huge disappointment. What comes most easily to nature becomes almost an impossible project for us. Lo, I see a small peepal there. My day is made, I feel so happy. A beautiful emotion born of care and concern in a woman triggers my little walk to the place and I see the most holy plant in Hindu and Buddhist system of belief.

A bird ate a fruit somewhere and dropped its bird-drop and there grows the uncared peepal, which won’t grow despite best of my efforts with the help of internet research. Her good emotion for my mother sets in motion a chain of events that will help in a story that started with a bird eating a fruit to the planned replanting of a nice tree and my emotions born of my individual consciousness involved in between. Isn’t the so called ‘individual consciousness’ merely a virtual fuel to facilitate the cyclical transformation of energy around us? 

Like I have hit a jackpot, I retrieve the gems from an abandoned, broken flower pot in a mossy corner overgrown with wild grass and weeds. With the rascally muse of a treasure hunter, I salvage these two tiny Peepal tree saplings from the disused flower pot overgrown with bunch grass and weeds. Here I scurry like a squirrel to plant them safely in separate sapling containers to nurture them till they become boys from infants and then give them the freedom to grow wild and manly.

You try your level best to grow Peepal from seeds. The odds are always against success, at least to an amateur gardener like me. I have experienced it to a salty taste on my tongue, the taste of failure. However, a bird eats some fruit somewhere and eases its bird-drop here in the flower pot. By the way, it must have been attracted by the little patch of wilderness. Guys, here I am going to claim my share in the scheme of things because my proneness to let things take their course, without poking my nose too much into it, must have played a big part in the evolution of this untidiness here. The birdie adventurer must have come to eat grass seed or some little insect lost in the deep forest. Then finding it a safe corner, eases itself also. That's how mother existence creates its pathways for its march.

How does our individual consciousness become a channel for this pattern's evolution? As we have already discussed that the streamlined awareness across a particular trail lays down the path for the evolution of species, phenomenon and various forms of matter. Most of the times, our emotions, born of the interplay of our consciousness and the external world around, become facilitator for this evolving pattern.

I like gardening, so I create a bit of space for the expansion of universe in my little corner. I am also prone to see things going on their free way. It thus creates the space for a small circle of wilderness in a corner where it won't be otherwise. Further, this little space of wilderness gives a pathway to mother existence to sow a seed of potentiality, which is filled up by a bird's dropping. The prospect grows within the small confines of a disused flower pot. Now from this point, it's someone's emotion that will help it in moving towards the next hierarchy of evolution. Like I take the saplings from the abandoned pot and replant them separately. They need tending like little infants. Again awareness and emotions fuel that care and prospects. These will be then replanted in the wild.

The beauty of being humans is that we can consciously create positive pathways for mother existence to move forward on its march. Guys, choose to be aware and conscious of creating a positive pathway for the bigger benefit of all. That is why we have been given this ability of being aware of our consciousness by mother existence. Create space for universe to expand positively. Love is the ladder to the destination!

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