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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Help the Feminine Flower to Ultimate Love-blooms


Jewel Parker Rhodes: “Prejudice is sinful. All blood flows red. And the most harmful and foolish kind of prejudice is prejudice against yourself. Every woman is your sister, and every woman needs her sisters. So try to give other women the courtesy of your compassion, respect, and forgiveness. Love yourself despite - and because of - your flaws.”

Well this world will become such a beautiful place if women have more love among themselves. Given their natural entitlement in caring and sharing for biological reproduction, they can bring the art of love to perfection. Unfortunately, there is a tendency among women to shower love and affection on the male half of humanity and keep lots of scorn for their own species. With this slight alignment to channelize a bit of female love in their own quarters, the power of feminine love can heal humanity, unifying many a divisive fronts. It has the possibility of remaking a society on better lines.

Rumi: “Woman is a ray of God. She is not that earthly beloved: she is creative, not created.”

Women have almost unlimited scope to exercise compassion. High time they realize their infinite worth. A woman is a bouquet of sensuality, opulence, elegance, insight, caution, splendor and humility. Don’t you think they are the best masters for the alchemy of love?

Socrates says, “Once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior.”  

In order to explore the possibility of love among women, first we have to redefine the meaning of violence. Do you think violence is basically about breaking heads, firing bullets, stabbing knives, blood, wounds, injuries, sticks and guns etc., etc.? Please give me some company for some revision if you think so. To me the most dangerous form of violence is within, in the mind in the form of ideas, emotions and thoughts. What we see in the form of broken heads and mangled bodies is just an outcome, a portion, of the volcano of violence within, in ideas, thoughts, emotions and reflections.

Do you think, given man’s penchant for expression of violence in physical form, man is more violent than woman? Please stay with me for some more moments if you believe so. Like they are suitable competitor to man in every field presently, women may not be less in violence as well, if not exactly in the bloodied form, but certainly in the intensity of the violence within, the scheming volcano that smolders over the years. And then bursts suddenly.

The coy, dove-eyed slaughterer! Quite unfortunately, the victims are fellow women predominantly. It’s more so in conservative, traditional societies. In the ghettoized social space, where women are left suffocating for freedom, violence brews up a very nasty cocktail. It’s like hen fighting within the shitty cage. They cannot come out, so they fight among themselves. The historic sense of revenge accumulates and pours out to seek a target. As is the natural law, it seeks a soft target, and who is a softer target than a dependent woman in a conservative ghetto. Often it’s dirtier than a bloody fight. Nothing can match the violence of a female for her fellow species in traditional societies. It’s about revenge, plotting and scheming. All these define a cycle of self-annihilation.

In most of the crimes related to death, dowry and divorce in arranged marriages, the plot is hatched and aided by females. No wonder, the victim of a violent female mind is another woman. The remedy lies in setting them free, a free run out of the cage of tradition and convention. The women on the open platform of life are less violent in life. Or at least this is what I think. Look at the Western societies where women are suitably empowered. You have minimal cases of females unleashing violence on their own gender.

It will help in harnessing the left out love potential of humanity. It has the capacity to reshape civilizations that have turned out to be deeply scarred. Love among women themselves is the remedy for the bruised times.

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