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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Love your Duties to Retain your Footing


Our duties, responsibilities and commitment are the roots that keep the tree of freedom and rights standing. The tree of rights falls without the roots of duties. Read the constitutions anywhere in the world and you will realize what I mean.

Loving one's job and many other duties is a huge step in self improvement. You hardly realize when you step over from the small stage of individual duties to general to universal responsibility. I call this sprout of love. Love sprouts.

The weeds of hate and anger are growing too rapidly. Don't we need more and more love sprouts? Once you start loving your commitments, gone is the discontent, brighter turns the light inside, and happier you are. Love is the destination where one can enter from so many alleys open on all sides.

Phillips Brooks says, “Happiness is the natural flower of duty.” Even George Washington found happiness and moral duty inseparably connected.

Your sense of responsibility fuels your flight of independence. The ability to respond (responsibility) is the price you have to pay to achieve your own type of grand greatness. The more your sense of responsibility, the lesser you are prone to blame others. With less blame in your heart, and lesser grudges, there will be more reasons to smile and accept others as they are.

All the talk of universal brotherhood, love and sense of responsibility are incomplete without your own contribution, your love for your responsibilities. And mind you, privileges, responsibility and opportunity are part of the same system. They sustain each other. You just cannot have one of them and stay happy. Not sustainable man. 

Seen the fate of a free kite? It falls man. A stringed kite is better than a free flier. Any day.

We can fly and rise higher only if we are tied to certain responsibilities and commitments; our freedom-lorn spirit tamed to an extent by tolerable social conventions, individual values, family setup, the sweet-sour tides in our offices, etc. But most of the time we find it as a drag on our real enjoyment of life. We just feel how great life would be without all such irritating stuff of the mundane life. But guys tell me, can a stringless kite fly? The kite flies because there is a string pulling it down to help it rise higher in the sky. It also tries to negate the limitations set up by the string. It shakes its head in negation. OK! No issues. It has every right to create a scene. But tell me, what happens when its dream to be string-free become true? It just takes a few ecstatic circles in air and falls onto the ground. Those free swirls of its dreams prove to be its death dives.

We are the stringed kites fella. We fly and rise high only because our destructive passions and straying traits are tamed and tied to a string. So love your commitments, your responsibilities, and your struggles for small-small things in life. The moment you love and like the stage on which you slog out to carve out the things that define your life, everything turns loveable. Try it. A very simple cause and effect phenomenon.

Love and liking go a long way together on the synonym path. Increase you quota of likings for the things that define your personal and professional lives. You will be free to harvest your love crop under the beneficent sun of your heartfelt likings. All the best!

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