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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Catch a Big Fish of Love with the Tiny Bait of a Small Generous Deed


Next time you have some doubt about the value of a small coin, a single tear of empathy in the eyes and a feeble smile at a stranger who may need it, you better revaluate the potency of these tiny chisels in shaping a whole mountain of love.

Forget whether your small coin will change the life of that person or not. All you need is a big heart and genuine sympathy. A coin given with respect to a fellow human being is far-far more valuable than a hundred rupee bill given with some traces of scorn on the face. The lesser fortunate will feel the humanism behind your gesture and reciprocate in equal measure.

Many times the dilemma arises. Is it possible to do a good deed in part? Or goodness requires the completion of a cause? Just because most of us are incapable to see through our act of beneficence to its destination, is it justified not to take that littlest of step that may keep the chances still alive for someone in need?

Your mere stopping by somebody, who has fallen on his/her path, may fuel a determination to get up again; your comforting hand on some sulking shoulder may strengthen the muscles to take up the challenge again; your soft word of comfort may reignite the fire in someone’s vocal chords to vent out fiery battle song again; your tear may absorb someone’s gloomy sea of sorrow allowing a faint smile of life to surface again; your little step may lay the foundation stone for someone’s long march to success. Think over it.

So crux of the matter is: just be there with your minimum offer of help for a cause larger than yourself. We are not here to become the Gods of charity; we are here to be just normal human beings. And having a heart a bit bigger than what we have at present is what greatness is all about. So everybody can have a shot at greatness. Free for all game! Isn’t it?

I can remember a scene. In the smoky, suffocating traffic chaos, a small natural phenomenon was crying for attention. It was Delhi at it busiest peak. A congested, well trampled road with vehicles after vehicles hurtling with noise and exhaust fumes. Horns angrily baulked. A 2 ft road divider separated the mad rush in opposite directions. And there she was with her bundle of plight. A female dog with her tummy full of just-to-be delivered puppies.

She was desperately digging a hole to lie down for the moment of creation. Metropolitan claws hardly leave space for the so called lesser species of nature. However, these can catch any of us in any possible testing situation by the way. So kindly don’t feel too secure and confident on account of your homo-sapiens status.

The unconcerned world was just speeding away. We miss so many misdeeds born of our mindless development. Guys at least watch, if you cannot get out of your car. Feel sorry for our collective sins and apathy. Take a sip of guilt for our mindless pursuits on the path of so called development. And try to feel the plight of these lesser species on earth who hardly stand any chance to survive in the imbalanced man-manipulated scheme of things.

Only this much of sentiment will provide a slim lease of life to the human soul in you. And if you manage a bit of moisture, it will absolve you of many a sin. Who knows even this much of selfless feeling for a creature in plight may douse the tinderbox in your life ticking to explode. Who knows the matchstick ready to strike the petrol of frustration inside, setting your life ablaze, may get doused under the teary moisture of this emotion.

Long before your good emotions and intentions affect someone else, they start doing the good work for your own self. So guys, don’t just avoid your eyes from the scene of plight, face your guilt, allow your sadness to strike at your conscience, look at it eye to eye. It’s a sacred start.

Washington Irving: “There is sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.”

Draw you moral from the quote.  

It makes you a better human being, believe me. And how will you proceed to get into the world of action, unless and until you observe and feel, unless you become aware. Having your eyes and heart open to the miseries out there is not a waste of time. It’s as good as digging a foundation in your conscience on which you will take concrete steps to erect the structure of your remedial action, your selfless contribution, in future.

So all the good folks out there, keep your eyes open as you plod in the arena of life and living. Most of the time, we just overlook simply to avoid the pinprick from the conscience that we looked and felt helpless not to do anything. No dear brothers and sisters, this is not the solution. Apathy is a cloak we wear to hide our own shame from our real judgmental self that sternly watches us long before it does others.

So practice to be aware of the problems and bundles of miseries lying around. All things have an incubation period. And awareness is the incubation period of goodness. You become aware by observation, not avoiding eyes. Just by being aware of the plight of people, animals and trees around, you groom your loving self. So will you start now?

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