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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)

Friday, August 16, 2019

The ultimate cocoon of the penultimate camouflage caterpillar

Case moth, a camouflage caterpillar, on its leaf eating sortie on my guava. This chap makes a silken cocoon around it and attaches tiny twigs around it. And then moves like a little cylindrical wagon of firewood. Amazing. But of course poor leaves have a different tale to tell. Well, he should not be deprived of such hardworked breakfast, lunch, brunch and dinner all put on the same plate. Babblers though happen to have this feaster on their own lunch table. The cantankerous kings of the quarrelsome birdie world, make lot of noise while undoing the protective wood wagon and gather their own food from something which was gathering from someone else. So now the case moth has a sorry tale to tell. Ask the babbler. It definitely will have many of the same genre to tell. Well, this sad touch in the story is simply our mental projection created relatively to a so called happy touch. Beyond our mental  projections, there are simply stories in nature, cyclically interweaving their threads to make one singular entity, the ultimate case moth, the final camouflage...

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