Of late, flavored condoms have hit sales to the ceilings in West Bengal’s Durgapur. The students have gone berserk. It should be encouraged if they are using contraceptives. But here poor condom is used not for love-making nasha. It’s used for a dangerous intoxication. It contains aromatic compounds that produce alcohol on breaking down. Condoms are soaked in hot water for long hours and the booze is ready. Once consumed it produces scores of health hazards but they are unseen and wait till they strike down the system. But for the time being they give a high and that’s what matters for the short-sighted modern generation.
up in the eighties, we did free advertisements for the newly launched Nirodh.
We inflated them to full size and left them floating in the air. The big
balloons floated and scandalously spread the message of family control in the
conservative society. But we had hardly any clue to the slap-stick
advertisement. The elders gave scandalized, embarrassed looks. So in a way we
carried free publicity for birth control on behalf of health and family welfare
department. But most of the farmers were greedily griping misers as far as
pleasure, the sole form of entertainment at night, was concerned. They won’t
budge and give away the tiniest slice of pleasure by using the free-selling
contraceptives. They found the thin barrier thicker than palace ramparts.
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