One of my favorite slokas in गीता. To be stable like a stone in the fluttering petals of life. To be stationary even while walking and running. To be silent even when speaking. To be the immovable chetna as the screen of mind plays the interesting film of life. To be the emptiness inside all that appears solid and filled up. To just 'be' among all the waves of 'becoming' surging around. To be beyond creation and destruction, life and death even in a battlefield. To firmly hold the reins of the horses of sense perception as the chariot goes over the ground smattered with blood, gore and corpses of the mundane survival game. To be the spotless blue above and beyond the shifting shapes of clouds.To be alive and dead at the same time with each inhalation and exhalation.
The posts on this blog deal with common people who try to stand proud in front of their own conscience. The rest of the life's tale naturally follows from this point. It's intended to be a joy-maker, helping the reader to see the beauty underlying everyone and everything. Copyright © Sandeep Dahiya. All Rights Reserved for all posts on this blog. No part of this blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the author of this blog.
About Me

- Sufi
- Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (
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