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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)

Monday, October 31, 2022

The Croakings of an Old Toad -- 4

 Another war and the same age-old suffering of the innocent people. The spring is bleeding in Europe. Some people can still laugh in the face of such tragedies because their shamelessly open jaw is safe from the missiles that are falling on innocent people. Imagine just a favourable geography turns people so insensitive to the sufferings of others. Beyond ideologies and geographical distances, our heart should bleed for the suffering of the innocent people.

The bad boys of authoritarianism have started punching now. Now Xi Jinping will definitely feel emboldened to do the same in Taiwan, taking inspiration from Putin. Sad days ahead! All I can do is to pray for the innocent people in Ukraine.

Sharing an ‘abstain from vote’ status with China at the UN, on a resolution involving the grossest violation against democratic principles, where the territorial integrity of a sovereign country has been violated, by the largest democracy in the world is being too cautious and surely brings down our democratic status in the eyes of the world.

India should try its best in not sharing any status, even to the extent of becoming a pal in abstaining from vote at the UN, with the biggest authoritarian state that keeps nibbling at our territory. Who will help us when China will barge into Arunachal Pradesh? If somebody thinks Putin will help us keep our nationalistic hyperbole then it’s a gross miscalculation. Further, no geostrategic need should be allowed to dilute the fundamentals of Indian democracy. Abstention from the UN resolution against the Russian invasion of Ukraine is critically unbecoming of a responsible champion of democracy.

Bloodshed has no justification, neither in the past nor now. Groupism and ideologies are mental constructs of collective fear and greed. Will it ever end? When the civilized and the educated people see things in terms of ‘they did it so I do the same’, there is no hope for humanity. Let’s at least condemn violence against innocent people. Every peace-loving person on earth should say no to war in Ukraine. We are small voices but we can put our views on our social media platforms. Little sinewy tributaries make mighty rivers. Our feeble voices will turn the tide against authoritarianism.

On a positive note, about 600,000 Russian people have signed a petition against the war in Ukraine. That speaks the truth. They are the angels of peace! Despite the routine state propaganda, they don’t see it as a matter of nationalistic pride. They see it as a tragedy. And that’s how it should be taken by the outsiders as well. This is a war for the ambition of the few rather than the Russian people. It’s Putin’s war, not Russian war.

As most of us beat and sharpen our own egos on the anvil of pro or against EU - NATO debate, we forget the smaller tragedies of common lives. Strong opinions are huge ego pacifiers, so much so that even the people in distant lands derive a sense of worth through them.

I am a small-time poet and my truth isn’t shaped by the huge hyperboles of ideologies and geostrategic jargon. I am not bothered about bigger bombs of rhetoric. I feel the pain of ordinary lives like me. I look at the conflict from the tiny, tragic sight of a little kid cycling on the road and then being blown to pieces in an instant. A little life snuffed out amidst wagging tongues, bombardment of ideologies and falling bombs.

My mind also tries to influence me, giving me very strong thoughts about this group and that. But then there is a soft murmur in the heart against wars and bloodshed. Don’t allow this tiny sparkle of humanism to be quelled within your breast. That’s the only hope for the imperilled humanity and your individual salvation. Pray for the common lives and condemn war unequivocally wherever it is.

This isn’t Russian invasion of Ukraine. It’s merely Putin’s invasion. An authoritarian ruler can’t represent the will of his people. He grabs power. People haven’t given him power. An overwhelming majority of Russians are against this war. Let’s hope the war doesn’t aggravate further and doesn’t burn even the wild spring flowers after snuffing out the dreams of the millions of Ukrainians.


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