Hasn't the creation got an instinct for ‘carrying the burden’
ingrained very deeply in its fabric? There is an everlasting pull for expansion
and more complexity. How can we avoid complexity of life then? Going against
the primal instinct is a sort of reverse engineering. This is the evolutionary
challenge. A kind of lavitation instead of gravitation. Fording the river. The
ultimate salvation. The cessation of the urge to pull the burden and still be
joyful. A state where every burden transforms into bliss.
The ant is pulling a dead carpenter ant. Its load is
hundreds of times bigger than the puller. Pull your burden little lady. But
don't forget to rest under the shade of the fragrant roses on the way. They are
as meaningful as the weight you pull. And the journey turns joyful if you pause
and greet the flowers on the way. And don't forget to acknowledge the presence
of thorns on the path as well. Just be careful of them as they have their
meaning also. They are there to help you watch your step and avoid a fatal
fall. A bit of pinch now and then serves its purpose because it maybe avoids a
fatal fall in the long run.
Slow down please! Pick up a dry leaf and take out the
carpenter ant that has got into the toilet seat. I sometimes rescue even house
flies and mosquitoes. They will be a nuisance, one may say. But the chance to
be a saviour is too big a reward for such deterring considerations. I try to
keep my foot on a hold as a beetle crosses, or a skink crawls away, or a frog
hops away. I know a tread of caution is for my own benefit. It will save me
from a fall sometime in future. If you learn to not walk over insects and
beetles on the way, you will surely escape the thorns and potholes of life that
come your way. If you can rescue an insect or bug of your dislike from a
basket, basin or drain, you are prepared to forgive people.
These tiny acts of salvage hone the spirit of
sympathy, love and care in you. They blunt the edge of apathy and neglect that
sees us turning a blind eye to so many unbecoming things around us, where we
can bring a positive change without creating too much turbulence in our lives.
It’s better to have a little bit of time to stop and take out a drowning
beetle. If not for this, you will hardly try to save a drowning man in future.
Goodness is a habit. It can be practiced. The vast workshop of life has so many
tiny tables for us to carry out our little experiments. To me rescuing an
elephant and saving an ant is more or less the same. That particular saviour
emotion is the main thing. So watch your step and avoid crushing insects
unnecessarily. You gain a lot from it. You learn to be careful and responsible.
Most of the times when we think we are helping others, we are in fact helping
our own selves.
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