Pre-script: Female readers kindly replace ‘She’ by ‘He’.
Gibran: She was fashioned with the gentleness of the
dove, the evasiveness of serpents, the vanity of the peacock and the cruelty of
the wolf.
Life can be tricky,
if even about the simplest issues
you are too frisky,
Prudence is to be at ease with situations and time,
Complications then wouldn't chime,
And days would pass like a free rhyme!
Poetry died a long time ago, the real poetry. Now it's
pseudo-poetry just like we abound in so many pseudos. Things stand in letter
only now, as we have slaughtered the spirit. We are lesser humane now, so our
muscled, hardened, tainted emotions fall short of conveying that unstigmatized
purity that found outlet through this great art. Sad but that's true. Change
for more complexity is inevitable. May be there were still purer times than the
pristine days of classical poetry. Maybe development is inversely proportional
to goodness.
The potted rose has surely given it all it had for
Mother Nature. Its branches droop with the sweet flowery bunch-loads of roses.
Fullest expansion is painless dissolution. Fullest being is non-being itself. A
life harnessed to the full is griefless death. Isn't a tree just mother earth
expanding and this air merely further expansion of the tree? Live and blossom
so fully that you explode with ecstasy instead of burning to painful oblivion.
And what are the fuels of this painful burning? These are the things that hold
us back, preventing our fullest expansion. Fear is the primary roadblock. It
breeds many other offshoots like anger, hate, jealousy, greed, judgements.
Smile, laugh and explode with ecstasy like this rose does!
It's a wonderful symmetry of spider web among the
guava leaves. In the foggy morning, it looks a beatific beady design with the
dew-strings drawn to perfection. Homosapiens please don't be too proud of what
you create. The littlest of players in the existential game create far more
complex designs in their individual capacity. Most of our creations are an
offshoot of the mankind's joint imagination and effort. What a spider does is
equivalent to one man making Eiffel tower. An ant carrying a huge dead
carpenter ant is equal to a man carrying an elephant on his head. So please let
out the extra air of pride in the stomach. All this drama around is primarily
self-manifesting. It's a series of self
emerging designs and patterns. We just hop around for some time as a tiny part
of some design in some corner.
It's a little story of 6 inches and 7 months in a
corner of the existential game. It’s a little sadabahar flower that set out to etch its destiny in a little crack
in a plastered wall about 6 feet from the ground. She was born in the killing
heat of June in this little crack in the wall. Well, one can't choose where one
lands at birth, so no point in complaining. In the killer heat she kept her
little self alive, waiting for the rains to come. There is no point in
comparing. There are plants of her species who have entire earth to themselves
and grow in feet. She but managed the best with her little crack. The rains
came. She blossomed to get her sole flower as the trophy of her passion for
life. Now the hard winters are buffeting the surroundings. There she stands
tall in her smallness, waiting patiently for one fine spring morning when the
sunrays will have enough warmth for another smile. Her few inches carrying the worth
of many feet in normal circumstances. Her sole flower carrying the gist of
fragrance and smile worth hundreds of flowers. Well, that's the hallmark of a
meaningful life: Do the best with whatever you have received to begin with.
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