There has been another
Covid-19 release, Lockdown 4.0. It is a far milder version of the previous
lockdowns. The regional satraps, the state CMs, will get the primary power to
set-up the norms in their territories.
How long people will stay
indoors, so even though cases are increasing at the rate of 5000/day to take India
precariously close to 100,000 mark, people have started venturing out. They
come out like half-excited, half-afraid toddlers. And totter gingerly like they
are learning to walk. The precautions against Corona have been crammed to the
gill in our scared brains, so they take these measures and leave the rest to
destiny. We are the most hygiene conscious generation ever in our history. Let’s
hope our clean hands get used to doing cleaner deeds. That will be the real
take away from the adversity.
Passenger trains, metro
rails and air travel still remain out of bounds, leaving people skipping and
hopping within little zones to gather the scattered sinews after the storm. In
fact, the storm is still blowing around as much earlier, but then we have to
start believing at some point that the worst is over.
The stranded migrant workers
literally revolted and pushed against the check-dam. Miserably herded sheep
leapt over the fence and go bleating out their unnoticed miseries at full
blast. You have to sing out your song of misery, otherwise nobody cares. They
have blasted out a loud chorus of their collective miseries. To them life with
or without Corona hardly makes any difference. They have hardly anything to
lose. Their fistful of identity has been blown away to nameless specks I the
dust of poverty being trampled against the running boots. So the sheep panicked
and broke the ranks as a clueless central and state governments watched
One can stay indoors is he
has something to give a sense of belonging. They hadn’t anything. Their only
identity was their native soil which they had abandoned in crisis to earn a
living. Now they remembered the kind, old mother and run helter skelter. Instead of staying hungry and jobless inside
their shanties, they set out. All governmental measures failed as they revolted
in hundreds of thousands. Many are perishing in accidents, fatigue, exhaustion
and psychological trauma. We are calculating Corona losses in infections and casualties
and monetary losses. Who will measure the indivisible un-chronicled tales of the
agony of these destitute people? They just took a leap of faith and set out on
foot to somehow reach there little hamlets and villages hundreds and even thousands
of kilometers away. Untold and unmeasured miseries!
China is as usual behaving
like the rascal bully in the class, although cornered for being caught
red-handed, threatening those who raise voice against it with tariff strikes
and flexing its military muscles at littoral little nations around South China
Sea. No need to stoop to their level in combating their menace. There is a very
simple technique of irritating the hell out of China. The communist regime has
70 years of grisly skeletons of secrecy in its ideological cupboard. Demand
facts, ask clearance of all the enigmas that they have built up. Train them in
the art of being accountable. That will be the preliminaries to democracy.
Start a worldwide movement ‘Democracy in China’. Ask them where is Panchen
Lama? Ask what happened at the Tiananmen Square. Give a voice to millions of
Chinese whose forefathers perished in concentration camps with the stigma of
the enemies of the state. There is no need to bay for human blood anymore.
Corona is sufficient for that as of now. Luckily, China and America are busy in
the cute war of firing salvos through filing law-suits. In the US, Chinese
linked researchers are being picked up for interrogation.
The US is formulating Plan
18 to beat China over Covid 19. To gain numerical superiority, it should have
been Plan 20. It involves a host of military and economic measures in alliance
with China’s neighbors to tame the rampant bully. In and around the South China
Sea, an embittered and aggrieved USA is encouraging Japan, Taiwan, South Korea,
Vietnam and India to create a stranglehold against the mighty red bully by
supplying these intimidated neighbors with most sophisticated weapons in its
kitty. Also, about 120 countries at the WHO have demanded an impartial probe
into the Corona issue in China. And how many allies China have? A few rogue
states like North Korea and Pakistan. Doesn’t it speak volumes about their
international standing?
Even India is in a position
to fire innocuous salvos at China as it gets ready to head the WHO executive
board for the next three years. Many countries are now vying for an observer
status for Taiwan at WHO meets. Ironically, those who have failed to manage the
virus, and even the one that is possibly deliberately responsible for
unleashing the pandemic, are the who’s who of the world health body, while a
small island nation that has beaten the virus fair and square through expert management
has to fight even to sit on the sidelines in the observer chair.
We Indians have huge faith
in God. Billions of rupees of holy money are lying unquestioned, untouched and
untaxed in religious trusts and organizations. Why not ask God for help? He won’t
mind blessing some liquidity to the cash-starved market!
Corona has shaken the social
fabric in remote coastal hamlets. A fishing boat is heaving lugubriously near
the coast. The fishermen are stranded as their fellow hamlet dwellers won’t
allow them to return, lest they bring Corona along with the fish. Government
has allowed strict local watch guards to take control of the affairs at the
street and locality level. In the huge maze that India is, it’s unthinkable to
manage the invisible enemy without their stern eye against any outsider in
their locality.
In a hospital, a soldier has
won a battle in an unfamiliar territory. He has beaten Corona. He is triumphant
and rightly so. He is dancing to Bhangra tunes in the hospital corridor on getting
discharged. A nurse in PPE also dances as the triumphant battle marshal to have
won it for the soldier who turned civilian in the current war. The PPE is the august
coat of armor in this war.
To give you a clue to how
things have toppled down in slope. The world’s second largest cigarette maker,
British American Tobacco claims to have made Covid 19 vaccine. Tobacco is the
leading cause of lung cancer. Does it mean people need to be saved from Corona
to die sometime from cancer? The only competition as of now is the race to
develop the first vaccine against the virus to turn gold out of the gloomy coal
mine of Corona. This is the only competitive game going on at the moment.
Corona is really helping our
security forces in managing the clamp down in Kashmir in the aftermaths of the
state’s changed status. At least here, Corona seems in league with the state to
help impose and further legitimize the curfew.
Media is now fed up with the
cumbersome ‘always righteous’ kind of reporting that we saw for the last two
three months. To be frank, media is best when there are real news and problems;
but they carry over their momentum quite funnily even when there is hardly any
real news and they create silly news with their ever-boiling reporting temperament.
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