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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Struggle + Smile: A Love Candy


As you huff, puff and frown on the slippery path of life, it appears natural to lose your smile, giving you a firm, frigid look. Naturally your loving persona takes a backseat, making you a determined, steely beast. I am not asking you to abandon your steely resolve. Just that we aren’t lifting a stone all the time to make our teeth grind with effort all the time. Don’t forget your smile fella! Always remember, there is something good at the end of it.

There is light beyond

the deepest dark depth,

There is a bright day after

the ghostly haunts of nightmarish night,

After a barren famished fight

there is a full blossomed spring delight,

After pining pangs of separation 

there is a worthy end to the desperation,

After crashing in the gutters

there is a surge and rise to bathe in holy waters,

After crying convulsions on the lips

a smile takes honeyed sips,

After the last defeat,

there is an undying urge to accomplish the feat,

Even when blind with despair,

there is hope hiding and cajoling somewhere,

Even in hate, love still lurks somewhere!

Oprah Winfrey: “Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. And your strength actually gives you a smile.”

So indirectly our struggles are the catalysts for lots of our smiles. Just that we need to remember it more often than we do otherwise. Moreover, the most generous, loving people are the ones who have won odds against struggle, pain, defeat and loss. Smiles and love are the perfume manufactured in the perfumery of hard tasks and bitter odds. Real struggle and real efforts rarely turn you bitter. At the end of it you come out a cute, loving and kind-hearted lady.

The glorious triumph of life and its meaning are defined by the hard course one has taken. Actually you earn your smiles. And earned smiles are the most genuine. They emanate from the deep pool of a loving persona. It sums up to a character of gold I tell you. Long before others tell you, your own soul will give you the big-grinned thumbs-up. After that what others think of it hardly matters. With this Godly muse, a smile will not depart from your lips. The things that you considered to be a loss, lose their meaning. They simply become redundant, like darkness loses its meaning once you have lighted the room with a small lamp.

One more thing, the hardest of an effort doesn’t sound like a struggle anymore if you retain your smile. Those who pass this test, qualify to be amazingly successful, loving people.

Help the Feminine Flower to Ultimate Love-blooms


Jewel Parker Rhodes: “Prejudice is sinful. All blood flows red. And the most harmful and foolish kind of prejudice is prejudice against yourself. Every woman is your sister, and every woman needs her sisters. So try to give other women the courtesy of your compassion, respect, and forgiveness. Love yourself despite - and because of - your flaws.”

Well this world will become such a beautiful place if women have more love among themselves. Given their natural entitlement in caring and sharing for biological reproduction, they can bring the art of love to perfection. Unfortunately, there is a tendency among women to shower love and affection on the male half of humanity and keep lots of scorn for their own species. With this slight alignment to channelize a bit of female love in their own quarters, the power of feminine love can heal humanity, unifying many a divisive fronts. It has the possibility of remaking a society on better lines.

Rumi: “Woman is a ray of God. She is not that earthly beloved: she is creative, not created.”

Women have almost unlimited scope to exercise compassion. High time they realize their infinite worth. A woman is a bouquet of sensuality, opulence, elegance, insight, caution, splendor and humility. Don’t you think they are the best masters for the alchemy of love?

Socrates says, “Once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior.”  

In order to explore the possibility of love among women, first we have to redefine the meaning of violence. Do you think violence is basically about breaking heads, firing bullets, stabbing knives, blood, wounds, injuries, sticks and guns etc., etc.? Please give me some company for some revision if you think so. To me the most dangerous form of violence is within, in the mind in the form of ideas, emotions and thoughts. What we see in the form of broken heads and mangled bodies is just an outcome, a portion, of the volcano of violence within, in ideas, thoughts, emotions and reflections.

Do you think, given man’s penchant for expression of violence in physical form, man is more violent than woman? Please stay with me for some more moments if you believe so. Like they are suitable competitor to man in every field presently, women may not be less in violence as well, if not exactly in the bloodied form, but certainly in the intensity of the violence within, the scheming volcano that smolders over the years. And then bursts suddenly.

The coy, dove-eyed slaughterer! Quite unfortunately, the victims are fellow women predominantly. It’s more so in conservative, traditional societies. In the ghettoized social space, where women are left suffocating for freedom, violence brews up a very nasty cocktail. It’s like hen fighting within the shitty cage. They cannot come out, so they fight among themselves. The historic sense of revenge accumulates and pours out to seek a target. As is the natural law, it seeks a soft target, and who is a softer target than a dependent woman in a conservative ghetto. Often it’s dirtier than a bloody fight. Nothing can match the violence of a female for her fellow species in traditional societies. It’s about revenge, plotting and scheming. All these define a cycle of self-annihilation.

In most of the crimes related to death, dowry and divorce in arranged marriages, the plot is hatched and aided by females. No wonder, the victim of a violent female mind is another woman. The remedy lies in setting them free, a free run out of the cage of tradition and convention. The women on the open platform of life are less violent in life. Or at least this is what I think. Look at the Western societies where women are suitably empowered. You have minimal cases of females unleashing violence on their own gender.

It will help in harnessing the left out love potential of humanity. It has the capacity to reshape civilizations that have turned out to be deeply scarred. Love among women themselves is the remedy for the bruised times.

An Ounce of Love Tilts the Scale in your Favor


Contradiction is inherent in nature. Positive–negative, acidity–alkalinity, dark–light, etc., etc., these are all manifestations of a homeostatic balance.

You know stars are held by this same dual, contradictory force of nature. Gravitational force pulls the molecules to the core; at the same time super-temperatures force the molecules to stay away from the core at a feasible length.

The stars smile and shine just because of the contradictory chemistry of these two opposing forces. Remove either of them and the star meets its end. Remove gravitational pull, the star will explode as a supernova. Remove the escaping force born of high temperature, the star will suck into its own core as a black hole.

So survival means a fine zone in the twilight of creation and destruction. Natural laws apply to humans as well; they hold the same validity if we treat an individual as a system. The human life is a wonderful phenomena sizzling like a shiny star in the twilight of humility and pride, altruism and selfishness, good and bad, faith and atheism, etc. So greatness lies not in casting off one side of this undercurrent. It lies in tilting your balance just a bit to the side of the so-called good aspects in the pair. Why? Because we are social phenomena as well, apart from being the natural ones. Our conscious sense of loving kindness sets us apart. It’s the hallmark of humanity. This is the best carat authenticity for the human self.

Just add a teaspoon of loving kindness to your forte of skills and belief. And see how wonderfully the overall taste of life gets changed. Our consciousness equips us to shine and survive like a star–but with a definite purpose. The purpose of general well-being; of helping others in maintaining the same balance of survival leading to definite evolution; of contributing proactively to the overall balance hung between the two contradictory frames.

We can contribute more than what our natural states have defined for us. Believe me! It works. Walk ahead to be a social phenomenon and not just stay a natural incident you are born as. Just help someone in need. It can be a tiny deed. As tiny as an unconditional smile! You will feel yourself elongating your natural self a bit to the positive side. This is what it takes to be human in the social sense, which is a degree higher than existing just as a natural phenomenon.

This is the alchemy of love. Make it an essential ingredient of your thoughts, feelings and actions. You will be minting gold I tell you.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Love: The True Destiny


If you define yourself by the external factors around you, you surrender your destiny to the outside forces. If you identify yourself with your true self, your soul, you instantly take charge of your destiny.

God was hammering down nails into my wooden being to shape the box of my destiny. I but kept on crying with pain and cursed Him for his mercilessness. My prayers egging Him on to toil more on my behalf and all this while I thought He was deaf.

Making is a bit painful buddy, but believe me every nail writes the script of many-many pleasant moments in future. Pain is never futile. It’s always a box in the making. And was creation ever devoid of pain, sweat, labor and suffering? Ask a mother who gave birth and brought up children if you need further explanation.

The storms that strike against the planking of your ship are just simply elements of ‘making’. They are the ones that define the journey. They are as important as the steam in the engine.

Now I see the beautiful artwork of the box and come to realize why those nails were hammered. It was all meant to see me home.

So love your struggles and efforts buddies. That is when you actually get ‘made’ into something substantial. During the so called smooth phase when the life is safely on autopilot, you just trundle ahead carrying your old self cocooned in the make-believe sense of being happy and content. But in reality you hardly move ahead during this phase. The routine just plods you ahead like an impassive dummy.

So be willing to accept your pain, suffering and struggle. It’s one of the best investments I know about. When you come out of the last dark hours of the night, believe me the sun shines resplendently like never before. After coming from the dark, you realize the importance of light. After tears, a smile acquires its sweetness. After pain you come to have a real taste of joy and comfort.

The so called rough phase is nothing but a passage to a better self at a better destination. There, if nothing else, your kind and compassionate self awaits. It dissolves all the previous bitterness. Bitterness gone, your regrets and anguish vaporize. You are then left with crystals of love. There cannot be a bigger reward.

The worldly replicas, which we presume to be achievements, will stay here on earth and will be recycled to five primal elements and so will the image that they defined in other’s eyes. But the footprints of love on your karmic DNA engrained in your consciousness will go with you in your further march to evolve supremely to submerge in the sea of ultimate bliss.

Accepting the fact of your loving self is simply acknowledging the march of your soul. Any conscious effort to continuously remind yourself of your inherent loving nature is as good as removing the road-blocks from the path of your evolution.

Happiness is the Water in the Well of Love


Yes you can cut your butter knife through the lump of iron. For a person suffused with unconditional love, all this and more is the simplest of a task.

Martin Luther King, Jr.: “I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.”

There is a fountain of happiness inside. It lies dormant under the self-imposed crust of fears, illusions, assumptions and ignorance. You have to unearth it. You have to remove the burdensome layer that weighs you down like a beast of burden. You just pull ahead like a coal and soot laden steam engine, lifelessly, mechanically. You have to realize you are more than a beast of burden and a steam engine.

Pierce through the crust’s increasing thickness. You have to dig deeper. Stop, take rest and get a sense of what you are doing. Again you have to pick up your pickaxe. You cannot afford too much rest. Rest lies at the destination. There it is a factor of eternity. Once you reach there, running and resting will become the same.

Hit hard. Let its iron run deep into the earthen wall that separates you from your real potential, your destiny, your destination for which Mother Nature has shaped and nurtured you. Dig deep. Look within. Life isn’t worth living just as a series of accidental occurrences bobbing you like a wooden wreck tossed by stormy waves. It’s about calculated, well planned steps and moves.

Steer the ship well. You were born to master it, just keep it in mind. With knowledge and information you can move on the crust only. It’s just living accidentally. Wisdom helps you dig deep. There is a source of your real happiness. It doesn’t require a sprint on the outer crust. You will just head-butt other runners, fall in the dust and grind your bloody teeth. After all, it’s just a stampede.

Break through the outer shell. It needs some guts to begin with, but then at later stages it is like you are cutting butter with a knife. You will have the passage to your real self. It will be an escape route from the mindless race.

Just dive into it. Below lies the tranquil sea, your own unchartered waters. You are the owner of its infinite depths and cool currents spreading in countless directions. You can drift anywhere. Just imagine the freedom. Claim your freedom. You were not born to be a slave to your fears. Freedom is just unadulterated love. Go, do it!