A small seed of thought sprouts a prickly thicket after reading Saint Gibran's little story "At the Fair".
How much attention a man is supposed to give to a woman to score good in her books? If he outrightly goes overboard in his affection and attention, she condemns him as unmannerly, lecherous and uncouth. Ignore her, she curses him as a bore, and in worst case scenario even impotent. Now how much of lukewarm attention is sufficient to a woman? Well, even an enlightened soul like Gibran failed to gauze the right proportion, what to talk of little mortals like us! Possibly it is a tug of war between complete, overblown adulation on the one hand and complete avoidance on the other. Basically it's a see saw, shifting, teasing game which pumps life into the man's pursuit and her feigned nonchalance while walking supposedly not looking but gauzing the scene from her extra sixth sense which is 100 times sharper than a direct look with normal eyes.
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