In the untouched, unmoving majesty of this virgin forest, an old, pale banyan leaf snaps the last sinew of its twigged bondage and flows down to enter the slumberous folds of the dusty bed prepared by mother earth. An end? Or a new beginning? Maybe both. Maybe none. It just is. But it’s a leap into a broader dimension to be a part of another game.
there playfulness around? Beginning, ending, birth, death, life, living, all
connote a play. Be playful. Like Krishna! A series of playfulness from rasleela with gopis to killings for dharma in the battlefield and lastly his own
death by a chance arrow in a forest. A beautiful play! Embrace playfulness. Why
be serious yar? Let’s leave
seriousness for our weird, funny, scary, stony, sulky corpses once we exit this
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