Why would there be sense pleasure in nature? Can you imagine any type of life possible without it on the planet? Is manifestation possible at all without sense driven gratification? Isn't sensual pacification the gateway from unmanifest to the manifest? When a flower blooms isn't it a result of the black-bee's sense gratification? When a rishi goes into the caves to launch his war against senses, isn’t he himself a result of sense gratification of his parents? When I aim for the ultimate gratification, the much cherished perpetual bliss, isn’t that a super gratification? Poor sense pacifications, they are such a maligned entity. Their theoretical negation forms the base all the endless stream of words in holy books and scriptures. While the reality is that at the level of life manifestation, as it's on earth, how will you even survive without this faculty? These are only faculties that have evolved with us in the game of survival. The key lies in their balanced usage for a wholesome life. Those on the path of so called spirituality start with an acute sense of some imbalance, some pain, loss, bitterness. The latter are just results of mismanaged, skewed usage of our natural faculties. I have seen very well poised and balanced people serving as hawkers and rickshaw pullers in crowded bazaars. Almost saintly in demeanor. At so much ease with whatever nature has given them at the level of senses and their use. And I have seen high priests, the careerist spiritualists, unfortunately most of them in fact, who are well decked up in the armour of dharma and holy look, but peace is farthest from their eyes. And so many of them take a cute tumble with their lady followers. It's only about at being at ease with yourself. Nothing less, nothing more. One can use any kind of words to describe it. There is no end to words. They are the products of the faculty of our mind only. Sometimes back an old sadhu was ruminating that he got a nightfall which he considered a sin. Well, had you been healthy in your ideas about sex and women, had been balanced in your ideas and usage of this natural sense born faculty, you won't have been crying over nightfalls in old age, I thought. It's not about negating sense born desires. It's not even about getting saturated with them. It's all about balance. Like when you eat. Not much to give you ache, not too less to starve you. Like Buddha realized when he almost died after not eating anything for months. Learn to be at ease dear brothers and sisters. If you are sitting at a brothel and are at ease with yourself, you are your own saint. If you are occupying the highest seat of a pontiff and itching with restlessness then you are a novice still. So dear brothers and sisters, learn the art of being at ease with yourself wherever you are situated. Balance. Balance. Balance. In everything that life offers. Accept. Accept the windfalls of the pleasure of flesh with humility and gratitude and pay back with sincere hard work. It's a beautiful world because of the teasing interplay of sensory desire seeking, not because of those who preach against it and keep smoldering with desire within. Those who are running away from life, relationships, needful responsibilities, mundane pleasures need to remember that most of our gods, rishi and muni had beautiful partners, families, children. They are called bhagwan because they used their energies in an optimum way and used their sensual faculties in the way they wanted. They used them in a balanced way instead of falling imbalanced to one particular impulse. In balanced amount even poison serves like amrit. In imbalanced amount even amrit turns poison. A judicious mix of what nature has given is nothing short of enlightenment. Why put your fate solely in the pages of so called holy books? They are mere indicators, just creation of minds who could write better than you and me. So ease up. Just be. Accept what you are. Why negate. As the component of being at ease builds up, the tendency to go into impulsive, imbalanced use of sense pleasure faculties will get transformed itself. New neurological circuits develop that drive more hormones of wellness through our system. It's a very simple physiological fact. Why interpret it in terms of mythological proportions? I know it disturbs a lot many minds who have accepted the superiority of particular paths in taking them to the exclusive class of refined and holy beings on earth. That also is another form of ego. To desire to be in a state from where the rest of humanity seems meek ignorants who need reformation and enlightenment. So take this slightly bitter pill of information with a glass of water and be at ease. If your mind still feels disturb then rethink about the utility of gurus and scriptures who haven't given you equanimity of mind to even digest this. Then reboot. And smile. Then laugh. At yourself. It helps.
The posts on this blog deal with common people who try to stand proud in front of their own conscience. The rest of the life's tale naturally follows from this point. It's intended to be a joy-maker, helping the reader to see the beauty underlying everyone and everything. Copyright © Sandeep Dahiya. All Rights Reserved for all posts on this blog. No part of this blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the author of this blog.
About Me

- Sufi
- Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)
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