Nature seems to play Twenty20 cricket game in the year 2020. She found it an
apt chronological phase to start hitting sixes rampantly. (Of course, it
seduced China to fix the game.) We may cry foul, but that doesn’t matter. Foul
has no relevance in the art of modern gameship, because we have already flouted
all norms and fouled innumerable times. So the guardian angels stand neutral as
her ball chases us around the field. All this while, She had been playing test
cricket with her silent majesty, with calm demeanor, unperturbed mindfulness
and inherent grace. Mankind then kept on getting onto a more and more
adrenaline pumping game. They got into 50-50, one-dayer excitement. She still
found it digestible somehow. However, the fast and furious kid started
challenging her for Twenty20. There she loses her composure as the year strikes
2020 on the calendar. She decides to play Twenty20, racy, fast and furious, with
sixes landing in the audience like deadly projectiles. Gone are those elegant
ground-strokes to display class and take just one run or no run at all. Even classic
defense earned laurels. So the ball turned into grenade and started giving
bluish bumps on our heads. The crowd is in a melee now.
the ball is nanometer size. We cry foul that we cannot see it as it lands on
our bodies with sadistic glee. But it is Her game, just like we contrived so
many to entertain ourselves. We cannot complain now. We have been playing ours.
Now it is her turn. The ball is a nanometer monster cutie. It has spikes over
it to lock into the play arena of our cells and then keep on rolling to the
boundary for sixes and fours. If the immunity fielders can stop it, the player
saves the day. If not, the player is clean bowled.
the ensuing stampede, the game gone haywire, ‘Namaste’ is trending.
Professional handshakes, cordial hugs and affectionate peck on cheeks all have
been eaten and beaten by Corona for the time being. Humble ‘Namaste’ still
stays out of Corona’s reach. Why? Simply because it’s so unassuming and simple
to catch the evil bug’s devil eye. It’s so respectful. The virus is yet to
breach its age-old rustic defenses. It has got the antibodies of unassuming
grace and dignity, which has a hidden power even above the powers of any
fee-fawing arrogant gesture.
means ‘Namah te’ in Sanskrit, i.e., I bow before you in full respect, taking
you as a representative of God, a carrier of His godliness. Here lies the hope
for the future. A humbler, less egoistic Homo-sapien is beneficial not just to
the planet but to their own species also.
let’s salvage our positives from the Corona chaos. Let us allow this symbolism
carried by ‘Namaste’ to turn into substance in our persona. Let’s be more fluid,
mellowed and receptive. Fluidity has the soft power of sneaking out of supposed
deadlocks by unegoistically circuiting out of many a problem. Boulders of ego
merely clog the biggest of mountain passes. Let us be supine. Let’s melt our
frigid egos to be more caring, understanding and loving. Let’s bow respectfully
and gracefully to the fundamental principles of life, the bedrock of our
existence. Let’s worship life and loving with bowed heads. The blades of grass bend
down and weather the fierce most of storms. Hardest oaks break and fall down,
simply because they don’t bend down. Learn from nature. America, China and all
other global power aspirants listening?
are rushing to make ventilators. DRDO, instead of pioneering killer missiles,
is making medical masks. Millions of migrant workers, who throng cities like an
ant-swarm sticks to a jiggery lump, are fleeing away like rats jumping out of a
sinking ship. They are ready to risk life and be with their poor families in
wretchedly backward countryside, where even death seems more tolerable than the
suffocating life in the Corona-infested cities. Celebrities whose one coquettish
look can break as well as elate million of hearts are cooking, washing and
cleaning—most probably for the first time in their lives—as the domestic helps
vanish from the scene. Hasn’t the world come upside down? Sirsasna is good for
health even though it comes with lots of practice and a bit of discomfort
initially. But it overhauls life and living if you master it. So as we do penance
and learn to do a collective Sirsasna, let’s learn it properly and read the
message straight. What we have been doing is hardly sustainable. We were going
rapidly down the precipice to fall off the cliff. Thank Mother Nature, and
China’s maneuvering as an agent of the evil effect that we deserve, there has
been a pause, forced though. Errant kids hardly listen to the corrective
message straightaway, by the way. Now let’s go back to the kindergarten of the basics
of life and forget about the research and post-doc universities for some time.
Life has been turned too complex, a quagmire almost. Better to take a by-lane
and rest for some time.
in the face of grave danger, not all seems lost. Historically, the police has
been ill reputed to bruise bums with their sticks. They do it still, but their
sticks never appeared more justified in falling over asses as people break the
lockdown instructions. However, in penance for one strike on an offending bum,
they are doing 1000 pious deeds, while being out there in high risk places.
They have surprised me in being so holistically caring. You see a policeman delivering
medicine to a differently abled old man; a policeman feeding rasgullah to a patient whose sugar has
come down dangerously low; you watch in disbelief as policemen sing songs to
entertain people looking bored from their balconies; you giggle with a tinkling
in stomach as you see policewomen doing the arti
with diyas to embarrass the thick-skinned
rascals, the milder versions of full blown criminals penalized by law, who are
shameless enough to break the curfew; police personnel cooking food in their
own kitchens out of their own pockets and feeding the hungry. The list is
endless. I am humbled in the face of this totally new face of policing in
India. As we will come out of this dark shade, the entire country will
acknowledge this humane face of the police. Moral of the story: a police personnel
is the best version of himself or herself as a kind, considerate and helpful
officer. So why don’t we have a society where police people are not just half
villains forced to tame the full criminals. Let’s have a society where policing
is constructive as a helper, the life sustainer, not just warding off the evil.
Criminals listening? Mend your ways and allow police to be their best version!
at the changed equation! Doctors, nurses and paramedics are the new soldiers
fighting lonesome, life-hazardous battles against the invisible enemy in isolation
wards. The conventional soldiers with their guns and their patriotic blood boiling
to kill and get killed look the worst version of a soldier. These doctors and
their staff are the best version of soldiers who put their life in danger to
save lives. Let’s have the best version, well respected and valued in terms of
rewards and applauds. Once the gloom is over, let’s have soldiers who save, not
just kill to ward off most of our virtual and assumed fears.
highest have been infested and so have been the lowest. People from the royal
families have died and so have the poorest of the poor. Lesson: it’s just one
little humanity that is bound to suffer in the same ways if things go the wrong
away. Let’s re-contrive our economic modules to allow the horizontal spread of
benefits and the fruits of economic progress. Let’s transform economic growth
into social development. The richest countries are suffering and the poorest are
cowering with fear at the impending ill fate. Let the high and mighty draw some
lessons out of this catastrophe and rethink about their priority. Let there be
some institutionalized grooming of art and aesthetics, not just cold hard logic
and reasoning. Emotions and sensitivities are the shock-absorbers against the
impending falls born of frigid logic and unforgiving reasoning. Pure reasoning
cannot sustain. It can sustain machines not humans as societies. To be logical,
we have to stay sensitive also because we are flesh and blood creatures
the politically stage-managed communal by-lanes of UP, thelotus of hope and
love blooms in unthinkable circumstances. In Bulandshahr, an aged Hindu dies
and his family can’t reach for cremation due to the lockdown. The diseased man’s
Muslim neighbors perform the Hindu rituals to finish his journey. A group of
Hindus manage to avail an ambulance and get a pregnant Muslim woman to hospital
to save her life. A Hindu senior cop goes out of his ways to help a pregnant Muslim
woman in reaching hospital in time for delivery. She delivers a baby boy. She
hasn’t forgotten the act of kindness. She names her son after the cop:
Ranvijaya Khan, a human being, half Hindu and Half Muslim in name, a blessed
child who will be a living testimony to the triviality of man-created communal
identities in the face of challenges that have no discrimination for caste,
creed, class, nationality or religion. Hasn’t the antibody of goodness already started
debugging the society of its evils? Does Corona stand a chance? Much as there
is strife and suffering, but the strains of our best versions do hold the
beacon of hope.
economy crashes across countries, the money diplomacy should be scorned upon,
as the new sun smiles once the night of the epidemic is over, especially China’s
Yuan diplomacy of enslaving poor countries indirectly through debt trap. They
should feel the Dragon’s python grip around their throat and try to avoid a
suffocating death. Global peace and security largely depend on China in future.
If there is a democratic government in China within a decade, good for the
world. If not, God save us then! If there is democracy in China, positive
social reforms—especially the position of women—in hardbound Islamic societies,
a humbler America, at an ease Europe and an India that isn’t merely in the rat
race to compete against the worst to excel, we can lay the foundation for the
best version of globe.
you lie down in self isolation, don’t just fart with boredom in your living
rooms or be hyperactive in bedrooms, try to be the best versions of yourself.
You have lots of time. The specter of running from the pillar to post isn’t
staring down your neck anymore for the time being. You have the most precious
commodity as per the modern parameters of human civilization: Time. So welcome all
your deep-held softer urges to be creative, to be something more than what the
circumstances have forced you into, to be a bit more than you have become.
Nurture those little dreams. Use the pause creatively. Learn cooking, read,
write, paint, do gardening, rectify haywire gone relationships, let your family
see the best version of yourself.
your pets will be ecstatic at finding you at home, the entire family dining
together, have chat, watching TV. A pet dog Robo in Essex UK went berserk with
ecstasy finding the owner family at home: eight wonder, all of them together.
He acknowledged it to the core of his innocent heart. Wagged its tail almost the
entire day and got a painful sprain in it. He has been prescribed painkillers for
a week and its tail tied. Now it has to show its love and affection only
through its mellifluous eyes. But I am sure, he will find the pain worth it.
course this too will pass. It hardly matters. What matters most is what is left
behind. I hope the best version of all and everything will be sowed like winter
seeds to sprout during one fine spring!
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