So the nanometer master Corona brings
the Hercules to knees. Don't panic. We have performed miserably. So Mother
Nature is just holding us by the ears. Oh, we the errant kids! All we need is a
civilizational pause, a collective hiatus. And think and reshape our
priorities. Align them along the fundamental laws of nature. Apart from a few
thousand unfortunate deaths of humans, Mother Nature is a bit mollified as
carbon emissions have come down a bit due to the forced suspension of our mad
rush. Now let's go a bit slowly and make pause a choice.
Corona virus isn't just a disease;
it's a message from Mother Nature, a bit stern though because we have turned
deaf to her warnings. Holy Mother has been giving messages: Amazon forest
fires, Australian bushfires, floods, polar ice melts, etc, etc. But modern
society hardly cares about such message, which don't seem to affect it
directly. So here SHE goes now and shoots down a poignant, straightforward
message that hits us directly. No if and but about it. 'Listen little fools
listen!' she whispers like an offended mother. HER invisible soldiers can
puncture our egos. 'Now mend your ways little kids!' SHE says. 'Or be prepared
for the WORST in future. All your so called inventions, discoveries, researches
will turn out to be futile efforts at finding solutions to your self-created problems.
And solutions to self-created problems will create further problems only! And
this little drama on the stage called human civilization may come to an end FAR-FAR
SOONER than anyone of you may ever think or imagine!'
Ye karo, vo karo, karo, karo, karo
na, karo, karo na, karonaaa, Corona....itna kiya ki ab maro na, maro na! Chacha
Corona should be rechristened Na Coro, mat karo, ye na koro, vo na koro, Naaaa
Coro....NaCoro...bongs seem to have something to do with it. I think some
Bengali researcher will crack the solution. 'O babu moshai, koro na, ya na
koro, maachh khabo, dwai Lebo!'
Let us spare a few moments for the
Chinese. I like their entrepreneurial practicality. However, it turns
counter-productive after a point. Good that you take it as a weakness to have
faith and be a believer. But doesn’t it dehumanize society collectively? The
check-dams to our human rascality break and we get a flesh and blood robot who
never listens to the soft voice of conscience, where everything is acceptable
in the name of material progression, power, profits and global superpower
Animals are hellishly tortured, burnt
and boiled alive in Chinese live animal food markets. If someone wants to have
a glimpse of what hell may look like, I would recommend Chinese animal food
markets. There are thousands there. It’s a mammoth pooling of negative karma
operated like enormous factory where the raw material is slaughter, boiling
alive, suffering and pain of a vast number of animal species. Of course, there
will be negative off shoots as we witness it presently.
There are costs to be paid as an
omnivorous carnivore society like the Chinese. Not judgmental about them. They
have every right to eat anything, including themselves. But then one can't rule
out scenarios like Corona virus. There are a huge number of human-hazardous
viruses hosted by animal and bird species. In this case, bats are the hosts for
this virus. The poor bat was gobbled by the snake who in turn found himself on
the enthusiastic dining table of a Chinese and lo, the world gets an epidemic.
At Wuhan market, you have truckloads of dogs, live foxes, crocodiles, wolf
puppies, giant salamanders, snakes, rats, peacocks, porcupines, camel meat and
you name anything possible under the sun to douse human gluttony. Eat man eat, I
know you love boiling live beings and take burps of world supremacy! But why
spread the evil effects of your gluttony world over! As an epidemic-scared
globalist, I am as scared of the hunger rumblings in a Chinese stomach as a dog
is while being ferried to the dog market. Because God, or maybe even dog,
knows, what new species may end up on the table of the Chinese culinary
experiment, unleashing some new virus in the food chain. Given their overblown
aspirations to rule the world by cramming Chinese nationals all over the globe,
the strain travels faster than their supernukes. As a poor vegetarian Indian, I
am more scared of the viral-nukes launched from their dinner tables than the
globe-destroying weaponry. God, errr dogs, save us! I am getting more and more
scared. I think, the human race will be destroyed, not by nukes and supernukes
as you may suppose, but by some hitherto unheard of culinary experiment in some
Chinese kitchen where some animal, reptile or bird might be boiled and cooked
for the first time in their entire millions of years of history, introducing a
viral strain that will eat the entire globe-load of Homo-sapiens. Oh God, see,
o dogs rather! To make it still worse, if I fall in the Chinese hands, the
kindest of them would still be happy to roast me alive and bring about another
culinary experiment!
Like they do to conscious beings,
rest of us in the non-Chinese part of the world, aren’t less culpable. We do
the same to natural resources. We slaughter acres after acres of pristine
forests. We destroy river ecosystems through dams. We rape mother earth through
unsustainable mining and quarrying. We spoil coastlines, pillage hill slopes,
pollute air and water bodies. Trees at their prime lay butchered. Their corpses
tell their murder stories: “I stood for decades by the path giving shade,
shelter and pure air. Then the path changed colors. Its sands turned into tar.
And I became a roadblock and done away with smoothly. Best of luck Homo
So who will have the last laugh? The climate
shocks have been unprecedented. Horrific! Cold has slaughtered soot and
saplings with its unsparing frosty sword. Heat almost boils. An angry Mother is
forced to cry with pain. It turns out to be wrath poured out with tears in eyes
and a bloodied heart. Mother ignored and abused like garden cactus still has a
few flowers to help us smile again. Irrespective of the severe damage, it
decides to retain its smile. Its smile overcomes the frosty burns. With tears
in eyes, aching heart and a forgiving smile on lips it says: ‘Happiness is a
choice. A conscious effort, independent of so many external factors that you
presume to be finally decisive for our happiness! Stop the mad rush. The joy
comes from within.’
Beyond the storm in the cup of we Homosapiens,
from astronomical distances, Father Sun dies to reborn again. ‘Death is the
beginning of birth. Birth is the beginning of death. In fact, there is no death
or birth. All we have is simply an ever-evolving transformation, simply a
process! Live and let live sons and daughters, learn to live in harmony. To me
a grain of sand, a tree, an insect, an animal, bird or you, all are the same.
Never forget this brotherliness. Otherwise you perish and turn to sands.
Everything!’ Got some sense out of His message? If not, kindly read it a few
time more!
As you suffer and suffocate in the
jail like homes due to the lock downs, please don’t curse Mother Nature for the
fall outs! Mother Nature’s razor sharp talons, piercing beak, and predatory eyes
are just an illusion. At the core lies the baby soft, melodious hymn of love.
Salutes O Mother! Once the storms are over, the motherly ray will come down to
kiss and heal! But for that you have to show repentance, accept your faults and
promise to mend your ways. Don’t forget, one tear in your eyes gives her
thousands in her heart. To make you laugh again, she has her own mollycoddling
ways. A superb full-moon night waits around the corner for a milky delight! So
just see through the self-created smoggy night, where the sun has been hidden and
airs have been suffocated to death in gas chambers. The rainstorm may appear
unsparing and unrelenting. Still lots of smiles left! We have to believe.
Go and touch a nearby tree with the
faith of a true friend and close your eyes, standing under His majestic,
protective canopy. He responds! Feels your pain! He transfers His energy to
heal your wounded soul. He will be helping you in getting back your faith in
life and living. He is your sincerest friend. The tree somewhere! Go and
embrace Him! Reconcile. He will definitely reciprocate. Probably He looks
forward to your visit to His house. Say thanks to buddy! You never know at what
level of reality He is existing. A saintly King I tell you. Listen as you put
your ears to His so called wooden heart: “I am basking in my sovereignty! I am
the King of the world not visible to the human eyes! I am crowned with
celestial lights!” You will hear it clearly. Just open up your soul. The
miseries will melt away.
A mother is a mother is a mother.
It's her selfless love that is driving the force through the rescuer's hands!
You are bound to survive because a mother has to be forgiving. She is simply
reprimanding you for the evils you have spread around. With lovely, kissable
traces of sadness, the day which appears to close its eyes here will surely
open them with a child's verve and happiness somewhere else! It’s not all over
yet. All that we need is that we have to realign our priorotoes.
There is always hope,
As long as nature holds the rope
through its smile pure,
Survive we will for sure!
Pause is the remedy. Otherwise, be
ready for a bit more stern messages. She has to shriek a bit louder to make our
deaf ears hear Her plight. God forbid it may turn out to be a catastrophe as
bad as WW 3! The choice is entirely ours. We get what we sow.
On a tiny molehill of hope, I see the
faintest tinkling of hope. Now when most of the human population over the
planet is exactly following the kind of lifestyle which has been my routine
life for years, I feel that I belong to this planet only, not some disgraced
extraterrestrial species!
Home stay is a torture and
imprisonment for those who have existed on the surface, identifying with the
externalities; whose life has been just a mad rush after the mirages that pop
up in the sandy desert of illusions. Cool down fellas, Mother Nature has given
you guys an assignment to look within. It's a chance to rebrand yourself and
become a better version. That's how this civilization will change. At least you
get time to think. So don't yawn with killing boredom and look within O thou
development champions!
Of course there will be a remedy for
Errant Chacha Corona! No doubt. But
it will be a bandage for symptoms only. The roots of the tree of our sustenance
and survival have been shaken. So all isolated efforts to find an antidote for Corona
Chacha will be simply like
disinfecting the pale leaves of a tree whose roots are being eaten by termites.
So as your own house turns into a jail, kindly study the roots! It's an open
book. Read it!
As mankind suffers in these Corona
crazy times, Mother Nature appears to regain Her footing. Simple math: our
interests and Her interests---because of our collective misdemeanor---stand
antagonist, in terrible disproportion, to each other. A scary mathematics!
Simply because we are a tiny subset of Her overall set. Possibly Mother Nature
finds us like pathogens, just as we find Corona for our system. Solution: Ours
and nature's existence should be proportional and in harmony!
Gone into self isolation! Well, take
it as an apprenticeship into the art of prisoners. There is a huge backlog of
our collective sins. So we have to serve prison terms in various ways. So hone
the art of a diligent, obedient prisoner. All situations have positive outcomes
also. Take away yours during these moments of being alone and isolated. Read
your life and reflect over the path. You will realize your little part in the
evil drama Homosapiens have been playing for a few thousand years. Rectify your
part and you stand absolved from your side.
Corona ka Karnama is written in scary
script. The most dreaded criminals, tucked in the highest security and the most
isolated cells, are the safest among the Homosapiens as of now. Meanwhile,
birds are singing more chirpily. Animals roam more freely. Trees smell fresher
air as pollution plummets down. When the rest of all are feeling better, how
come we are suffering most miserably!? Mathematically, it means we are the
source of miseries to each and everything falling in the category of non-Homosapiens.
If mother nature had a language like
ours, or we had the ears and mind to hear and understand what she has to
convey, we would come to know that we have turned out to be nothing sort of
Corona virus to Her. And what do we do to fight Corona? We launch a full scale
war to counter the bug's onslaught through isolation, sanitization, debugging,
antibiotics, etc, etc. Isn't She also doing the same against someone who is
Corona-type lethal to Her? Mind you, Her tools to save Herself are floods,
earthquakes, Tsunamis, epidemics, drought, forest fires, etc. It's high time we
raise a white flag of peace and call ceasefire and get onto the negotiating
table, for endless are Her resources in this fight. We hardly stand any chance.
When humans kill their fellow human
beings---we need not repeat the multi million murders in the name of religion,
caste, creed, nationality, ethnicity and rest of all our mind-contrived ways
and means to slaughter each other---there is hardly anything scary about it. It
passes off as passable act of routine violence. But when humans die at the
hands of other agents, they panic too much. When millions get slaughtered in
the name of religion, there is hardly any world scale scare. But when a little
one wants to propagate its species, we get scared to the guts.
Get some sense O thou majestic owner
of this tiny planet, Homosapiens. Mother Nature has given you this heavenly
blissful planet. Accept your role in the things going awry! Rectify your
errors. Still there is a chance! Grab it before it’s too late!
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