Sometimes you have to nearly die to discover the meaning of life.
The posts on this blog deal with common people who try to stand proud in front of their own conscience. The rest of the life's tale naturally follows from this point. It's intended to be a joy-maker, helping the reader to see the beauty underlying everyone and everything. Copyright © Sandeep Dahiya. All Rights Reserved for all posts on this blog. No part of this blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the author of this blog.
About Me

- Sufi
- Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Dalit-Muslim-Tribals Vs. Brahamanical Hinduism
Pseudoism is the art
and craft of using a positive emotion, feel-good verb, or a relaxing sentiment,
picking its hypothetical meaning in letter, and grafting it over the mean
spirit. The spirit to dominate, to manipulate, to rule at any cost, the end
justifying the means. It becomes a blindfolding instrument. No wonder, pseudoism
is a suitable device with power aspirations particularly. Pseudo-secularists
have cashed minority fears. The stroke inexistent phobias. They want the
minority to stay scared. They keep the apprehensions and insecurities alive, to
turn these into votes at the election time. Now is the turn of pseudo-nationalists. The
latter create a rhetorical stage, offering people a feeling to contribute to
the nation. It’s a stage set for papery heroism, where one can contribute to
national glory without putting anything at stake, without any risks either. It’s
a goody goody dream-world. You shout slogans, you pour hate on social media,
you condone the acts of violence against your target, you claim to be more
patriotic than others. That’s it. You need not do more. Shouting amidst the
frenzied crowd, like it’s a picnic outing and this a new entertainment game, is
all that it takes to be a nation-builder. You are supposed to stand to the
national anthem before the movie starts. You do it and you are a patriot. Doesn’t
matter if straightaway after that you elbow the girl in the next seat, or rub
your leg against hers on the pretext of extending your limbs out of boredom.
These liberties and many more. You can be a simple law-breaking chit of a human
being in scores of daily routine, like violating traffic rules, passing lewd
remarks at women, scattering garbage, peeing in the open. All this doesn’t
matter as long as you ride the bandwagon of pseudo-nationalism. It’s very easy to
fall in this trap. Who doesn’t want to keep the belief that he/she is contributing
to nation building. Feelings apart, only a little section can do actually so in
practice. Rest can take this sip in the meow meow on offer on the stage of
populist rhetoric. This risk-free nationalistic spirit but comes at a big cost.
Little do people realize that by the time they are still enjoying the echo of
their slogans, they have already crossed a line to enter a zone of practiced mass-hate.
They are getting trained for being less loving, less tolerant, and hence lesser
human beings than they could have been otherwise. Even before they realize the
slightest change, they have already surrendered a part of their good self. They
are smaller than they were before. Something gets cut off from the real self. They
get polarized. The vision is skewed, not open-minded exuberance required for
healthy mind and creative spirit. They are just a diminished self of their
former self. The society gets a fracture. It's painful. The current wave
of pseudo-nationalism led by the Brahamanical Hindu resurgence has many takers,
especially the younger generations. Not surprisingly. When hormones are yet to stabilize,
the stage is shaking, the world is a shaky vision, they, the youngsters, need
to pour out their straying energies. Papery nationalism is a suitable means. It
makes them paper tigers. They are exploring. They get the pill, pick it up,
savour it. It’s tasty. It’s even better than alcohol in fogging the mind into
delusions. They thunder and roar against imaginative foes. They hunt down
invisible enemies of the state through hate speech, by clapping stray killings
here and there, by condoning acts of violence, arson and shouts here and there.
Brahamanical Hindu led pseudo-nationalism is particularly trying at the communal
level. Islamo-phobia is the common ground in the strategy. Little do they realize
that within the Hindu society itself, there are sections that have been
exploited for thousands of years by their own co-religioners. Dalits and
tribals, the frozen class, with fates frozen at the sub-human levels for
generations, have as much to grudge over caste-based exploitation,
discrimination and humiliation, as a fundamentalist Islamist might have against
other religions. Dalit-Muslim-Tribals, the super-entity which can easily
identify with discrimination, have much in common in terms of discrimination,
systematic second-hand treatment and exploitation. In Indian politics, there
are permutations and combinations of caste and communal identities. These shift
over and acquire strange shapes. The latest can be Dalit-Muslim-Tribals. Muslims
safely ensconced in the trio. The lethality of Islam-phobia melting in the
historical wrongs against the frozen class in the Indian society. Some strange
mutant of Congress, leftists and other non-BJP regional parties can be formed.
Overblown Brahamanical Hinduism, having the exploitation of its own lower society
as the core, can fuel a new trend in political jugglery.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Pseudo-nationalism and the seeds of poison
So the
pseudo-nationalists are nurturing hate. They are sowing its seeds in young
minds. In big volume and at an alarming rate. The seeds are sprinkled on the
fertile soil of social media. Youngsters are conveniently taking bites. It’s
exciting like having pizza and girl/boy-friend. They are mixing it with
post-modern popular culture. Quit strangely, in the pot on boil, where
differences are expected to melt to a integrated mass, differences are burning
at different temperatures. Hate is a convenient tool to blind one to logic and
sanity. Consumed by hate one is just a part of the human being he/she is
otherwise. It combusts the basic moisture of being a humane. Some core of
goodness evaporates. Before dividing communities and individuals, it fractionalizes
the carrier of hate itself. As the rhetorical juggernaut carried by the agents
of pseudo-nationalism—as funny, quirky and politically self-seeking as the
pseudo-secularists—moves on, divisions in the Indian society take even more
dangerous turns. People beating those not ready to stand up to the national
anthem, mobs lynching the rumored beef carriers, ABVP members attacking a
literary gathering at Ramjas college where somebody might have expressed a
different point of view. These are as petty and self-seeking pills of intoxication,
as are the mild dose of self-gratifying sips popped in by pseudo-secularists. The
sky-high stack of the fodder of division in the Indian society is always pining
for the matchlock of somebody’s ambition. It then bursts forth. It explodes.
People suffer, but someone gets power. Hate has been the instrument of Indian political
system, as much as it was responsible for partition at the time of
independence. Hate as a power-grabbing instrument has been the favorite tool of
ruling aspirants. Jinnah stroked the division on religious grounds and ran away
with a new country itself. Political parties have ruled the roost over decades
just by stamping caste, creed, communal and regional identities through
pandering divisiveness, by boosting hate, by augmenting distrust. The famed
Indian diversity is always a cache of ammunition. It’s a pile of divisions lying
there to catch fire and blast. Waiting for some power aspirant’s matchbox of
ambition. To fuel divisions. To pamper insecurities. To turn people blind and
crazy. Much as Hindu pseudo-nationalists try to sow seeds of distrust into the
fiery souls of the younger generation, they hardly realize cultivation of hate
cannot be compartmentalized for a particular community only. Grooming of hate
in an individual changes the character over all. Its repercussions are not just
limited to the targeted community. It crosses the immediate object to seep over
into life generally, into interpersonal relationships, views on life. It breeds
an insecure, selfish persona, who isn’t just apt in spewing out angry rhetoric
against the targeted community, but who is equally bitter in dealing with
people of his own community. Division by hate is a chain reaction. It consumes
all. It doesn’t just stop at the first line of the targeted community. It
spreads further to gobble up all at the next stages. The identity-based
political parties of India but just take interest in the immediate line of
division. It gets them votes. It perpetuates their goal of sticking to power.
Little do they realize that by breeding a culture of hate, division and
distrust they are letting loose a fire that consumes the ethos of a healthy
society. It eats the basics of a strong social system. It lets loose an ever-smoldering
fire that takes its toll over decades. It kills dreams. It stifles the openness
and exuberance of character capable of doing good to others as much as it means
for the self. Building roads, boosting infrastructure, strengthening manufacturing
are as much important as a healthy society. The former are for the latter, and
not vice versa. It’s high time that pseudo-nationalists realize the futility of
rabble rousing in a divided house. If they really want a strong India, they
should sow the seeds of love, receptivity and accommodation. Hate-mongering is terribly
counter-productive. It’s as good as just to put the ruling seat under your bum.
After that it evil effects go across the society, where the divisions of caste,
class and creed do not matter. All suffer.
Monday, February 20, 2017
Starting with my friend's message. A metro ride this morning on her way to office:
"Started my day on a good note by offering my seat to a heavily pregnant woman....she was leaning against the pole and looking so exhausted at the start of the day....such robust young and old men, shameless enuf not to even ask whether she wud sit...they just pretend not to have seen....such small things tell u to what extent people r selfish for their own comfort....
Even other women are so insensitive....looking away so that they don't hav to offer a seat...."
Well that proves my diagnosis of commonest of common Indian trait of petty selfishness. A result of too much of population for ever falling short resources, I suppose. Everything falls short of expectations. Metros, buses, roads, jobs, bread, butter, the endless list. People just never have enough. It breeds discontentment. A sinister apathy for the cause of the fellow sufferers in the crowd creeps in. It narrows the vision. It clogs the spirit. You just cannot see beyond the small platform of your own struggle. It breeds very unhealthy personalities. Clinging to their own little grabs is the skill they get versed in over years in their lives. Then it becomes a very selfish mass. The terrible self-seekers. Incapable of grasping the civic sense of any cause that lies outside their own. People get basically so absorbed in their own world that the senses which allow them to perceive the world around don't work at all when it comes to fellow human beings. It is criminally callous. This attitude. Indians seem to be very tiny hearted. There are hundreds of little incidents daily which prove it more and more.
Grains of Truth
There doesn't seem to be a universal truth. If at all it exists, it is still lost in the infinite cosmic spread. All we have is the scattered grains of perceived truths. My truth, your truth, his truth, her truth, their truth. Bits and pieces of truth, picked up for convenience, for suitability. Truth is a mundane piece of daily utility, as much suitable as the food we take as per our body types and socio-economic circumstances. Forget about the most justifiable of truths. The most we can do is to get an average of all truths, a mathematical average, a common truth. But my truth can be false for someone else, and vice versa. Truth and falsehood, recurring shadow and substance. Sometimes falsehood is the shadow. Oftentimes truth is the shadow. But they are always nearby. Touching each other like the shadow clings to the substance. Both have their suitors simultaneously. Someone holds the substance for support. At the same time someone takes shelter in the shadow to cling to his utility.
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