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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

A beautiful practical meditation for the old to dig real gold

 It's for those who are blessed to get old and see a gentler world through their dimming eyes. Grandpas and Grandmoms, this is the age to move slowly, look kindly, smile unreservedly, slow breathing, gentle movements. And of course dilution of the identity, of spreading, of becoming granddad and grandmother to everyone around instead of being defined as granddad or grandmom to a particular x, y or z. Spread your identity to merge with all. It will be a beautiful losing of the defined self. A lovely dilution, a cosy merging into a bigger dimension. And hopefully it will bring a painless, gentle drop like a ripe fruit.

The evil is within, not out there

 As long as you can spot 'ego' in others. Beware, it's a reflection of your own. How can you spot something outside that isn't already in you? It's a beautiful practice in self awareness. The moment you get any negative impression about someone, instantly go within yourself and look for the genesis, the source of that feeling. It's within you. The other person is what he or she is. The feeling is our very own. The others are just screens on which our inner self is projecting its stories. Only an egoic frequency in us will chime with a matching one outside ourselves. All judgements, all prejudices, all irritations, all anger, hate, jealousy they are all in us. If not for their roots in us we won't see their flowering in others. I have my own share of all this. But now i genuinely feel that the source lies within me. And this realization itself is a nice start.

Something on Kundalini

 Some talk on Kundalini based on my experience. 


Kundalini talks

 Link for my views on Kundalini. 


Physiological aspects of the myth of kundalini

 Dear esteemed readers, here isa link for my discussion about Kundalini. 
