About Me

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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)

Friday, April 22, 2022

The Lamp called Love


You need light to dispel darkness. Similarly, to remove thousand and one individual and collective ailments, you need the single pill, the dose of love. It's the most effective healing therapy for mind, body and soul. Hate is the parasite afflicting the self, eating away the blossoming prospects of your growth and evolution. Love is the nutrient that is meant to blossom your potential, to fulfill the mission, to shake hands with your destiny.

Love is the magic wand that turns you grateful for the small-small things coming your way. It turns you forgiving, enabling you to avoid many a peril, keeping the chances of remedy and correction still alive for someone. And with gratefulness and forgiveness, there gets ripened the fruit of kindness, the best strength in a human being. With just kindness you have so much to offer. Your empathy triggers huge constructive waves in the cosmic womb.

A loving emotion is all pervading. It leaps over your fears. It jumps over your insecurities. It penetrates the shell of your inhibitions. It punctures the balloon of distress, setting the stale air free. And once all this happens, you feel liberated. This freedom enlarges your perspective. You come out of the self-created dead-ends. You feel like standing on a mountain top and smile at the small gullies where you felt lost and cribbed and poured anger and hate. Now you realize that all those were simply the means for you to reach here.

The most profound memories are sepia-toned love moments. Even at your worst, even if you stand justified in your fury, you won't become nostalgic about the chaotic moments when you lost it and the storms blew. It proves the innate nature of human beings, the loving nature. It's love without reason.  

Compassion and love are the absolute necessities. This world can survive without hate and fury, but not without love. Love is soul's gravity, keeping it relevant. It has to have this force. Everything floats off into oblivion without it and the whole lot turns meaningless in one stroke.

Hate is the stone that drags you down. Love is the airy cloud, taking you to panoramic flights to give you the glimpses of the eternal muse. Heart is a dark place without love. So come and light up your little lamp as we try to put it in words.  

Self-love is the seed of the all-loving tree to sprout. So love yourself. Kindly don't commit the mistake of clubbing your overblown passions, ambitions and hot pursuits in life with self-love. These are the tricky illusions that dupe the self in taking them as self-love. Self-love is totally free from nagging externalities. It’s the prelude to your all-loving journey. It’s the launch pad that hurtles you into the orbit of bliss. Well, no wonder the journey starts with self-love not self-negation.

Human beings are mentally and physically wired to love. Love is the master key that unlocks the chest of phantoms and the evil progenies scamper away. They don't want to stay with you. Just that you cling to them, in a sort of self-injurious addiction. Love is the sunshine that sustains the garden called life. Without it, you have the gloomy, frigid silhouette, no life, no living.

Friedrich Nietzsche says: "We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving."

Kindness, compassion, laughter, joy, freedom, happiness, all these and more are simply different recipes made of the same grains, love. There is an element of magical beauty to the things done with love. You hardly work if you love your job. No relationship is a burden if love is at its core. No goal is tiresome and devoid of compassion if you have a loving approach.

And if you still need to be told what love looks like, kindly listen to Saint Augustine: "What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like."

Michelangelo says, “Death and love are the two wings that bear the good man to heaven.”

Death surely will be one of the wings. Question is: Do we have the other wing to carry us onto the destination?

The Art of Love

 The great mystic poet Rumi says, “Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”

Long before love sprouts through your actions, emotions and thoughts, you have to accept your essentially compassionate nature. Accept it and own the feeling. From this point, it becomes easier to scale the ladder to reach the cusp of happiness and joy, which is nothing but realization of your true loving self.

Love is our fundamental nature. Its soft power lies in all of us. Just that it needs to be pampered out of the cocoon. Like you build-up your muscles slowly, dedicating many hours over months and years in a gym, you can sharpen the instincts of love. Love at the emotional level is as good as some goodness in action. These are two sides of the same coin.

There are always parallels between the self inside and the socially convenient identity we have build up for ourselves to survive. Believe me, however hard is the mask outside, it still survives on the intrinsic foundation of what you are in the privacy of your real self at the centre of your being. And that is unconditional love. Our illusions in this regard are simply in proportion to the virtual walls we have allowed to be built between what we appear and what we really are.

Practicing goodness and love in behavior, thoughts and emotions is like any other task we accomplish on a daily basis. Just that our continuous obsession on staying at the periphery of our being has tricked us into believing that it’s an angry world out there. We have to fight or perish. No man, it isn’t so. Most of our fears are the phantoms of our mind. Come out of the virtual world and see the world as it is through clear eyes.

Happiness and joy are simply the warmth of the sun of love. They share reciprocal cause and effect relation.

Denis Waitley sums it so beautifully: “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”

The showers of care and consideration from others nourish you, and your own love-blossoms define the purpose of life.

Lao Tzu: “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

The art of love is basically the art of living. Love is the overarching emotion covering your work, relationships and modes of self-expression. It pulls you into a sphere of all-inclusiveness. This is the top-most art. All other means of self-expression are just byproducts of this supreme alchemy.

Just have a closer look. The things and activities where you feel yourself to excel, they appear so because you primarily love and like them. So love basically is a prelude to liking, which in turn makes you capable of cozy relationships, well paid careers and other creative outpours in the arena of life.

Love: The Ultimate Alchemy


Ravindranath Tagore says, “Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment.” The great mystic and poet very suitably sees it as “the ultimate truth that lies at the core of creation”.

Love defines the countless pathways to the cause of creation as Lord Byron points out with poetic precision: “Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey.”

Do you think fear, anger, hate, envy, jealousy, ego, lust and greed have their own standing? No. Just like darkness is simply an absence of light, all these tortuous tools that lynch our self are nothing but phantoms doing painful rounds in the absence of love. Like a tiny lamp puts out darkness simply by casting light, without fighting the dark, a simple ray of love, a symbol of our true self, chucks out the flimsy appendages of the unreal self.

There is definitely limit to everything in cosmos. But there is one exception: Love, prem as we say it in Hindi. Yoko Ono feels the mankind’s regret in not fully absorbing their self in the sea of love when he says: “The regret of my life is that I have not said 'I love you' often enough.”

One need not fight fear, fury, hatred, jealousy, distrust, ego, lust and greed at various fronts to defeat them. They have a common root: burial of your loving self, your essential nature, under the peripheral dust of illusions and ignorance, making you identify with what is essentially not your real self. Remove the grime, allow the light of love to emanate from your soul, enter your behavioral self, and all around you see peace, harmony and balance. The vices, which you yourself condemn against yourself after being judgmental on your own self, just dry up, like fresh rays of sun dispel the last traces of dark clinging to the morning twilight.

A housean assemblage of concrete, mortar, bricks and steelturns a home only with love and care. Without affection decorating it from inside, it’s merely a soulless structure. Billy Graham says it very aptly: “Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home except true love.”

The mankind’s fears driven by greed have already resulted in nukes and super-nukes having the capacity to destroy not just earth but many planets and stars around. Does it serve any purpose? The modern civilization sitting on the stockpiles of death and destruction is always one button push away from annihilation. No man, we don’t need hate anymore. We need more loving people around. The moisture of love will dampen the explosives of death and destruction.

Love for your man, your woman, your family, friends and near and dear ones is the seed that holds the potential to blossom into universal love for all and everything making you a loving person. So guys start your journey on the love path as a lover, as a caring husband, wife, parent or friend and proceed onto nurture the seed to help it grow into a robust tree of loving kindness for all. This basically is supposed to be the natural evolution course for your consciousness attached to this mater, this mix of materials called body comprising water and few kilograms of matter found in earth. The consciousness, the blueprint, the carrier of your previous journeys, is on the path of evolution, to merge into the all pervading super-consciousness, like a drop of water is moving to mix with the seas.

Do you think you can fight darkness by flailing your arms and fists in the dark? No man, that’s not the way. Darkness cannot be dispelled. It stays irrespective of your fusillade. All you need is a small lamp. It simply leaves darkness redundant by itself.

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend,” Martin Luther King, Jr. Love definitely is the panacea for thousands of ailments afflicting human society. The Modern Gandhi of the West further says, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

Haven’t you felt almost fully alive when in love with your man or woman? Well, that sums it up. This feeling is just a glimpse of the eternal bliss available on the higher rungs on the same ladder. Move up. There are no alternatives. This is the sole destiny.  

Mind you, there are no sinners. We just have loving and less loving people. Come, join me in tilting the scale in favor of love. That is your destiny. Later or sooner, in this avatar or in the ones coming up next, you have to get along. Just like a river’s natural destination is the sea, your soul’s journey is to merge into all-encompassing love of the eternal entity. The so called sinners, who we scorn at, are nothing but strayed selves, like the river exploring its final path to the sea gets into a lake somewhere but finds it unviable to stay there and takes on the journey again. All of us have to explore and find the fallacy of many a thing that our disillusioned self makes us believe and come face to face with the ultimate meaning of life.

Max Muller says: “A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.”

Come, let’s explore the path of love, the alchemy, which remedies the suffering self, making it a beautiful, loving entity.     

Love is the seed of spirituality. Holy people of all religions and faith reached one single point, all-encompassing love.

Saint Basil: “A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.”

Love, compassion and kindness are the biggest commonality across various faiths and belief systems. Love is basically the essential nature of soul. Kindness, compassion, gratitude, generosity, truth, beauty, and all other virtues we hold in high esteem are simply the manifestations of love. Love is the light that shows everything as it is. It dispels the dark corners surrounding our selves. It is the guiding light that takes us on the path of our individual and collective destinies.

Though no words are sufficient to cover the fathomless power of love, let's try to know a bit more about our loving self and its miraculous powers in shaping our lives. 

This book is meant to set up an instructional manual to help one rise higher on the scale of evolution by changing one's limited love, defined by family and relations, to universal love for a compassionate and all-loving being.

The work is meant to help one hone the art and craft of building a loving character, which in turn sets up the base for a happy and joyful life. All the chapters in the book are full of commonest of the common day-to-day techniques, which can build up our compassionate self, like we work in the gym to strengthen our muscles.

Things are rapidly aggravating. It's an angrier world than ever. Material progression has proved counterproductive. Mother Nature is ailing due to our greedy onslaught, which borders on raping mother earth. Now an ailing nature is handing over its pain and miseries to the human society in the form of wars, diseases and strife. Irony is that we are materially the most advanced society in history with the USP of being the most miserable one at the same time. Isn’t it the right time to go into a pause and rethink our collective priorities? Through my work, I am simply trying to ask individuals and organizations to reconsider their values because there has been a basic flaw, otherwise why would there be so many problems.

My work involves simple tools and techniques of going into self-discovery to see things in a larger perspective. It’s a semi-spiritual journey looking within and out to be aware of the bigger plights written everywhere, to inculcate a basic loving nature almost at the instinctive level, to be more observant of the self as much as we observe things outside. It breeds self responsibility, leading to a considerate nature. These are the basic building blocks of a compassionate self.

For decades I have been into spirituality and meditation. All the simple instructions, guidance tools and observations are born of my own experiences. Spirituality is not something about mysteries in the farthest corners of the universe. It’s simply about being a more aware person. It’s about realizing the basic loving nature in each and everyone around. It’s about harnessing joy out of the mundane incidences of life.

Working on this book itself has been really rewarding. I cannot ask for much other than writing it. It has given me so much of unconditional love and peace while working on it. I am not looking much on the material front from this treatise on love. All I need is one more partner in spreading the message of unconditional love, peace and harmony. 

I firmly believe that ordinary beings possess extraordinary potential to win against odds, to jump over hurdles, to smile over tears, and, most importantly, to be happy when there aren’t enough reasons to be. People like you and me are the faceless constituents of a massive commonality. We are surrounded by a swiping generality. We are coloured in the monochromes of mundane reality. Still we are special. And that speciality is love at the core of our being.

Through my work, I acknowledge and celebrate the extraordinary in the ordinary people. I see heroes and heroines on the common stage of life chugging around. And most importantly, we have the very same essentially loving nature at the core. Just that the flimsy clouds of ego and apparent sufferings keep it buried inside. I try to help people unearth the basic seeds of goodness inside to help them grow into luxuriant trees of compassionate beings.

We fight, and oftentimes fail, but write a little passage in the infinite book of life: an ordinary life that was lived substantially. On the small stage of life, we live very intensely. Somehow, the world would not be the world that is still beautiful without our contribution. We heave humanity onwards in its march to some better destination. Just that all this gets overshadowed by the shifting clouds of ego, stress, frustration and jealousy. We simply need to look beyond the clouds to spot the glorious sun.

With our essentially loving nature fully acknowledged in our daily lives, all of us can be the heroes and heroines of our stories. The seed in us, the seed of love, carries the potential to be the tallest, luxuriant-most tree. The powerful force of creation propels the potential for maximization. Nature doesn’t want it to be a world of half-smiles, half-growths, half-blossoms and half-potential. There is a tendency for fullness. It pulls the process of evolution for the maximum, for completion, for what we call greatness. And the driving force for all this is love. It exists in each and every atom in the cosmos. All we need is to be aware of it. And this awareness needs practice. I have put an effort to nurture this habit of always reminding ourselves of our basic loving nature.

O my mind, my seat of potentiality, take my journey further,

Be the seat of my strength, not weakness,

Be the seat of kindness, not cruelty,

Be the source of light, not darkness.

You, me and all of us are born for the stories of greatness. Let’s acknowledge our loving nature to see through the journey. Please be my partner in sharing this message of universal love.


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Snippets of a Life Better than the Common


The sun playing hide and seek behind the clouds. The humid air wispily telling a smart secret. The land lying languidly; its pining thirst quenched by the sky's countless kisses and love-drops. A dove pair mating lost in the silent majesty of innocent and peaceful nature! Life can be far-far better provided we have the eyes to spot such marvellous ecstasies adoring the stage set around us. All we have to learn is to be at ease with the universal harmony. The ultimate melody will certainly reach our ears. She was at ease now. The girl from A Half House. Visiting Kolkata to be with her parents for some time, she had further gone to the village where her grandparents stayed with her uncle. To be at her roots, to strengthen, to solidify, to wage the battle of life after the temporary sojourn! The cool countryside air soothing and solacing, and wispily cooing a secret in her ears, the secret of happiness. She was taking big lessons from this small world.


Always there are easiest of routes to the toughest of destinations. Every hard situation has the softest of a solution. So there is no unconquerable problem in the real sense. Our solutions make them so. When in the face of a tough situation blame your solution, not the situation. Isn’t life all about taking smart short-cuts to beat the puzzling array of problems randomly cropping around us? So be the solution provider. Behind most complex of a phenomenon there is amazing simplicity. Read that. Those cute fundamentals will tell you that every situation is a living being. It has a soft and sympathetic message for you only. Listen to these delicate murmurs and it will help you in breaking the hardest of superficial, outer cores. He had started to read those simple fundamentals. He the tortured young man from The Broken Dream.

The only thing you can be sure about life is that there are going to be problems. So just accept it as any other law in nature which you accept without any grudges. In fact when in the face of problems, we as humans ought to think from the solutions perspective. Still there are times when the wrong dice cast by fate just puts you in most difficult of a situation. These are the times when it’s even futile to think of a solution. During such times, all you need is just to be there for the sake of future. Just do not back out. It’s no routine preaching to put up a valiant superhuman fight. Just maintain the routine. It requires a little effort to do the barest minimum to see through the turbulent waters. Be guarded, be defensive, but do not leave the field. He realised it and put himself on the autopilot. When you find that your being serious about the issues is not going to help you in any way, just try to live life according to the tide. A plain assumption here! Always assume with 100 percent belief that things are going to be normal. Equipped with this belief, just slog it out at the lowest morsels of your mental and physical levels. There are solutions, rewards, opportunities and suitable circumstances. Just be patient enough to be there to receive them. As you assume the inevitability of better things awaiting you, most of the presumptions about the futility of things will be cut down to their real size by the natural forces always there to help you survive and prosper. Call it belief in God or the superior cosmic forces. All it needs is your trust and belief. Just invest this much. It will just shower you with rewards. He was slowly coming to this realisation. He had worked very hard in life. Of course the rewards had not been as per his expectations, but he decided to stand there and then walk slowly in case there might be something in store, just a few miles away, across some turn in the path. One cannot afford to be totally pessimistic. It means being dead altogether 


The retired history professor had incisive thoughts that many times bruised the feelings of his fellow early morning visitors in the park where they meant to enjoy life and do Yoga to extend their stay on the earth. The professor’s unconventional logic rubbed against their conventional skin and the great time would end up being any other time of the day, just argumentative. The professor’s health needed attention. He realised it at the appropriate time. It was the time to feel, relax, not brainstorming. It was better spared for just special occasions.


If you can’t respect others’ thoughts, not a big problem with that. Just slog it out—even egoistically—to prove your point. But never do the same in case of feelings. Respect others feelings. There is a big difference between thoughts and feelings. You can trample your fellow human beings’ thoughts. But please spare their feelings. Feelings are sanctimonious. Leave them unstigmatised and pure on the altar of heart. The old professor knew that there might not be many such mornings left to enjoy, so it was prudent to enjoy every moment, sharing people’s feelings and respecting their opinions.


Rivers and we share a great symmetry in our life-flows. During the youthful stage, a river full of energy cuts through the mountainous rocks. It is vigorous, torrential, fast, furious and adamant about its path. Aren't we like that as well in our youth? Then the middle age sets in. During this phase the pace gets mellowed down. Through flood plains it takes gentle curves, meanders, building its reputation on the sediments cut in youth from the hardest rocks. The flow is at ease with itself. There is comfort and peace. Then the final drowning of its existence into the sea. So in youth gurgle with enthusiasm. Tear apart as much sediments as you can. It will be after all the material for your middle life flood plains when other types of responsibilities set in on this fertile ground. The aged social worker, retired and spending a major portion of his pension funds in feeding cows and dogs, realised the importance of cooling down and just allowing himself to be drawn into the sea completing a well meant life where he did more for others than anybody else in the town. The media publicity did not matter much now. With languorous acceptance of the natural flow of life he was slowly-slowly moving to the sea of his destination. 



We can fly and rise higher only if we are tied to certain responsibilities and commitments; our freedom-lorn spirit tamed to an extent by social conventions, individual values, family setup, the sweet-sour tides in our offices, etc. But most of the time we find it as a drag on our real enjoyment of life. We just feel how great life would be without all such traditional stuff. But guys tell me, can a stringless kite fly? The kite flies because there is a string pulling it and thus enabling it to rise into the higher skies. It also tries to negate the limitations set up by the string. It shakes its head in negation. OK! What happens when its dream to be string-free comes true? It just takes a few ecstatic circles in air and falls onto the ground. Those free dives of its dreams prove to be its death dives. We are the stringed kites fella. We fly and rise high only because our destructive passions and traits are tamed and tied to a string. So love your commitments, your responsibilities, and your struggles for small-small things in life. He had also given a good string to his life. Stringless kites cannot fly. The guy whose time had slipped out of his pocket in Friends and Foes was anchored to small domestic responsibilities with his time safely secure in his pocket. 


For the lovers of freedom, responsibilities sound as prison chains. Responsible people on the other hand find themselves squeezed in a tight corner by the commitments which do not allow them to enjoy freedom. The question is: Are freedom and responsibility inherently contradictory in nature? Is it really possible to make them complementary to each other by melting the contradictory edges? Across the dark into the stormy sea she had a saltier sea in her soul on that fateful night on the beach. She the lady in Legitimate Tears knew the most important responsibility in her life. Her daughter. The corporate career was for the daughter, not the vice versa. A smile on her daughter’s face was more precious than applauds in auditoriums. 



For good people it’s very difficult to enter a relationship and still more difficult to come out of it! For bad people it’s very easy to get into a relationship and still easier to come out of it! On this account her husband had been luckier than her in their marriage. She survived, the woman from Life doesn’t Smile Back, and regained her front office executive charm. Her husband was lucky in that she was a good human being on the basis of the above principle. The daughter was doing exceedingly well in studies to do them proud in future. 


I think it always (without exception) helps not to lose your temper. When you lose your temper, you not only deprive somebody’s chances for more happiness; you in fact deprive yourself of the same. So why fall in the trap of such a bad bargain. If nobody gains anything out of it (except perhaps that hypothetical and flimsy enemy of ours, called ‘ego’) why invest in such a loser scheme?  The retired Brigadier was forced into this realisation by near fatal upshot of blood pressure. The war was long over. It was the time to spend days as a peaceful ageing man who brought more purpose into the lives of those around. Time with his grandson and teaching him mathematics was more important than losing tempers over China.



Thank God life is not just a smooth road, taking us uninterestingly to a plain destination! Guys be thankful that it is pot-holed and bumpy. The vehicle of our life gets jolts and jerks which are in fact the lifelines for our material being. It tests the vehicle of our being. The latter responds and this see-saw battle releases energy for the engine of our survival. So guys if your road appears bumpier than others, just feel the sea-storm of energy your system is creating not just for your own survival but for the common cause of creation and survival at the universal level as well. As a struggler you contribute far more to a great unseen cause than it appears on the common plain of your material existence. The social worker with the overworked broom in the political streets realised the value and utility of his efforts. He could feel the value of his work, even though he had failed to become an MLA. The political potholes had jolted his calm journey to rob his soul’s peace once. He now decided to struggle with the aged Anna. The great man needed supporters after him.


There are times when our long-held beliefs sound untrue. It is however just a smoke-screen. If we just project our hands over our eyes and try to look into the haze with a bit of more focused look, we will see the faded glow of the sun of reality. It not only consolidates the beliefs very close to our soul, but allows more perspectives to our struggle to see through the cloud. Long-held beliefs are generally true. Their mere survival around the epicentre of our being authenticates their validity. Temporary ones just glow for a short time and fade out in jerks. So do not allow your long-held beliefs to die or fade out during the periods of crisis. Believe it or not, they are like life-belts tied to our endangered selves during the sea-storm. Sukh Ram’s jolting pivot of faith caught in the trap of ‘my faith’ and ‘his faith’ came free of the entrapment. After all the storms always get finished. His dilemmas had gone. He realised the value of the only religion, the religion of being human.


A Girl’s Dream; A Woman’s Nightmare


She had grown liking him. He as the chocolate boy of Bollywood was her first crush as the rosebud of her feminine self blossomed to womanish likes, dislikes and desires through her teens. Her school and later college friends teased her about this unachievable ‘boyfriend’. She herself took it to be the first love, not just a crush. In her room any other picture or wall adoring had to fight for a tiny inch square of space as Aamir’s seductive gaze peeped from different angles, in different moods and different surroundings.

As a teenager, growing up in Delhi she had all the fancy possible to a teenaged self for the good-looking Khan. Day in and day out she pined for him as the prince-charming wooed not so good-looking heroines, but luckier than her, in romantic, sashaying, melodious stories. So many times the girl in her visualised herself as the heroine dreamily courted by the charming heartthrob. The infatuation was to the extent of convincing her that it was pure love and she could not so much as fall in real love with any of the eligible guys around on the Delhi University campus.

While the innocent feminine bud was blossoming in her teenaged self, she had liked and appreciated each and every movie the actor churned out. As she lit up as a full woman she turned out to be remarkably confident. She could speak and express her opinions pretty eloquently. She was beautiful, young, outgoing, all the necessary ingredients for a student politician. As the ABVP presidential candidate in DUSU elections she created ripples and brainstormed the other opponents with her charming persona and won the election. Even the senior leadership in the BJP took notice of this next generation political crop that would carry the saffron flag ahead on the political path to make India a developed Hindu Rasthra.

Practical life is far away, beyond and beneath the innocent, selfless cooings of adolescence. The girl who loved Aamir for his any type of role in any movie was now a practical woman who praised his performance in some selected movies. She was reserved now in her praise of the actor, even in intimate conversation with former college friends. She now formally appreciated the crusading police officer in Sarfarosh, ferociously nationalistic Mangal Pandey in Mangal Pandey: The Rising, and the cricketer peasant in Lagaan who valiantly fought with rustic wooden bat to beat the Englishman blue with his Hindustani determination.

Her oratory, charm and enthusiasm were sufficient to get her a contesting ticket by the BJP in the 2015 Delhi assembly elections. As Kejriwal’s symbolic Tsunami coasted to an unprecedented political catastrophe for the ruling party at the centre, she also lost. It was a massive dent on her young political self. She knew a major chunk in her constituency comprised Muslim votes. They must have gone 100 percent against her. She was becoming more nationalistic, but she was becoming anti-Islamic in equal proportions.

As the autumn of 2015 arrived to drizzle down pale leaves off the branches, the art and literature tree of India also seemed ready to shed its extra burden. It was no spring, no fruition, but it thought of doing its duty for the safety of the nation under the BJP government. Even though there were cool, sunny days of earlier, the tree got panicked of the impending storm of ‘intolerance’. It shed many trophies hanging from its secular branches. It was doing its duty to save the nation. Writers and artists were herding to return their awards. People just looked around to find any type of damage done by the storm. But nothing had changed. It looked the same. The very same India. The writers and artists said they were protesting against the malice in ‘their’ hearts. Elsewhere the world became still unsafe and more violent as the ISIS and western powers got embroiled in a bloody game to turn common man’s life hell. At the start of the last week of November in Delhi, the winter was creeping up inevitably amidst all talks of the intellectuals and artists harking too much of ‘intolerance’ and the common man trying to peek through the smog to find out the devastation wreaked by the storm. But it was the same polluted, smoggy air in Delhi and elsewhere. India had not changed. It was the same India again. Then Aamir Khan jumped into the bandwagon. He threw a googlie. He added weight to the scared guild of writers and artists.

She was furious about the statement. As an exception as a good looking young female politician, she had hundred thousand plus followers on twitter. Aamir had turned villain overnight. And to her more so. Beyond political posturing, she was offended at the level of a common, nameless and religionless fan who had made Aamir the star that he was. She tweeted her blog link to the effect:           

When Aamir Khan says he and his wife get scared for the safety of their children, it's like somebody travelling in a cruise liner coursing through the safest waters and getting on the sun deck and instead of feeling blissful and obliged cries 'I am going to be drowned in the storm'. Meanwhile millions others are happily rocking their little boats to safety in the waters that are always risky for their little carriers because these are too mundane and small.

In a news channel in a debate among artists, and rightist, centralist and leftist politicians, she was almost shaking with anger. Her voice audible over the dissenting Congress spokesman:

So the illustrious superstar's Hindu wife is scared for her kids! We the audience, who have made her husband a superstar, deserve a chance to know exactly the reasons that scared her out of guts and run for asylum. We want to know the specifics. The star couple has to clarify:

How many threatening calls they received?

How many trishul wielding sadhus were found chasing their kids being carried in a secure SUV and having armed bodyguards?

How many naughty kids in their class jeered at them for having a Muslim father?

How many directors and producers denied Aamir a cast for being a Muslim?

How many times the Muslim superstar's wife was chased out of a mall for bringing shame to the Hindu nation?

How many times they were harassed by the 'agencies' on flimsy grounds.

Alas there is no answer to these questions. There would have been multiple answers to these questions had Aamir been in a Muslim state. This is incredible India. His poorly calculated political statement exposes him as a man who looks at society through religious glasses.


At one point, she got so hyper to shut off all dissenting voices in the studio to stare straight at the screen and ask it straight from the actor, who might be watching the prime time debate or may watch later if it got into gossips with its sledge hammering affects. With her nostrils flared up like a wounded woman whose man had been caught erring, she addressed invisible Aamir: 

Dear Aamir, we as the people who made you a star at the cost of our time and money just ask you a question. Are millions of applauds and claps and heartfelt appreciation by Indians, just as Indians and not as Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians, fall short of keeping you happy and safe in India against fake innocuous media posturing by certain individuals? Even you know what you said was anything but reality. You said it on political grounds. But do you even know what sense of insecurity it will fuel in the minority community. The minority communities are already unjustifiably on the back-foot psychologically because of genocidal fee-faw scenarios forecasted by the pseudo-secularists in the country who use this fear to catch their votes. You have been an entertainer. Why did you turn a politician suddenly and started making one section of people scared and the other section angry?

But she forgot that even the fan in her turned a politician now and was looking at the adorable star with blurred judgmental eyes. Her anti-Aamir tirade went on for a week. In an interview to a news magazine, she carried her fight against the off-hand remark by the actor:

Steeped in super-stardom, cocooned in super-luxury, safe in the safest of a palace, guarded uncommonly by law and own bodyguards, if Aamir's proxy concern through his Hindu wife for the safety of his children stands even a chit of logic, then millions of unprotected children of poor Muslim parents would have come under untold and unparalleled atrocities so far. Has something that drastic happened in India, except jingoistic posturing of pseudo-secularist people making fake noises? If that shakes the superstar's palace and convictions to the extent of him feeling like leaving the country, then shame on we the audience who made such a common persona a superstar. He should ask Tasleema Nasreen and Salman Rushdie what it means to feel threatened on religious grounds!

Her political mentor, a senior politician in the BJP at the central level was telling her. His words boosting her sagging morale. She was his fan now. He was saying:

India is tolerant as long as a billion people, brought up on pseudo-secular diet for six decades by the Congress government, stay nonchalant and ignore the birthplace of the supreme beholder of their faith. And when they clamour for a simple desire to built a monument at the most important place in their religiosity, this simple innocuous wish that gets manifested everywhere in the world in the form of altars and monuments ranging from Mecca to African jungles, comes to degrade India as an intolerant nation.

Times change, so do we with our changing tastes, likes and dislikes. We sometimes totally turn our back to the past, even when there are such little grounds to do so.