About Me

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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)

Monday, April 18, 2022

Allow me to call myself a Jat Please!


Concepts carry certain mental weight. If not more, at least they help us in proving that--just by being aware of their existence and pay them lip service; without doing anything practically to substantiate them--we are modern, educated, secular, non-casteist, etc., etc. These are after all suitable titles to qualify anyone as modern and sophisticated. One such concept is the concept of caste. Let anybody tell, and of all let it be a Jat mentioning his status, thousands will grab the opportunity to condemn and claim their status as modern and educated individuals. The word ‘Jat’ unfortunately portrays me not as a particular casteman but as somebody who is ‘uncouth’, ‘bad-behaved’, ‘rough tongued’, ‘savage’ because these are the synonyms that the non-Jats have heaped upon the simple, less-calculating Jat heads.


We have hierarchy of identities linked to us--our definitions. As per our concept-based clarification, I should say I am a ‘human’ instead of Sandeep Dahiya. But I do not, because doing so will just leave me unidentifiable in the final melting sea of humanity. I am human, but yaa I am also Sandeep Dahiya. Our identities starting from the self evolve upwards. Starting from my family, I am a Jat, then I am defined as a Hindu, then as the resident of a particular village, then a state, then country, then continent, then earth (if there are aliens). Now you tell where is my strongest self of belonging? Simple, it is with the ‘self’. So basically I identify myself with my name, my surname, my family name, my caste name. I call myself ‘Sandeep Dahiya’ and that gives me an identity among the sea of humanity. Will I prefer being called ‘Sandeep Dutt’? Or will ‘Pushp Dutt’ like to be called ‘Pushp Dahiya’? Absolutely no! So if we are so possessive about our caste-born names, why do we start croaking like mad frogs the moment somebody declares the identity?! All those who absolutely do not believe in casteism, should call themselves ‘insaan’ as their surnames, e.g., Push Insaan. We are digitally advanced enough to have unique identifying numbers among all the enmassed humanity of ‘insaans’.


When we talk of basic identity, it is at the cost of exclusivity. When I say I am ‘Sandeep Dahiya’ I exclude other names. When I say, I am an Indian, I exclude other countries. When I say, I am from Haryana, I exclude other states. When I say, I am a Hindu, I exclude other religions. So when I say, I am a Jat, am I committing a crime? When I express my opinions regarding the political ambitions for the dominance for my community, am I committing a crime? Do not we fight to keep our identities alive starting from the basic identity with the self? Do not we read for ourselves and settle in career so that family name becomes more popular? Or do we just do it for the neighbour to help them in their economic struggle? Do not we feel happy when the village earns a name in some regard? Do not we feel happy for the state when we read about its progress? Do not we feel happy for an Indian winning at the world level? So why shouldn’t I feel happy and proud of my status as a Jat casteman?! Why shouldn’t I aspire for better prospects for my community at the political and social level, like I do for myself, with my basic identity? When I am struggling to make my life better, am I always lost in the beautiful world of better life for my neighbour?! It is just our basic instinct man! It simply is basic instinct to hope to, aspire for and work for the betterment of things related to our basic identities starting from our families onward?  


Do not we prefer one thing over the other in even the most mundane aspects of life, such as food, footwear and clothes? Or we just abandon our priorities and preferences just to wear kurta dhoti, because half of India is clad in that? Or we just force ourselves to eat plain rice and daal because Indian masses survive on it? We do not! We have distinct preferences! This preference is basically derived by excluding something from the other. And when I exclude something to retain something else for myself, I do it as per my convenience, for my own sake! Do not all of us do the same? Is not caste a major factor in India? Does not our constitution show positive discrimination in jobs reservation and political representation? Is not our whole fabric dependent on caste? All those concept-blinded people, who start shrieking at casteism, should prove their genuineness by putting surname ‘insaan’ after their main name, because ‘insaan’ is our basic identity. If they cannot do it, then I shout ‘bloody hypocrites’ in their faces!


If RSS treats itself as a parivaar, does not it come on the basis of excluding other political streams? Do not they have a very strong identity which helps them survive as a robust and effective unit, whose effects we have just seen in assembly and parliament elections? Should they shed their uniqueness and merge into the sea of political neutrality?


If they cannot, then why the hell I should shed my casteist identity and stop thinking about the welfare of my community?!


Self-driven as per my family name, if I do good for myself and my family, do not I do something good for the country as well? As a member of a strong Jat community, that bravely contributes to armed forces and farm production, do not I add to the total Indian strength if I fight for better political prospects for my community? Or just paying theoretical lip service, like our so called educated class does usually, in the form of justifying concepts in innocuous debates is going to make this country stronger?


Sukh Ram’s Nightmare


Sukh Ram, involving ‘comfort’ and ‘Lord Ram’ in his name, is not feeling as comfortable as he should given his otherwise fine-going life. He has been bitten by the bug of insecurity; a psychologically exaggerated thing possibly. But every person’s haunts are as real as anyone else. One just cannot put these into the dustbin without reflecting over them. 


Sukh Ram wants to stay happy, feel safe and operate freely in a far better world than the present one. Of the many scaring bits of facts that stop this world from being a better one, the wrong interpretations of Islam just stab him like a poor kafir, slaying his peace, robbing him of his right to believe that we have indeed made some progress in the 21st century. He just cannot sit comfortably in the confines of his living room and watch the horrible scenes of massacres perpetrated by the blinded souls of extremist Islamists. Massacres of innocent students, beastly cut-downs on women’s already almost nonexistent freedom, live slayings of media men like they are just chicken, pumping poison in soft childhood to make them killing machines in future: the images are killing. It’s just not possible to believe that he is safe in this world, wherever on earth he is and whatever religion he is following. 


More to keep himself safe, and a bit less to help the humanity, he wants a better world by helping his Muslim brothers to redefine themselves in the ways parallel to the world involving blending of cultures and openness to beliefs and lifestyles. More than anything, it will save non-Muslims like him from the hair-raising problems at many levels in the future.


With his scared guts and his pants almost wet with cowardliness, he wishes these secular theorists to be gagged for some time and allow some real practical talk and do some reality check. He is praying for those who can find ways to gradually melt paranoid apprehension in the Muslim minds regarding anything non-Muslim, be it dress, places of worship, mode of prayer, food, relationships and what not!


He can even give a significant portion of his earnings to anybody who can ensure that the next generation of Muslims is more tolerant of those beyond the Muslim walls having their own distinct ways of life. He will embrace anybody who can tell the educated next generation of Muslims that touching a Hindu temple’s walls from outside does not mean they have lost their Muslimhood. As a Hindu he feels very lenient in what he accommodates regarding the multiple realities linked to inter-religious strains. He hardly has any qualms about entering and even offering prayers in darghas and mosques. But he has a doubt whether his best effort to take a single Muslim into the shrine of his faith will meet some success. Guys, again he cribs with a wounded judgement that Muslims from childhood are conditioned to take any such bravado into others’ shrines as blasphemous. With burning heart and sad spirit he recalls an ultra-modern, educated Muslim colleague of his in the corporate who used to openly throw Tuesday prashada into the dustbin. Well it was just a simple ritual by God-abiding Hindu employees to collect money on Tuesday and distribute prashada on the floor. ‘If the educated lot behaves that way, imagine the situation in crammed slum-type Muslim neighbourhoods!’ the ‘Ram’ portion of his name gets jittery.


The ‘Sukh’ portion of his name wants Islam has to be fundamentally redefined to inculcate mercy at its core philosophy like other world religions. A lady colleague of Sukh Ram still gets palpitations when she recalls an incident from her childhood in an African country. Her father had taken her to visit his Muslim friend’s house. All went well till she saw the host’s small kid catching a mouse and scooping out its eyes with playful relish. The proud father just looked droolingly. Highly educated and unbelievably soft, she still gets disturbed and says, ‘The fundamental philosophy is to kill the softer side in the young ones to make them less tolerant, less humane, aggressive and merciless so as to annihilate the kafirs and non-believers.’ Sukh Ram’s 7-year-old son softly mollycoddles a baby doll and serves her eatables hoping that she will grow to be his wife sometime in future. Sukh Ram shudders; takes his eyes away from his son. He has seen the documentaries portraying the consequences of this fundamental Islamic approach in war-torn and strife-lorn Islamic states where kid jehadis commit heinous crimes against humanity with the ease of performing something holy.


He wants to look far into a prosperous future, but how can he do that if he has millions around him who are looking back and crying all sorts of distractions. ‘They get antagonistic to me. My crime: I look ahead while they look back. By sticking to the rigid medieval line, my Muslims brothers think that they are surrounded by enemies like me and they have to stay and act like a pack of wolves to ward off the danger,’ he feels a painful stab in his heart. It’s evening time and the melodious azaan call blares from a minaret in ‘that’ section of the city. It draws him apprehensively to the crammed, unhygienic, slumish Muslim neighbourhood where the age-old lifestyles had been forced to stay alive in semi dark behind closed walls overlooking narrow streets. He wants them to open up; to come into the multi-religious playground and enjoy the fun the current age has to offer. He does not want this as a pious being. He does it as a scared person; scared because the volcanic eruptions from the suppressed neighbourhoods might erupt to cover his poor head with soot and ash. He counts the names of those well-to-do Muslims who can afford to shift to better social environment but still prefer to stay in narrow confines. In fact there had been a reverse trend. Upper class Muslim families had shifted to congested predominantly Muslim colonies from the earlier secular kafir-infested locations having better facilities. He becomes more insecure because it does not augur well for a cosmopolitan society. It does not augur well for him either.


He wants to have happy, safe, smiling Muslim families in his neighbourhood. He wants them to be normal people around him just like any other religioner. Following the azaan call, he spreads his palms to beg some favour. ‘The governments world over please contrive, devise direct and indirect, covert and overt ways and means to break this fear psychosis in Muslim minds to draw them out of the wolfish packs behind closed walls and redistribute and relocate them as prosperous neighbours of tolerant culture involving people of different religions,’ he finds himself praying to the governments world over instead of 320 million Hindu Gods and Goddesses and the sole supreme entity, the Almighty.



Now he pins all his hopes on the Governments and their institutions to bring about subtle fundamental changes in the ways Islamists lead their lives so that at least the next generation of Muslims would not look stealthily, apprehensively over the Islamic walls and peer at the world outside including him as an alien entity. If this is not done, he gets goosebumps at this realisation, the world inside Muslim neighbourhoods and outside will become so different that it will have sky and earth differentials. ‘Such differentials never allow stability,’ he bangs his rolled up newspaper on a flea that is distracting him and now resting on the table. He misses the aim, ‘How I wish there were many modern maulvis who keep the Koran and computer together!’  

Broken Wheels of the Rickety Cart of His Secularism


A common man’s story is very common indeed. Just like a common man lurches and staggers ahead on the testing path of survival, so are his ideas, opinions and ideologies. These also take different shapes and sizes after being hammered on the anvil of harsh realities. The world of hard nouns in the book of ideologies and concepts is not made for the common man because a common man’s world is always shaking. Take for example the concepts like secularism, leftism, rightism, right of the centre, left to the centre, etc., etc. These are like slippery eels in the hands of a common man. They slip, twist, turn, bite and kiss as many times as the common man gets into the pits dug by the ones who really matter to these concepts. Or to whom these concepts really matter. These are the people who have an agenda, a profession, a propensity and capability to stick to a concept or ideology theoretically to milk the conceptual cow for utilitarian means. For example, one can be a staunch extremist as long as he is in the profession of it either at the political or the religious level. Adherence to the concept pays him directly like a common man gets salary for the petty job. Similarly one can be a flawless secularist as long as one cashes votes for being so and win accolades for being tolerant and adjusting to other faiths.


Where does a common man go with his bundle of concepts and ideas? He just sways and swaggers to fall this way or that; most of the time it is for getting petty gains, for drawing little sips of solace against emotional flare up. A common man rarely walks steadily on the conceptual stage or ideology wearing the attractive shoes of identifying trademark. It is simple because the utility of that concept does not pay him suitable rewards. Ideology is for a bigger breed who can milk it, encash it at the political, economic, social and religious fronts. Here but we are talking about a common man who loves his ideology as long as it pays him in some form. So the political rightists, leftists, centralists, etc., keep walking on the razor’s edge because they are into a profession. They manipulate the mass sentiments of the common people to encash their devotion to a particular ideology. He but as a common man has no business to stick to a particular concept.


Much as he would try his level best to adhere to the concept of ‘secularism’ to prove his status as an educated modern Indian, as a common man but he falls into the pit of opposing sentiments on his little path of unpaying ‘secularism’. As a common man his notion of secularism gets jolted when he sees horrifying images of religious zealotry in the media or when his own personal soft skin and conscience gets bruised by a pricking experience. He has grown up considering himself to be an extremely secular person having visited and prayed soulfully at the shrines of all the religions in India. He has kissed mazaars, the holy resting places of Muslim saints and fakirs. He has felt amazing solace in surrendering to that incense-hypnotised aura. But his concept of secularism gets a dent when he tries to recall a single Muslim hand touching the outer wall of a Hindu temple forget about praying inside. Then there are many incidences, people and happenings that just severely jolt his sense of secularism and he finds himself thinking like an extremist. That is pardonable. By being a common man, and not having any arm to milk the ideology for his personal gain, he earns the right to carry his garbage of varying thoughts, concepts and ideas. He recalls some incidences, people and mishappenings that have given very serious jolts to his concept of secularism.       


Hafeez Sayeed is a fuckingly fabulous dreamer and often kicks him out of his secularist slumber. He thunders and rants. Hafeez Sayeed, who? He is that champion jehadi of Lashkar e Taibba ill fame! Well the poor innocent Hindu in him gets scared whenever he sees him thundering in public meetings in Pakistan. He has reasons to get scared! He has read enough of medieval Indian history to know Muslim zeal in cutting down Kafir Hindus to size and get them, the poor grass eaters, intimidated by the burly meat-eating champions of Islam.


Well, Lashkar e Taibba has taken up the goal of liberating Kashmir from India and then set up a Mughal state of Islamic India. It is a free world by the way! Hafeez Sayeed reserves the right to act and behave as per the norms set by his sanity or insanity (both are same by the way). Suppose he succeeds in installing some descendant of Mughal kings on the throne (he has to find out peacock throne as well for this purpose), the main challenge facing him will be to find out the real claimant out of the thousands of princes of royal blood who may turn up for the title. It will be still more arduous task given that most of these princes will comprise emaciated rickshawallas and beetle nut chewing ruffians. But even to claim that authority they need to know about Mughal history and for that you need at least a history book. One needs elementary education. So the dreamers of pre 1857 world should know that at least basic education is essential even for the mindless work of jehad.


When he hears of their nefarious designs and sees the bloodied streets of Bombay after the attacks, as a chicken-hearted Hindu raging with disgust, fear and hate, he at least pays namashkar to the Englishmen for weeding out the Mughal dynasty. The grass eaters would have continued to pay homage to the feeble most Mughal princelings for the centuries to come. Somehow that era still rules the hearts of common Muslims and unfortunately even the educated ones: a still bigger jolt to his earth-made concept of secularism; taking a huge bite off his poor ball. He had this Muslim friend as colleague in corporate. He was dashing, handsome and his narcissism ever pampered by the adoring ogles of the Hindu fillies. On top of that he got extra soft treatment by educated cultured Hindus because the latter, as less common than the common people, are so damn crazy about proving their secular status. A must have element for their educated self dying to make a permanent footing on the shaking stage. They will leave no stone unturned in mollycoddling the minority prince charming lest he felt bruised and broken hearted on account of the majority’s tyranny. So this educated minority prince was his closest buddy. He would drag him to eat chicken and mutton biryanis by the mosque, muttering, ‘Enough of grass eating! Eat the real food!’ Then there was some issue where he felt let down because he found the Hindu friend lacking in overenthusiastic support of an educated-secular-Hindu for the cause of minority. Sullen faced, his Muslim brother just muttered over the lunch plate, ‘Yes bro! Now this has to happen. We guys are surviving under your rule!’ It just seared through his Hindu heart. If an English speaking ultra modern Muslim still recalls Mughal era with such aggrieved nostalgia, what will be the situation of illiterate maulvi-blinded people in the minority! So at least Hafeez Sayeed is entitled to keep his Mughal Raj dream alive.


One of his friends was passing through a really tough phase in life. Somebody suggested the help of a tantric-type-mullah from a mosque. The happy glutton arrived at his friend’s place; got pampered by the royal treatment; suggested a few things to dispel the evil spirits; lecher-eyed scanned the Hindu females around, and made them cram ‘La ilaha illaha, Mohamed rasool-ul-ullah, salal lallahu illahi vassalam!’ thousands of times. The whole peasant family of his friend chanted this new supposedly more powerful mantra for months, hoping that at least Allah’s angels will bring them happy days. Even though the faith healer was just a single Muslim entity in the neighbourhood, he still had the last laugh on many poor Hindu heads. He realized it four years later in the sleepy suburbs of a North African town. Till that time he had parroted the mantra thousands of times much to the chagrin of Hindu Gods.


Just like a typical educated Hindu he never missed an opportunity to chant out the Islamic holy verse to every tom, dick and harry of a Muslim coming his way, just to showcase his secular spirit and prove that he also knew about Islam. But the secret was busted that sultry evening on the residential outskirts of Djibouti in East Africa. He was talking to this young chap Moosa, sipping coke at their small eating point round the corner of their house. Moosa had been to Pune in India for studies. Again to prove his Hindu secular credentials, he started the Islamic holy hymn. He was expecting appreciation. But lo what happens! Moosa was dying with laughter. He nearly choked over. Almost fell down from the wooden chair. He frantically called dozens of his siblings. They rushed in for entertainment. Being asked to cite it again, and to prove his secular status to a larger audience now, he sang out with more enthusiasm. It created a flutter of curious, proud peals of laughter.  Then Moosa the great told him the secret. Now he got to know it was in fact the hymn of somebody getting initiated into Islam. ‘Anybody saying it even once becomes a Muslim’, educated and enthused Moosa informed him. O God! Moosa seemed all eager to consider him a fully authentic co-religioner now. Thank God his little friend somewhere in his pants did not get a taste of Muslim religious initiation by getting a cut on its poor head!


More than a secular India he wants a prosperous India. India has tragically imbalanced people to resource ratio. Population time bomb gives him Goosebumps. How much of infrastructure we should create? This question is redundant as long as Indian population is on the rampage. He believes in birth control, and that he thinks is better than being a lip-serviced secularist. He cannot but help wince with pain when he realises that at the general level Muslim society believes in quantity. Even if the quality of life stinks and people grow in crowded, corrugated confines of congested neighbourhoods. The more the numbers, the better! With his irritated non-secular self, he over-analyses the situation and finds the Muslim food, even certain postures to be meant to add to the men’s libido to keep four wives and produce as many kids as possible. In the distant future, he gets scared, becomes suspicious and thinks that they are aiming numbers on their side; they will teach them the grass-eating Hindus a mighty lesson once they add a significant percentage to their population. A few months back a Muslim family took up a rented accommodation in his part. Miyanji was a burly man. But as a carpenter he earned almost negligible in comparison to his Himalayan libido targeting his emaciated wife. Result?! They were poorest of the poor and had six children. Again getting into his temporary fit of extremism, he felt pity for the future of these kids. Had it been just two kids they might have at least got some education. With these resources they will also become just some human-producing machines. Anyway, oblivious to this Hindu heart-burn, in his heart of heart the carpenter must have been thinking, ‘Even I am contributing to Hafeez Sayeed’s dream of a Mughal India in the 21st century by bringing as many true species of Allah as possible!’


As an average nation-loving guy and a well wisher of fellow Indians, he wants Indians of all religions to blossom up in open physical spaces, and openness and peace in minds and hearts to grow and prosper. Passing through a Muslim neighbourhood, scared of each blood-shot glance and afraid for his life for not wearing a skull cap, he had no option but to throw his secularism near a stinking goat carcass and the dogs busy around. Holding his hanky against his red sensitive nose, he again fell into the pit of getting judgemental, ‘Muslim society is haunted by this massive insecurity that puts them closeted within a claustrophobic sphere. It pervades in Muslim neighbourhoods. From first world countries to the poorest ones, the very same pattern of Muslim neighbourhoods shows a deep sense of distrust for anything un-Islamic. The streets are so narrow that you just find it difficult to sneak out once you are unlucky to get in. The doors are shut. Almost no windows! They just do not want to see the world globalising in beautiful blend of cross-cultural sinews. It is a world lost in its own strange maze.’ Guys he wants them to come out in the open, in an open safe world. To make it safer for himself as well. That narrowness is terrifying.


He never felt more insecure as he did when he committed the mistake of searching a Muslim merchant in the claustrophobic Muslim neighbourhood in Colombo, Sri Lanka. To make it worse he was having a vermilion mark on his poor Hindu brow, put by a smiling priest in a Tamil temple in some other quarter of the city. The first skull-capped person whom he asked about the concerned individual just shot through his Hindu-marked forehead with his blood shot aggressive eyes. He could feel that typical antagonism for the kafir. He will never forget that arrowshot by the eyes. Bullet wounds might heal, but such soul-hitting mad glances never do. Afterwards, while he walked lanes after lanes in this lost world, he felt his feet giving under him. To be hell with metropolitan Colombo, this world ruled itself in its narrow lanes, dim light, dingy shut-doored and windowless houses and foul smelling stagnated air! ‘If they decide to slaughter me, the outer world would not even come to know in which quarter I had my last breath!’ he felt horrified. Thanks to the Hindu priest’s blessing hand, he came out in one piece. For a moment he became a firm believer in Hinduism. He had exactly the same feeling in Rangoon where his Muslim friends found him intimidated while he just chickened out of their quarters like a rabbit runs away from a pack of wolves.


Travelling in a train across the snowbound wastes of central Asian republics, he and his group of friends was scanned by the blood-shot eyes of another Islamic zealot. Baring his gold-plated fangs, that allowed him to tear any type of meat, he asked, ‘From Pakistan?’ ‘From India!’ they bleated like lambs. There was a queer aggression in the onlooker’s eyes. A joker friend of his had the audacity to say, ‘I am Hamidullha!’ God, how he wishes if you guys had seen the sense of relief and composure pervading fake Hamidullah’s new-found brother’s agitated being after meeting a co-religionist! The rest of them, the poor Hindus, did not even exist for the happy-to-find-a-Muslim-brother journeyman. As a human being it just saddened him terribly. He can never forget that cold, merciless indifference. Such symbolic gestures are more overpowering than the straight slaughtering of a kafir by an extremist Muslim.  


No hesitation in confessing that he is losing his poor grasp on his tiny, fragile concept of secularism; feeling more and more scared of exclusivist Islam and rampant Islamists. And more so because he has just closed his doors to Hindu rituals and that means Hindu Gods would not have anything to do in saving this newly turned atheist. How did he come to turn an atheist? Well about that sometimes later! Till that time some God of some true religion please save him from the Muslim tyranny! Although far away from the Middle East, he gets jittery and fidgets in his chair as he watches ISIS brutalities in Iraq and Syria. No man he does not feel safe. At least not when millions of fellow human beings belonging to a different religion suffer like this!


Different Reflections from the Same Facet


There is no absolute truth. All we have is just a pliant, swaying sea of fractional truths. We draw out our share of truths from this sea that will be suitable and complement our sense of identity with the self, i.e., ego, our perception of the world, our vision of the world and the people around.




A beautiful woman's beauty is nurtured and blossoms by the relentless stretch of appreciating words by her lover like a rose blossoms by the dewy intoxication during misty nights. But how long the poor lover can continue to shower the words of unquestioning praise?! After caressing the rose, the lover also feels the pricks of reality around the beautiful flower. It is called the lover's awakening from the blindfolding slumber. So the words of all pervading praise dry up. The beauty sulks and her narcissism also feels deprived of its customary diet of acclaim. It is now better to go for a new lover because during the initial phase of courtship the new lover will again feed her narcissism to help it blossom at its peak again!





A beautiful woman is like a fragrant beauteous hedge. Beauties and aesthetics apart, it has a tendency to grow heavenwards driven and pulled against gravity by the soothing sun of narcissism. But this growth also tends to turn it wild. So the beauties, the hedge and the woman, need an upkeeper, the labouring pruner who maintains the shape. In case of the gardener it is done through cutting tools. A man as a lover does it through much hyped love, care and share.





Women are humanist! Almost perfect except one thing! Their humaneness crosses the zone of perfection and slightly touches an arena where bitchiness for their own sex starts in free flow. It is here that the men's chance to appease their women opens up its welcoming arms. A man has to realise that it is more practical to say a few negatively critical remarks about other women than millions of appreciating phrases about his woman!!



The Mathematics of Super-rich Hindu Godmen


Ever wondered about super-rich Hindu godmen?! All of us cannot escape being wonderstruck at the extensive material possessions religiously safe (always beyond the domain of tax and property laws that stalk the tiny material prospects of lesser mortals like yours truly) under the clutches of long list of Hindu religious figures. Well mendicancy that always reminds us of naked bearded Sadhus lost in meditative trance, it now instantly fetches us the image of gold-imbibed sages on whose feet both elites and the masses put their heads for seeking better prospects. Sadhus are doing good business man!


It is one of the most predominant means of land grab in India ranging from prime locations in metros to the remote mountainous stretches. It is a very simple Hindu mathematics that functions on the parameters of blind faith and governmental incapacity to interfere into the religious affairs of the people who manage and organize religion for the 80 per cent population in the country. It starts with a smart bearded eagle who puts his bum by a holy fire near the vicinity of a suffering settlement full of needy, suffering people. You know why people’s faith in fate and God for a reprieve from their problems is not coming down as it should given the vast strides in science and technology? It is rather going up to turn into a blind race without any rhyme or reason. The reason is goddamned massive population in this country. People are crammed in a small space and fight over little resources. It is always a futile struggle because people resource ratio is terribly skewed. One person in gain definitely means thousands of people in pain. They ultimately have to spread out the corner of their apron for divine intervention. In ancient India that was rich in resources, faith was a means of spiritual pursuit. Now it is a mad rush to stand in the queue like sheep and humbly get blessings to fulfil even basic needs. People have so many needs and uncountable frustrations that they are forced to drop logic at the end of a hard-cut day of struggles.


The mathematics of Godmen prosperity is very simple. Suppose ten people start going to a new religious sprout, the new Sadhu on the scene. They have their histories of disappointments, struggles, issues against man as well as God, trials and tribulations. When they decide to hit their forehead into the dust around the holy feet of this new blessing giver, even with a very weak probability law, some of them have already done enough to resolve some of their issues. Suppose out of the ten, two people have been struggling long enough so that in any case they would have seen a positive change in their situation even if they had not visited this Godman. But since they see a change in their situation after they started visiting this religious fellow, they forget the long trials and tribulations and their fight. They think that if it was not happening for so long, and now it materializes, so it must be born of this holy man’s blessings. So these two overzealous and over-obliged troubled souls turned followers become the publicity agents. Driven by a devotional spirit each of them will fetch ten fellow sufferers from the group of their acquaintances. And out of those twenty persons, at least four would have done enough to change their life positively anyway. But again these four will go ga ga about the Sadhu’s prowess in changing their lives. These four will get another forty and so on. It grows with a very serious mathematics, a sort of nuclear chain reaction.



What about the rest eight of the original ten people who visited initially? They will never doubt the powers of the Sadhus as such. At the most they will think this particular one is not skilled enough to resolve their issues. Possibly stronger evil powers are stalking their fates. So they will continue with their struggles for their causes as well as search for a skilled-enough holy figure who will ultimately deliver the goods for them. They will be scattered among different levels of groups falling in the domain of various Sadhus. And those who realize that things have changed for them (which would have changed anyway given their long road of struggles), they finally dump their loyalty at the feet of the holy figure that they are visiting at that time. In this way these Godmen get their core group of loyal followers. Not surprising then if most of these Godmen are cut in the avatar of Asha Ram and other cheats. A very simple religious mathematics, eh!