anybody talking about building next generation warplanes, satellite shooters,
next monster ballistic missiles, some super-dad of a Nitro, hrdyo or any x y z
bomb or any other type of extension to our greed for power? Are there top
security meetings taking place to rule the planet? Everything has been pushed
to the corner in the face of a common threat. Lesson number one, in the face of
irreversible damage to Mother Nature and the over-sweeping forces of
globalization, the problems will be common for Homo-sapiens. So stop creating
any more among yourself. These are nothing but assumptions, insecurity and
virtual fears in the face of imagined boundaries and mind-contrived notions of
having different interests and identity. The walls have crumbled now. It’s just
one open field. So play the same game for the benefit and enjoyment of everyone.
of the fact whether the patient zero was an inadvertent culinary experiment in
Wuhan animal market or some chance, mischance, deliberate, helf-deliberate or
any other reason possible pushing the situation to the leaking of the deadly
virus manufactured in the Wuhan biological weapon test lab, the result is that
it has carried out the repercussions of the scale of a world war three. Wars
have changed shapes and context over the millennia. The greed for power, the
rapacious urge to dominate, the ever-persistent gluttony for more and more, all
these and more that gratify individual and collective ego are itself deadly
mutants that have hijacked our creative brains to keep the destructive trait
one step ahead of the peaceful use of our logic and reasoning. The main thing
is: we have failed to learn to live in peace.
and its ambitions to be the all powerful master isn’t the only genesis of the
problem. It’s a symbol of our collective greed for more and more by killing the
aesthetics in mankind in parallel with burning the house, the little planet, we
live in. Behind its iron curtail, things have been very shady in China. The
strongest in the Chinese society destroyed millions of their own softer lives
in the name of an ideology that nurtures the biggest evil in the name of
serving the cause of the maximum, i.e., communism. A serpent which is used to
eating the weaker ones among its own species will hardly stop at dining in its
own house. It will slither out of its hole to gobble up preys outside also.
Like they can boil live animals to satisfy the cravings of their tongue, they
will hardly listen to any prick of conscience before planning to unleash any
suffering on the humanity outside the Chinese borders. This steely resolve is
their strength.
serves in the brute game of the survival of the fittest. But that is where the
entire meaning of humanity gets lost. It’s like retracing the steps back to the
pre-historic times when our ancestors survived as one of the animals in caves
and forests. We could break that vicious loop of the naked game of the survival
of the fittest only because we had the power to group and manage things collectively.
Contrary to the belief that our reasoning served as a weapon to enable us to
reach the pinnacle of food chain and rule the planet, it’s the still more
effective soft power of emotions and empathy that served as the basic fuel of
our civilizational progress. Use of logic, reasoning and the subsequent science
and technology is merely the means to achieve the ends of cooperation and the
common goal to excel as a species. With only raw aggression, we would still
have been struggling as one of the apes in the forests. We excelled not because
we made deadly weapons. We thronged because we could consciously love and were
aware of our empathy to contrive things and manage affairs with a larger collective
identity. Now with no other species in the arena to compete against, we are carrying
the struggle to excel among within the species. So the domain of collective
affiliation and identity is shrinking now after expanding to its peak when Homo-sapiens
primarily identified with their own species to evolve at all levels. Now the
collective affiliations are shrinking within the Homo-sapiens. It now shrinks
along the boundaries of nationality, religion, caste, creed, class, continent and
many more. Just as we fought against other species, now we create different
subspecies of mankind on the basis of caste, class, nationality, ethnicity and
religion. It’s the same age old war that we started against other species. To
compete at all cost, even though there is hardly any need anymore, leaving it a
divided house now at the risk of crumbling down far earlier than anyone of us
can think of.
I look at China’s obsession for more power and clout, I have to point out that I
am no supporter of the USA either. They have been doing all that takes in the
power game to stay the de facto ruler of the planet. It includes sustaining conflicts
world over to weaken nations and encash resources out of conflict areas.
However, the saving grace is that they are a functioning democracy. People have
a direct role in choosing their head. And the option of choosing a leader still
leaves a whole lot of prospects for the humanity. At least, the head of the
state is accountable. He has the necessity of going out there before the electorate
and get the license of governance renewed again. The leadership in China is not
accountable to anybody. And such power sitting on the head of such immense
resources is nothing sort of a potential hazard for the masses both within and
outside their boundary.
with just 3000 deaths, which is nothing in comparison to their millions of
slaughters under communism, they are in a fine position to start throwing the
sickened humanity outside Chinese borders with cheap, hardly reliable medical
supplies. More business. More money. More clout. They want it at any cost. Their
biggest rival is on the knees with the risk of even 100,000 people dying from
Corona virus. That is what is most important to the Chinese. They hardly care
if there have been collateral damages to their own late-found cronies like
Italy, who had become the junior sergeant of Chinese belt and road initiative meant
to tie a serpent knot on the world economy. Italy unfortunately served as the launch
pad of infecting the entire Europe and the rest of the world in its wake, given
Europe’s position in the day to day functioning of the world.
wars in future will come in different colors than we have got used to see in
the past. All of us have the fire-spitting metallic birds, the very same
ballistic whales that swim in the seas outside our atmosphere and then dive to
strike suddenly, the very same fire and hell spewing nuclear bombs, the same
guns, mortars and military arsenal. All countries can kill similarly. So who
will take the risk of hitting with the same weapon that lies in the opponent’s
holster also? The new weapon is inelegant shrewdness and ingenuity to hit the
opponent’s interests in almost invisible, indirect and intangible ways. Corona
isn’t a self-evident war. Beyond the estimations of what and whys of it, it is
primarily an epidemic. The scourge is visible to the human eyes. Only its tell
tale effects are visible. Instead of investing in firearm factories, you invest
in setting up stages, where the real motives always stay behind the scene of
the confusion. You incubate pandemics. You calculate the reactions, visualize the
scenes arriving on the stage later after the silent trigger has been launched
in the murky haze of human brains, then you act, behave and respond in the ways
where the unsuspecting sufferers hardly believe you to be the real mutant brain
behind the chaos. And you draw out advantages, indirectly, out of the things
changing to a chaos on the stage. Things indeed appear incidental. While in
reality it turns out to be a well scripted act.
that the rest of the super-power aspirants won’t do the same. They will
definitely try the same. It’s only about who can be more deadly. It is not
about choosing the best. There is hardly any option for that. It is simply
about ‘who is a lesser evil’. And democracy is always going to be a lesser
evil. With the next generation warfare, a closed secretive form of government
is most qualified to succeed, where there is no specific battleground, no specifically
outlined cause, no tangible target to grab. All you know is that you have to
weaken the opponent at any cost and draw advantages out of that. You can do
anything you want, simply because you are not answerable to anyone in the
domestic population.
motive has been the same historically. But the ingenuity of human brain was
only limited to swords, and later modern weapons, where there were cuts and
bruises on both sides. So if China sacrifices its own 3000 people, it will take
it as its share of casualties in the new version of warfare. If with the stage-managed
loss of such lives, they can bring down the entire planet on its knees, wreak
havoc with its economy, suspend all other forms of military competence in the
rival camps, they will take it gleefully. In the conventional warfare, you
cannot even win a local battle in lieu of such number of casualties.
is now sneaking into the domain of intangibles. Like this virus is invisible.
You don’t get alert like you can do on seeing a snake. To forge out such an invisible
enemy, you have to be very ingenuous in approach also. In fact, that is
primarily the investment to launch the campaign. It’s about breaking all
boundaries of ethics, because even in a bloody conventional war including the
nuclear weapons, which are pretty conventional as of now by the way, even with
your numerical and technical superiority, you give your enemy a chance to fight
and die to uphold their own belief, values and position. Like in villages, the feuding
farming families may unleash their fury on each other. They may murder, they
may do whatever we have known as routine in terms of violence. But still there
are boundaries, almost unbreakable, which even the worst enemies avoid. Their
animosity seems to melt away beyond the broadly recognizable contours. All
farmers have their crops under the open vault of skies. A major portion of their
economic interests lies open to any kind of risk imaginable. That is the domain
where mine and yours merge. You want your enemy to be decimated, but you want
all farms free of fires because there is something, a voice of conscience that
stops you. Your own sense of ego cuts you down in your own eyes if you think
anything like that. It belittles you. Those are the open skies, the rivers, the
lakes. You avoid that and decide to fight a bit on the tangible stage, where
there are chances of you suffering also. But you take that as an offering to
the Goddess of your ego. A Chinese type of next-gen warfare has the capability
to breach any such false sense of curtailment by one’s ego. They are capable of
doing anything in the name of innovation. Heart has no say. The calculating
part of the brain has swiping powers, simply because their secretive system of
governance allows the maximum chance to groom such a capability. Here the
farmer will simply go out and cut his crop, leaving a portion of his own to be
seen as burning with the rest, and light the fire. That’s it. You can defend
your military installations, your cities, your borders, but limitless breaches
are there in the porous and open realm of air, water and forests, the things
lying there in the open like farming fields lie there only at the mercy of a
sense of conscience, a self-accepted boundary, making them safer than the
missiles hidden in deep bunkers.
Chinese syndrome isn’t an outcrop in abstract. It is the recipe born of the
collective fire of modern humanity’s misguided sense of achievement, in
grotesque dehumanized values which put human interests before anything else on
this little planet co-shared by millions of other species. Just cause and
effect man! Like in a weakened immune system, the disease has to start
somewhere, here also it happens to get into effect from a system of governance
most suitable for the evil-effects of our unsustainable practices to be carried
out. So taming China is just a partial solution. In the absence of systematic
overhaul of the overall value system, we will have a new version of the Chinese
kind new gen warfare and stealth somewhere else. It’s just a symptom. And
treating symptoms never fully cures the root cause of a disease.
we go into a global lockdown, it’s the time to think and ponder. The things
discussed above are mere symptoms of a bigger malady: our collective greed at
the level of our species. What is the use of wreaking havoc without limits to
greed and create trillions strong economies, if you have to spend trillions
again to ward off the consequences, as the roof of the cave over our head,
where we have been mining, caves in? Can’t we be happier with less, and that
less will be still more than what we will be left with after spending on emergency
solutions to save ourselves from plethora of cascading problems.
man rest! Pause. Hell won’t break lose if you pose for some time. You will
still have the same little gob of earth circling around the sun; you will have
the same days and night, same weather systems. In fact, you will have a better
version of everything else, as the sand raised by your hooves settles down while
you take a rest for some time. Ask anyone, the skies are clearer than ever in
recent decades. Delhi has AQI like any Nordic capital. Can you believe it?! Ozone
layer is replenished. Birds appear to chirp more enthusiastically. See, what
can your hiatus bring to this little home of ours in just a week! Use the Wuhan
syndrome and the resultant Tsunami for forging a better future. Catastrophe has
no limitations. It takes millions of years to make, and a few chaotic moments
to break. It will take China a bit of time to realize its mistakes. And realize
they will some fine day, I am sure. Meanwhile, if rest of the world mends its
ways, the Chinese next gen warfare and the value system of their ill-conceived
competence will become irreverent. Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolent noncooperation
will accomplish what super-nukes cannot do. Make it all versus one, but in a
nonviolent compassionate way. Just don’t cooperate with the Chinese version of
hegemony and dominance at any cost.