Physical intercourse, which we so often present as decent sounding 'Lovemaking' is the least possible utilisation of the cosmic energy contained in the physical self. Just the first milestone in the journey of evolution of the soul. It's simply the gateway to the world of actualization of the full potential of the kundalini Shakti. You can say it's simply like a little flower drawing a tiny sip of sunrays to blossom up, while far away the infinite energy of the Sun dazzles brilliantly. When the cravings for mere physical ejaculations stop creating the illusion of the ultimate pleasure, when cosmic orgasm stands seperated and at a distance from the maya of physical ejaculation, the entire body vibrates with divine orgasm, the soul dances to the tunes of the ultimate liberation, physical pleasure raised to the highest power possible, to infinite proportion. All the tiny pleasures that maya has set up on the small scale lose their duping power, which restrict the physical self from merging in the pools of the divine self, and one tastes oneness. Or the divine nothingness. Or the cosmic everythingness. All same same!
need not be the one who has glimpsed into the sun source directly to truly know
the truth in these simple words. All of us are equally eager seek to drop the
burden of "me". However, the only tool that most of us appear to know
is the short, temporary bliss of physical intercourse wherein for a brief
moment "me" or ego ceases to exist.
that all of us have the inkling about, a little glimpse, the ultimate bliss
through physical intimacy. It only means all of us are equally qualified to
dive into the permanent bliss of the cosmic orgasm, where each cell, not just
the genitals, of the body vibrates with infinite pleasure, bliss and
egolessness. As all journeys start with the first step, Mother Nature has given
us this easiest means, which apart from helping us propagate our species,
introduces us to the path of real egolessness.
hardly have the potential to consciously raise the bar to move into the higher
dimensions of egolessness starting from the physical ejaculation. But humans
have the potential to consciously move from sex to super-consciousness; from
the point of cosmic release of egolessness at the reproductive system to the
overall physiognomy and further into the domains of soul, where the real self
looks at its reality, beyond the screen of physicality..
are spiritual techniques to facilitate one on the path of egolessness leading
to the cosmic orgasm. The central channel along the spine, sushumna, has seven chakras for the movement of vital life energy.
But the upper 5 chakras are blocked, leaving the lower 2 chakras for the
outflow of vital energies. But the lower chakras are just defined by anger,
hate, greed, lust and jealousy, so the majority of the energy is lost at the
lower chakras. It's like a pipe having 7 chakras has upper 5 blocked, leaving
only the lower 2 open, wherefrom the vital energy outflows in the form of basic
animalistic instincts. However, if the upper 5 chakras are cleansed, energy
gets a channel to move up, taking one into higher domains of egolessness.
Pleasure of lower chàkras loses its value, just like toys lose their importance
as we grow old from kids. Similarly, pleasure of lower chakras appears
valueless in comparison to the joy felt at the moment energy reaches the higher
major portion of the urge to get a temporary release of ego is related to the
search for meeting desires, fulfilling expectations, assurance, love,
connection and insecurity. The messages from the higher dimensions, in the form
of free floating thoughts, emotions and desires, need carrier medium. Irony is
that at this plane of existence, at the human level, the carrier medium are
humans of flesh and blood. So just like a vehicle has to have fuel to drive,
this carrier medium as a physical body has to have its driving fuel also, which
are quite interestingly born of exciting, sweet sour version of maya, illusions, and manifest as seeking
of assurance, love, connection, insecurity, desires, expectations, physical
intimacy and many more. Just like in the journey of the vehicle, the
destination is more important than the fuel, similarly, in glimpses of truth,
the fuels of maya are less important
than the destination of the soul. However, it does not lessen the value of the
driving fuels in any way. Their need itself sums up their value in the journey.
Journey well. Stay joyful, stay safe. Namaste.