About Me

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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Light

The light does hark,
beyond the deepest dark,
There is a day bright,
after the ghostly haunts of a nightmarish night,
After a barren famished fight,
there blossoms a springed delight,
After pining pangs of seperation,
there is a worthy end to the desperation,
After crashing in the gutters,
there is a surge and rise to bathe in holy waters,
After crying convulsions on the lips,
a smile takes honeyed sips,
After the last deafeat,
still there is an undying urge to accomplish the feat,
Even when blind with despair,
there is hope hiding and cajoling somewhere,
Even in hate, love still lurks somewhere!


It has been months since
I last lit my faith's lamp,
So many days have passed since
prayers chimed in my dark den's air damp,
My meditating self,
Now gives atheistic yelp.
Lost my faith!
Lost my prayer!
Lost my rituals!
Lost my meditative 

The story told by the soul to its own corpse

Once I flew and frolicked high,
Now the flesh and blood gone dry,
The real me withdrew with a painful sigh,
They say, 'I was destined to die,'
It's but the biggest lie!

The Night

Too far and deep, I have gone into the pit of gloom,
And lost in the cavernous folds of the impending doom,
Even the brightest big suns now appear too far,
Faint stars these now and just flash their inspiring rays,
Feeble raylets reaching me cannot take out the ship caught in treacherous bays,
I know the futility of the beckoning light,
Even in its brightest folds outside, hope was always out of sight,
Now i go deep into my night,
With nobody as a witness to my plight,
All cherished dreams out of sight,
A wingless bird that tried to fly but then crashed from its struggled height,
Now I just silently walk into the dark hold of my night,
and forlorn,
Musicity of my soft moan,
Carrying me into hitherto unreachable zone!

Monday, March 9, 2020

A Cosy Home

Olive-backed sunbird nest....parents will be parents! The exteriors of dry grass and paddy straw, inside there is a cushion soft padding of cotton and feathers. The interior done with as much care and caution as humans decorate theirs. There is hardly any qualitative difference between what humans do for their family and what anyone else from among millions of species on earth does for theirs. There is just quantitative difference, which we wrongly analyse as a hallmark of our superiority. A snail crawls a few feet to do exactly the same for its family as a human being does in trotting over the globe. An ant crawls a few meters to do exactly the same what a panther does in its miles long sprints. From smallest to the biggest, all of us do the same thing qualitatively. The only difference is in quantity, the numbers, which are our mind's innovation, nothing else. Numbers don't matter to mother existence. So guys, next time when you see a busy ant on its way to fulfill its duties born of its unconditional love and care for its family, stop yourself from crushing it. All of us are 🐜 to mother nature. So don't brag too much. Accept the fact with humility. It will melt the ego also, which in turn will help avoid the brain from becoming an overweight, potbellied bully! And one sheds the ego, one feels light, sees the light and floats to the ultimate fringe of truth and with a swipe of cosmic orgasm melts with the light. The journey gets completed!