Music for Sufi Meditation
My father named or nicknamed me as Sufi. As a Hindu I rate it as a great syncretic sentiment. And why not, probably I am the only Hindu in Haryana who is called Sufi.
My father named or nicknamed me as Sufi. As a Hindu I rate it as a great syncretic sentiment. And why not, probably I am the only Hindu in Haryana who is called Sufi.
Coming to
Sufism. It’s the best mystical offering by Islam to the overall humanity. The
strands of unity, oneness, universal brotherhood and love for all waft around from
the esoteric incense of Sufism. So I am happy to be called Sufi.
Sharing a
musical piece for Sufi meditation. Play the music on a higher volume so that it
swathes you in its gripping, haunting pools of melodious surrender to the
ultimate. This meditation is best done in a spacious room or hall because it
involves swirling around.
Listen to
the initial notes and you will feel some spiritual haunts spreading from the
central Asian lands. It is about connecting to mother earth, and from her to
the solar system, galaxy and the ultimate. So perform it on naked feet, or be
in socks at the most if the climate in your part is too harsh.
still as you listen to the build up of the Sufi melody. Just relax and look
within, taking the enchanting trilling of the music seep into you. Now spread
your right arm by your side, raise the arm to the level of your shoulder, elbow
turned at an angle and the hand raised up, palm facing upwards . Your elbow
shoulder and chest being in a line. Spread the left arm to the other side, keep
it comfortably straight, without putting strain to straighten it. The palm
spread out and pointing to the ground. The hand dangling at an angle from the
And start
swirling, go round and round on your feet in anticlockwise direction. Just
slowly build up the momentum. There is a difference between exercise and
meditation. In the latter your spirit is involved. The body is just the starting
point. Keeping the hands as mentioned above, as you start swinging, swirling,
allow the divine forces to take control of your body. If you really do it,
believe me you won’t fall, because there are balancing forces all around you.
When we stand
we think we are in control of our body and only we are managing the stand of
our body. Little do we realise that our apparent control is just illusion. The
all balancing forces of eternity are what which maintain our standing. And look
at the eternity’s grace, it allows us to think that we are solely responsible
for maintaining our standing.
Your body
will be swinging in circles, like a swinging top, but that is just the outer
periphery of your being. After a time you, will realise that just the matter or
food body is going in circles. The real you, the axis of your being, the
consciousness, remains immovable. Just like a swinging top swirls around a
central nail, you will go within to the immovable point of your being. The
externalities will be swung out by the centrifugal forces of divine
realisation. The centripetal forces will suck you into the core of your being.
And the apparent objectives around you—and so will the illusions—will just
merge into an all-pervading continuum, one layer of energy, which even quantum
physics has verified.
differences will melt. Going in circles around the point of your consciousness,
you will realise it is all just one energy, spreading, transforming, altering,
from here to there. If you maintain that equipoise of spirit, soul and matter,
you can build up the momentum to continue for ever! Well, you need not do that
of course. Haa Haa.
continue as long as you enjoy the deep sips of solace. After that lie down on
your stomach. Surrender to mother earth and the grandmother eternity. Just lie
like a child. You will have glimpses of that cosmic security and protection
when your mother carried you in your womb. Remain like this till the momentum
of mystical oblivion embraces you.
your eyes later. Take a turn to lie on your back. But move very gently, without
giving any jerk to the body. Be so soft as if you want to preserve the softest
thing in you. Rub your hands. Place them gently on your face, smile, be thankful
to the eternal law for the moments of peace.