About Me

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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Voice Inside

The Voice Inside
Forget about the hoot and holler
emanating from the world outside,
And give an ear to the soft and murmurous
cooings emanating from the soul,
It has a soft and sympathetic
message for you only,--
your most personal message,
meant only for you,
Listen to these delicate chimes,
It’ll help you in finding peace in chaos,
In getting a foothold in the stampede,
In feeling rest, repose and respite
in the face of constant buffeting by the world around,
It’ll help you in breaking
the hardest of superficial layers,
which suffocate and limit your identity,
And put you face to face with
your  true self, your real worth,
Listen to it, close your eyes,
And pay attention with all your heart,
Just for a change,
don’t look far, look closest at yourself,
It’ll be as uneventful as looking
at a dust particle around your feet,
But it changes the universe for you,
You will have the biggest message
in the softest of whispering phrases!
And it’ll help you in finding yourself.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

My Mind, My Buddy

Be the seat of my strength, not weakness.
Be the seat of kindness, not cruelty.
Be the source of light, not darkness.
Be the source of energy, not idleness.
Be the source of creativity, not limited vision.
Be the source of love, not hate.
Be the source of smiles, not tears.
Be the source of happiness, not suffering.
Be the seat of optimism, not pessimism.
Be the seat of gain, not loss.
Be the source of help, not obstruction.
Be the seat of leadership, not just sheepwalk.
Be the seat of a better human being.
Be the source of a more loving person.
O my mind, my seat of potential, take my journey further.
Please choose the better half of all the dualities for me.

Keep reminding your mind. Repeatedly. Daily. With eyes closed and fervent request. It’s a very nice, nutritious pre-breakfast food.

Choosing the better side of the pair of our actions and feelings is as easy as flipping a coin in our fingers from head to tail. We are pre-conditioned for the negative end of dualities. The instinct can be broken. Just early morning practice is sufficient. It’s needs much as reminding the self. Repeatedly.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

God by Chance

God is just an incalculable sum of infinite serious of chance factors.

Chance is divinity! If ever there is a force that shapes things in universe and consequently in human life, it is the chance factor. Random forces shape even the patterns that appear constant and infallible to us. Suppose you hold ten playing marbles in your hand. You keep these on your palm and take utmost focus to throw in a way so that you get maximum pieces in the hole. The chain of event that proceeds is utterly carried and pulled by the chance factor. Who knows with what balance and from what height, distance or tilt you decide to go for your throw!? You have numerous options as per the aforementioned variants! Then chancely you get carried to think one particular position more suitable than others. Who knows in what funny ways the marbles float in air? These can float in relatively favorable and unfavorable arrangement to hit earth in who knows how many ways to scatter in who knows in which directions and strike each other in who knows how many ways and how many angles to result in who knows how many moving away or into the hole?????? It is a long and endless serious of independent still minutely dependent possibilities. One conscious act of taking the marbles in hand driven by the intention of putting as many as possible in the hole results in an endless series of probabilities that work independently in between the throwing stage with particular intention and the resulting stage emerging as an independent result. The result is free, so are the numerous bits of independent realities driven by the free will of the chance factor. From micro to macro levels this factor works to chancely shape destinies and the way universe functions. In the fathomless domains of this chancy superquotient, we have independent units that recur in patterns with regularity to substantiate our scientific theories. These are but particular outcomes carried by the swift forces of chance. Universe is an outcome of some chancy explosion. Life on earth is pleasant coincidence, divine chance. See the dance of prince chance in all its charm around you and in your life and you will feel its superweight!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Tiny god with huge godliness

We may argue about the existence of God. But godliness definitely exists. It lies there in the innocence, verve, playfulness, laughter, smile and unconditional ecstasy of a child. Nevaan, my nephew, splashing godliness around during one of his godly moments...

Monday, November 12, 2018

The Mother

Just a few visuals are enough to tell  the infinitely long story of maternity and its multihued colours. A mother  is a mother,  is a mother, is a mother. Tough mother's training... follow me, but learn to make your own path along the way...he was just about to make it. But she pushed him back because he was following her steps on the snow which made the climb a bit easier. But then she knows he has to be a man. She just  cannot stop just as being the mother of a son. The little one then heaved his own way from the bottom of the precipice, planting his own paws on a new path as the proud mother looks on. Salutes to motherhood...