There is a lovely concept of yin
and yang energies in Taoism. Yin is the female component, the all-embracing
emptiness, the womb, the Shakti of creation. Yang is the male component, the
all-pervading tendency for expansion, manifestation, materialization and
fullness. No wonder they are cause-effect and effect-cause simultaneously.
Emptiness is self-sustaining, but fullness can be an instinct at the most. No
wonder men have such hunger to fill the emptiness pervading around, symbolized
by women.
A relationship between a man and
a woman is driven by the basic characteristics of these respective polarities.
A man is basically looking for the same physical gratification in all the women
he goes into a relationship with. But a woman is looking for an ideal form to
fill up the cosmic emptiness of which she is a carrier entity, or a symbol. If
a man has one reason to get bored with his woman (at the level of body), she
has multiple times more reasons to feel bored with her man at the level of
body, thoughts, emotions, soul-to-soul connect and still more deeper things.
The search of a man for his ideal woman is relatively very easy because he is
only seeking variants across hair, color, lips, breasts, hips and other body
parts. A woman, on the other hand, has a very deep challenge, a deep peek into her
own self, where she tries to modulate her expectations as per the silent depths
inside her.
The yin energy is too powerful
and limitlessly empty. The yang energy is just the flash of twinkling stars of
materiality in the infinitely empty corridors of the cosmic spirit. And man has
always been afraid of the yin energy’s potential and insecure about his
fragmented attempts as a filler of the emptiness. So at the level of flesh, i.e.,
the ‘matter’ of which he is the carrier element, he has tried to subdue and cut
down the role of women in society. Patriarchy is born of a deep sense of inferiority,
incapacity and complexes carried by the men.
Taoists believe that it takes
seven years for a man to understand the rhythms of a woman’s body, the next
seven years to feel her emotions and mind, and the next seven to know her
spirit. In strict mathematical terms, I would say a woman is worth three men
combined at the level of matter, energy and spirit. And man knows it and that’s
why he tries to keep her limited to a third of her potential to keep her in a
relationship. It works in conservative societies where menfolk have come
together to formulate social laws and norms in terribly one-sided ways to keep the
women enchained as a fraction of their real selves. But it fails in liberal,
modern societies. With empowerment and choice, the women easily trample over
multiple men at the level of matter, energy and spirit. So in liberal societies
the women carry a bigger sense of their men being incomplete because here they
aren’t dependent upon them for survival. Here their socio-economic freedom
frees them from the helpless acceptance of their status like in conservative
I think the empowered, self-standing
and well-educated women should be given the legal option of polyandry. She
stands for the eternal void that can receive all the drama of materiality
trying to fill up her cosmic emptiness. The reason why a really capable woman
needs multiple partners at the same time is very simple. Men arrive in
fragments. The rampaging bulls in the bed usually carry small brains. The
brainy ones have little emotions. The artists and poets would lack
dependability in worldly practicalities. The Einstein type genius would have
their own eccentricities. The spiritual guys would be good guide but very
hollow as partners because they are looking to save their semen through yogic
practices. So why not legally allow them to have multiple partners
simultaneously: one for naughty bed fun, one for beautiful poetry, one for
hardcore logic and reasoning, one for spirituality. It will solve the problem
of broken hearts. Because the broken hearts again go seeking solace and get
again broken. Let there be an official trial with polyandry in developed
societies at least.
There is another topic quite
related to the yin and yang energies. Yin energy is essentially Kundalini energy, the nurturer of the
seed of creation, the ground for material manifestation to take place. All the
literature on Kundalini has been
written by male followers on the path of spirituality. The basics of
experiences and bodily manifestations have been gathered—even though individual
variations happen across the male bodies as well—and we have texts dealing with
the energy’s movement across the various pranic
channels, the changes in physiology, the results of these changes and more.
But we have missed a very
important point in the Kundalini
discussion so far. It has been male oriented. And a female spiritualist reading
the text might be driven to believe that her body will also experience the same
as a male body. I don’t think Kundalini
will manifest in her body in a typical male’s way. She is essentially Kundalini body herself. So in her case
it’s not a fundamental transformation. It is only in the degrees of refinement
of the same basic quality. A man will be transformed into a fundamentally
different entity; she on the other hand will be further refined in the same
genre. It’s like the man goes through a forge and a stone will be crystallized
into diamond. It’s a fundamental shift. That’s why the process is so drastic
and even mysterious in his body. In the case of a woman, it is like refinement
of the same ore, for example, refining gold from its natural ore. So it’s not
that drastic in nature as in a man’s body. These are subtle transformations, delicate
and deep in emotions and thoughts. Her body is already a creative mechanism of
yin energy, so the flow of extra creative energy in the form of an awakened Kundalini doesn’t test her system like
it does a man’s body.
A man is primarily the dropper of
the seed in the scheme of propagation. She but is the entire field where the
whole scheme of evolution of a new life unfolds. So even if an extra dimension of
energy unfolds in her system, it won’t revolutionize her organism like it does
to a man’s system because she is already a carrier of the same essential
energetic entity. Qualitatively it’s the same; it’s just a matter of
quantitative variation in degrees. But a man’s system undergoes fundamental
qualitative changes. It requires completely new rewiring of the system. Hence
they undergo such hair-raising experiences. In case of a woman, it’s far too
subtle, like her loving smile for her man would transform into loving motherly
smile for all. So her transformation is more in thoughts, emotions, soul and
spirit. At the tangible level it won’t be felt in the body like a man does.
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