A common mormon, a black butterfly for the uninformed,
lands on my bushy grey shack of hair. How do I know that it’s there? I see it
in the landing pose coming straight from the front. It must have grossly
overestimated my saintliness and sat a few ant-paces from the hairline. That is
the most beautiful burden ever to carry! I hold myself perfectly still to
prolong its stay. My neighbour proves that he still has nice eyesight.
‘Hey there is a butterfly on your head!’ he points out
from the terrace.
I just smile in response. It must have been a tired
butterfly stopping to take some rest. Soon it realizes that it’s no saint and
takes to its colourful dives. I see it fluttering away and wish it the best of
a morning.
There is a monkey on the parapet, very relaxed with
its legs hanging down the wall. One hand is taken back and the palm spread on
the wall top to support the relaxing posture. What about the other hand? Do you
think a monkey has enough patience to keep its both hands relaxing? Never possible,
I tell you! He is fondling his endowment. Scandalous! Now I know from where our
ever-boiling lust comes from. It comes from the monkeys because we share 96% of
our gene pool with them. Monkeys have sex in their mind as well, apart from
their bodies, like we humans who have more of it in our mind and far less in
the body. That’s disturbing a bit.
The kittens give a nice lopping exercise to their
tongues as they get busy to lick out even the steel metal along with the milk.
They find it shameful if some drops remain in the bowl. Then one of them moves
away with majestic contentment. It arches up and then downs its back,
stretching its paws, opening its jaws to the full. I think it’s a kind of
digestive cat-yoga that helps them in bearing up with the ill-effects of
overeating. The other one moves away sluggishly. Probably, in order to give a
stiff competition to its sibling, it has overfed itself to the extent of
finding cat-yoga impossible for the time being.
On the terrace of a house in the neighbourhood, there
is a long bamboo pole fixed at a corner to serve as a pole for the cloth-line.
A cloth-line doesn’t require this kind of length to sustain itself. The farmer
must have used the whole of it, deciding against cutting it to lesser size, so
that it can be used for some other purpose also, like thatch rafter or even
breaking the rival’s head from a distance in drunken street brawls, which are
in plenty by the way.
For the time being, a crow is using this extra length
to its benefit. It spends most of its time on the top of the bamboo pole. I was
wondering about the reasons for its taking this point as its favourite. I think
I have found one. Right under the pole, there is an open-air bathroom in the
The farmer has four adolescent daughters. They are
full of life and giggle mischievously at anyone from the age of 10 to 60, or
maybe even beyond because I haven’t seen the older ones getting the benefit so
far, provided the objects of their giggle belong to the opposite sex. Well,
that’s just being young. What’s wrong in that? I hope even the crow hasn’t been
emboldened by their free-spirited grins and sits there, waiting patiently for
the roofless bathroom to be occupied. Well, if that’s the case, I find it
really objectionable. I have learnt to take their grins at me to be cuddly
daughterly ones and from that relationship I feel like shooting the crow down
with my sling-shot.
That isn’t possible by the way. The Chinese sling-shot
let me down on the first instance of usage like Jinping dumped Modi’s Phafda affection. The sling-shot was
hung on the wall like a Knight’s sword, unused since it arrived from China with
much promise of performance. It came out of its scabbard for the purpose of
turning a rascal monkey’s red bum still redder as it threw around things on the
terrace for the sheer rascally fun of it. A full criminal, I tell you. Like Jim
Corbet, monkey-hunting this time for a change, I aimed to the last limits of my
eyes and hands. The instrument gave its best. The tension was gone both from the
weapon and the holder. The pebble was safely in my hand. The rubber snapped.
Chinese rubber, why the hell I even expected much of it? The criminal just
walked away over the parapet fence, unpunished, and most importantly, with the
same shameful redness on its bum. I couldn’t contribute to the colour. So I
felt really disappointed.
Well, someone just asked, ‘Why don’t you tweet on
Twitter?’ ‘I am not a sparrow, so I can’t tweet much. I am a frog rather, so I
croak. Let them have a Croaker first then I will croak,’ I told him my real
reason for not tweeting much.
Just now one
of the kittens has crash-landed into the yard from the fence. It’s out of its
wits and dashes straight into the barn to hide in the safest corner. A pack of
babblers is after its life. Now it realizes that birds aren’t that delicate as
its mother must have told. They aren’t just soft, juicy meat. They mean plenty
of shameless expletives as well, as the pack of babblers proves now. They hang
around in the barn for full five minutes, throwing choicest abuses and
challenging the cowardly kitten to come out. It but won’t dare to come out.
Never mess up with babblers little cat.
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