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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Lack of Love and its Evil Spin-offs


There are tell-tale signs of our inconsiderate and empathyless actions, policies and practices in the modern day culture. You know without a small lamp, the room is totally dark. This sea of miseries prevailing around has a lot to do with lesser focus on emotional quotient and more on intelligence quotient, propelling us into a blind competition. This is nothing short of the rape of human mind. And a raped mind is bound to retaliate. Its proofs need no retelling.

In cut-throat competition, any considerate sensitivity appears like a bad choice that will drag you down on the ladder of progress. Softness and being high on emotional quotient is almost considered a major disability now. People just laugh it off, condemning soft, sensitive people as emotional fools. Well, they miss a huge point in this.

A healthy mind is an ideal mixture of EQ and IQ. The IQ-propelled evolution will take us to the world of machines and artificial intelligence, which will do what we have done to other species in subjugating them. As robots take place of manual labor, and human physiognomy takes up more artificial parts in body to cope with the survival challenge due to destruction of nature, whose part it evolved as, and will not be able to survive naturally if the surrounding nature is gone, the major challenge will be to retain humaneness. The EQ is the seat of softness, aesthetics and sensitivities where love shines. These are the coolants that douse the otherwise inhuman fire.

The IQ has been the launch-pad allowing us to hit cosmos in our game of survival on earth. But the existential forces have given us the possibility to evolve far more comprehensively. That is the reason our brains have the seat of EQ also. The IQ is the huge, robust structure called house. The EQ is the home, cozily full of warm aroma. Think of having one without the other.

So empathy, love and compassion are as important as logic and reasoning. If not, Mother Nature won’t have given us two brain hemispheres to operate these major human faculties. These aren’t contradictory. They complement each other and make us what we are. You have a home full of love because there is a structure of house around. So the IQ is basically there to shelter and groom our EQ. That is what makes us humans.

If you want your future generations to be robots then please feel free to pursue the blind race driven by the lopsided development of brain. In that case, people with high EQ will come to regarded as almost disabled, needing special care like we do with people with different abilities these days. But remove the bulwarks of EQ from among the rampaging IQs and all you have is a fiery clash leading to catastrophe. Competition makes you run towards a target. But love, empathy and softer sensitivities are the elements that define the meaning of that run. Lose it, and all that remains is a blind race. So we don’t need just excellent, talented people; we also need gifted people who decide their goals with kindness and consideration.

So the IQ-driven society has its pitfalls. These are basically the areas of darkness unlit by the lamp of love and compassion. Pick any problem in the world, and at the core you will find that the reasons have something to do with the lack of loving kindness. You have one pill of treatment for thousand and one of our basic problems world over.

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