The primeval darkness of human-centric desire defines our life as one straight, unrelenting juggernaut against the forces of nature. It churns out fantastic loops of economy, nations, religions, dreams and destiny. Corona forces a lockdown. No wonder Homo sapiens felt persecuted. Life under the protecting shed meant millions of dollars lost per hour as the massively factorized nations came to a grinding halt. Even as a struggling developing country India chose to stop in the middle of the track to save lives, while many first world countries were hesitant to stop, afraid of losing their economic grip on precarious statistics. A note of thanks to PM Modi appeared fitting and justified for taking the brave step. Sometimes it helps win the war if one chooses to duck and run for cover and allow the battle to be lost. Lord Krishna, ranchhod, did the same to ultimately win.
you put money, and the rest of its resultant materialistic derivatives, above
everything else, and make it the axis of human existence, like Western
countries have done since centuries, you get big economic statistics to give
you a false sense of security. But does it bring joy, peace and harmony in its
wake? It hardly does as you can surmise from the exponential growth of human
sufferings alongside the economic growth. The irony is, monetary figures are
mind creations, and are hardly effective in fighting against the consequences
of the overblown money-making process. They create a smoke-screen of
development and progress, turning us blind to the real plights. The causes
stand hidden in the natural, biological cauldron. To succeed against the same,
you have to prioritize human life over economy because humans make money not
vice versa. So while Trump found economic depression worse than the prospects
of mass deaths due to Corona and hence was still spending much of his energies
in creating economic solutions, PM Modi humanely abandoned all talks of
moneymaking at this juncture. The unprecedented lockdown of the country came as
a proof of the eastern humanist values of putting human lives above money. This
pause had the potential to make India a world leader, a shining example of
being a progressive, kind and considerate society.
We are
a massive society. The challenge was unprecedented. But when your leader
abandons all secondary priorities and spends sleepless nights to save lives, in
plain and simple terms without any political and economic compulsions, the
success is inevitable. Salutes PM Modi! This economically unthinkable—at least
in the Western terms—step of putting up a pause will reinvigorate India and
make it healthy to an extent that the rest of the world will look towards it
for inspiration in future. Thank you PM so much! It's an honor to have voted
for you! It feels like my vote carries a value worth millions of dollars!
individuals also we have our clumsy trails of being careless. It’s high time
that we take the onus and do our bit. A simple means of undoing our dirty part
in the overall plunder is to calculate our equation of farting and planting
Well, every
time we offend the modesty of the air around our bum, stealthily (as majority
of us do) or unabashedly (like some of us do), both deriving sadistic pleasure
in their silent and violent ways respectively, run to the nearest tree and hug
it for it is a mute, uncomplaining spectator, a sort of sufferer but still
diligently doing its duty of a purifier of our misdeeds. Right from our
apparently innocuous farts to the Himalayan gas emissions by the airplane
darts, we leave a trail of exhausts that leaves Mother Nature stunned. So don’t
expect that it won’t grimace with irritation. Farting should remind us of our
well esteemed primary status of being a pollutant. So hug the tree and say
sorry. It may still be scared of us as we hug it, fearing a still more
grotesque version of our blast, the blast of our ego and greed that manifests
so often in mass slaying of trees. CHOP CHOP CHOP! So my dear little pollutant,
plant more trees. One tree per fart will be asking for too much because we have
to accomplish our planet-taming endeavors also and still have to tame other
planets in the solar system. But I think, one tree for 100 farts will absolve us
of our crimes. We will carry better conscience also, I tell you. So fart more,
dart more, but take the message of planting tree to every door!
ship rocked by the unseen viral bombs and our normalcy falling like sitting
ducks to the enemy moving briskly and stubbornly. The lockdown weeks rolled in
with painstaking austerity. The viral puzzle was twisted like the most puzzling
helix of incomprehensible conception. Even the hope of any possible cure was
beyond imagination to enliven and vivify the sagging spirits. The humanity was
stuck up at an impassable, unfordable interregnum. The upheavals shook all nook
corners of the world. Our medicinal counter vollies to little avail. We simply
entrusted our joint fate to the generosity of the scientists who must have been
profusely perspiring under their coats in the research labs. As the coming
times would tell, it was no philanthropic enthusiasm that drove the vaccine
research; instead it was the same old oppressive zeal of making profits from
vaccine sales out of the collective miseries that drove the research engine. The
steel that we prided ourselves with turned out to be clay vessel. All we could
do was to salvage traces of life and living from the little set of permissible choices
during the Corona War.
India locked up, and dirty boy Corona doing the rounds out there in the streets
to catch any gallant humans outside, a new generation was to be unleashed onto
our demography as bored, scared and desperate couples used their unspent
energies through forgetting and forgiving dives into the pools of physical
intimacy. Demographic statisticians must have been waiting with bated breaths,
scared with the added workload waiting in the wings, at the possible surge in
the population growth curve. To the hell with Corona waging a war from the side
of mortality! We Indians are the valiant foot soldiers of the goddess of
fertility and procreation. With back-breaking fight for economic survival being
suspended, we went all out into procreation to tilt the scale in favor of
creation against the forces of destruction. Idiotic Corona peeking through the
windows must have surely lost heart.
estranged couples, absorbed in their own freedoms while somehow maintaining the
decorum, tidiness and modesty of their matrimonial innings well proportioned on
the surface for the people to see, finally got some respite from the path of
ambition that kept their marriages almost in the namesake mode. They slunk into
couches with a torrid rapidity, abandoning the gloomy monosyllables of their
highbred elegance, and allowed themselves to be normal husband and wife finally.
For a change, it was not the same beastly competitive world. They could relax
their steely nerves. The Goddess of fertility watched with gladdening gratitude
and gratefully showered ceremonious fruits. The celeb couples would pay the
parental penalty for that pleasant perfidiousness. Ambitious career women
pursuing the path of robust self-reliance, who took motherhood merely as a
repugnant reproduction sparring with their independent spirit, accepted the
seed in their wombs with a pliant, soft spirit needed to nurture a tiny sapling
on the fertile soil. In the armistice ambience, the issue of conception lost
its bestial ugliness. The artistic balustrades, window ledges and vestibules
hummed to the vacillating dissipations of surging and receding passions and
egos. Honest words and true kisses would dole out profoundest amiabilities. The
hitherto unsurpassable litter born of many a poignant melodrama would be blown
off its moorings by the see-saw subtleties, aromatic juiciness and assiduous
sensuality of the just regained chemistry. Life that was merely a restlessly
stuttering strategy with its painstaking, pinching gist would turn smoothly
sonorous. Smiling reminiscences would surface from the untold depths to which
these had been buried and light up the long-delayed conjugal bed with their
mythic luminosity. Time would stand in gay verdure. Under the enticing ogle of
love, luxuriance would go all malleable. The moments would be hung with
voluptuous languor. The primordial paradise would momentarily blossom out with
the orgasmic flood swashing away melted egos. The world of magical enchantment
brimming with stars born of the subtle rearranging of male into female and the
vice versa. Out of the unconstrained surrender and panting proclamation of the
resinous and sonorous moments, under the crooning incantations and triumphant
acclamations by the goddess of human breed, many a star kids would be born.
your mouth, you humming, loquacious and talkative virus! Be ashamed of your
perilous penchant for destruction! The moaning moments of our stupendous
proliferation will make you feel ashamed of your destructive potential. With
your sinister ease you are sprawling ungainly around. But you cannot match our
penchant for self-oblivious furlough. We have the onus of keeping creation
ahead of destruction. An entire new generation will crop up, sired out of fear,
boredom and desperation, the Corona time brats. They are sure to have
congenital immunity against the deadly virus. The fight in the bedrooms will
take two courses. The couples who have been waging wars against each other like
the worst enemies on earth will fall into bed after calling a ceasefire. The
best lovebirds, who have been the apple of each other’s eyes since decades or
even months, will fall down on the floor with an all out scratching of each
other’s hair like wild cats fighting to save the universe. To disappoint master
Corona, both these courses will have the same result, addition to the stock of
Homo sapiens, the Corona-resistant generation. So when the sun will smile warmly again after the frigid
night, and the air will be free of Corona scare, many a lady will have motherly
compassionate smile on their lips as they walk a bit more carefully while
rolling their hands softly on their elevated tummies. Look forward to better
times, man! Keep Hope!
with the passage of days, the churlish, torrid, spiteful and ugly Corona turned
regally swift and high-flying. It looked to have been wittily sprinkled in our
eyes to make us wince with pain, eyes shut off tightly, while the sprinkler
stood watching with a cannonading glee. In its artificially tempered genome
sequence many cunning subtleties were twisted, turned and wrinkled to dupe any
maneuver by the scientists to breach its fort. The Corona scare, piteously
plain it its intonation, now penetrated deep in the countryside. It scribbled
cascading jottings of smashed dreams and beaten hopes.
village saloon-keeper, a very nice friend of mine by the way, has a very
adventurist brother. Just like anyone around might draw every ounce of
capability and cunningness to fulfill the basic needs of life, he too has been
putting up every effort to board a flight to be away in a different country or
region to, primarily, nurture a sense of being a businessman even if
hypothetically, and, secondarily, to have a bit, o sorry a lot, of fun. So New
York is no better than Timbuktu to him. Lo, here he landed up in the sleepy
village from Bangkok. As most of we Indians are expert at, he did a roundabout
to dodge the little trouble of staying isolated officially for 14 days, only to
come across the bigger trouble of gifting cough and sneezing from the exotic
land. Many of our countrymen were using all expertise of our calculating,
cunning persona to avoid 14 Day quarantine, believing that it cannot happen to
me, and then walk into a bigger quagmire, not just for ourselves but for many
others also. We love sharing! Don’t we?
the path of hard endurance in international business, he moved around his
family and mixed with his social circle in the village, drinking wine with his
pals and telling tales of the latest adventure. By the time the healthcare
workers arrived to take a stock of the situation, his brother, the saloon
keeper, had shaved the chins of almost half of the village. An angry, scowling,
shrugging and gesticulating team of administrators put their under quarantine. Carrying
an inelegant intonation of fear and warning, a paper was slapped over the
nameplate as a sort of punishment. Their entire identity looked hijacked by the
floating glory of the virus through the little piece of paper.
imprisoned along with his huge joint family totaling half a dozen people in a
small house, my friend, the saloon keeper, sounded supermassively angry. His
jesting idioms and humorous exertions, which he used quite efficiently while plucking
out hair from nostrils and plying his razor over many a throat thus allaying
their primal fear that he may cut them then and there, was no longer sufficient
to cover his Corona status. ‘Everyone thinks we are in traitor-kind deal with
the enemy Corona. Everybody is avoiding our eyes. They just shout from outside “How
are you” without coming inside,’ he was furious. Well, what did he expect? Did
he expect them to come and embrace them? With Corona scarier than even death,
it was a wishful thinking on his part. Well, it was advisable to keep his socializing
expectations a bit low till the culmination of the mandatory 14 days quarantine
period and the arrival of the reports. Till then all those who had visited his
saloon were waiting like their own reports were to be released soon. People were
no longer as dismissive of the pandemic like they sounded earlier when the
scary reports from the distant parts started arriving. This is a very tiny
planet, you should always remember! If the technological advancement gives us
great reach in pleasures, it gives equal, or even more, reach to collective
miseries to rush to distant most corners of the planet.
the fateful period, with me being ignorant of the gallant boy’s return from
exciting Bangkok, I remember having gone for a long, long evening walk with my
saloon-keeper friend. In the countryside, the child buddies share a special
bond. We still prefer to walk with hands on each other’s shoulder, like two
bulls yoked to pull a plough. It’s taken as a sign of real friendship. Now,
like a sullen monkey, I had an unseemly mental critique of the outdated signs
and symbolisms of the childhood countryside friendships. In fear we easily turn
soulless and selfish. Friendship appear a puny ‘milk and water’, something
feeble and sentimental that could give you, at the most, Corona. So the
incident has spoiled my mood a bit. It spoiled the temper of all those who had
got themselves shaved at his saloon. With their Corona-hyphenated identity,
they got segregated and dumped at the bottom of the social hierarchy.
childhood tales in the villages are often well sliced and pickled. Every moment
of those times was protuberant and pregnant with mischief. Ours was a
skirmishing platoon marching with exasperating curiosity. The spirits doused in
irresistible drowsiness we gave the monkeys a run for their money with our
ever-unspooling pranks. These would often turn into the horrible infamies of
quarrels. I had thrashed him once during one such indecorous incident. ‘If you
get Corona, I will thrash you again!’ I baulked at him over phone. ‘And if I
don’t, then?’ he was on back foot, as if he had committed a crime. ‘Then you
will be lucky to retain friendship. But no longer shoulder-to-shoulder
child-buddy strolls anymore. We are graying middle-aged men now!’ I still
appeared aggrieved and in no mood to spare the poor fellow.
looked living damnably and dangerously under the violent caresses of the virus
tentacles. The time moved on listlessly and languidly. The armchair theorists,
the querulous hirelings of hatred, took pinchfuls of their ideologies and
concepts from the snuff-box and took pot-shots at their imagined enemies whom
they condemned as the culprits behind the suffering. The colossal vice of
animosity exists in our minds only. We just need someone to project the
languishing myth of our own misery on his persona.
My hair
grew like that of a mendicant friar. ‘We will use a trimmer to give an amateur
bald cut to each other,’ I proposed to my younger brother. He has a glint of
mischief and immediately agrees. I smell the mischief in his eyes. Corona scare
gives you extra sensitivity. ‘No, no you will run away before your turn comes
up after making me funnily furrowed baldie!’ I read his intentions very well.
‘So I will give you a bald cut first to avoid this,’ I propose. I am serious.
‘And what if you run away after giving me the funniest bald furrows on my
head?’ he has an inkling of my mischief also. My Corona scared brain works out
a solution for the emergency. ‘You have your trimmer, I have mine. We will call
two people and ask them to start putting balding furrows at the stroke of zero
second, like they start a 100 meter race with a bang.’ He agreed to the
suggestion. So during the lockdown at least the haircutting problem seemed to be
mother had a special liking for this brown and white female street dog. It’s a
demure, docile dog with peace and contentment looming very-very largely in its
dull grey eyes. It possesses an incredible discretion for peace. Shoved by the
kindly brightness of her soul, Ma would even chase away other dogs to feed this
backbencher, who stood meekly at the end of the group. The tradition has been
kept alive by us to specially give chapattis to this silent, stoic canine
spirit. To test our temperament, another dog of exactly same appearance arrived
on the scene and started to enjoy the perks and benefits of looking like our
preferred dog. My niece appeared disturbed over this fact. The poor dog went
empty stomach from our threshold a few times. It was very disturbing. With the
Corona jolt, I seemed to have turned very mean and scheming. ‘I will pour some
black oil on the rascal’s smooth coat to demarcate it and spoil its
camouflage!’ I was determined. See, what Corona was doing to even those who grew
up assuming themselves to be decent human beings. I got worried that by the end
of the war against Corona, I may emerge a full rascal ready to take on the
I have
been a potent minimalist with life as far as enjoyment of the sweet torpor of
mundane stuff is concerned. Under the lockdown, however, the earlier status
looked extravagant in comparison to the cramped individual as well as
collective world around. Nonetheless, soldier uncle's badminton hops to shuttle
away Corona tried to make it appear a normal world. Corona Corona everywhere!
Marona Marona echoing from the opposite horizon as everybody seemed plagued by
self doubts! It was cloudy and pretty cool for this time of late March. Retrospectively,
with myriad cross-references of memories shooting off into the implacable
galaxy of an uncertain future, I am doing rounds in my courtyard to collate and
crystallize some suitable meaning of life that may subdue the dull throbbing of
restlessness that all of us possess irrespective of our position, wealth,
achievements, power and perks. The well-oiled machine of random thoughts
cascades across the vast neural network in my apprehensive brain. To typify
that it’s only human-centric misery only, the flowers smile and plants give an
assurance that not everything is lost. Getting bored has never been my cup of
tea. I am confident of spending 10 years in isolation at the tiniest island in
the remotest seas, provided I have at least 1000 big books and get one frugal
meal a day. But then collective humongous waves of the united yawns of boredom
of the humanity locked up in their houses reach me and turn me a bit restless
like an old frog that moves, at long last, a bit from its hibernation and looks
with suspicion and sadness around.
neighborhood uncle shows his inquisitive eyes and tantalizing moustache, still
carrying the subtle nuances of army life, across the grills of the safely
secured Iron Gate. I have to keep my fort well protected to keep stray humans
from barging in. Scared of the virus I have turned too contemplative over the
mantra of self-preservation, almost to the extent of a decadent, distrustful
attitude. Even stray dogs are more welcome into the house these days. Well, he
has been firmly shaped and caste into an irreplaceable disciplinarian mould in
the army. Generally, this cast lasts well after the retirement, till the fag
end of life in fact because the uniform, the badge, leather holster and gun
buts are far too powerful instruments for the soul to forget even after the
drill is over. Following the sacerdotal duty of self-defense, I am forced to
greet him with the minimum courtesy. I stand the risk of sounding almost rude. Any
traces of syncretism in spirit need to be quelled promptly. Meekly toeing the
line of my fear, I have to ward him off till Corona lasts, but then I have to
keep normal neighborly etiquette also for non-Corona times. It indeed is a big
challenge. Given my overblown enthusiasm for social isolation, as a mark of my
contribution in the war against Corona (as inspired by our caring and
hardworking PM), I come dangerously close to sound outrightly impolite. I stop
myself from falling too low just to save this physical self, which in any case
all of us have to shed some day or the other. It’s totally unlike me. I can see
shock and surprise surfacing in his eyes. ‘What has happened to this decent
guy?’ he must have thought. But the dangerous equation of social isolation
seems to spoil the very definition of mankind, i.e., mankind as a social
animal. This Corona was buzzing the war beagle to spoil all community
relations, leaving us antisocial animals.
wrapped in hazardous emotions. ‘How are you Uncle?’ I try to pour sugar over my
recently acquired bitterness, but end up asking like a robot with no warmth and
this while, I am scared that my usual smile would see my gate being crashed and
the visitor barging in. I am standing at a distance from the gate, hoping that
he just happens to pass along the street on his unmilitary type infringement of
curfew. Well, strange were the times! Those who were instinctively prone to
break law and regulation at every nook corner panicked the most and behaved
like the most obedient kids. On the other hand, the normal time decent,
law-abiding guys would become adventurists and get a taste of the changed
attitude. May be they are like the otherwise cornered animals who now came out
to jump, hop and gallop a bit on the empty stage.
by my remedial action, his badminton racket, raised above his head and held
with such firm conviction and pride as if it was a long-range rifle having
telescopic sight, the ex-soldier greets me. I see it as a sword taken in an attacking
stance to breach the defense system of the fort of my isolation.
getting bore son, so thought of having a bit of game,’ he says and I give the
blankest of an expression in order to murder the evening badminton player in
him. ‘And all these farmers, oofs the uncaring, ignorant Corona carriers give
me jitters. Only you seem to give a sense of security about your following the
rules,’ he tries to break the mask of my frigidity through the arrows of
flattery. It appears he is really itching to play. His eyes attentive like
binoculars probe deep into my feelings and thoughts.
He is a
minimalist. If he offers tea to someone at his house, he would expect half of
the things that go into making tea to be carried by the visitor himself. So I am
sure he will be the last person to get his second racket to be spoiled in a
game, even if he is proposing the game to beat his boredom. I am sure he is
carrying only one racket. About shuttles I cannot think even in wildest dreams
he will ever carry.
sorry uncle my rackets are broken,’ I just keep things to the bare minimum to
ward off any chance of a foreign foot treading my well-protected yard.
yesterday I saw you playing badminton with your niece till late in the
evening,’ he seems to complete a full game with one racket and without
I had
turned very mean during Corona times, as I have already mentioned. The lies
slipped out like a hungry snake slithers out of its hole to chase a mouse. O
God, so unlike me!
we had a fantastic evening full of badminton yesterday, but but…’ my usually
honest tongue puts up a little coma as a mark of its protest before I splurge
out the lie.
but what?’ he peers through the gate at the prisoner inside. Look at the
scenario: here prisoners were fighting to keep their jails intact!
expertly overcome the tiny coma of a protest and say with confidence, ‘By
mistake the rackets were left in the barn store at night and at night mice had
an amazing follow up game of badminton. The netting has holes where the biggest
rats in the world can pass on easily.’
I was
sure the mice had spoiled his game also. In fact, I was relieved a bit and held
lesser grudge against the rodents now for creating a chance, through their
fictitious part in the story, to ward off possible Corona carrying intruders.
even you are getting careless like these simpletons around,’ he swings his
racket around to demarcate the circles of foolery, which in fact comes to cover
the entire village. I am presented as an exception from the typical countryside
lampoons. A matter of pride! But if I cherish the pride, I have to pay a price
also! So I quell my ego and don’t accept the flattery.
derived sadistic pleasure out of this helplessness in his eyes. The moment of
pleasure was, but, so short lived that I hadn’t yet felt its comforting feel in
the tiniest part of my brain. He murdered my pleasure like he must have thought
of murdering the enemies in the battlefield. Well, he never fired a bullet in
his entire career by the way, so my father teased him as a bagpiper soldier,
for which he has never forgiven my father even 10 years after my father left
his body, leaving the aggrieved soldier to keep nursing the scars on his
soldierly conscience.
I focus
my eyes to conform what they see might be wrong. Uncle soldier has done a coup.
I see two rackets in his hands held tightly in his fist like he is holding the
triumphant flag of mother India proclaiming victory after a bloodied battle. In
the other hand, he holds the shuttle proudly by the tip. He holds it like he
has won an Olympics gold medal. The most exuberant soldier! I don’t think I can
bear up with the assault for too long now. I stand in utter helplessness.
will have a game,’ the intruder beams with sadistic pleasure.
you are so well informed I know. This Corona…’ I use my last bullet against the
Corona can’t kill our spirits!’ he cuts my bullet right in the middle of its
path by the thundering cannon shot of his war cry.
is the sanitizer!’ he shows off another item from his armory. ‘The rackets and
the shuttle are well rubbed with the sanitizer. In fact you need to be cleaned
up to be entitled to touch them!’
My fort
lies broken and vandalized. The enemy is in. I cannot hold my fort anymore. As
the victorious King, he decides the terms of negotiation. I am the defeated
King and have to listen and follow up his instructions. Regardless of all the
revolt within me, I find myself obediently rubbing sanitizer on my hand to
change my status of an untouchable.
As I
rub, he is peering into the pores of my soft poetic hands. He is charged with a
heady over-pouring of his martial spirit. ‘Rub with force man! You are still
young. Destroy each and every Corona rascal from your hands. It’s a war!’ he is
no longer a miser with the sanitizer bottle and pours a big splurge, as if I am
a confirmed Corona case. Looking at the way he is using it so copiously, I am
sure he has moved out the entire sanitization stock from the army canteen,
where they get it at amazingly subsidized rates.
under the scorching brilliance of his clean-up job, I am sufficiently
quarantined. ‘I have to keep in check any involuntary coughing during the play,
otherwise he will immediately call police and doctors to get me isolated at the
stinking civil hospital in the city nearby!’ in my sullen silence I take stock
of the imperiled situation.
the shuttle cock that reached the highest heaven, his gamesmanship is soaring
and leaping to hit farthest point of the cosmos. ‘After every set, we will
sanitize our hands as well as the shuttle and the rackets!’ I hear him setting
up his kingdom after conquering the enemy territory. My spirit is already
defeated. So I start with unwilling movements. All I hear is his warlike
guffaws and instructions. ‘He never fired a bullet while in the army,’ I hear
my father’s sagely baritone voice. ‘So the old soldier is trying to win wars
here after retirement,’ I am having my revenge intangibly. I move sluggishly to
beat down his enthusiasm for a competitive game and get him bored to hell. Even
by losing you can defeat many people!
you feeling well? Um, not feeling ok! Some problem…Corona!’ Before he gives the
final confirmation of one more Corona case, I am forced to cut him short with a
hard smash which nearly missed his nose.
With my
mean-looking, exuberant arresting and hard hit, I give a laudable proof that I
am feeling OK and there is no Corona scare in the yard. But a defeated soldier
bears all ignominy. The victor thinks he is all sense and the fallen one is all
nonsense. Having sanitized me, thus availing the advantage of incalculable
value, rhetorically he is finding faults with my ways of covering the court, my
movements, my way of holding the racket, in fact everything. Oofs! I know I am
not even the village champion. But, am I that horrible at badminton?! I am
trying my level best to keep my temper in stock instead of losing it.
But the
heights of insanity now! ‘You have to dive while you try to reach for a shot
from a distance. Don’t run unnecessarily like this and tire yourself out!’ his
latest instruction lands like molten lead in my ears. His verve is villainous as
he offers the fresh set of chinks in my badminton armor.
guys this is intolerable. The whistling winds of broken lose temper come
forcefully nagging at restrained self. When and where did you see a player
diving to reaching the shuttle in a game of badminton? You dive in the air to
take a catch in cricket. You do it because after that you roll on to the ground
and you don’t have to immediately get back to your feet to hit the shuttle
back. I cannot make the head and tale of it. This is painstakingly and absurdly
endowed with chronic puzzlement.
With my
hands on my hips in a confrontationist stance with trappings of open animosity,
I ask him like an Indian General will ask his Pakistani counterpart, ‘Well
uncle, what do you mean by diving to hit the shuttle. Am I a cat, so that I
will jump up again within a fraction of a second to return the shot? Do you
expect me to stop the dive midair and get back into the normal stance? One
takes long strides and lunges forward to hit the shuttle. When did any player
on earth dive to hit the shuttle, Uncle?’ I am irritated to the hell.
uncle still has his confidence in the face of my unsporty fusillade. ‘Yes, you
have to dive!’ he says with steely determination. ‘Like this!’
moves sideways to demonstrate like an old, old leopard cat. With his racket
aloft he hops like an old toad sideways to jump like you do in sacked-foot
race. This jump of a couple of feet sideways turned out to be his dive. Why
would you put up so much of effort to walk like a Penguin, if without effort
you can run like a rabbit, a bit old though?
why would one jump like a frog in a hot pan, if one can take one’s foot in a
lunge forward position or just parting the legs a bit more than the normal?’ I
am clueless about this latest Bermuda Triangle tragedy.
He is
doing it in a fabulous, prodigious spell of spirit like he is the coach of the
Indian badminton team, hops to this way, then that way. These are the dives to
beat the world champion. I am stunned by an assault of sudden laughter. I bend
down with hilarity. I hold my guts to save them from the ravages of laughter.
He is confused about what is so funny about it. That’s how it is done, he is
sure. With laughter-assaulted waters in my eyes, I go to his part of the court
and hug him for his cutest old toad hops, the so called dives, which he
believes can beat the best in the world.
As I
hug him, I hear him muttering with suspicion, ‘Hope you have been washing
clothes daily, that too in Detol’
We have
paid too dearly for our mercurial, sensual entertainment as a species. Homo-sapiens
beware, it might be the start of our extinction! Mother Nature has its own calculations
to decide what is good or bad overall. While only our species, out of the
millions habiting this little gob of earth floating in the cosmos, was sulking,
the rest looked jubilant. The air turned fresher and salutary in mood. The
skies gleamed clearer. With the unyielding, cynical snob cornered for the time
being with inescapable guilt, Mother Nature tried to seep through the
tantalizing gaps available for the time being. Chastised under savage
indictment, we turned gloomy. The noise was less. I didn't know whether to
celebrate or sulk. So grappling with funnily scholarly disputations, I stood in
between, trying to keep intact my intellectual and moral stature. I felt sad
for the Homo-sapiens. I felt happy for the rest of our earthlings. Also, standing
on the middle line, bridging the volatile and obvious chasm, separating our
species from the rest, I prayed for a good for all solution where everybody has
a right to joy and nobody sulks.
Is it
too much to ask for? It may be easier than we think, provided we cut the greed
to the limits of need; reshape our value system and learn to take peace and joy
as prized as gold; systematically nurture the emotional quotient in our next
generation with the same urgency as we force their intelligence quotient; most
importantly, replace a sense of blind competition with beneficent cooperation; and
realign the parameters of victory to include excellence and intangibles of
sweet persona in the trophy of winner. All the things that have messed up the
scene currently are our mind creations only. If these are failing to set up a
joyful world, we can systematically create a different reality using our minds.
What is the big deal about it?
always have the choice to change our course if we find ourselves running into
the storm. We have the option to take silent but solid steps to a better
destination. Stop taking power, designation, wealth, bank accounts and scores
of other superficial glitterati as the only achievable pinnacle of human
destiny, the only destination of our efforts, the sole meaning of life. Give
equal weightage to love, compassion, empathy and rosy pink aesthetics in a
person's character as recognizable, respectable traits and reward these
accordingly to give them a life of decency. If our mind can fix values worth
millions of dollars to stones found in nature, and which are of no value to any
other species, why can't we devise ways and means to reward softer things of life?
Let’s take a walk in the sultry night and go on the unmettled path replete with
moral bounties and treasure-trove of humane sensibilities. Endless are the
resources of Mother Nature. Let’s abandon the cacophonous mainstream preening
for a while. Let’s come out of our well-gated and guarded prisons of
insecurities and enjoy the long-winded crisp snippets of freedom. Let’s tear
out the wooden posts and head-posts, stakes and fences that have imprisoned us
inside the walled enclosure of our own desires, making it a We Vs Others world.
Let’s put the cruelly capacious, usual paraphernalia in a corner for a while.
It just means this much as to turn the cloth-bag inside-out. Let’s turn the
magnifying glass to our own face and peek deep into the wrinkles, pouches,
crow-feet, spots, blotches, acne and warts bearing astounding testament to our mistreatment
of our own selves by misusing the whole that contains the part that we are.
All we
need to do is to stop the mad race to plunder each and everything. Walk slowly
and enjoy the laidback, fluttering and lacy waterfall spray charm of the life
in slow motion. As much as we need a vaccine against Corona, we need Pause in
life all the same to save us from the perils of the blinding race. The moment
we let go of our savage squeeze over her throat, She the forgiving mother will
surely forget her long litany of woes and smile at the errant kid. She just
needs a bit of release from our embrace-trap, our hold with claws of
illustrated idiosyncrasies, knotted in themselves to turn suicidal. Then see
what a paradise mother earth gives us as a reward within two decades. Otherwise
we will futilely keep fighting as an enemy of mother existence. Intoxicated
with our hi-tech buffoonery and super-sensitive egotism, we shouldn’t forget
that endless are her arrows from countless directions. As a mother endless is
her compassion. But as an opponent, forced to be so due to our steady, unvacillating
and persistently pronounced mischief, fathomless is the scope of her ire. With
our bloated bravado, funny pitter-patter and puny gurgle, how long we will
fight? Just listen to her a bit and take a stock of the perks and perils held
with equipoise in her hands for us to choose. Let’s bow and show some respect
to the illimitable inexplicability of her ways and means. The showers of bliss
wait us if we approach her like a little child marveling at the sea, enjoys and
rolls over the beach sand and takes as much of sand, mud, shells and water as
befits our playfulness and need. Why try to be a master of the sea? Better that
we don't come as a robber. With a robust contortion to her smile, she will
shoot us down. It fits us to approach as a smiling child moving to his mother
to hold her hand. There she stands waiting for us to correct our ways. Do it or
keep fighting till our fears turn our physiognomy into almost a machine, with
flesh and blood gone and replacements inserted to the collapsed organs that
were nothing but an extension of the nature around us. The parts of lung gone
with the forests. The heart gone with the support system and so did other
organs. With all the metallic insertions in our flesh and blood, a new robotic
species will evolve. Nothing wrong with this evolution, just that we will be
missing the molten layers of emotions and the luminous tranquility of our sense
and sensibilities that define us as a species currently. We will be extinct
like so many species we have ourselves pushed to extinction. With nothing else
to push into extinction, we will prod our own selves into extinction. All that
will be left will be a sadly stern, metallic machine, a sort of walking and
moving matter. All our jargon mongering hardly matters to mother Earth. With
yet another profound twist and secretive imagination, she will readjust herself
to the new mischief monger like it has done so far.
But why
allow things to go that far. It still is reversible. She is indefatigable beauty!
Let’s halt a bit of our deadly toxicity and show a bit of care from our side
and she will bloom again like a flower surviving the stormy night.
The storm screeched through the
Poured its fury through sadistic
love bite,
Undefeated but smiles the beauty,
Still doing its fragrant duty,
Her holy petals bear
the storm's violating drops
without fear,
Holy beads now they are,
Smiles, smiles and no war!
I have
a date with 'Her' in the wee hours of the morning! With the evil Corona giving
fresh grief to humanity every passing moment, I follow the sulphurous shades of
the tempestuous priestess. She draws me into poetic swathes like a Greek
goddess holding the chalice of Aphrodite of desire and sensuality. And the
potently obnoxious reality turns magically dreamy. You create an alternate
reality. Held in this inexplicable conjoination, the rag-tag competing
interests lose their pinching edges. The whispering shades of the evolving
ubiquity embrace with a lushly lustrous pout.
My eyes
open at 3 in the morning today. There is something special, my gut feeling
appears to intimate. I go outside. A mammoth wave of pleasant surprise shakes
up the last traces of sleep from my body. Is it 28th of March or some frigid
January night? Time seems to have drawn back by at least a couple of months.
There is dense fog and chill in the air. It makes you feel as if spring is
still out there in the other hemisphere.
At the
start of this night on other the other side of the zero hour, a terrible
rainstorm lashed once again, like it has been doing all through the winters.
It’s very, very unlikely to have such wet conditions during winters and spring
in this part of the world. The wheat, mustard, peas and tomatoes have been
decimated. Mother Nature appears to be on an all out war against the humans.
This particular rainstorm is supposed to further dent the wheat crops, leaving
only just sufficient to feed the farmers, forget about selling anything for
commercial gain.
to the poet in me the sight of such a wet, cold foggy night, when there is
supposed to be warm gusts of air from the western side, appears as a gift from
Mother Nature. I take long draughts of fresh cold air and allow my eyes to
literally melt in the night stage set up around the fog. Tiny hazy stages set
up by the smatterings of electric bulbs here and there leave me dazzled. I come
back to the house and lie on my cot and chant Mahamritnjya Mantra for individual and collective salvation against
the Corona virus. Even in the desolate cold and foggy wetness, the world of
humans seems terribly dented. I keep chanting for almost an hour and
involuntarily find myself getting ready for a long walk in the silvery
darkness. It’s very exciting as I lace up my shoes.
decide against carrying umbrella, feeling it would be like trying to play too
safe. This is the night to open up; to be alone in the fog-augmented and
well-bathed darkness. Cold air hits my face as my shoes create squelching sound
in the empty village streets. Even the dogs have taken a clue from the
dispirited world of their masters. I don’t hear any growls as I move on. The
darkness is dazzled with silvery crown of fog. I see the tell tale signs of the
night rainstorm. Trees stand mute, bow headed in reverence to Mother Nature.
They still play naughty as big drops of water still soaked in their canopy
sprinkle over me and I look upward to see if it has started to rain again.
open-armed teasing, winking and seductive invitation, the countryside opens her
uninhibited charms in the vaporous darkness as I emerge out of the village.
It’s a silent world more than ever I remember in the recent years. All the
noise has got sucked indoors, leaving the countryside maiden to come out in its
naked beauty, her wild tresses open and tossed by the rainstorm. Her lithe body
washed by the holy waters. Her curves hidden in the silvery veil of the cloth
that hangs loosely around her majestic body. She has a seductive smile on her
lips and eggs me on. ‘Come, come o thou solitary journeyman, enjoy my
unrestricted charms!’ I almost gallop to grab all of her to my own individual
self. We have been branded and customized to be greedy. Even aesthetically we
turn greedy. I walk on to lay my hands upon as much as I can receive from her
willingly inviting persona.
little countryside path serpenting across the farmed fields, linking the
neighboring hamlets, has its chessboard set up in the dark. I have my mobile
with me but decide against using its torch. I don’t want her to be discomforted
by the glare of the molester of the darkness. I want her to be totally at ease
and completely happy. Only then she will open her secrets to me. I am her
lover. I have to get involved as per her terms and conditions. The
weather-stomped little sinewy path has its own set of puzzle games to play with
me. The places where I presume it to be smooth walkable earth turn out to be
puddles of water; the assumed water puddles come out to be smooth solid earth.
We deceive only ourselves with our assumptions and presumptions and then blame
the path. I start doing the opposite of my assumptions and quite surprisingly I
am able to walk decently. My shoes are wet. My track pants below the shins are
completely wet, but this is between me and my lovely night, so no blame game
and grudges.
places the path is under water, so I have to get onto the narrowest of
embankment to move ahead. It’s like walking on a tightrope. Muddy water on the
one side and rain decimated wheat crop a few feet down the other side. The rope
is actually Marijuana rope! The embankment is thickly overgrown with wild
Marijuana plants. This season there is an abundance of Marijuana plants in and
around the village. With things going wrong for the Homo-sapiens, Mother Nature
probably wants to provide a rotund stock of artificial stimulation to get
Samadhi and forgetfulness. We need to eat less and forget more. That is why She
has destroyed the crops and blossomed Marijuana. A confession here. As I walk
on the Marijuana tightrope in the silver-laced darkness, I feel like committing
a little scandal by chewing a few Marijuana leaves. But then I decide against
it. I don’t want to be an intoxicated lover. I have to be fully alert to enjoy
her charms. Moreover, those who have tasted the meditative forgetfulness will
find any substance funny like kid’s game. So I allay the funny thought and move
on to meet the lovely maiden hidden still deeper into the broader horizons. As
I jump onto the path again, my shoes squelch with water and my pants are all
wet. I feel cold now, so stop for a moment to take stock of my situation.
remember a rain-soaked peacock, with Kilos of water in its long plume. The
gallant then shakes it off with a vigorous shaking and continues to dance. So
like a half-drenched peacock having accomplished a Marijuana rope walk, I jump,
hop and shake the moisture. It warms up my body.
peace and silence pervades each and every particle of the fog floating around.
A lapwing titters in its usual accusative voice against the intruder. It lays
its eggs on the ground and keeps a watch like an unsparing watchman. The moment
it sees anyone near around, it raises a screeching ruckus. Her protests shake
the sleepy silver-veiled darkness out of its slumberous state.
trees, bushes and thickets by the path stand frozen in time. On both sides,
wheat crop lies decimated. Still Mother Nature will give enough for the
stomach, if not more for the purse in addition. And countless are her ways to
distribute what it takes from the humans to other species. So trillions and
trillions and still more insects, rodents and birds will feast upon the fallen
crop. Plunder in one corner comes as a perk in some other corner. It’s never a
total loss.
In the
distances I hear dogs barking in the thatched mushroom dorms. Business and
economies have fallen flat and become redundant as of now. The Corona threat.
It feels so safe here in this silver-laced silence. Faint silhouettes of threes
on the silvery dark canvas make it feel as if time itself has stopped and
suspended from its round the clock service. With each step away from the scared
den of the humans, I feel sinking into the surrendered charms of the welcoming
hostess. I touch my overgrown hair. Fog has settled down in dew drops on my
head. I walk like a proud owner prince of this silence and peace. But then I
have some dew mascara on my eyelashes also. What a makeup she has given me. I
almost giggle.
In the
rain-beaten foggy stillness and silence crickets sing their morning hymns.
Their cricketing notes sound like very ample marching notes for the gallant me.
I am on the way to shake hands with peace and silence without the risk of
catching Corona. There is hardly any chance to come across any human being and
I can spread my wings like a majestic eagle in the open skies. I reach a small
bridge over an irrigation canal. The waters are holy. The canal carries Yamuna
waters. It flows like an unassuming mystical flute. The ripples sound like
honey drops fall from the cosmic comb into the waters. It’s so sweet. I can
taste the sweetness of this sound. I am supposed to hear the sweetness, but it
sweetens my tongue also.
As I
walk, I feel the tingling sensation of the bioelectrical energy through my body
as if I have been aroused by her soft touch. Beyond the world of bodily
ejaculations, it is about the arousal of the entire self to take one to the
stage of holistic orgasm, of mixing Yin and Yang within. Call it Chi energy or Prana, it’s the same thing and all of us
have it. Just that we try to look out and exist on the surface and become
insensitive to feel it. Go within and you will feel its orgasmic sensation! I
am not into the business of spirituality. They have made it sound like an
exotic art and craft to set up institutions and incubate immense followership.
They make it sound like the toughest job where only the choicest few can
succeed. Frankly speaking, if we overcome this urge to be a guru who possesses
mystical powers, and guide all and sundry about the most evident secret without
beating around the bush, each and everyone of us can feel this cosmic gingham.
The neurons of my brain dance to the particles of cosmos. It itself creates an
orgasmic buzzing and humming, which tries to set up a duet with the crickets
I come
across at a farm side square. Another path cuts my path perpendicularly. I know
the geometrical importance of this symmetry; of humans setting up an energy
flow with their guided walk for the routine farming chores. There is an extra
coagulation of energy there. It shoves at the apron of my bioelectric energy
rushing to meet the hitherto untouched maiden of silence and peace. I respond
to its pull. Stand there on the square and my Chi, or Prana responds to the lump of energy around. My hands and body move
in symmetry, a kind of Tai Chi movements—I have never learnt, read or watched
videos of these movements by the way—to align my meridians with the energy
piece put on a platter for the guest by the teasing beauty. I feast upon it.
It’s immensely energizing and reinvigorating.
gentle fluidity, the day is holding the hand of the silvery darkness. The fog
is lit up with grey traces of light. Indian rockchat, the expert early morning
chatterer, starts chitchatting from the trees around. The deeply resonant
coo…ooop cooo…oopp of the coucal reminds her that she has to go to the swathes
of slumberous folds now. And there she takes hurried steps, with a mischievous
smile on her lips, and love in her eyes, and moves further ahead before I can
touch her fingers. I can see the hand still open and fingers moving in a
smiling, coquettish bye. ‘Some other day!’ she says. The fog is dazzling now
with the first signs of the twilight. Across the clouded panorama, I see her
escaping to her royal bedchamber to sleep. She is looking back with a smile now
and then. I take a turn and start back to the world of Corona scared humans.
The last
day of March and the spring still lingers on like a shy bride. It pleasantly
empathizes through the dewy smiles of flowers. The wrinkles born of the
tensioned maelstrom of desire seem pacified. Lungful of resuscitating breeze
sways the dew-kissed flowers. There is life and living with a blessed pause.
pains and suffering lose their meaning in the face of such smiles. Waking up to
a beautiful spring morning is as good as crossing over from darkly
life-negation to sunny life-affirmation. The worst of frosty nights are over. The
pervading sadness, defeat, deprivation and icy destruction melts to give way to
luminous, fascinating anecdotes. Spouting lifeful steam, the sun shines warmly
over new buds, soot and saplings that chime with rapturous reception. The touch
of air is savoring-fresh, gratifying and irresistible. The skies bathed in
repainted vulnerable blue. The trees assertive and ready with fresh chapter
heads in the form of new saplings. The birds ecstatic and sound delightfully
witty. And with a hesitant, tentative and kissable smile, Mother Nature sends
her assurance through a belated spring. We are ready for the re-readings of the
timeless message: The message of love, life, living and compassion. It’s high
time we listen to it. Our uniquely all-consuming and enslaving civilization has
provided a huge blackboard for the message to be glaring white. It looks like
the entire earth has been written all over.
child is sick. Battling all fatigue and grief, in tune with her innate rhythm, She
has redecorated the garden with utmost care and an unconditional acceptance of
Her motherly duties. So that when the child comes out of the sick bed, there
will be a refined version of the playground for plenty of fun and frolics. A
mother cannot be cruel; she can just be remedial at her worst. She just put her
hyperactive child to bed for rest and recuperation. Most importantly, she has
given the little picture of alphabets for the child to revise and recollect the
basics of existence, the simplest things which the child has forgotten as it
made its post-docs thesis too long, tortuous and complex. It’s the time to endorse
empathy and shed the burden of always walking the tightrope. It’s the high time
to overcome the disenchantment and weariness of our own progress and learn to smile
more and give priority to the things that give us more smiles and less frowns. It’s
now the moment to explore and acquire the natural cosmetics of health and glow
with peace of mind. It’s now to embrace tender piety, hug the trees, kiss the
flowers, listen to the singing rivulets, lie on the grass and stare at the vast
canvas of the sky and breathe in life and let go of anger, hate and jealousy. This
is the moment to shed toxic and contemptible egotism and parasitic stupidity of
animosity to the rest of the species and love animals. Let’s allow Mother
Nature to stay undisturbed in pristine forests. Let’s maintain the sanctity of
the seas. Let’s distribute dignity to the masses instead of amassing wealth in
select pockets. Let’s make this little home earth a paradise instead of seeking
heaven in the cosmos. It’s the time liberate faith from the clutches of dogma;
to replace paranoid competition by balmy cooperation; to rest and repose for
creative imagination; to walk joyfully instead of huffing and puffing to
another same boring destination; to be joyful and help others be the same; to
complete the journey so joyfully and fully that the culmination loses its pain;
to reach the destination full of grace, dignity and with a smile; to say
goodbye not with a painful sigh, but with smiling tears of feeling blessed!
is something very disconcerting. I name it as the Wuhan Syndrome. It tries to
stab the salubrious strains of democracy with its dictatorial fangs. With its
smothering kisses it tries to drag out the last ounces of sap of virtuosity in
the body of free choice. It’s creepy and
gaining ground to lay the world as we know it under siege. Ironically, despite
its recurrent betrayal as any class-based system does, it still draws steam
from the vices of capitalist profiteering. With its superfluous ideology it
creeps ahead scornfully with undisguised contempt for anyone and anything
perceived as class enemy. Seamless is its desire for power and still more
power. In its wake it sows seeds of the next-gen warfare.
anybody talking about building next generation warplanes, satellite shooters,
next monster ballistic missiles, some super-dad of a Nitro, hydro or any x, y,
z bomb or any other type of extension to our greed for power? Are there top
security meetings taking place to rule the planet? Everything has been pushed
to the corner in the face of a common threat. Lesson number one, in the face of
irreversible damage to Mother Nature and the over-sweeping forces of
globalization, the problems will be common for Homo-sapiens. So stop creating
any more among yourself. These are nothing but assumptions, insecurity and
virtual fears in the face of imagined boundaries and mind-contrived notions of
having different interests and identity. The walls have crumbled now. It’s just
one open field. So play the same game for the benefit and enjoyment of
of the fact whether the patient zero was an inadvertent culinary experiment in
Wuhan animal market or some chance, mischance, deliberate, half-deliberate or
any other reason possible pushing the situation to the leaking of the deadly
virus manufactured in the Wuhan biological weapon test lab, the result is that
it has carried out the repercussions of the scale of world war three. Wars have
changed shapes and context over the millennia. The greed for power, the
rapacious urge to dominate, the ever-persistent gluttony for more and more, all
these and more that gratify individual and collective ego are itself deadly
mutants that have hijacked our creative brains to keep the destructive trait
one step ahead of the peaceful use of our logic and reasoning. The main thing
is: we have failed to learn to live in peace.
and its ambitions to be the all powerful master isn’t the only genesis of the
problem. It’s a symbol of our collective greed for more and more by killing the
aesthetics in mankind in parallel with burning the house, the little planet, we
live in. Behind its iron curtail, things have been very shady in China. The
strongest in the Chinese society destroyed millions of their own softer lives
in the name of an ideology that nurtures the biggest evil in the name of
serving the cause of the maximum, i.e., communism. A serpent which is used to
eating the weaker ones among its own species will hardly stop at dining in its
own house. It will slither out of its hole to gobble up preys outside also.
Like they can boil live animals to satisfy the cravings of their tongue, they
will hardly listen to any prick of conscience before planning to unleash any
suffering on the humanity outside the Chinese borders. This steely resolve is
their strength and is uniquely singular in its inclination to dominate other
political systems at any cost.
Raw aggression
serves its purpose in the brute game of the survival of the fittest. But that
is where the entire meaning of humanity and our evolution gets lost. It’s like
retracing the steps back to the pre-historic times when our ancestors survived
as one of the animals in caves and forests. We could break that vicious loop of
the naked game of the survival of the fittest only because we had the power to
group and manage things collectively. Contrary to the belief that our reasoning
served as a weapon to enable us to reach the pinnacle of food chain and rule
the planet, it’s the still more effective soft power of emotions and empathy
that served as the basic fuel of our civilizational progress. The use of logic,
reasoning and the subsequent science and technology is merely the means to
achieve the ends of cooperation, harmonious coexistence and the common goal to
excel as a species. With only raw aggression, we would still have been
struggling as one of the apes in the forests. We excelled not because we made
deadly weapons with uncanny, faultless precision. We thrived because we could
consciously love and were aware of our empathy to contrive things and manage
affairs with a larger collective identity. Now with no other species in the
arena to compete against, we are carrying the struggle to excel within the
species. So the domain of collective affiliation and identity is shrinking now
after expanding to its peak when Homo-sapiens primarily identified with their
own species to evolve at all levels. Now the collective affiliations are
shrinking within the Homo-sapiens. It now shrinks along the boundaries of
nationality, religion, caste, creed, class, continent and many more. Just as we
fought against other species, now we create different subspecies of mankind on
the basis of caste, class, nationality, ethnicity and religion. It’s the same
age old war that we started against other species. We have been habituated to compete
at all costs, even though there is hardly any need anymore, leaving it a
divided house now at the risk of crumbling down far earlier than anyone of us
can think of.
As I
look at China’s shimmering obsession for more power and clout, I have to point
out that I am no supporter of the USA either. The innings in the power game are
rarely played with the straight bat. It’s always about setting up effective
counterweights against any challenger. They have been doing all that takes in
the power game to stay the de facto ruler of the planet. It includes sustaining
conflicts world over to weaken nations and encash resources out of the conflict
areas. However, the saving grace is that they are a functioning democracy. It’s
still an orthodox household. Even at their witty best and cynical worst they
have limits to their games of subjugation. They cannot go into unheard of
territories. The rulers risk demotion by popular choice. The people of course have
a direct role in choosing their head. The option of choosing a leader still
leaves a whole lot of prospects for the humanity. At least, the head of the
state is accountable. He cannot go all reckless and unguarded in pursuit of power.
He has the obligation of hiding his fangs and appear cheerful and generous. He
has the necessity of going out with outstretched hands to the electorate and
get the license of governance renewed again. The leadership in China, on the
other hand, is not accountable to anybody. They hold their power unswervingly
and are unscathed from any adverse opinion. No wonder, such unaccountable power
sitting on the head of such immense resources is nothing sort of a potential
hazard for the masses both within and outside their boundary.
with just 3000 Covid deaths, which is nothing in comparison to the millions
slaughtered under communism, they are in a fine position to start throwing the
sickened humanity outside the Chinese borders with characteristically cheap,
hardly reliable medical supplies. The world is on its knees as the virus with
layered oeuvre and incredible complexity teases and tests our immunity forts.
The Chinese meanwhile are gleefully waiting to have a sumptuous bite of the pie
of our collective miseries. They have inexhaustible hunger for more business
and earn more money. All this is a default setting for bigger clout
internationally. Their state policy embedded in prejudice, and amply goaded and
lauded by the seminal themes of the Red Book, is wagging its tail with full
force. Their biggest rival is on the knees with the risk of even 100,000 people
dying from Corona virus. That is what is most important to the Chinese. They
hardly care if there have been collateral damages to their own late-found
cronies like Italy, who had become the junior sergeant of the Chinese belt and
road initiative meant to tie a serpent knot on the world economy. Italy
unfortunately served as the launch pad for infecting the entire Europe and the
rest of the world in its wake, given Europe’s position in the day to day
functioning of the world.
wars in future will come in different colors than we have been used to see in
the past. All of us have the fire-spitting metallic birds, the very same
ballistic whales that swim in the seas outside our atmosphere and then dive to
strike suddenly, the very same fire and hell spewing nuclear bombs, the same
guns, mortars and military arsenal. All countries can kill similarly. So who
will take the risk of hitting with the same weapon that lies in the opponent’s
holster also? The new weapon is inelegant shrewdness and ingenuity to hit the
opponent’s interests in almost invisible, indirect and intangible ways. Corona
isn’t a self-evident war. Beyond the estimations of what and whys of it, it is
primarily an epidemic. The scourge is visible to the human eyes. Only its tell
tale effects are visible. Instead of investing in firearm factories, you invest
in setting up stages, where the real motives always stay behind the scene of
the confusion. You incubate pandemics. You smartly calculate the reactions,
visualize the scenes arriving on the stage later after the silent trigger has
been launched in the murky haze of human brains, then you act, behave and
respond in the ways where the unsuspecting sufferers hardly believe you to be
the real mutant brain behind the chaos. And you draw out advantages,
indirectly, out of the things changing to a chaos on the stage. Things indeed
appear incidental. While in reality it turns out to be a well-scripted act.
that the rest of the super-power aspirants won’t do the same. They will
definitely try the same. It’s only about who can be more deadly. It is not
about choosing the best. There is hardly any option for that. It is simply
about ‘who is a lesser evil’. And democracy is always going to be a lesser
evil. With the next generation warfare, a closed and secretive form of
government is most qualified to succeed, where there is no specific
battleground for the players, no specifically outlined cause other than
ultra-jingoistic nationalism and no tangible target to grab. All you know is
that you have to weaken the opponent at any cost and draw advantages out of
that. You can do anything you want, simply because you are not answerable to
anyone among the domestic population.
motive has been the same historically. But the ingenuity of human brain was
only limited to swords, and later modern weapons, where there were cuts and
bruises on both sides. So if China sacrifices its own 3000 people, it will take
it as its share of casualties in the new version of warfare. If with the
stage-managed loss of such lives, they can bring down the entire planet on its
knees, wreak havoc with the global economy and suspend all other forms of
military competence in the rival camps, they will take it gleefully. In the
conventional warfare, you cannot even win a local battle in lieu of such number
of casualties.
is now sneaking into the domain of intangibles. Like this virus is invisible.
You don’t get alert like you can do on seeing a snake. To forge out such an
invisible enemy, you have to be very ingenuous in approach also. In fact, that
is primarily the investment to launch the campaign. It’s about breaking all
boundaries of ethics, because even in a bloody conventional war including the
nuclear weapons, which are pretty conventional as of now by the way, even with
your numerical and technical superiority, you give your enemy a chance to fight
and die to uphold their own belief, values and position. Like in villages, the
feuding farming families may unleash their fury on each other. They may murder,
they may do whatever we have known as routine in terms of violence. But still
there are boundaries, almost unbreakable, which even the worst enemies avoid.
Their animosity seems to melt away beyond the broadly recognizable contours.
All farmers have their crops under the open vault of skies. A major portion of
their economic interests lies open to any kind of risk imaginable. That is the
domain where mine and yours merge. You want your enemy to be decimated, but you
want all farms free of fires because there is something, a voice of conscience
that stops you. Your own sense of ego cuts you down in your own eyes if you
think anything like that. It belittles you. Those are the open skies, the
rivers and the lakes. You avoid that and decide to fight a bit on the tangible
stage, where there are chances of you suffering also. But you take that as an
offering to the Goddess of your ego. A Chinese type of next-gen warfare has the
capability to breach any such false sense of curtailment by one’s ego. They are
capable of doing anything in the name of innovation. Heart has no say. The
calculating part of the brain has swiping powers, simply because their
secretive system of governance allows the maximum chance to groom such a nefarious
capability. Here the farmer will simply go out and cut his crop, leaving a
portion of his own to be seen as burning with the rest, and light the fire.
That’s it. You can defend your military installations, your cities, your
borders, but limitless breaches are there in the porous and open realm of air,
water and forests, the things lying there in the open like farming fields lie
there only at the mercy of a sense of conscience, a self-accepted boundary,
making them safer than the missiles hidden in deep bunkers.
Chinese syndrome isn’t an outcrop in abstract. It is the recipe born of the
collective fire of modern humanity’s misguided sense of achievement, in
grotesque dehumanized values which put human interests before anything else on
this little planet co-shared by millions of other species. Just cause and
effect man! Like in a weakened immune system, the disease has to start somewhere;
here also it happens to get into effect from a system of governance most
suitable for the evil-effects of our unsustainable practices to be carried out.
So taming China is just a partial solution. In the absence of systematic
overhaul of the overall value system, we will have a new version of the Chinese
kind new-gen warfare and stealth somewhere else. It’s just a symptom. And
treating symptoms never fully cures the root cause of a disease.
As we
go into a global lockdown, it’s the time to think and ponder. The things
discussed above are mere symptoms of a bigger malady: our collective greed at
the level of our species. What is the use of wreaking havoc without limits to
greed and create trillions strong economies, if you have to spend trillions
again to ward off the consequences, as the roof of the cave over our head,
where we have been mining, caves in? Can’t we be happier with less, and that
less will be still more than what we will be left with after spending on
emergency solutions to save ourselves from plethora of cascading problems.
man rest! Pause. Hell won’t break lose if you take a pause for some time. You
will still have the same little gob of earth circling around the sun; you will
have the same days and night, same weather systems. In fact, you will have a
better version of everything else, as the sand raised by your hooves settles
down while you take a rest for some time. Our smoke-spewing vehicles and
industries have fallen silent. Ask anyone, the skies are clearer than ever in the
recent decades. Delhi has AQI like any Nordic capital. Can you believe it?!
Ozone layer is replenished. Birds appear to chirp more enthusiastically. See,
what can your hiatus bring to this little home of ours in just a week! Use the
Wuhan syndrome and the resultant Tsunami for forging a better future.
Catastrophe has no limitations. It takes millions of years to make, and a few
chaotic moments to break. It will take China a bit of time to realize its
mistakes. And realize they will some fine day, I am sure. Meanwhile, if the rest
of the world mends its ways, the Chinese next-gen warfare and the value system
of their ill-conceived competence will become irreverent. Gandhi’s philosophy
of nonviolent noncooperation will accomplish what super-nukes cannot do. Make
it all versus one, but in a nonviolent compassionate way. Just don’t cooperate
with the Chinese version of hegemony and dominance at any cost.
fundamental sanctities have been subverted. So it’s high time to Pause or
Perish. It’s the time to slow down and take cognizance of angst-filled,
cluttered to the guts Mother Earth.
Nature has its own calculations to decide what is good or bad overall. While
only one species, out of the millions habiting this little gob of earth
floating in the cosmos, is caught in predicament and is sulking, the rest are
jubilant. The air is fresher with
sing-song ambience. The skies are clearer with expressive phrases of a bigger
truth than we comprehend. The noise is less, giving a clue to some remarkably
perceptive silence. I take a tremulous breath and off-beat emotions well up. I
don't know whether to celebrate or sulk. So I stand in between. I feel sad for
Homo-sapiens. I feel happy for rest of our earthlings. Also, standing on the
middle line separating the king species from the rest, I pray for a good for
all solution where all are happy and nobody sulks. Is it too much asking for?
It may be easier than we think, provided we cut the greed to the limits of
need; reshape our value system and learn to take peace and joy as prized as
gold; systematically nurture the emotional quotient in our next generation with
the same urgency as we force their intelligence quotient; and most importantly
replace a sense of blind competition with beneficent cooperation; and realign
the parameters of victory to include excellence and intangibles of sweet
persona in the trophy of winner.
All the
things that have messed up the scene currently are our mind creations only. If
these are failing to set up a joyful world, we still have the option to
systematically create a different reality using our minds. What is the big deal
about it? Stop taking power, designation, wealth, bank accounts as the only
achievable pinnacle of human destiny. Give equal respect to love, compassion
and empathy in a person's character as recognizable traits and reward these
accordingly to give them a life of decency. If our mind can fix values worth
millions of dollars to the stones found in nature, and which are of no value to
any other species, why can't we devise ways and means to reward softer things
of life? Our sitting rooms are cluttered with too much reason. The aesthetics,
the real juice of life, have been pushed to the periphery. Let’s crane our
necks out of the coop and recapture our lost spirit to enjoy the multi-hued
are the resources of Mother Nature. All we need to do is to stop the mad race
to plunder each and everything. Walk slowly. Pause. Then see what a paradise
mother earth gives you as a reward within two decades. Otherwise keep fighting
as an enemy of mother existence. Endless are her arrows from countless
directions. How long you will fight? Just listen to her a bit. Showers of bliss
wait you. But don't come as a robber. She will shoot you down. It’s advisable
to approach as a smiling child moving to his mother to hold her hand. There she
stands waiting for you to correct your ways. Do it or keep fighting till your
fears turn your physiognomy into almost a machine, with flesh and blood gone.
Then a new robotic species will evolve; a sort of walking and moving matter. It
hardly matters to mother Earth. She will readjust to a new mischief monger like
it has done so far.
the right time to pick up and sow spring seeds for the best version of the self
as Mother Nature plays Twenty20 cricket game in the year 2020. She found it an
apt chronological phase to start hitting sixes rampantly. (Of course, it
seduced China to fix the game.) We may cry foul, but that doesn’t matter. ‘Foul’
has no relevance in the art of modern gameship because we have already flouted
all norms and fouled innumerable times. So the guardian angels stand neutral as
her ball chases us around the field. All this while, She had been playing test
cricket with her silent majesty, calm demeanor, unperturbed mindfulness and
inherent grace. Mankind then kept on getting onto a more and more adrenaline
pumping game. They got into 50-50, one-dayer excitement. She still found it
digestible somehow. However, the fast and furious kid started challenging her
for Twenty20. There she loses her composure as the year strikes 2020 on the
calendar. She decides to play Twenty20, racy, fast and furious, with sixes
landing in the audience like deadly projectiles. Gone are those elegant
ground-strokes to display class and take just one run or no run at all. Even
classic defense earned laurels. So the ball turned into grenade and started
giving bluish bumps on our heads. The crowd is in a melee now.
the ball is nanometer sized. We cry foul that we cannot see it as it lands on
our bodies with sadistic glee. But it is Her game, just like we contrived so
many to entertain ourselves. We cannot complain now. We have been playing ours
to the fullest of a visual extravaganza. Now it is her turn. The ball is a
nanometer monster cutie. It has spikes over it to lock into the play arena of
our cells and then keep on rolling to the boundary for sixes and fours. If the
immunity fielders can stop it, the player saves the day. If not, the player is
clean bowled.
In the
ensuing stampede, the game having gone haywire, ‘Namaste’ is trending.
Professional handshakes, cordial hugs and affectionate peck on cheeks all have
been eaten and beaten by Corona for the time being. Humble ‘Namaste’ still
stays out of Corona’s reach simply because it’s so unassuming, humble and
simple to catch the evil bug’s devil eye. It’s so respectful. The virus is yet
to breach its age-old rustic defenses. It has got the antibodies of unassuming
grace and dignity, which has a hidden power even above the powers of any fee-fawing
arrogant gesture.
‘Namaste’ means ‘Namah te’ in Sanskrit, i.e., I bow before you in full respect,
taking you as a representative of God, a carrier of His godliness. Here lies
the hope for the future. A humbler, less egoistic Homo-sapiens is beneficial
not just to the planet but to their own species also.
let’s salvage our positives from the Corona chaos. Let us allow this symbolism
carried by ‘Namaste’ to turn into substance in our persona. Let’s be more
fluid, mellowed and receptive. Fluidity has the soft power of sneaking out of
supposed deadlocks by unegoistically circuiting out of many a problem. The boulders
of ego merely clog the biggest of mountain passes. Let us be supine. Let’s melt
our frigid egos to be more caring, understanding and loving. Let’s bow
respectfully and gracefully to the fundamental principles of life, the bedrock
of our existence. Let’s worship life and living with bowed heads. The blades of
grass bend down and weather the fiercest of storms. The hardest oaks break and fall
down, simply because they don’t bend down. Let’s learn from nature. America,
China and all other global power aspirants anyone listening?
virus gives a pernicious chuckle and our system gets choked. Automobile makers
are rushing to make ventilators. DRDO, instead of pioneering killer missiles,
is making medical masks. Millions of migrant workers, who throng cities like an
ant-swarm sticks to a jiggery lump, are fleeing away like rats jumping out of a
sinking ship. They are ready to risk life and be with their poor families in
wretchedly backward countryside, where even death seems more tolerable than the
suffocating life in the Corona-infested cities. Celebrities whose one
coquettish look can break as well as elate million of hearts are cooking,
washing and cleaning—most probably for the first time in their lives—as the
domestic helps vanish from the scene. Hasn’t the world come upside down? Sirsasna is good for health even though
it comes with lots of practice and a bit of discomfort initially. But it
overhauls life and living if you master it. So as we do penance and learn to do
a collective Sirsasna, let’s learn it
properly and read the message straight. What we have been doing is hardly
sustainable. We were going rapidly down the precipice to fall off the cliff.
Thank Mother Nature, and China’s maneuvering as an agent of the evil that we
deserve, there has been a pause, forced though. Errant kids hardly listen to
the corrective message straightaway, by the way. Now let’s go back to the
kindergarten of the basics of life and forget about the research and post-doc
universities for some time. Life has been turned too complex, a quagmire
almost. Better to take a by-lane and rest for some time.
Even in
the face of grave danger, not all seems lost. Historically, the police have
been ill reputed to bruise bums with their sticks. They do it still, but their
sticks never appeared more justified in falling over asses as people break the
lockdown instructions. However, in penance for one strike on an offending bum,
they are doing 1000 pious deeds, while being out there in high risk places.
They have surprised me in being so holistically caring. You see a policeman
delivering medicine to a differently abled old man; a policeman feeding rasgullah to a patient whose sugar has
come down dangerously low; you watch in disbelief as policemen sing songs to
entertain people looking bored from their balconies; you giggle with a tinkling
in stomach as you see policewomen doing the arti
with diyas to embarrass the
thick-skinned rascals, the milder versions of full blown criminals penalized by
law, who are shameless enough to break the curfew; and the police personnel
cooking food in their own kitchens out of their own pockets and feeding the hungry.
The list is endless. I am humbled in the face of this totally new face of
policing in India. As we will come out of this dark shade, the entire country
will acknowledge this humane face of the police. Moral of the story: the police
personnel are the best version of themselves as kind, considerate and helpful
officers. So why don’t we have a society where the police people are not just
half villains forced to tame the full criminals. Let’s have a society where
policing is constructive as a care giver, helper and the life sustainer, not
just scary system warding off the evil. Criminals listening? Mend your ways and
allow police to be their best version!
Look at
the changed equation! Doctors, nurses and paramedics are the new soldiers
fighting lonesome, life-hazardous battles against the invisible enemy in
isolation wards. The conventional soldiers with their guns and their patriotic
blood boiling to kill and get killed look the worst version of a soldier. These
doctors and their staff are the best version of soldiers who put their life in
danger to save lives. Let’s have the best version well respected and valued in
terms of rewards and applauds. Once the gloom is over, let’s have the soldiers
who save, not just kill to ward off most of our virtual and assumed fears.
highest of the high have been infested and so have been the lowest of the low.
People from the royal families have died and so have the poorest of the poor.
Lesson: it’s just one little humanity that is bound to suffer in the same ways
if things go the wrong away. Let’s re-contrive our economic modules to allow
the horizontal spread of benefits and the fruits of economic progress. Let’s
transform economic growth into social development. The richest countries are
suffering and the poorest are cowering with fear at the impending ill fate. Let
the high and mighty draw some lessons out of this catastrophe and rethink about
their priorities. Let there be some institutionalized grooming of art and
aesthetics, not just cold hard logic and reasoning. Emotions and sensitivities
are the shock-absorbers against the impending falls born of frigid logic and
unforgiving reasoning. Pure reasoning cannot sustain. It can sustain machines but
not humans as societies. To be logical, we have to stay sensitive also because
we are flesh and blood creatures primarily.
In the
politically stage-managed communal by-lanes of UP, the lotus of hope and love
blooms in unthinkable circumstances. In Bulandshahr, an aged Hindu dies and his
family can’t reach for cremation due to the lockdown. The diseased man’s Muslim
neighbors perform the Hindu rituals to finish his journey. A group of Hindus
manage to avail an ambulance and get a pregnant Muslim woman to hospital to
save her life. A Hindu senior cop goes out of his ways to help a pregnant
Muslim woman in reaching hospital in time for delivery. She delivers a baby
boy. She hasn’t forgotten the act of kindness. She names her son after the cop:
Ranvijaya Khan, a human being, half Hindu and Half Muslim in name, a blessed
child who will be a living testimony to the triviality of man-created communal
identities in the face of challenges that have no discrimination for caste,
creed, class, nationality or religion. Hasn’t the antibody of goodness already
started debugging the society of its evils? Does Corona stand a chance? Much as
there is strife and suffering, but the strains of our best versions do hold the
beacon of hope.
As the economy
crashes across countries, the money diplomacy should be scorned upon. As the
new sun smiles once the night of the epidemic is over, China’s Yuan diplomacy
of enslaving poor countries indirectly through debt trap has to be neutralized.
They should feel and understand the Dragon’s python grip around their throat
and try to avoid a suffocating death. Global peace and security largely depend
on China in future. If there is a democratic government in China within a
decade, that will be some hope for the world. If not, God save us then! If
there is democracy in China, progressive social reforms—especially the position
of women—in hardbound Islamic societies, a humbler America, at an ease Europe
and an India that isn’t merely in the rat race to compete against the worst to
excel, we can lay the foundation for the best version of globe.
As you
lie down in self isolation, don’t just fart with boredom in your living rooms
or be hyperactive in bedrooms, there is an option to be the best versions of
yourself. Don’t just capitulate to the lures of skin and sex. The quirk of fate
gives you lots of time. The post-modernist melting crucibles aren’t teasing and
testing your ready to strike candor. The scathing, sharp blade of blind
competence, hypocrisy and double standards isn’t prodding you across the mucking
lanes and by-lanes and sordid crossroads. The specter of running from the
pillar to post isn’t staring down your neck anymore for the time being. You
have the most precious commodity as per the modern parameters of human
civilization: Time. Let’s rekindle the lost light of the soul. The moments are
tinged with sepia-toned memories of better days our forefathers witnessed. The
life was less convenient but far more joyful. The life shaped by see-saw
vignettes of emotions. The times when self-righteousness was reigned in and we
didn’t jostle for victory at any cost; when even the most vibrant critics
didn’t lose their entire credentials, leaving enough rooms for friendly jibes
even in the bleakest situations.
The sky
is imbued with a pleasant and refreshing blue. The clean air is springing up
with a most impassioned song. The sun is shining with a reassuring, cozy and
irreplaceable look of healing and warmth. It’s the time to welcome all your
deep-held softer urges to be creative, to be something more than what the
circumstances have forced you into, to be a bit more than you have become.
Nurture those little dreams you once held in your little palms as a child. Yank
yourself off from the worm-eaten, ambiguous trajectory. Break the hard-core,
cynical look of an adult and be a wide-eyed smiling child. You have been pushed
and shoved and carry the ugly wrinkles of hard-fought battles. Now is the time
for a Phoenix-like rise. Use the pause creatively. Learn cooking, read, write,
paint, do gardening, rectify the relationships that went haywire, and let your
family see the best version of yourself.
your pets will be ecstatic and at their slurping, coaxing best on finding you
at home. The wall clock will have a mellowed baritone and slow down the time to
heal moth-eaten, fragile bonds jolted by months and years of irregularities and
violations of trust. Imagine the unalloyed joy dawning upon the entire family
dining together, chatting over tea, watching TV and gossiping in the drawing
A pet
dog Robo in Essex, UK went berserk with ecstasy finding the owner family at
home, all of them together: perhaps
an eighth wonder for the pet. He acknowledged it to the core of his innocent
heart. After a prolonged torrent of wagging its tail almost the entire day to
celebrate the rare event, the canine paid the cost of overzealous celebration in
the form of a painful sprain in the tail. He has been prescribed painkillers
for a week and the wagging instrument of celebration firmly tied. Now it has to
show its love and affection only through its mellifluous eyes. But I am sure,
he will find the pain worth it.
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