the contradictions. Make a paste. Mix the duality. Grind it well. And you get
nothing in the so called ‘everything’. Is there any hard and fast line between
the so called two ends of our perception? Is ‘black’ only ‘black’? Is ‘white’
only ‘white’? No. They seep into each other and define each other, apparently,
relatively. Dark is not just ‘dark’. And light is not just ‘light’. Dark is
only ‘less light’. And light is just ‘less dark’. Duality sustains on our sense
of ‘ego’. It turns our consciousness into self-consciousness. Is there any
pure, unadulterated ‘pleasure’? No. Pleasure is a state of having lesser pain.
Pleasure has a mild dose of pain in it. Always. Find out a person who has no
trace of pain in him. Is there any condition of just having ‘pain’? No. Pain is
just having lesser degree of ‘pleasure’. Pleasure carries pain in it, and pain
carries pleasure in it. Our ego stretches the point of reality in two
directions for suitable duality, of contradictions. Imagine ‘twilight’ when day’s
rising light mixes with the night’s vanishing darkness. The balance. The
melting of duality. Is there any state of something being perfectly ‘cold’ or
perfectly ‘hot’? No. Cold is just lesser hot. And hot is just lesser cold. The reality
just gives the illusion of apparently getting stretched in opposite directions.
It’s the see-saw battle. We look this way, then we turn to the other side. By
subduing the element of ‘self’ from ‘consciousness’ one can get a balanced
vision. Then the funny mirage of seeing two avatars of the same thing becomes
visible. The two things are inseparable, and are just our conveniently defined
two points on the plain of reality. Death is not just death in itself. It is
the beginning of life, of birth. Birth is not just birth. It is the beginning
of death. Same is the apparent duality of creation and destruction. They don’t
exist separately. For an event and happening to occur, there has to be a
balance between the two. Like human body survives on the principle of the
balance between creation and destruction. New cells are continuously being
created and old ones are dying. The circle. It holds the key to the mystery.
The reality has loops of the so called dualities going side by side, at all
points, at all points. The counterweights. The balance. Going on and on in
loops. The ever-expanding universe and the ever-dying universe. In loops. In
circles. At countless points. Forever. Explosions and implosions. Blasts and
suction. Circular loops. Creation and destruction. Creation and destruction. On
and on. In circles. Expansion and suction. Going from nowhere to nowhere. And passing
through the point where you happen to read it presently.
The posts on this blog deal with common people who try to stand proud in front of their own conscience. The rest of the life's tale naturally follows from this point. It's intended to be a joy-maker, helping the reader to see the beauty underlying everyone and everything. Copyright © Sandeep Dahiya. All Rights Reserved for all posts on this blog. No part of this blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the author of this blog.
About Me

- Sufi
- Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Use the leftover spirits from Valentine Day and use it to cerebrate Earth Day
Earth day today, passing off like any other inconsequential day. Valentine day
makes a far bigger noise and catches attention. Media is full of it. People
themselves are so eager to celebrate it. Nothing wrong with that. Symbolism of
love and affection in relationships has its utility and importance. But it also
shows how confined and limited, almost self-seeking, is our interpretation of
love and care. Mind you it might even be merely skin deep, shallow and funny.
best part of being human--our beautiful emotions and awareness of good and bad--has
been imprisoned so tightly that we just trample ahead with our tiny boxed up,
suffocating emotions, totally unconcerned about what is getting squeezed under
our feet. We carry tremendous insecurity. Every fellow human is a competitor
and rival to beat. No wonder the things that really matter, the matters that
are make or break for all of us, the great common ground, hardly get attention.
So the plight of mother earth is not that big an issue. It’s the nightmare that
we simply delegate to the future generations to face and suffer about. If as
parents we sacrifice our present to make our children’s future, cannot we just
take a few more steps to be bothered about the future a few generations down
the line?
is a rat race of domination among all the countries. There are elaborate geo-strategic
plans to capture the future for themselves. Plunder of natural resources and
development of weapons of mass destruction, genocides, communal killings, where
does it take us all. Mankind is certainly the most aware species on earth, but
the most foolish as well. Of course foolish because what else it is to keep
moving in a direction where, in complete knowledge of it happening, there will
be fire and destruction. It’s as foolish as setting the house on fire, and
getting full throttle creative about setting a luxurious bed for a night-long
the biggest stage—mother earth—is shaking and creaking under the hooves of prudent-most
animal on earth. What value the victory carries if the place you have fought
over is bound to be crumbled to pieces in future? What does a luxurious bed
stand for if the house itself will burn? Hope the earthlings realize that the
biggest reason for them to feel insecure is for mother earth itself. Other
levels of insecurities, and the consequent strife, confrontations and wars,
come later. Even the fights of ego need a solid stage. What does victory mean
on a crumbling planet?
the aliens approach us. And they will definitely. It’s just a matter of time.
Won’t we be simply earthlings in the face of a common threat? Then these caste,
class, communal and national divides will melt. It’s high time that we realize that
the great commonality which supports and sustains us, mother nature, is under
is a common enemy, environmental degradation, the result of our rampant plunder
and greed. Let it be recognized as such and a fight launched against it. Let it
be done before it is too late. Because the cycle of destruction, once it
crosses the critical limit, becomes irreversible.
earth! Celebrate Earth Day with as much fervor as you celebrate Valentine day!
Friday, April 21, 2017
Highway Murder
Do you think only you have the right
to tell you story? No man, no! Even we trees have the right to tell the tale of
our life, especially when the main protagonist is man, the master of nature
presently. So listen you all, humans as well as nature. The two are different
now by the way. Listen!
Well, I am a great eucalypts tree
standing by a road. They are killing me. The iron is hissing and kissing the
rings of age in my stout trunk. I stand benumbed and in daze. But I have to
speak out before I fall. Possibly you listeners will spot the crime and just—at
least—have some of the pain I feel while I am being slaughtered.
Well, I feel really bad about it. I
never thought the end will arrive so soon, without any notice. There is no
storm threatening to uproot me. It’s a very fine day, and all the more suitable
to the humans to carry out their act of greed. My killing but is unjustified
because I have been fulfilling all my duties assigned by mother nature to me.
The way I have gone overboard in
carrying out my task, I think I should have been lucky enough to see the
majesty of upcoming wintery full moon. The moon-rays are very naughty I tell
you. You may be lost in brighter self-created neon lights, but nothing can beat
the beauty of full moon rays on a winter night. I pine for one more such night!
Alas it seems impossible! I have to take solace by remembering the past
See, you may not realise it but your
tools of cutting, your axes, saws, scythes and blades are very painful. I have
to impose anaesthesia on myself for I cannot even cry like you guys. Still I
can feel the saw’s butchering the bloodless flesh in my guts. But poor me, I
don’t even have the blood to put forth the evidence of a murder. Even though my
flesh is as good as yours, but mine doesn’t bleed so even the sanguine interior
as they saw through it, appears simple painless stone to them. But I feel the
pain, I swear. Just want to tell. Please don’t take my cutting as simple as
breaking a stone.
It’s a hazily sun-lit winter noon.
It appeared such a balmy day. Looking at the people moving onto their
destination. But then they suddenly arrived like hounds. I was even surprised
why so many of them arrived and started prodding me, slapping me out of my
languorous spell. I don’t even know whether to throw my almost harmless,
inaudible curse at these fellows or the state itself that has authorised my
murder to broaden this already fat road.
Let me be clear on this. It’s a
murder. You may prefer to call it just cutting wood. But there is a life
inside. Never forget this. Don’t I grow like you guys do? Don’t I do my duty of
purifying air and providing shade and provide dead and even live wood, like you
people claim your utility?
For many decades I have been
standing as a serving helper to both man and nature. During older times, this
metalled road, this carrier of huge traffic and so called your ‘progress’, was
simply a dirt road. It was my friend taking your forefathers to their common
destinations. Nobody was in damn hurry like you people these days. I stood here
as a milestone reached by a tired pair of legs, by a rickety bull-cart, who
halted under me, savouring the shade I provided. I felt so proud of myself.
This very path has turned a foe now.
It’s a highway after all. The merciless, fast-paced carrier of growth. It has
turned a parasite now. It needs more space. Damn it, they don’t need shade and
pure air now. These can be easily managed in the metal boxes that hurtle day
and night on it. So I’m redundant and old. I have turned a blocker of progress
with my few square-feet of foot-hold.
Man, again I try to shout and remind
you that if a healthy mass like me is no life, then yours is also not so
important. By cutting us you are cutting yourselves, for you are nothing but
merely an extension of our world. A mere reflection of the nature around you. We
gone, even you will be gone. Haa fools, now I can afford to call you as such
during these final moments, for you cannot even see the precipice you are
heading into.
Man, now it is hurting quite a lot.
But I have resolved to keep telling my murder story till the axes, scythes and
saws send my tiniest of branches to be turned to ashes in some poor household’s
We trees never wince with pain as
your axes spray chips of our flesh. Just because our flesh is different
coloured doesn’t mean we don’t feel the pain. We do, man!
We had equal rights till mankind was
just a part of nature, not the master of it. Now this saw going deeper and
deeper into my bloodless guts reminds me of our inevitable fate. Every tree on
earth now has a deadly date with the greedy most, treacherous and unforgiving
Haa the cowards! Forever playing so
safe! They know that I’m huge. Poor things are afraid of my fall. Little do
they realise that a tree’s pride is in standing tall and upright. And we do it till
the last ounce of our strength. I am not going to give in that easily. They
have to earn my dead body. It cannot be a cakewalk. Let them have blisters on
their hands. It will serve as a proof to my murder.
Little do they realise my commitment
to my duty, my oath to mother nature. Even in the face of death, I cannot stop
playing my part in nature. As they are robbing me of my few square feet of
space on earth, my saplings are still giving them life, still doling out oxygen
under this winter sun. I am helpless and bound to my sworn duty. I cannot be
vindictive and stop fuelling life into the lungs even if they happen to be my
murderers. Even my murder cannot change me, helpless as I am due to my nature.
Now the saw has gone pretty deep. I
am getting the signs of that eternal sleep. There is also an unbearable pain in
the so called painless mass. Death is death after all. Hope you understand.
Like hangman’s noose, thick hemp
ropes are tied to direct my fall. From a safe distance tractors are pulling to
bring down this wooden bull. They are worried, but are assured of victory.
There are too many of them, with steely human determination to win, to stifle
any chance of failure. No, I don’t see any chance of a miracle. It’s as
hopeless as it can be.
Now I feel it. The death blow. The
pinnacle of their jeering selves. A
cleavage breaks through the portion still holding me to my mother earth.
From softest saplings to rock hard tissues my whole self is panicked. But still
I have to tell the tale of my murder before I finally fall. My saplings are
crying like innocent children. The hardest of trunk tissues are shamelessly
crying like the battle hard, handsome soldiers on their knees after losing the
war. Death is after all death. Who wants to cease to exist?
cares? Nobody. This big snapping sound is my death cry. And here I fall with a
thud. Yes man, you win. I am dead before I thought I will.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
The murderer and the robber are just an arm-length away
lucky not to have come across a real-life murderer with blood-ridden hands and a
dagger in hand? Feeling at ease not to have faced a robber, with muscular
barrel chest, eye-patch and devilish beard running away with yours and others’
money? Well think again for you might be grossly mistaken. There are murderers
and robbers on the prowl around. And in far more numbers than you can ever think
even in your wildest of horrifying imagination.
can be your sheepish looking, harmless milkman, holding the potent weapon of
slow death over the years. Yes the milkman with his passable crime, with little
doses over months and years. In India the fight for self-survival is so rampant
that poor milkman won’t flinch an eye before mixing urea and adhesives like
Fevicol to make adulterated milk. It breeds death, slowly over months and
years, with no sign of a murder committed. For the milkman all that matters is
a successful day with all the pots empty sold out. What happens later is none
of his concerns.
can be the sweet-tongued sweet-maker pampering your sweet-tooth with an affable
smile and still honeyed words. Yes the sweet-maker with his shortcuts to
profits with fake milk derivatives and cancerous chemicals and colors. And
there are many, as many as you count the sweet shops, except for the few
moralistic ones. India is crammed to the guts, and the mere struggle to
survive, at any cost and through whatever means, justifies the end and more
bucks in the wallet.
can be the poor-looking harmless fruit vendor. You even end up having sympathy
for him. Little do you realize that the fruits you presume to add to your life
are in fact cutting into your days. Artificial, cancerous-chemical-catalyzed ripening,
waxing on the surface to make stale fruits look fresh and scores of other
devil-devised machinations to get some more bucks at the cost of disease and
destruction in others’ livers.
are the murders on the safer side of law. Nobody dies instantly. Death comes
slowly. It’s a causeless disease. Nobody can be blamed. They vend out poison
slowly, in mild doses. They add a day to their survival at the cost of minutes
from the lives of those whom they serve.
are robbers around as well, in clean shirts and socially respected avatars. Law
cannot touch them because they don’t rob out rightly like the condemnable
criminals barging into a bank and running away with the whole vault of money
and gold. They do it in slow sips over years, as invisible cogs in the corrupt
machinery. In both governmental and private institutions and departments these legalized
robbers sit on their desks with an affable smile and clean slate. It’s
facilitation money. The extra money has to land invisibly into their pockets to
move the process stuck at their check-post.
there are countless petty criminals and transgressors, stomping their way to
their destination at any cost. It’s an ant-swarm. Law never looks more impotent
than in the face of such brazen frequency, everywhere, every moment. Spitting,
urinating, defecating, shouting, molesting, eve-teasing, raping and countless
other forms of violence from the mildest to the heinous most. It makes it seem
as if the rulebook is just a draw of lots for all the criminals around. Only a
few are unlucky to get their name taken out as legal offenders. The rest clap
for their luck for being left out.
there are mass murderers and robbers all around. And law cannot sneak into each
and every soul to arise either fear or conscience to think of injustice done to
others’ in the struggle to survive. Poverty and greed make a person too
thick-skinned to be sensitive to the world beyond the self. The only option is
to hope for a generational shift when more people will be aware of the issues
beyond the limited self.
with the Indian population ever-exploding, and more people fighting for
diminishing resources, it seems a dream to visualize a society where the
milkman, the fruit-vendor, the sweet-maker, the government officials will
become humane enough to be self-responsible and follow the laws even if there
is no apparent risk of getting caught.
instincts get honed over a period of time. It’s like stopping at a red light on a totally
empty road, in the depths of night, with absolutely nobody around, and no fear
of punishment, but you still put up breaks, and smile. It gives a strange peace
to be self-responsible for such tiny transgressions. Just looking forward to a
day when majority of the Indians will come out of the pit of self-obsessed
survival and be self-responsible not just for their own survival but for others’
convenience as well.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
No flesh, blood and bones after 200 years
Nature is not with
anybody. Neither is it against anyone. It is for us to decide whether we are
with it or against it. The onus is on us! Since we are a part of it, it suits
our purpose if we go with it. Going against nature means going against
ourselves. But that is what we are doing presently.
With its impartiality,
nature ensured a competition among species for survival. Look at the fantastic
evolution of organism and species. But then with the food-chains reaching a
dead end with mankind being the master, the nature itself—the cause—will become
the casualty.
Humans evolved as inseparable
part of nature, just like any other animal species, using their best skills to
survive. Humans used brain to master nature. Still mankind (biologically) and
its institutions stand on nature’s back. Now we are crossing all limits. Possibly
the inevitable juggernaut of progresss. The more forests we cut, the more
species we force into extinction, the more pollutants we release into the air
and the seas, the more we are eating into nature’s guts. It’s like killing the
hen that lays golden eggs.
Our present biological standing
is a sum total of the nature around us. We are a reflection and sum total of
the state of the overall natural health. With more natural ecosystems being
decimated to get into a more mechanized world, it will be a folly to think that
we will be able to survive at the present biological level of human physiology.
In a world with ghastly
depleting natural resources, and cement, steel and machines ruling the roost,
how will the present human biology—the outcome of the natural phenomena and
food-chains—survive? It just will not. So the cut into nature’s guts will
require adaptations in human biology and physiology as well. Simple fact is,
the present human physiology will be totally redundant in a world where there
will be hardly any forests, most of the species extinct, air polluted and
weather totally changed. To survive under the new challenge, the mankind will
bring out mechanization in the physiology itself. Genetic engineering,
artificial intelligence, artificial organs will see a world in which mankind
will be a semi-machine managing full machines.
And with the final traces
of nature gone, with the environment modified mechanically to survive, mankind
will finally become a full machine. It might be just 200 years away when the
last sinews of human blood, ligaments, flesh and skin will be replaced by
artificial devices. The cycle of evolution! The super species! The machines all
around. And then the inevitable destruction.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
All that woman is
819 AD. Indian mystics have laid the foundation of systematization of thought
about the unknown. With open arms Vedas welcome the infinite manifestations of
universal goodwill. These are the outpours of awe, wonder, obedience, surrender
and love for the unknown.
mind is fertile with imagination. One more step has been taken. Vedanta
literature has shown man the next step in Indian philosophical thought. It’s no
longer about feelings of awe. Now it’s not just plain surrender to the gaping
unknowns. There is an effort to interpret the forces of nature. There is
cultivation of thought and logic. There is an effort to understand the process
of humans grasping the reality.
Sutras of Sage Badarayana Vyasa have set up a platform for human thought and
logic to take the next stride. Human mind looks within to understand the ways
and means of interpreting the messages sent by our sense organs.
and theologian Adi Shankara is taking human mind further by integrating main
thoughts in Hinduism. He has a huge collection of commentaries on Vedic texts.
He has thrown more light on Upanishads. He is slaying the rituals and founding
the concepts of Advaita Vedanta, unity of the soul and attributelesss supreme
identity. Ritualism has eaten the vitality of Indian thought and philosophy. He
is travelling across India to revive the spirit of Hinduism. For self
realization. To be a master of one's own destiny, not be a helpless beggar
before deities. Wherever he goes he challenges those who oppose his thinking.
Clubs down their logic to overpower them with his logical interpretations of
our thought processes and natural phenomena around. It's a blizzard of logic
sweeping the length and breadth of India. And here he comes to Mithila state in
northern Gangetic plains near the frontier between modern day India and Nepal.
great scholar has reached Tharhi village. It’s autumn. There is mystique
restfulness spread around. A perfectly pensive evening is building up. The
great thatched hall in the hermitage premises is softly abuzz with scholarly
excitement. Shankaracharya has arrived only a couple of hours ago and is ready
to take logical potshots at rival theologians.
shaven head and calm eyes don’t give any sign of the long, arduous travel. But
he has much ground to cover. They start immediately. Adi is on a spiritual
rollercoaster and easily prevails upon daunting bearded rishis. A young student, having holy thread criss-crossing his
torso and wearing white cotton dhoti is lost in the great philosopher’s
persuasive logic. He has a question.
words of your logic fail to take me to the exact picture of reality. Does it
mean there is no specific plane of reality? And we just reach a level, given
our understanding of the words involved in the sentences, that we infer. Is it
like a person with good eyesight can watch distant objects in comparison to
somebody with a bad one?”
smiles at the question. His calm eyes bore straight into the young student’s handsome
face. The penetrating focus in those eyes is very attractive.
hard for each word in books of theology. Work for the meaning of each and every
word. Focus your senses to grasp the maximum a word has to offer. You will see
the farthest one can see!” it appears like a blessing.
is something extraordinary about this boy. Next morning, before setting out
again on his mission, Shankaracharya calls the boy. He again looks into the
deep, reflective pools of his eyes. The philosopher smiles. There is the
stability of an undisturbed ocean in the young student’s eyes.
can take very deep dives to take out the gems of reality from the mysterious
depths,” the sage softly told himself.
hands him a palm leaf compilation of Brahma Sutra of Badarayana. The text is a
famous systematization of the philosophical ideas of Upanishads. Brahma Sutras
explore the nature of human existence and absolute reality and the importance
and need of attaining spiritually liberating knowledge.
is a blessing. Just the ownership of the text containing the apex of Indian
philosophical though is a matter of pride. He walks back to his house holding
the cloth bag containing the precious text. He has been exceptionally hungry
for the knowledge and words of holy Sanskrit texts. He has mastered Vedas,
Upvedas and Upanishads. Now he possesses the cream of all that knowledge, the
gist. He wants to go further, to see further, break the frontier of all human
thought reached thus far. He is holding the text even more dearly than his
Vachaspati come out. O God what has possessed this boy. That book has a magic
spell. I have to call babaji to break
it!” Vatsala is anxious.
neighbors are standing near her. They face the hut he has locked himself in.
She is a widow and he the only son. They have sympathy for her.
hasn’t come out for the last two days. These books can turn a young man mad,”
she is sobbing.
sympathy for the widow struggling to raise her son, who is all concerned about
Vedic knowledge and now this book.
raise a chorus. There is a pandemonium. He is drawn out of his eerie. He hasn’t
opened the book even once. It is precious. It has priceless meaning to each and
every word written in it. He has been looking at it and taken away into a
trance. He can hear his mother’s lamentation outside and words of sympathy
floating around. He opens the grass and reed thatch door of the hut and steps
out. The sun is too bright. He squints and looks deep into the blue sky. They
hold him with empathy taking him to be sick.
proximity of the precious manuscript carries the effect of thunderbolt. He is
in a delirium. The young man has fever. He mumbles strange meaningless words
about the ultimate reality. His mother gets scared and even thinks of throwing
the book away. But then stops from doing this, herself being scared of the
powers in the book.
regains his footing from the jolt after a week. He carefully starts touching
the book, afraid like touching fire, familiarizes himself with the smell and
feel of the palm leaves and the Sanskrit words. He is as cautious as if he is
walking on a rope and fire is burning below. And he has miles to go along the
rope to reach the destination. And Brahma Sutras are the bamboo, supporting
him, balancing him, preventing his fall into the fire.
world than ceases to exist for him. It is just the Brahma Sutras, the
beginning. And the end? He wants his awakened self to be that end. Aham Brahmasmi. I am the all potent
supreme entity. But he has to prove it to himself. He has to break that
delusional veil that filters the supreme knowledge from barging fully into the
compartment of our being leaving us angry, ignorant and frustrated. He has to
understand why and how we see the perceived reality. Can the reality be changed
for the better? Is it fixed? Is it pliable, to be molded into better shape by
our heightened awareness? Endless questions.
has now cut himself off from the society. A secluded grove is the safe house
with the precious book. It has been eight years since the book landed in his
hands. And there has been just one routine, reaching the grove in the morning
with a time’s meal and water. He goes back to his hut late at night. Slowly
opens his hut’s door, finds the rice and cooked lentils on his bed. Eats and
goes to sleep. His mother’s tears have dried up. She has accepted her fate.
has forgotten the number of times he has read the book. Each time he reads, it
has a new meaning. He rises higher with each jump into the air to see beyond
the fence. He just cannot overcome this feeling that there is limitless joy to
be harnessed through learning.
mother is not keeping well these days. She struggles to catch her breath while
she struggles hard to earn two meals a day for herself and her son. She is
worried what would happen to him after she is gone. Marriage as an institution
is supposed to guarantee hope and care in future. She has been thinking of
getting him married. But who would give his daughter to somebody who doesn’t
seem to act and behave like a common householder? The world is but full of
people bound by conditions that would force them to settle for the minimum. Like
while most of the parents try to ensure a life-long security for their
daughter, looking at the groom’s prospects from multiple angles, there are still
some who are placed so tightly that just getting their daughter married somehow
to anybody gives them the satisfaction of fulfilling a duty. There is one such
family in a neighboring village. The father consents to Vachaspati’s mother’s
is our good luck to get our daughter married to such an avid scholar!” he even
is so lost in the questions raised by reads and rereading of the Brahma Sutra
that he hardly knows what goes on in the world around him. He is so full of
ever-persistent questions about the finality, the ultimate reality that there
is hardly any scope for the sense organs to do their work and break his spell.
is in a reverie, like he is most of the time, when his mother informs him about
his marriage. He doesn’t seem to react in any way. His nonchalance is taken as his
consent and the marriage is fixed. He is married to Bhamati on Guru Prnima
(Vyasa Purnima) in the month of Asadha. It is an auspicious conjugal day when
many others start their marital innings. For him but it is the night to start
on his real quest.
hut is decorated for the bridal night. A full moon has lit up the stage
outside. Shyly his bride is ushered in with a big tumbler of hot milk in her
hand. She raises her eyes to sneak a look at him. In the light of the oil lamp
a new world opens.
is sitting erect on a reed mattress on the floor. A sheaf of clean palm leaves
by his side. On the small wooden writing desk a palm leaf waiting for the first
word. His hand is on the feather quill still in the brass ink pot. Time seems
to have been suspended. The lamp is burning almost steadily. It’s a frozen
moment, like it will remain for the next 12 years.
moves slowly and sits on the edge of the bridal bed. There are flowers on the
clean white sheet. The sheet will remain as such. Time has stopped. It’s not
before the dawn that he opens his eyes slowly. His hand frozen on the writing
quill moves and the first Sanskrit word of his historical commentary on Brahma
Sutra is written. There is a force. She can feel it. She knows she has no
choice apart from being a part in this creative stillness.
the days pass, as easily as the weeks, which pass like months, who in turn pass
with the ease of years.
is in a cocoon. He is breaking the walls of disillusions to see the light of
logic to take Indian metaphysical thought to a new level after the Brahma
Sutras. Brahma Sutras have given him the tools to dig the mammoth mountain of
mysteries. He is busy with his spadework.
knows the duties of a wife to her husband. She lives her duties. She has to
keep his cocoon safe for him to continue working. She is the silent nurturer of
his cocoon. She is invisible. But manages everything. It’s her duty.
moves so slowly as if afraid to shift even the air particles as she cleans the
floor, puts food plate in front of him, takes it away, fills the ink pot, gets
fresh pair of writing quills, safely stashes the worked upon sheaves of palm
leaves, arranges new palm leaves, lights the lamp as it starts getting dark,
pours oil in the lamp through the night, takes his dhoti to wash and puts
afresh one nearby. In between she lovingly looks at his picture, for he is just
a picture, unchanging except the quill moving on the paper.
picture is broken only twice or thrice a day when he gets up for bathing and
toilet. But this also is merely an extension of the picture.
during the long drawn out spells of night she would feel cravings for his touch
as she watched him from the corner of the hut where she sleeps on the ground on
a simple grass mattress. Then she felt guilty even in that lest she should be
polluting the air with desire. Now just looking at his pensive, absorbed face
gives her all the gratification she needs as a woman from her man.
is a mother now. There is a child in her womb. She has to nurture it at the
cost of the major portion of her own life, her own share in this world. Her
pregnancy has lasted years and she is the same smiling, uncomplaining mother,
keeping her hands safely around her bulging tummy as the world moves on.
that’s basically a woman is, a mother. A man is just the instrument of her
reaching her status of being a mother. To be a mother she has to cut a major
portion of her own self to help life thrive in a new unit, in a new human
has been twelve years since their marriage and twelve years of his working on his
commentary on Brahma Sutras. It is a stormy night. Squalls of rain beat on the
thatched hut. Wind beats down hard. There is no risk to this hut at least. She
has been working on making it sturdier and stronger over the years during her
spare time. This is exactly this type of weather she has had in mind while
working on it.
face bears a strange expression. Like you have been running for a long time,
and then you see the destination, you want to run harder but the body is
keeping you within limits. During the latter half of the night the storm
started to abate. His face also eased up. Even a smile at the corner of his
lips. It makes her world, that smile. He seems to be walking slowly now, with
destination just nearby. And then he stops.
a bright dawn. The storm has spent its fury. Calmness, as it’s supposed to, has
spread its aura. He has written the concluding word. A journey has been
accomplished. He stands up and stretches his arms. It’s like a stone statue
coming to life. He looks around and sees the world as it is after so many
years. There is a woman in the hut. Her uncared and untended beauty shines like
moon’s corner over the edge of a dark speck of cloud.
mother, the donator, the giver. Her pregnancy has lasted all storms. The
delivery has been painful. She is shy again. She melts under his gaze. He is
are you and what are you doing in my hut?” he asks politely, words coming with
huge effort after so long a spell of silence.
your wife. We were married 12 years back,” she tries to remind him very softly.
was on another plane of reality so doesn’t remember anything. He looks at her
hands and realization strikes him. He remembers these. Even in that astral
plane these hands have been the root of his support. These hands that bathed
him, fed him, kept everything away that would break his mystical spell. He has
been feeling that the task at hand has been as much of these hands as he
himself. This pair of hands had melted into his veritable being. His quest had
been with four hands. He always had this feeling, but had taken it as some
divine support.
can there be a bigger divinity than a mother’s efforts?
have been serving me for 12 years and never told me!” he has tears in his eyes.
just smiles and has tears. Unable to speak she just looks at him.
didn’t you tell me earlier? I had taken a vow that I will renounce this world
after completing this work!” tears are streaming down his bearded face.
always knew the importance of your cause. So just served you. It is my wifely
duty,” she speaks very sweetly, as if it was never about her, like her life did
not and doesn’t matter.
this is injustice to you. All this service and pain. With my vow I have to
leave for the Himalayas for penance. What becomes of your efforts? Where is the
fruit of all that you did,” he is agonized.
is a flood of tears. A sage who has busted the secrets of reality to make human
thought further capable of deciphering more about the ultimate is crying.
comes closer and again assuages his pain, frees him from guilt.
his tears she says with a calm smile, “Your tears, your acceptance, your
realization, this work, all these are my rewards. Like I didn’t stop you
earlier, even in your vow of penance I will not be a hindrance. It will give me
happiness if I still help you in seeking further truth as a recluse by allowing
you to go. By freeing you of any duty that you might think as a husband may
prevent you. Please go guilt-free.”
hasn’t yet given a title to his commentary. Wiping his tears he moves towards
the collection, picks out a fresh palm leaf and writes Bhamati on it. The
title. And puts it on top of the work.
are the love and guiding spirit behind all this. This world may forget me but
not you,” he prepares to leave.
watches him go to the hills. Bhamati, the masterwork, is there for the world to
dive into to fetch out more gems of metaphysical thoughts.
man might take rounds of earth to search his destiny, a woman realizes hers just
by being there with her love and care.
man might break mountains with the raw power of hammer, a woman is the air that
fills his lungs to fuel his determination.
man might aim to crack the ultimate secret, a woman normally does it just by
being a mother, by allowing a life to thrive parasitically inside her, at her
cost, gobbling her share of food, blood and flesh.
no thought can be beyond love. And nobody more suitable than manifesting love
than a woman.
Be the frog king in a shit hole; it's better than being a slave in heaven
Apart from all the shit happening around, life is supposed to be a big, fat, interesting book. Let it be an exciting story, not because others applaud it, but basically because you own it, write it and enjoy it. Don't die every moment to see appreciation in the eyes of those around. If that is the expectation, then forget it. It won't happen. People around you will give you more reasons to be sad rather be happy. Others will prefer to see your sad face instead of ever-grinning, full of joy joker. Not because they are sadistic. But because it helps them in somehow digesting their own miseries. So at least don't hold any expectation on that front. The appreciation has to come basically from within you. So let it be a very fat book of your follies and little, little triumphs. Let there be unending trails of anecdotes that make you the champion of your small world. Forget about being a world champion. This world is as small as you in comparison to the cosmos. Both are puny. Laugh at it, if it laughs at you. This world has limitations, but not you. There are no limitations on you to extend the world within, inside your smallness of routine life, tiny errands, short walks, little losses, tiny gains and stable-unstable relations. Live more. Like a frog that just jumped into the murky, muddy, green-mossed puddle of water. This little puddle itself won't be there after a week. Summers are unsparing. It's boiling. But does it stop the frog king from walloping and taking fantastic breaststrokes in the filthy water? Does it stop the love-lorn fella from croaking dandily and woo the lady of its dream? It doesn't because it's just living in a lifeful 'consciousness', not 'self-consciousness' like we humans who impose 'self' on natural 'consciousness' so heavily to make life a burden. 'Ego' is the feeling of 'I am'. 'I' overshadows 'am' the state of 'just being', of 'consciousness', of living fully, of gliding in the present without the burden of past and worries of future. Nurture 'am'. Water it. It will prosper. Consciousness will spread healthily, and you nurture consciousness, dis-burden enjoyment of life from the heavyweight of 'I' and woo your mistress, the life, even in the dirtiest waters like the king of the puddle, the frog. Just 'be'. Write more chapters in the book of your life. Not as 'I' but by 'being' there. More the chapters, the better it is! Don't bother if these are just scribbled with amateur verve. It's your creation, and as parent of this one you will hardly be judgmental about it. If a particular chapter goes stale, wind it up and save your book from getting boring. Start a new chapter. We are the writers of the book of life. Keep it interesting!
Monday, April 10, 2017
Be there in the orbit, greatness awaits you
best chance to survive, move and be happy. Choose your orbit and glide with
perfect harmony. The objects which fall out of the orbit, presuming it to be a
leap for freedom, go burning and crash-landing into smithereens. The
destination is not into the depths of cosmos for you to get into hot pursuit
like a burning meteorite. It’s always nearby, at some place in the same gentle periphery
of your common journey. No journey is common by the way. Extraordinary is just maintaining
your hold on the ordinary. Love the gentle loops of your circular journey
around the axis of your being: the axis of your small, small commitments and
responsibilities. That is the mother planet for your individual self to revolve
around in circles. It defines you. It keeps you in the orbit. It helps you in
your happy journey. It stops you from escaping into the black guts of the
cosmos like a rootless rock going burning and turning to ashes. So choose your
little orbit. Staying in the orbit does not mean being tied to a chain. It’s a
grasp for lasting freedom. It is the life-force, this gravity that keeps you
bound to your orbit. Your destination lies in the orbit itself. The day you get
it, it becomes the loftiest orbit and the journey worth it. Things as small as bunking
office to be with the kids, surrendering your right to the TV to allow kids to
enjoy their cartoon show, letting the little one to play on your abdomen and
suppress the discomfort to give a winsome smile and even laughter, laughing
when the little one pees on you, going to office daily over years to see that
small world back home in the evening, saving money over years to give the
surprise gift of a car to your children, and many more. These are the forces
that keep you in your orbit. Love your orbit. Glide effortlessly. You will
cover astronomical distances on the same familiar path. Love these common repetitions
that go unnoticed and unrewarded. Loving these is the reward in itself. Like
your path. It’s strictly yours. Stamped with the unique greatness of your
unseen efforts to stay in the orbit. Just to stay in the orbit means to be great.
There are countless milestones that you reach. These are as shiny as the
biggest stars. This universe started with a bang from a point. That was the explosion
of potential for countless souls to carve out their orbits, to glide peacefully
in their trajectory. Be there, smile, give a victorious cry for you are already
a winner.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Don't be a pollutant
All of us carry an aura around us. It comprises an electro-magnetic field born of the flow of life energy through and around our bodies. It exists at the interface of physio-psychological and superior selves. The quality of this aura is a function of our mental, physical and emotional states. Anger, regret, fear, jealousy, desperation, sorrow, rejection and hopelessness create a sort of negative energy and consequently a negative aura. It means we carry bad aura. It pollutes the surrounding environment like a heap of garbage. Now isn’t it our bounden duty to keep the environment clean by remaining positive, happy, smiling, poised, relaxed, sympathetic and compassionate? It's our duty brothers and sisters! It's as good for others health as it is for our own. All the steps to the cleaning of all types of pollutants start from the self. Stay happy. Stay clean. Just by doing this we do a social service.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Lip-kissed lies and soul-kissed love
It is
springtime in ancient India. Snow is melting in the mountains. Flowers smile
and let out perfume that is picked up by the cool air to be scattered in love
loops. This town in the Gangetic plains is awash with fresh hopes. Butterflies
dart around in the air full of love and procreation.
air is blowing with a seductive message. A young, handsome monk is moving
through the streets. His steps are slow and face has a faint smile. He has a
begging bowl in his right hand. A cloth bag hangs from his left shoulder. The
spring air is redolent with both giving and receiving. This saffron clad man
but has just the goal of having one time meal.
is passing in front of a luxurious small palace. It’s decorated for love and
enjoyment. It seems like a place where one can just surrender the self to
quench all thirst. He is but moving all unconcerned and detached from all
worldly splendor. A pair of beautiful eyes looks at him from the ornate
balcony. Her heart stops for a moment. If she is the ever restless river, he
appears like the calmest sea having the immensity to swallow her thirst, her
restlessness, her quest for destination, her final fulfillment. She realizes
her hunger. It is plain desire. He is so handsome and so aloof from all worldly
has the world at her feet. The most beautiful woman of the state, she has the
title of nagar vadhu. Her life stands
for love, opulence and luxury. Wealthiest traders, strongest noblemen, most
creative artists all kiss her feet to appease her and take a sip from the
fountain of her beauty. Any man feels lucky if she holds her look on his face
for more than a second.
young monk with the begging bowl moves with ease. At ease with his being. All
restfulness. It’s a calm, unperturbed lake. It doesn’t happen that she is still
holding her look on a man’s face and the man’s eyes move on. Her charms are so
spell-binding. She has been proud of this power. The feminine avatar of power.
With a faint smile he just moves on. There is not the slightest change in his
hard shell of her ego cracks. It disturbs her. She even gets angry. She can see
his back. He is now moving slowly in the street. The anger in her again turns
to desire. Till now men desired her. This loveful spring morning has changed
the tables. She desires this calm sea. She needs some rest. The spiteful
torrents of her youth want to submerge into his silent depths. It just attracts
her senses like anything. She feels helpless.
sends her maid to call the monk. Her heart is pounding against her breast. She
is gasping for breath and at loss of words. Her hold over masculinity is giving
in. She feels like a helpless, fragile woman. And finds it such a moving
reverie is broken. The monk is standing in front of her door again.
do you want?” she asks, shyly, dropping her gaze around his feet.
is that domination of men, her servant thinks.
lady, I just want one time’s meal,” the monk tells her.
laughs in a mocking way. “You should ask as per the status of the person. Even
a farmer can give you that much,” she is feeling offended that he isn’t taking
notice of her charms as if she is just like any other woman around.
monk smiles. “Well young lady, this is all I need. It doesn’t change with
can have me, my palace and my luxury if you stay with me,” she sounds
is as cool as before, as if nothing has happened. “This world is my house. I
take the minimum as charity to survive, just one time’s meal. I am looking out
for the path to give more. I am searching for the path to a destination when
each particle of my being will be ready to give selflessly.”
am also ready to give all I have including myself and my palace and wealth.
Isn’t it the same?” she asks.
you want to give only with the ambition of getting something back for your ego.
You want to receive a monk abandoning his path for your beauty. There cannot be
a bigger ambition, a bigger tool to pacify the ego.”
monk is unperturbed. She is shaking with rage over the denial.
least stay with me for a night!” she is helpless and appears almost pleading.
you really need my help? I can see wealthiest to strongest are ready to help
your needs,” he gives her a kind look.
please…” she is imploring. “I really really need you. If you spend the night
with me, I will forsake all men. Believe me!”
young man gives a pitying smile. “I will come and stay when you really need
is tearful over the denial. The monk takes onto his path. She watches him till
the far end of the street.
then moves on. Like it was before. She gets more wealth, more men falling at
her feet. And the young monk moving slowly on his path of selfless realization.
has been two decades since that spring morning in front of her palace. The same
monk is walking towards the city, the same city. Years of penance has taken him
miles down his path of selfless seeking. He is graying but looks wiser, calmer
and even stronger. He can see the lights of the city. It’s just nearby.
hears pitiable moans by the road. He stops and moves to the ditch by the path.
A woman is crying in pain and agony. He sits by the bundle of misery. She is in
terrible agony. Eaten by leprosy her open sores are oozing with stanching
fluid. It’s as bad as it can be. So much of pain. He isn’t repulsed by the stench.
He gets tears of sympathy. The calm surface of his being is jolted by emotions.
lifts her in his hands and carries her to a nearby inn. They refuse to let him
in with the foul-smelling patient. He decides to set up a hut outside the city
to keep her. The rest of the night he spends under a tree. She lying by his
side, moaning less now. Human touch is a remedy in itself.
spring sun rises in all freshness. He has been sleeping for the last couple of
hours. The woman is also asleep. He opens his eyes and looks at her face. The
evil-work of the disease has failed to completely destroy the vestiges of her
former self. He recognizes her. From there to here. What a chasm. What a trail
of misery. More tears drip down his eyes. He meets the destination of his
selfless giving. She was lying there in the dark night to test the validity of
his selfless love. And he has passed.
opens her eyes and is surprised to find somebody crying for her.
said you needed me and I said I will come when you will really need me. See I
have come. And you are the destination of my penance. Of selfless giving. Of
loving from the core of being. I was not sure of myself till I found you. Now I
realize it has been worth it. All this search.”
the monk took care of her. Helped her in easing all her miseries. Stayed with
her when no other man didn’t even come near her.
needed him now. And he was there at a stage in his monkhood when he was all
there to give. Just give. Without taking or expecting anything in return.
Ice cubes on desert sand
North India has started to burn. Heat has broken the record of past many
decades. Temperatures above 40 in the last week of March. In the desert state
of Rajasthan things must be even worse. Sand as the birth soil isn’t too
attractive. It must be having its nostalgia, but on a day to day basis it appears
a curse. Ask the ones who are born there. So many people come out of Rajasthan to
avoid the burning cauldron during the summers.
lanky boys are moving across the streets of this Haryanvi village. Haryana is a
semi-arid state. But for somebody belonging to the desert state, semi means
almost full: full with life; full with bread; full with water; full with green
are tall and thin. They have migrated from the desert state. Necessity has
pulled them out of the sand like water flows from higher level to the lower
one. They have to beg. But begging has its own share of pitfalls including
reprimands and harsh words.
“Why don’t you study? Why don’t you work?”
they have put the saffron sail cloth on their poor boat. To sail safely.
Holding onto the winds of faith. Their clothes are soiled. But the saffron sashes
around their necks indeed cover a lot of holes in their personas. They expect
to be taken as wandering ascetics. They have even mastered the artful words of
bringing blessings to the house they stand in front of.
woman chides them the moment they knock against the rusty iron gate. They but
decide not to be deterred by the initial rebuke. Stealthily they steal glances
at the two small cars parked in the front yard. These are old cars. But to them
a car is a car. Hummer or Maruti 800 doesn’t make any difference.
they continue with their blessing words of good fate, long life, endless
prosperity, and more. It’s morning and yesterday it hailed and rained a bit to
take temperatures a bit down. To them it seems like a land of perpetual rain
and prosperity, although it rains marginally more than from their homeland.
They have thorny trees there; here there are some semi-arid varieties like neem
etc. And that changes the world for the best. It’s a shift from worst to best.
see the woman cannot cross certain limits to turn outright abusive and
threatening. This is the chink. They have to prod their way in.
have hard words but heart of gold. You can never think ill of others even if
you sound rude,” the elder one nails it.
do you want? No money I tell you! I can only give you some flour,” her voice
mellows down.
let their foot further in. It’s an opening.
is no better doing than feeding the hungry. A direct holy deed. God sees it
instantly,” they take their chance.
seems to be awaiting God’s attention on some front, so agrees. They barge in.
It’s a spacious house with peeling plaster and mundane furnishing like you see
anywhere in a village in Haryana. To them it’s an abode of prosperity. They sit
down on the unplastered brick-laid floor in the courtyard.
too early for the family to have their lunch, brunch or whatever. So she makes chapattis
for them. The vegetable curry is already done. They can see the chapattis are
coming straight from the tava, not
the stale leftovers from the previous night that people usually give them and thrown
to the stray dogs. Every times she comes to put another chapatti they are ready
with more words of blessings from the God.
The younger
one asks for ice. They must be having refrigerator he has guessed right. It is
available in every household here. Ice is luxury to him. He comes from burning
sands. Pitchers burn like hot oven there. They drape sack clothes around these and
pour drops of precious water to prevent it from boiling. He has already many
ice cubes in his water utensil. He opens the lid and checks out to see how far
these have melted. He is concerned. It’s melting. He wants replenishment.
give me ice,” he is literally pleading.
laughs at him. “It’s not that hot this morning. There is cool breeze,” she
he looks at her with eyes that are crying for ice. She has to get it.
she pours the cubes from the tray into his utensil, she can see the twinkle in
his eyes.
that is just ice to her, is precious to him. He has seen fire in life. Fire
that seeps in everyday life. In desert. Ice has a bigger meaning to him than
anyone else place better than him.
notices it now. His clothes are also wet. Not dripping exactly, but he must
have been completely drenched thirty forty minutes back.
happened? Did you fall in water?” she asks.
elder one is laughing. “Water turns him crazy. Hardly any water back home. We
take bath almost once a week. When he saw the pond outside the village he
straightaway jumped into it,” he is laughing.
that is just water to her, is luxury to this boy. She tries to fathom the
reason for his ecstasy over ice cubicles and pond waters where buffalos waddle,
but fails to understand. Little does she realize that people run out to count
drops of rain on the sand at his native place. So water is luxury to him.
most of us fail to understand that the things that seem dustbin cheap to us
might be luxury to so many others. That a broken doll on the garbage heap, a
shiny wrapper, a single wheeled broken toy are still items of luxury to many
others. If we do, then we won’t begrudge about the problems in our life.
Monday, April 3, 2017
The art of emptying
before you take steps to fulfill your dreams, learn the art of emptying, of
letting go, of letting out unwanted mossy dregs in the container of your destiny.
Emptying isn’t defeatist. It’s not surrender. It’s a calculated step towards
victory, towards fulfillment. It’s the preparation for gain, the beginning of
filling up. Instead of running after the mirage of fulfillment, focus on
emptying. Fulfillment is just a step away. Fullness starts at the moment of
complete emptying. Wash, scrub, rinse and drain out the muck from the pot of
your destiny. Wash away hate, anger, jealousy, ignorance, desires, phobias,
complexities and overblown ambition. Drain these out. Let it be a perfectly
clean and swanky pot of emptiness. The universe is expanding. It wants clean chambers
to pour its energy into. It will sneak into the clean house in the form of your
dreams and aspirations. The swabs clinging to the bottom are the repellents to fulfillment.
Clean these. Work on emptying. Work on emptiness and you are in fact moving towards
fullness. In a perfectly clean container there is no limitation on fulfillment,
no hurdles to materialization of dreams, no restrictions on infinite cosmic
harmony pouring its vastness into the container. A scribbled canvas has
limitations of painting, a clean one has infinite possibilities of shapes and
pictures. Scrub the slate clean before you start the journey. Even if it means
a lifetime of emptying, it still will not be a loss. Even a second of fulfillment
will be worth it. It will still be better than pouring the nectar of your efforts
in an unclean pot, and just adding onto the stinking broth that never gives
happiness and satisfaction. A clean empty house is a magnet. It pulls positive forces by itself. It's natural like gravitational force. It invites fullness. Complete emptiness invites fullness. Put your house in order. Set up your invitation to fullness on the door. Forget about the rest. Very soon you will hear the knock of fortune on your door. Like water flows to pits in earth, good luck naturally flows to clean, emptied, tidied containers. Come on, let your share flow in!
The hypocrisy of portraying half-Muslims
women cannot wear burqa and men
cannot support the typical beard that gives an Islamic man pride. Marriages
cannot be held as per Islamic rules. Nikah
is not allowed. Marriages are to be secular in nature. Polygamy is not allowed.
No madrasa education in mosques. It
has to be secular education. You are not allowed Ramzan fast. It’s Xinjiang
province in China, the home of Uyghur Muslims.
these are the basic roots a common Muslim identifies himself with his religion.
Cut these and what is left? Does it mean the Uighur Muslims of Xinjiang in
China are half Muslims?
the self-appointed official voice of Islamic conscience, is comfortable with
these measures. China is an ally. And Muslims there, despite all repressive
regulations, are full Muslims. And China is the best prospect for Pakistan’s growth.
One simple message: economic and geostrategic measures are far weightier than
talks of religious rights. The latter, even if these are raked up, are just
simple tools to score strategic battles having nothing to do with religion.
Religion is just a tool of bigger battles and the instrument of spilling
innocent blood.
to India. Triple talaq, an
exploitative practice of female repression and which has been banned in many
front-running Islamic states including Pakistan, still pervades in India.
Mullas wear this right on their sleeve, brandishing it as an identity.
Ramjanambhooomi, a place as holy to Hindus as Kaba and Mecca to Muslims, held
in abeyance to pay service to the nation’s principled secular constitutionality.
There is not even a single law in India that stops Muslims from following any
of the ritual in theological rulebook. But to Pakistan still India is a Satan
repressing minorities forcing its biggest minority into half-Muslimhood. And
Pakistan gets diarrhea over this. China gives it the pill to cure it.
Geostrategic animosities have bigger causes than merely religion in fuelling the
fire. Religion is just one of the many dry woods that are hurled into the fire
of hate-mongering.
accuses India of repression in Kashmir. Every single Kasmiri Muslim can go to
the end of earth in following his religious rituals. Indian state absolutely
doesn’t exist in this domain. They even allow triple talaq, at the cost of thousands of lives destroyed and future of
Muslim women put in dark, to keep the principles of secularism afloat. Indian
security forces have absolutely no concern about the beard, Ramzan fasts,
pilgrimages, polygamy, triple talaq, madras education, mosques and each and
everything identified with Islam.
China with Xinjiang regulations is a friend, a benefactor of the champion of
Islam. And India with its Himalaya high heaps of Islamic rules, customs and
regulations with Maulvivs and Mullas sitting over them with their secular shield
against any transgression, is a repressor.
has nothing to do with religion and repression. It’s all about power and land.
Religion is always a dry fodder, liable to catch fire. Throw the missiles of
hate into it. It will burn. And it burns in Kashmir. At the cost of innocent
it a holy war there? No, it’s a dirty war of ambition and territorial aggression.
It’s a simple power game. To substantiate their lip-service to the cause of
Islam in Kashmir, Pakistan must openly criticize Xinjiang regulations against
Muslims. Otherwise it exposes its hypocrisy in Kashmir. And with the hypocrisy
exposed, it basically becomes a law and order problem in Kashmir.
Inhale your portion of wellness
a lush green forest around you. Birds are chirping. It’s early morning and a
cool breeze is blowing. Nearby, gurgling waters of a brook add music to the
stillness around. You feel better. It feels good. The external orderliness,
peace and calm raise the bar of your better feeling. With the same set of your
own individual, internal, self-specific problems, worries and concerns you feel
better if the surrounds are better.
desert sand is burning. It’s noon and forget about trees you cannot see even a
blade of grass for miles. You feel horrible. You feel bad. Worse than your self-specific
set of worries make you feel normally. You feel bad if the surroundings are not
cannot inhale in isolation. If there is misery in air, it will enter your
lungs. Use air-masks and air filters, do whatever. Life still will be stifling
and genuine efforts just a struggle because we cannot help inhaling our share
of the miseries. The solution lies in cutting down on pollutants. Not in
wearing masks. But when it comes to our struggle to increase our happiness, the
efforts are almost as useless as wearing masks when the air is polluted.
own set of factors that make life either good or bad are not the sole deciding elements
in making us happy or unhappy. If we are happy, then we are just sharing a
fraction of the overall happiness surrounding us. Our lungs are safe just in
proportion to the purity of air around. If the quality of air is good, only
then the individual battles like quitting smoking, eating healthy and doing
yoga to keep lungs safe will be meaningful.
we are unhappy, that also is a fraction of the overall misery spread around.
Individual is just a constituent of the whole. Happiness is drawn from the
overall pool. How long the frogs will sing songs of self gratification in a
vanishing pond? Its waters vaporizing. Its shoreline decreasing. Stanching green
mossy puddle. What can be drawn out of it? Only death and misery, not life and
talented software engineer, with his tools of prosperity and happiness, is of
no use at a place like Somalia. There is no surrounding prosperity to help him
nurture his talent. There is no supportive economy and companies to help him
contribute to the overall wellness and get a fraction of the happiness and feel
good. A software engineer prospers in America because using his skills he can contribute
to and earn back a fraction of the happiness spread around.
The surroundings
set the stage for either make or break.
thy neighbor!” By loving others you are loving yourself. By caring for others,
you are caring for yourself. By contributing to happiness, you are adding to
your own happiness because your share of happiness and prosperity will be just
a fraction of the overall happiness around. With your effort and skills, you draw
a big portion if the social forest around you is healthy like the natural
forest where each breath installs new vitality in you.
before you really start doing something to add to the overall wellness around
you, start with a simple practice. You might be busy with scores of neck-breaking
responsibilities, leaving you with very little time for real action on the goodness
front. Start thinking good of others. Think good for your surroundings. Be
happy over others’ victories. Smile over somebody’s stroke of luck. Feel bad
for somebody’s loss. Say some sympathetic words as well. Over years, the
goodness in womb will get healthy. It will deliver a healthy baby. And sooner or
later you will definitely ‘do’ something to add to the overall goodness around
you before you finish your journey.
will then have a larger share from the pool of wellness. When the sun will be
setting and you preparing to enter the night for rest, you will walk into the
forest with well-meaning steps. It will be a far happier retirement than it
would have been otherwise.
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