extremists (both left and right) and religious fundamentalists try to change
the masses for the worse. Cut down the people to a fraction of their potential
and you have nice governable puny-heads. They serve meow meow. For instant
gratification. Hate, phobias, pseudo-greatness, anger and jealousy are very
convenient tools to rob someone of sanity and get cast as a hallucinated pawn in
the power game. Those who are power hungry—individuals, groups and institutions—try
to disempower those to be under the influence of their power. It cannot be
otherwise. The power pyramid has few strong at the apex and weak masses at the
base. It can never be a square, having people of same realized potential from
top to the bottom. Those ambitious for power can never think of empowering the
masses. In that case the pyramid loses its standing. With pseudoism and
populist rhetoric they rob the masses of the balance of their judgment. Hate
does it. It tilts you off the balance. You fall prey to weakness. You become
lesser of a human being. The power monger’s ambition draws on the peoples’
weakness of judgment. They try their best to keep the people to be nearsighted.
To tame them in a sphere, with unrealized potential, from where the launch-pad
of wisdom is too far. It draws votes for the power hungry, in a day to day life
but it is paid in terms of racial attacks in America, brutal killings by
Islamic extremists, attacks on Africans in India, and scores of incidences when
people pick up hate and run after each other.
The posts on this blog deal with common people who try to stand proud in front of their own conscience. The rest of the life's tale naturally follows from this point. It's intended to be a joy-maker, helping the reader to see the beauty underlying everyone and everything. Copyright © Sandeep Dahiya. All Rights Reserved for all posts on this blog. No part of this blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the author of this blog.
About Me

- Sufi
- Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Flip the coin and be the best from the worst
Be the
seat of my strength, not weakness.
Be the
seat of kindness, not cruelty.
Be the
source of light, not darkness.
Be the
source of energy, not idleness.
Be the
source of creativity, not limited vision.
Be the
source of love, not hate.
Be the
source of smiles, not tears.
Be the
source of happiness, not suffering.
Be the
seat of optimism, not pessimism.
Be the
seat of gain, not loss.
Be the
source of help, not obstruction.
Be the
seat of leadership, not just sheepwalk.
the seat of a better human being.
the source of a more loving person.
O my
mind, my seat of potential, take my journey further.
choose the better half of all the dualities for me.
reminding your mind. Repeatedly. Daily. With eyes closed and fervent request.
It’s a very nice, nutritious pre-breakfast food.
the better side of the pair of our actions and feelings is as easy as flipping
a coin in our fingers from head to tail. It's a very short journey from the worst to the best. As short as the flip of a coin. A mere realization. Acceptance. And a pledge to remember. We are pre-conditioned for the
negative end of dualities. The instinct can be broken. Just early morning practice
is sufficient. It’s needs much as reminding the self. Repeatedly.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
The folly of treating title more important than the story
is a house well plastered, tiled and painted on the outside walls. Its well
designed and vibrant exterior catches attention. Drawn by the catchy exterior
you step inside. You expect an equal attraction inside. But a surprise awaits you.
You come across soot, grime, dust, unplastered walls, cobwebs, cement and
stonecrush staring at you. It’s a house that has been left unattended inside.
Incomplete. You will feel running out. It’s a house that needs the workers
rather more than the visitors. That’s how most of us die: just houses under
construction. Throughout our lives we keep on painting the outer walls to
satisfy our ego through expanding our visibility, hoping attention will give
happiness and peace. Little do we realize that real comfort lies in the house
completed from inside. So the interior remains incomplete, disordered. Can such
a house give permanent peace? No. Outer walls are important. But only to the
extent of defining our world, a psychological boundary to stamp our ownership
of our chunk in this world. Only this much. And the importance of the outer
walls is meaningless if the interior is unfinished. Outer paint is just the
title of the orderliness inside. A summary of all the cozy arrangement inside.
We, but, commit the folly of treating the title as the main story. Can a title
replace the main text of the story? No. The title ought to be catchy. But the
story is all that matters.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Put down your dagger and pick up a stick
ancient days of real bloody hand-to-hand battle are over. Then daggers were
more suitable than sticks. They drew more blood. And made you more threatening.
These are but more of social battle times. Instead of drawing the blood, it’s
about catapulting ego, anger, jealousy and complexes. It’s no longer about
bloody injuries which might land one on the wrong side of the law. It’s about
law-abiding invisible whiplashing.
An advice here. As we set out to tame and slay the real and perceived enemies in the social battle, we can very well afford to carry a stick instead of a dagger. The dagger will go too deep into somebody’s ego to inflict a permanent wound. Staying there as a painful milestone to instigate the carrier to work and connive against us in future. If it is not possible to drop the weapons altogether, at the most carry a stick only.
Instead of calling somebody bastard, thus inflicting a dagger wound, we can say your father must have been away when you were conceived. Hope it again doesn’t sound like a dagger wound. Well, I mean to say we can try to bruise the skin only, to pacify our ego, with the stick of our words, instead of stabbing the heart with a dagger. A mark on the skin is less painful. It will not leave a permanent scar. Time heals everything. But it takes some more time, and sometimes it lasts more than the lifetime, to reach the extent of the dagger’s farthest point.
Social battles are very funny ones. Almost flimsy. So why carry lethal weapons. There are hardly any permanent enemies. Scenes and stages are shifting. These are basically funny little stage shows. People hardly care about who the last paper enemy was. So carry a namesake stick. We need not even hold it in our hands most of the time. Just keep it in reserve tied to our belt. We will feel like a well-equipped soldier ready to tackle the enemies in the social battle.
Dagger is suitable for hate. And for plain anger. Or for the unholy, dark duty to kill like in war. But how long can one can keep the fire of hate going? Long before the fire consumes our last enemy, it burns the carrier only. So it's better to be irritated only instead of going full throttle with anger and hate. And a stick is a suitable weapon for irritation. It's a lesser weapon. Irritation also is a smaller fire. It is as much of less harmful to other as it is for the carrier.
The ultimate goal of course is to go without any weapon at all. And dropping irritation to still less harmful and gentler reactions is the goal. All that goes in parallel with the degree of control we have over our mind. Again it boils down to training the mind. And sitting in silence and looking at the real self daily is the first step in that direction.
An advice here. As we set out to tame and slay the real and perceived enemies in the social battle, we can very well afford to carry a stick instead of a dagger. The dagger will go too deep into somebody’s ego to inflict a permanent wound. Staying there as a painful milestone to instigate the carrier to work and connive against us in future. If it is not possible to drop the weapons altogether, at the most carry a stick only.
Instead of calling somebody bastard, thus inflicting a dagger wound, we can say your father must have been away when you were conceived. Hope it again doesn’t sound like a dagger wound. Well, I mean to say we can try to bruise the skin only, to pacify our ego, with the stick of our words, instead of stabbing the heart with a dagger. A mark on the skin is less painful. It will not leave a permanent scar. Time heals everything. But it takes some more time, and sometimes it lasts more than the lifetime, to reach the extent of the dagger’s farthest point.
Social battles are very funny ones. Almost flimsy. So why carry lethal weapons. There are hardly any permanent enemies. Scenes and stages are shifting. These are basically funny little stage shows. People hardly care about who the last paper enemy was. So carry a namesake stick. We need not even hold it in our hands most of the time. Just keep it in reserve tied to our belt. We will feel like a well-equipped soldier ready to tackle the enemies in the social battle.
Dagger is suitable for hate. And for plain anger. Or for the unholy, dark duty to kill like in war. But how long can one can keep the fire of hate going? Long before the fire consumes our last enemy, it burns the carrier only. So it's better to be irritated only instead of going full throttle with anger and hate. And a stick is a suitable weapon for irritation. It's a lesser weapon. Irritation also is a smaller fire. It is as much of less harmful to other as it is for the carrier.
The ultimate goal of course is to go without any weapon at all. And dropping irritation to still less harmful and gentler reactions is the goal. All that goes in parallel with the degree of control we have over our mind. Again it boils down to training the mind. And sitting in silence and looking at the real self daily is the first step in that direction.
Desert Palm and Mountain Oak
seed carries the potential to be the mightiest, luxuriant-most tree. The
powerful force of creation throws the potential for maximum in seeds and
species. Nature doesn’t want it to be a world of half smiles, half growths,
half blossoms and half potential. There is a tendency for fullness. It draws
the process of evolution. For maximum. For completion. For what we humans call greatness. You, me and all of us are
born for greatness. There are seeds of greatness in all of us.
desert seed has the potential to grow in its own way, in harmony and adjustment
with the harsh environment. A seed in a lush green rain-forest has its own level
of potential as per the rich soil, water and nutritious soil. Does it mean a
date palm can never reach the levels of greatness because there is sand,
burning temperatures, dry winds and no water? Does it mean that only a
mountainous oak has the right to greatness because it has the best climes,
abundance of water, cool temperatures and cradling lush green mountains?
desert palm is great in being the signatory of life in the lifeless sand. It is
great is merely surviving. In being there where life has almost no business to
be. It is great in standing as a milestone of hope for some lone traveler who
might come and rest under the shade for some time and then take on the journey onward. It is great in throwing a piece of shade on the burning sands. It is
great in showing the light after a long time and prompting the traveler to carry
on and reach out to the lifeful oasis.
desert palm you might be born in poorest of poor conditions. But that doesn’t
mean you are not born with the potential to be the greatest. You are! Just that
your greatness is different from the mountain oak and the people lucky enough
to be born in luxurious circumstances. Greatness shouldn’t be compared. When we
do, we just cannot appreciate the worth of our journey.
are born in the predetermined soil of our destiny. We have our own individual
destinies. Destinies are but not bigger or smaller. They are just bothered
about the realization of the full potential. Nature is kind enough to give us
the maximum potential to grow as per the conditions.
desert palm can be a mighty achiever and feel proud of itself if it doesn’t
compare itself with the mountain oak.
hard, rake up the soil of your situations, nourish it with the moisture of your
sweat and actualize the potential you are born with. And be great in your own
way. Don’t compare your greatness with anyone around. Instead of comparing the
tiny size of your greatness with the tall structures of success around, look at
your own growth from the dusted toughness around the place where you took hold
and rooted yourself to grow. You might be happier in tough situations with lesser
growth than unhappy people with taller growths in best soils. The moment you realize
you have sucked out all the potential that was given to you since birth to grow
and survive, the date palm can be happier than the mountain oak.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
The thin line between duty and revenge
Japan someone killed a Samurai’s master. Now it was the tradition to avenge one’s
master’s death. The Samurai went after the murderer. It was not before two
years of relentless pursuit that he laid his hands upon the criminal in a deep
forest. The Samurai raised his sword to kill the person. Just before the strike
the man spat on the Samurai’s face. Possibly he expected a quicker death in one
stroke. He had tried to further aggravate the anger in the Samurai. The
unexpected happened. The Samurai held his sword back and asked the man to take
his sinned face off his eyes.
murderer was surprised. Much relieved to be still alive, he but couldn’t check
his curiosity. “Why did you spare my life?” he asked.
Samurai was visibly trying to overcome his anger. “For two years I was
following you to kill you. But there was no anger in that pursuit. There was no
hate involved. I was just following the tradition of avenging my master’s death
without bringing my ego in between. But when you spat on my face. You changed
all that. You got me angry. You brought my ego into play. Now if I kill you it
will appear like I killed you because of being angry after being spat upon. It
won’t be an objective, egoless pursuit of my duty. I cannot kill you as an
angry person. Please go away. For the time being. If I can detach this personal
anger from the cause of my duty, your death, I will go after you again.”
a doing, carrying the same effect as an act committed under a spell of anger
and hate, can be beyond the germs of ego, hate and anger. It then becomes a duty.
The challenge lies in finding where duty stops to turn into revenge or hateful
reaction. Check your ego. Tame it within the limits of duty. This world will
become a far better place and life more enjoyable.
The Seeds of Rape
before we see the flower, the process starts at the roots. Fruits are the
result of a long process that began with the seeds. The deeds or misdeeds are
not sudden sprouts; they also carry their seeds, their incubation, their structural
building and growth before the final appearance.
crime against women in India. It happens so many times that it doesn’t sound
like news anymore. Harassment, molestation, eve-teasing, domestic violence,
rape and murder. Te evil deeds. These don’t occur just randomly. They have
their poisonous seeds. Their building processes. Long before they sprout with
thorny branches, the soil is generated. It is a common social soil. It’s a
cumulative shit that piles over generations. It takes a long time, this process
of soil formation. Tradition and patriarchy rake it up over generations.
rapist only doesn’t carry the burden of culpability on his sick head. The
social system that breeds such thorny seeds shares cumulative crime. A
poisonous seed doesn’t land from another planet. It has its supportive forces.
It has its environment.
of conduct and tradition certify your sociality and civility if you pander the
taboo. Avoid women. Stay away. Only pour out your frustration through passable,
ignorable acts of minor mistreatments. These are passable offenses.
from the skin-deep purification of the taboos, the beast lies in the mind. Tied
with the ropes of patriarchal conventions. The ropes are strong, it takes some
time to break and claim criminal freedom. Before that there is a long drawn out
phase of passing remarks, molestation, eve-teasing, staring, criminal visualization
in mind. The beast is struggling against the ropes. Ropes aren’t getting
stronger. The beast is claiming power at a furious pace. The beast of skewed ideas
in deprived brains has unlimited potential to grow strong and break the ropes.
It is no longer satisfied with passing lewd remarks and brushing against the
taboo in crowded buses. It wants more. It’s an untamed criminal now. It has got
a helpless body to carry out its evil design.
rape happens. And of course murder.
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
The double-edged sword: Life and death
was a gang of robbers in a forest. Its leader was a bloodthirsty soul. He took
pleasure in robbing people of their wealth and possessions. It gave him strange,
paranormal pleasure. He relished that look of fear in the victims’ eyes for
losing the valuables. But he needed more pleasures from the victims. More than
the fear of losing valuables, he was addicted to the fear in their eyes as his
people hurt them, tortured them before the final kill. This fear of injury and
blood in the victims’ eyes gave him even more satisfaction. His pleasure
reached its peak when he saw the ultimate fear in their eyes, the fear of death
as he went for the kill.
day his band came across an old ascetic. The brigands hadn’t robbed and killed
anyone for the past one week. They were thus thirsty for money and blood. A
mendicant though won’t give them any valuable but the fear in his eyes while
facing death was no less a possession for the gang leader’s evil soul. They
tied the ascetic and a huge bandit raised his sword to behead him. Death was
imminent. The outlaws expected an outpour of fear from the bearded old man.
Their ears were ready to receive the very same plight of crying words, asking
to be spared alive.
head-bandit was looking at the old man’s face. His bloodthirsty soul was waiting
water-mouthed at the spectacle of fear and cries in the face of death. But the
old man was as serene as before. Totally unaffected. To break his calmness the
leader even brought death an inch closer by ordering to count till ten. The
beheader was to strike at the count of ten. The head bandit thought now it was
impossible to escape fear as death approached in just ten steps.
of the bandits started the count. With each count a smile surfaced on the old
man’s lips. Before the final count the bandit leader stopped his striker. The
old man kept on smiling.
are smiling. You have no fear of death!” the head-robber asked.
have experienced death and its pain. It’s not as scary as we make it. To stay
alive can be more painful,” the ascetic replied.
the experience of death makes it even more fearsome,” the bandit frowned.
ego had been puffed up over the years; swelling on peoples’ fears for their
possessions, injuries and finally the life itself. It had been his driving
force: a bloody calculation of his progress in life; a measurement of his devilish
desire; the scale of his monstrosity which he took as excellence and
superiority over fellow human beings.
the foundations of his treasure were breaking down. There was a challenge to
his bloody conviction.
was a warrior one time. Was renowned for the power of my sword. I had enemies
and unable to defeat me and inflict wounds on my body, they killed my family. I
cried in pain over their death. Then I slaughtered them to the farthest known
links of even distant most relatives,” smile had gone from his sagely face.
bandits listened in rapt attention.
bathed in their blood. Laughed to the capacity of my lungs over their painful
cries. I was trying to bury my pain under the pile of their bodies. Though I increased
the number of my revenge killings, the pain inside but won’t go. I was thinking
that I am removing my pain, I was but making it mountainous. Then I came across
the wife of someone who had himself beheaded my wife and children. Killing her
would have given me the maximum pleasure. I raised my sword to kill her. She
was pregnant. Just a week or so from delivery,” he closed his eyes.
bandits sat down. Laying their weapons by their side. It was an audience now.
was imploring me to kill her after she delivered the baby. She said she would consider
it the kindest act done to her if I spared her life till the baby was born. She
was in a way asking me to spare the baby. I told her that it won’t serve any
purpose because in any case I will kill the newborn as well after her. But not
in her womb or before her eyes, she asked this much favor. She was holding my
legs. I was trying to shake her off but something stopped me. She was a mother.
I remembered my own mother, the way she must have been killed. That left me
shaking. I was ready to kill an enemy’s wife for revenge. But my hands were
shaking to kill a mother,” tears were rolling down his bearded cheeks.
bandits were listening as if to a sermonizing seer.
decided to postpone my revenge for a week, thinking t will add to the pleasure
in killing two lives. She gave birth to a girl after a week. The momentum of
killings was still on my head. It still possessed me. I killed the mother. When
I stabbed her I was shaken by the look in her eyes. She still carried the look
of acknowledging my kindness in postponing my revenge. She had it all through the
week. I had thought she was trying to save herself with that look. Trying to increase
my pity to spare her and the child’s life. But I was wrong. She had fulfilled
her promise that if I spared her life for a week she will consider it the
kindest act done to her by anybody. That look on her face while dying showed it
clearly. It robbed me of my hate. It killed the devil in me. And it condemned
me to die each moment till I really die,” the old man looked into the sky.
was pin-drop silence. One of the bandits even felt like offering some water to
the old man. But he checked himself.
baby girl was my punishment for the revenge killings. I tried to kill it but my
hands gave in. The game of death had possessed me. It had gripped me with such
force that I was not living. I was already dead. I was roaming around as a dark
agent of death. I was not living, I was already dead. I died long before my
body will die. I went mad with repulsion. I hated my bloodied hands. Leaving
the girl under the care of a friend and paying him for her upkeep till her marriage
I ran away. I was running after my death. But even death seemed to have
discarded me. It laughed sinisterly from a distance. I tried to kill myself.
But I was so weak that even self-injury won’t come. So I roamed around. Neither
accepted by death, nor by life. A ghost. Years of roaming around have left me detached
both from life and death. As I take a step forward I don’t know if it is meant
for life or death. This melting of difference between life and death has at
least removed the scars of blood from my soul. I can sleep for a few hours.
Peacefully. And I can smile. Death thus has lost any meaning to me. So has
life. Nobody can restore life for me. That’s impossible. With so much blood on
my soul. But if you give me death, I will consider it as a favor,” the old man
seemed to implore the bandits to come and strike.
was there for the bandit-head to feast on? This old man didn’t possess any
valuable. More importantly he did not even have the fear of death. What will he
take away from this killing? The food, this game of death, appeared stale, meaningless.
He asked his group to throw their weapons. He had tears in eyes. He knew it was
easier to continue the life like before and some day die at the hands of some
more ferocious robbers or soldiers. That would be the fine end to it. And
exciting. But to live differently to die another way was almost impossible. In
fact that would be the real punishment. This old man had meted out the
punishment to himself by dying every moment, dying while life thrived
abundantly in the forest around him, leaving him alone, not touching him in any
manner. So he decided to change. Not for a better life. Not for lesser punishment
either. But for a prolonged death, recalling all his sins. Drawing sips of death
instead of life for years before death claimed a body whose soul had escaped
long time back.
Helping others;helping yourself: same same
monks, one young and the other old, were crossing a stream. A beautiful woman
was also standing on the bank. Lines of worry on her beautiful face. Her mind calculating
the risk. The steam appeared daunting to her elegant, feminine self.
old monk looked at her. He understood that she needed help to cross the stream.
His training to be kind brought the idea of helping her in his mind. But the
mere thought of touching a woman shook him up. He got goose-bumps. His rules of
celibacy forbade him from touching a woman. So chanting mantras to clear his
mind he moved onto cross the stream.
the other end he was horrified to see the spectacle behind him. The young monk
was crossing the stream. The woman was sitting on his shoulders. The older monk
was gripped by scores of emotions. He felt jealous of the younger monk. For
taking the initiative basically. Of becoming someone he always wanting to but
denied himself from being. He then forced his jealousy into anger for breaking
the code of monastic conduct. He was seething with helpless anger. The thought
of touching a beautiful woman was gnawing at his heart. He was again denying some
basic instinct like he had throughout his life.
younger monk helped the woman down. She thanked and smiled. He bowed and
followed his religiosity to the extent of keeping a straight face and moved
away peacefully. They monks moved towards their hermitage.
had been walking for hours. It was evening when they neared their place of
penance. The check-dam of old man’s thoughts broke. Finally he burst out.
touched a woman. You have broken the code of conduct. I will complain against you
once we reach,” he was still wondering whether he was jealous of the young monk
or was it plain anger over the rules book.
young monk smiled. He put a comforting hand on the old man’s shoulder.
left her on the river bank itself after helping her. You are still carrying her
in your mind,” he said politely.
older monk was ashamed. He tried to put her out of mind as they walked. The
younger monk meanwhile walked with a rested mind, appreciating the marvels of
nature in the forest.
message is clear. The things that ought to simply be done, should just be done.
Otherwise their shadows linger in the mind. They grow heavier with the passage
of time. This invisible weight is heavier than the stones we see around.
Simple, harmless acts of appreciation, of enjoyment, of helping somebody cross
a stream are better done and closed with a full stop. It’s better for a healthy
missed chance of being good will definitely cast a shadow on your mind. A
forced or even missed chance to be bad, on the other hand, will hardly leave an
imprint on your conscience for later reflections. Only goodness has a legacy
and a future. Badness is just a bad example and repentance sometime. To do good
is instinctive for a human being, another matter that we stifle the urge most
of the time. To do bad, on the other hand, is not instinctive. It is wrongly
reflective, a miscalculation, a tragic bypass of the instinct of goodness.
Pegs in brains, ropes around soul
night was falling. A camel caravan was passing through a desert. The caravan-head
decided to spend the night at a serai.
There were hundred camels and the store wagon had pegs and ropes for each one
of them to keep them safely tied though the night. Ninety-nine camels had been
safely tethered in front of the inn. But they had lost one pair of rope and
caravan-head was much worried. If the camel was left untied it will run away
and claim its freedom. He asked the inn-keeper for a rope and a peg. The old
man had none. But he had a solution in his experienced mind. He asked the traveler
to playact the whole process of setting the peg and tying the rope in the dark to
the camel. The middle aged weather-beaten, tough traveler laughed at the joke.
Still he decided to take it as a comedy even at the cost of losing a camel.
made a false show of the process. Made sounds of hammering a peg into the
ground. Then one of them fiddled around the camel’s neck, making it feel that
it is being tied with a rope. Much to everyone’s relief the camel was found
sitting comfortably next morning. It was almost a miracle. The camel had
allowed himself to be tied to a non-existing peg with the invisible rope.
caravan prepared to leave. They untied the ninety-nine camels and they got up
to move onto the journey. Thinking that the hundredth camel will also get up to
join the rest because it was already free, they didn’t approach it. The camels
moved. The hundredth camel didn’t. The kicked it to get up but it won’t move.
Much worried the caravan leader went to the old man and told him about the
have you done to it. I know you performed a magic but please now set it free.
We have to move. We are getting late,” he was almost folding his hands before
the old serai-keeper.
old man smiled. “You had tied him in the dark. Now you have to untie him in the
light. Do you think pegs and ropes exist only in reality? They exist in minds as
well. And the latter are stronger,” the old man chuckled.
caravan-head understood. Thanking the old man he asked his men to playact the
whole process of taking out the peg and untying the rope. They did it and the
camel, taking it to be free to move, got up and joined others waiting to move.
and ropes exist in minds also. What else are our false assumptions, fears,
anxieties and worries? They tame and condition the mind to a basic level, a
very small level given the unlimited potential of the human brain. They
literally make one human almost a carbon copy of others in settling for smallness,
in being labeled like any other, like they do in factories, just labeling for
small, convenient sameness.
is very convenient for the religio-political ruling class to tame the minds with
pegs and ropes of fear, ignorance, assumptions and apprehensions. Brahamanical
Hinduism does the same. It is an elaborate system of putting the peg and tying
the rope in the form of rituals, taboos, do’s and don’ts. The priestly class
was ever apprehensive of the capacity of free minds. A huge effort was run over
centuries to instill fear in minds, to cut them to smallness, to be less
daring, more obedient, less creative. It was a systematic effort to create meek
followers and stifle any trait of confidence and leadership. The Brahamanical
orthodoxy hammered down pegs and tied ropes around meekly accepting necks.
was kept limited to the skin of mankind. A check-dam created to tame the free
flow of the rivers of human spirit. No inward looking and self-realization to
reach the light of an enlightened, aware soul. Elaborate system of pegs and
ropes. So you just get conditioned to your inherited miseries, your caste
status, your untouchability, your bad karma and the mirage of getting better luck
in future births through meek following of the skin-deep religiosity. So that
you just keep sitting, accepting your fate, like the camel with a false peg and
rope. So that you don’t look deep into you and beyond the narrow confines of
your outer world. So that your spirit doesn’t roam free, breaking the barriers of
false fears and exploiting rituals.
had a chance of practicing mindfulness, of breaking the shackles, of melting
the fears, of realizing the potential, of being the leaders. It was Buddhism.
Buddha taught nothing but mindfulness so that you become aware of your
potential irrespective of your low caste. When you go beyond mere rituals and
meditate, most of the false ropes and pegs burn away. You roam free as per the
limits of your free-roaming and liberated mind.
Buddhism was bundled out from the land of its origin. The shrewd Brahamanical
connivance packed it off to faraway lands. It thrives in East Asian countries.
You can very well compare the chained and liberated minds. Buddhism cuts the
chains through training the mind. Brahamanical Hinduism chains the mind through
fatal conditioning with the help of fear and meek acceptance.
at Japan! Such a small country. Look at their technological excellence. It is
nothing but the fruits of centuries of avenues of setting the mind free,
through training the brain. Meditation helps you reach the top of awareness, to
know more, to dissipate ignorance, to be more of a human being, to become different
and daring. Blind rituals are just the first step leading to the endless flight
of stairs to evolution and freedom. Unfortunately Brahamanical Hinduism just kept the people grounded at the
first level. To keep them the prisoners of minds. Their selves chained to false
pegs and ropes of fears and taboos.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Happy Holi!!
Holi. Celebration of colors. Nothing symbolizes colors more than love. So if
you want to move beyond the celebrations literally, take one more step towards
celebrating it in spirit. Sprinkle the colors on your spirit. The colors of
love, care, kindness, sympathy, empathy, compassion, forgiveness and
understanding. A human soul needs these colors as much as our skins pine for
gulal on Holi. Involve your soul in celebrations also. Drive out the black
color of hate and imbue yourself with vibrant colors of humanity and tolerance.
may take some effort to better your worldly conditions, your profession, your
job and your business. But it is really simple and easy to turn for the better
as a human being. It doesn’t carry any cost. It comes free. It doesn’t even
need time and drill of effort. Just aim the pichkari at your soul. Let out a spurt
of colors. Only this much. Job is done. It will drive out the shades of dark
and gray. Smile more. Smile over someone’s luck even if you are still waiting
for your own. It will arrive shortly, changing your smile to laughter. Forgive
your enemies. Look at them with a smile. They will be shamefaced of their dark
thoughts about you. Feel happy just to be alive and healthy. The problems of
life will seem just routine investments of effort as much as you invest in
climbing a flight of stairs.
hatred has killed more people than the number of souls who have received real peace
from religion. Religious divides keep on killing like in medieval times. So
where is the advancement? The only way left out for humanity is inter-religious
harmony. Festivals are the bridges. Abandon your hate and allow the colors to reach
the other side as well. Put the festivals out of the barricade. Let it be for
Mughal period, Muslim emperors and courtiers sprinkled abeer and gulal. It fell
on people of all faiths. Colored waters of tesu
flowers sprinkled spring-time festivity on mundane clothes of a common humanity.
It was Holi as well as Gulabi Eid. Festivities merged.
everybody a very happy Holi! When you take a bath after the celebrations,
please ensure you retain the colors of a better human being on your spirit.
Friday, March 10, 2017
Traps of self-annihilation
must be really happy. You take pride in the fact that you don’t smoke, don’t
drink, exercise daily and keep up a best diet plan. So everything is supposed
to be OK on the health front. O wait. You may still be ingesting toxins into
your body. Slow poisoning stretched over a period of years.
after the symptoms become visible, quite ironically, the thing responsible
might still stand unaccused, putting blame on more tangible things like
lifestyle, diet, pollution, biological accident, etc., etc. It’s better to know
this unseen source of suffering. It’s the uncontrolled mind. It’s as potent a risk
factor as any other visible agent of ill health like smoking, drinking, imbalanced
lifestyle, or accidents.
consequences of an uncontrolled mind are no accident. This self-destruction
takes a long and winding route to its destination. The spin-outs of an
uncontrolled mind—hate, anger, greed, jealousy, impulsiveness, anxiety,
worries, illusions and false assumptions—are as bad for our body as they are
for the social life we lead. It’s even better to be an alcoholic or smoker than
having an untamed mind. An unkempt mind fluxes toxins into our blood stream,
corroding the basic principles of self-preservation. It’s unnatural.
is mind? It’s just the operational aspect of our brain. Put up the operations
in order. The brain will save yourself from becoming a self-destroyer. Long
before there is any outside enemy, we have to spot the enemy inside, the trait
of being utterly irresponsible towards our mind. That is the real enemy. Put it
in order. The outer world is a mere reflection of the invisible world inside.
Hold the reins of your mind firmly and you become the master of your destiny.
challenge lies not in trying to control the external environment. The real task
lies in managing the mind. Isn’t it mere folly that the thing that keeps the
potential to limitless happiness is allowed to go out of loop and spin into a
chaotic trajectory where it releases poison into our organs?
We spend
literally 24 hours to control the external things in life and hardly anyone
tries to control the ticking time bomb of our doom inside. The fire that is
supposed to power us to excellence is hardly managed. No wonder it becomes the
pyre of self-annihilation. You fight so hard to manage the worldly affairs. And
you hardly care about the management of the world inside you. The guiding
flicker of life, the patronizing beam having limitless potential to infinite
happiness, goes out of control and becomes a wild fire. A fire out of control
is destructive. It’s useful as long as it’s managed. The mind is like that
fire. Tend it. Manage it. Keep an eye on it. And you will have its life-giving
warmth and path-showing light for you.
doesn’t take too much of an effort. It’s nothing in comparison to the huge
effort you put in managing the world outside. It doesn’t need your sweat and
blood of worldly battles. It just needs half an hour of quiet contemplation,
the time even less than you might just spend in thinking about your enemy and visualize
doom and destruction to him.
it needs you is to stop running, close eyes, put up a smile on your lips, look
inwards, feel your breathing and walk silently to your real self. The closer
you reach that core, the foundation of your real self, healthier you become in
mind and body. The better the inner world, the better still will be the
external circumstances related to you.
peace and tranquility. Douse the ravaging fire. Turn it into a soulful bonfire
and you like a fatigued traveler basking in healing and peace by its side while
the snowy blizzards hit around. Dive deep. Leave the turbulent and disturbed
surface and move towards the unmoving bottom. You will discover the futility of
just wasting life on the storms on the surface.
you come out on the surface after the deep contemplative dive, the world outside
will not be the scary choppy sea. It will be a playground of excitement. Life
will be fun. Struggles will become just a game to be enjoyed. Turn life into an
enjoyable game. Don’t allow it to turn into an agonizing struggle.
it needs is just a daily dose for the mind. Some quiet moments when you leave
the visible and go into the embrace of the invisible. When you go into the
source of your creation and emerge almost reborn.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Are God and Satan the same under democracy?
by modern day consensus, is the best—among others—form of governance. With some
skepticism, it is agreed that it is best among the worst. It even appears so.
But that doesn’t mean all is well with democracy. No system is perfect.
Perfection is just a mirage. But like all political systems democracy also can
be better.
main issue with democracy is with the same voting weight carried by all
individuals as voters. The best and the worst carry the same political weight,
at least as voters, when it comes to contributing to the process of selecting
the most suitable representatives and hence the best government. Isn’t it ironical
that the people who have been fatal for society carry the same political weight
as the ones who have been of real help to the society as voters? Shouldn’t the
weight of votes vary as per the contribution or potential of individual voters?
the present system of voting Hitler, Stalin and Edi Amin, responsible for the deaths
of millions of innocent lives, carry the same vote weight as the healers of
humanity like Gandhi, Bose, Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad. Shouldn’t the people
with proven records of being better human beings, having better understanding
of the issues of common interests, have more voting power than the criminals,
social degenerates and blood-shedders.
people, busy in the small domain of life to survive, carrying the good and bad
in them, can have the value of one to their vote. The criminals, terrorists,
law breakers and hate-mongers can have fraction of one in proportion to their
crimes. And achievers and contributors in academics, sports, arts, science and
culture can have the multiple of one to their vote. The latter with their better
selves, more awareness and more constructive nature will turn the game of
democracy far more dynamic and vibrant than it is now.
the best and the worst just occupy the minority edges of society in terms of
numbers, it will not shake the present system’s foundations immediately. But it
will act as a system of reward and punishment for the majority to maintain and
improve their political ratings. Who doesn’t want to grow? And certifiedly more
so. A better political rating on the basis of standing and achievement in life
will look good on anybody’s CV. It will be as good holding doctorate degrees,
gold medals and mushy citations. A cut in the voting right, and rating coming
to a fraction of one, will add to scores of other deterrents that stop a person
from going the wrong side to be lesser of a human being in all its forms.
voting right cannot be static. It cannot be frozen for all times irrespective
of best and the worst deeds of the holders. In case a person comes out worst,
it should be abrogated altogether. In case of glorious achievement, the person
should have multiple of one. It is a suitable political reward. It’s better to
have a Hitler without any voting right. Still more suitable to have Mother Teresa
with multiple of one voting right.
Election Commission has to turn the voting right a bit dynamic with the possibilities
of upgrade and degrade and even outright abrogation. It will save democracy
from being the puppet of poor choices where masses, hardly knowing what they
are voting for, hardly knowing the issues involves, get swayed by selfish rhetoric
and emotional rabble rousing to elect pitiable leaders to power.
differential voting rights will carry the democracy to the next stage. The
elected representatives will be better and people will have one more push to be
The superbugs of death
is a methodology of driving the evil, first, out of your body, second, your
mind, and consequently out of your soul.
the level of the body, the visible world, put up a conscious effort to avoid
doing anything bad that may hurt someone in its multiple meanings, the
physical, economical, emotional and social. Avoidance of bad at this level will
help you be a law-abiding citizen. It will give you a clean social image. These
are required to keep you motivated and bound to the path leading to the next
level of goodness, or the path to taming the evil.
the evil at the level of mind is a bit tougher. Thoughts come more rampantly
than actions. It’s basically a free float. In fact these are even more suitable
outlets of the bad. We can think bad to any extent in the hidden corners of our
mind. We can plan any sinister scheme in the safe secrecy of our brain. We can
hate anybody to any extent inside us. We can burn in jealousy about anybody on the
earth. This mode of letting out badness is even more tempting because, unlike
badness in action which might get us punishment at the hands of law or fall in
our public image, this channel of hate does not carry the risks of such immediate,
visible punishments. It but harms us in more ways than we can ever think of. The
punishment crawls slowly, silently. And it is poisonous. All these negative
emotions of hate, jealousy, frustration, fears, apprehensions, illusions and
assumptions let out toxics on the impulse of our brain. By engaging in such
thinking you are bombarding your own body with chemical weapons. You are your
own enemy before anyone else. You are putting your gun at your own poor head. Slowly
over a period of time these poisons, the unseen punishments of uncontrolled
evil thoughts, eat away the body. Our brain, the seat of unrestricted potential
to be good to the self and others, becomes the ticking bomb, letting out toxins
in our blood stream, eating our vitality, our strength and drawing us to a frustrated
death. That is the cruel most punishment. Your own brain letting out poison in
your body. And our thoughts are the trigger for this.
So driving
out the evil at the level of ideas and thoughts is utmost important. Right from
our birth, life is all about bypassing the snares of mortality. But the inherent
meaning of life is to find happiness while we avoid the snares of death. You
cannot find happiness in any corner of this world, under any material comfort if
your thoughts are plagued with the virus of evil, the bugs of hate, jealousy,
selfishness and anger. We cannot avoid death. It will come. But we can turn it
meaningless. The success of death lies in giving us a painful feeling that life
was meaningless at the last breath. IF we die with a feeling that life has been
worth it, we deny death its final laugh. Life prevails over death in this
regard. Because there is journey after the interruption. We can do justice to
life by being happy, and making others happy as well along the way, and be loving.
There can be no other meaning of life.
So train
your mind for better thoughts, better emotions. It will help your brain becoming
a launch pad of creativity instead of a toxic tool of death. Meditation is the
first step in taming the restlessness which is basically the foundation of the
evil in the mind. Dislodge it from its seat. Sit down and practice restfulness.
Calm your mind. Give it a space as you contemplate peace. As much as bugs of
death are ever eager to finish their task of chucking out organisms and lives,
the angels of healing are even more eager to sustain life. And the seat of healing
is in love, in caring, in positive emotions. Allow yourself some time of
stillness, repose and rest, the angels of healing, the agents of life, the
couriers of love will cure you.
practice of love and rest in thoughts leads to a healthier soul. It nourishes
the souls as much as it heals the body. As a loving person you become a flower.
Spreading fragrance and beauty. As a hateful individual you become a thorn. Drawing
blood from the feet that are leading to their destination. Both die anyway. But
look at the roles they play while in their journey.
Coming out of the cave sic grave
come out of the tunnel. And see light. I smile and have a restful inhale of the
fresh air. I open my arms and embrace this world, my world. It welcomes me back
with a brotherly hug. I smile again and close my eyes to look inward. I take a
sip of peace from the sea of tranquility and open eyes. The world has changed.
It’s far better now. I have changed my eyes to look at it differently.
was dark and intimidating. It was as much frightening and intimidating as it
was painful. The tunnel was as much dug by the external circumstances as the
negative tools of my own mind. I had entered a cave. A little recess in the
mountainside of life. A routine trouble in life. Then I became my own enemy and
started digging earth in the direction I shouldn’t have. I was digging a
tunnel. An aimless futile struggle. My depressed, bruised mind moving earth
faster and faster. It was taking me deeper into the womb of darkness. It was
like digging my own grave. A bruised brain and injured mind are the potent
tools of a self-grave digger.
soiled clothes, aching limbs, now I come on the other side. On the other side
of the mountain of life. Out of the self-dug cave that almost became a grave.
Life has changed its meaning. The poles have reversed. I take credit for the small
act of having kept on the digging job. It’s a new beginning. I know myself
better. It’s a new sun. The air is so fresh. The earlier life seems futile. All
this self-grave digging job. But as I close my eyes, a feeble smile on my lips,
and inhale the essence of a new, redefined life, the journey seems worth it. Life
is almost on a pause now. So slow in motion that I see the marvels of nature
around. They are for me as much as they are for everybody. The spring sun
kissing the winter-beaten leaves. Songs of birds. Gentle breeze and the swirls
of a footloose bird in the sea of cool air. Bits of peace lying around.
inhale the fathomless fragrance of peace, harmony and integrity from the
farthest part of the cosmos. Cosmic harmony. Endless orderliness in orbits.
Ever-going periodicity. Supportive harmony. Fury of explosions and astronomical
speeds tamed to harmless, slow acts of space-time continuum. Me and my
environment feel like an iota of this cosmic harmony. I allow myself a gentle
smile. Ripples of peace cascade through my soul. I close my eyes again and look
inwards. Deeper than the superficial world of my body and my worldly
circumstances. I can travel far deeper than I ever thought. There are
undisturbed paths leading to my true self. It’s a replica of cosmic
orderliness. I am on the path to meet my true self. The self that is destined
to be happy and at peace with itself.
awaits there, the self, with unlimited dose of happiness, comfort, compassion
and peace. We only deny ourselves the dose of this cosmic healing pill by
looking out on this world. The superficial world of frustration, jealousy,
hate, futile rat race, mundane cravings, illusions, assumptions, fears,
apprehensions and cravings. It doesn’t allow us to smile, to close eyes and
start the journey inward. No wonder we have hardly travelled in the real sense
even if we are lucky to spend hundred years of chronological time in a lifetime.
The journey to the real inner self, on the other hand, is not bound by the puny
limits of time and funny horizons of space. It’s open and there are unlimited
dimensions. In minutes one covers cosmic distances. And when you smile and look
at this world outside, you see a replica, a reflection of the inherent beauty.
You are better now and happier. You look at this world with a healthier mind
and sturdier brain. More importantly you have a better heart. You are capable
of loving more and hating less. The hallmark and definition of a human being.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
There is something good at the end of it
There is light beyond the deepest dark depth,
There is a bright day after the ghostly haunts of nightmarish night,
After a barren famished fight there is a blossomed springed delight,
After pining pangs of separation there is a worthy end to the desperation,
After crashing in the gutters there is a surge and rise to bathe in holy waters,
After crying convulsions on the lips, a smile takes honeyed sips,
After the last deafest, still there is an undying urge to accomplish the feat,
Even when blind with despair, there is hope hiding and cajoling somewhere,
Even in hate love still lurks somewhere!!!!
There is a bright day after the ghostly haunts of nightmarish night,
After a barren famished fight there is a blossomed springed delight,
After pining pangs of separation there is a worthy end to the desperation,
After crashing in the gutters there is a surge and rise to bathe in holy waters,
After crying convulsions on the lips, a smile takes honeyed sips,
After the last deafest, still there is an undying urge to accomplish the feat,
Even when blind with despair, there is hope hiding and cajoling somewhere,
Even in hate love still lurks somewhere!!!!
A smile on your lips
A smile is like the sun
on a cold, frigid, gray day. Comforting. Warm. Healing. It dispels the gloom.
It absorbs the pain. It touches you with sympathy. It becomes your nonjudgmental
confidante. You may not be enjoying a rollercoaster ride in life. There are
pains and problems and of course you feel like crying. Of course you are not in
a position to laugh. But you can smile. Just to yourself. Without any reason. Or
at least try. Even a fake, feeble smile will do. It reshapes the mask of your
tensions, your worries. You will instantly feel its warmth, its light. It
cannot be the other way. Even a fake smile cannot give you pain, cannot aggravate
your messiness however hard is the situation. Give yourself a reason to smile. Forget
about the little world of your problems. The world around you is too big. And
you are a part of it bounty. The things of beauty are as good for you as are
for any other happy person around. Claim your share. Observe. Look around. Pick
out from the unassuming treasure lying around in bits and pieces. A flower. A
bird chirping. A gust of breeze. Some green tree. A sparrow’s free dart in the
sky, a child’s pure smile, the sun, the stars, someone helping somebody. There
are infinite reasons to let a smile kiss your lips, to help you, to sympathize,
to emphasize. Just open up the door for smile. It will open up a huge gate of
comfort for the inner self. Light will enter the dungeon of real and imaginary problems.
There is no logic for this. It just happens. Just like you feel the healing warmth
of sunrays on a cold day. Try to smile without reason. Immediately you will get
a feeling of so many things to be smiled at, to be felt euphoric about, or even
laugh about.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Cow candies in patriotic barn
effort at inciting hate is always condemnable. Be it the leftists who bind a
soul to the red book so tightly that even violent options become defendable for
the cause of principles cast in iron. So communists see class enemies, there
are purgings, extrajudicial killings, dictatorships. Or be it the rightists,
who insight phobias, sloganeering for some mythical past, blaming some section
for the present woes, show exclusivist dreams. Or be it the poison-sprouting
mullahs in mosques, who raise fiery speech to blur the line between faith and
fundamentalist blindness. All extremist ideologies thrive on creating hate,
turning a human being against a fellow human being, on flimsy, assumed,
disillusioning grounds.
There are cow patriots in
Haryana. In a country where millions go deprived of even the most basic
facilities, where people die for lack of clean drinking water and basic
healthcare, the mythical love for cow sounds misplaced. Of course, as an
animal, and like any other animal for that matter, cow needs better days,
better pastures, better economical use. But cow as an instrument of fake
nationalism. It sounds unjustified. Haryana government has even constituted a
cow commission. But there could have been a commission for stray, homeless
humans as well. In our city Sonipat, there are more stray humans than stray
cows. The cow commission allocated funds. Just like the favourite Indian trait of
turning any institution into the instrument of embezzling public money, it also
serves as a means of siphoning funds for those in good books. There are
lampoons and semi-criminalized fit-for-nothings, who having run after the saffron
brigade during the election time, get reward for their patriotic loyalty. They
get money to open cow shelters and cow care centres. No wonder the budgeted
amount is multiple times than the amount actually spent.
They opened a cow
shelter on the outskirts of the city. A good set up. At least apparently so. A minister inaugurated
the cow shelter with a fiery patriotic speech. The euphoria over cow welfare
but fell too heavily on the head of a poor watchman just on the third day after
the speech. The poor guy died. The main gate crashed on him. You can imagine
the level of construction material. There are just a few cows in the big
facility. Rest of them roam the city with stray dogs and humans like before.
Nothing has changed in reality. But a lot has changed on paper.
Pseudo-nationalism you know. And cow shelters proof of that. Another idler, who
had been tailing after the ideologues, got a big grant to run a cow hospital.
He has set up just a facility in the name of it. Groups of drunkards drink
there. Cows, where? You will question if you step into it. Those who can't love
people from other religions, how can you expect them to be caring for animals.
Poor cow. Just a political pawn. So is Ram Mandir. So is national anthem. Oofs.
What a cheap candy type nationalism. Served to the masses. Eat the candy and
spit out hate. And vote for us of course. A person blinded by hate is easily
taken by political tricks. Let's hope UP results put a check to their sham
nationalism, forcing them to opt for healthy one, where people are progressive,
loving, receptive..
There are many eager
souls to do something for the country. Feelings apart, they are incapable of
doing hardly anything, not even leading the life of a law-abiding, self-responsible
citizen. Following the basic principles of humanity, doing just as much as to
follow the rules and regulations even if there is no chance of penalty in
sight. The blood is but on boil for the cause of the nation. They fight pitched
battles on social media. It won’t so much as give them the pain of a mosquito
bite. It is hundred percent risk free. No dangers. All you have to do is to
like, forward and gloat over hate messages. And stamp with a vote. You then
become a patriot. Beyond that you can go out, take bribe, grease palms with
corrupt money, break queues, eve-tease, molest, urinate anywhere, use road like
it’s your courtyard driveway, pass remarks, shout, holler, do whatever. Your
conscience is clear. You are a patriot. Because you just hate the perceived
enemy. That is your contribution to nation-building. Still left with surplus
patriotic energy, you go out and mix with ABVP zealots and attack other
students who are not as patriotic as you because they have not picked up the toy
gun for patriotic fun. For the extra-energied patriots there is a possible
hangout. Breakroom. Gurgaon sector 29. Operated by Sanwari Gupta. Go there and
smash out your hate and frustration on junk TV, microwave, radio, etc. It will
soothe the angry man in you. The blood on boil will cool. And utter sense of
heroism will prevail as you smash the screen. It can be a suitable punch-bag
for the paper tigers of pseudo-nationalism. After pouring out hate and
frustration you will come out happier and, possibly, more loving beings. You
might even go beyond the tools of fake nationalism like Ram Mandir, cows and national
anthem, and do something more important for this country.
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