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Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Random reflections

Coming through a lower class locality in Delhi was revealing. A little kid, barely 7 or 8 came pulling the rickshaw carrier. Empty plastic cans at the back and the lad was just going almost half way down on each side to complete the circle. More child self-bread earners washing dirty plates by a kulche stall. It was early in the morning and instead of getting breakfast before going to school they were earning their tit-bits. Littlest of lids taking a bath at a public tap after a late night stint at the eating point. Childhood had withered in them. These were dhaba boys. Getting their skins hardened with antisocial strains...fed by the scorns and abuses of their merciless masters. Well Delhi has so much to cheer about....but far more to ponder about sadly.


Thank God life is not just a smooth road, taking us uninterestingly to a plain destination! Guys be thankful that it is pot-holed and bumpy. The vehicle of our life gets jolts and jerks which are in fact the lifelines for our material being. It tests the vehicle of our being. The latter responds and this see-saw battle releases energy for the engine of our survival. So guys if your road appears bumpier than others, just feel the sea-storm of energy your system is creating not just for your own survival but for the common cause of creation and survival at the universal level as well. As a struggler you contribute far more to a great unseen cause than it appears on the common plain of our material existence.


There are times when our long-held beliefs sound untrue. It is however just a smoke-screen. If we just project our hands over our eyes and try to look into the haze with a bit of more focused look, we will see the faded glow of the sun of reality. It not only consolidates the beliefs very close to our soul, but allows more perspectives to our struggle to see through the cloud. Long-held beliefs are generally true. Their mere survival around the epicenter of our being authenticates their validity. Temporary ones just glow for a short time and fade out in jerks. So do not allow you long-held beliefs to die or fade out during the periods of crisis. Believe it or not, they are like life-belts tied to our endangered selves during the sea-storm.