I came across a brown-eyed human snake. A kashmiri pandit. More venomous than any kobra in the world! He just knowns how to bite...instinctively like all the slithery reptiles of his species. Its just impossible to come across a more spiteful person. It is simply your folly to expect a friendly kiss from a snake...the helpless creature is bound to bite only. Well, I wish he should have stayed back in the valley and try to bite militants there...he would have been very effective in waging war against the scourge of terrorism there..
The posts on this blog deal with common people who try to stand proud in front of their own conscience. The rest of the life's tale naturally follows from this point. It's intended to be a joy-maker, helping the reader to see the beauty underlying everyone and everything. Copyright © Sandeep Dahiya. All Rights Reserved for all posts on this blog. No part of this blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the author of this blog.
About Me

- Sufi
- Hi, this is somebody who has taken the quieter by-lane to be happy. The hustle and bustle of the big, booming main street was too intimidating. Passing through the quieter by-lane I intend to reach a solitary path, laid out just for me, to reach my destiny, to be happy primarily, and enjoy the fruits of being happy. (www.sandeepdahiya.com)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sun playing hide and seek behind clouds..humid air wispily telling a smart secret..land lying languidly; its pining thirst quenched by sky's countless kisses and love-drops..a dove pair mating lost in the silent majesty of innocence and peaceful nature!! Life can be far far better provided we have the eyes to spot such marvelous ecstasies adoring the stage set around us. Be at ease with the universal harmony..the ultimate melody will certainly reach your ears.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Rivers and we share a great symmetry in our life flows. During youthful stage, a river full of energy cuts through the mountainous rocks. It is vigorous, torrential, fast, furious. adamant about its path. Aren't we like that as well in our youth? Then middle age sets in. During this phase the pace gets mellowed down. Through flood plains it takes gentle curves, meanders, building its reputation on the sediments cut in youth from hardest rocks. The flow is at ease with itself. There is comfort, peace. Then the final drowning of its existence in the sea. So in youth gurgle with enthusiasm. Tear apart as much sediments as you can. It will be after all the material for you middle life flood plains when other types of responsibilities set in on this fertile ground.
Corporate career
Corporate career is great..it keeps you on razor's edge. You are forced to grow your skills at all levels. But it's dissipating as well..it saps you in the long run. So its always advisable to slowly built an alternate pedestal in the medium term--say for the nest 5/10 years--so that when things get too hot in your present position you can easily jump onto that one. This new platform can be based on the real passion. So while you are toiling it out against your real interests, don't get frustrated. Its a sort of investment for future. Just cling to your dream. Keep your dream alive. Slowly and systematically chalk out a medium term plan..invest time and money in moderate amounts and when the things ARE RIPE jump onto your creation.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Well Delhi is a stinking hell...undoubtedly. Look at Yamuna...its just a big drain of mucking filth and sewage. Monsoon...it kisses its dirty, pugnacious, purple-faced layer...the facepack....nutritious sand from the hills. A new avatar...Yamuna the holy river....but for how long? Just for a month at the most! After that its again the same sad drainage. The name but prevails...from road nd railway bridges people throw coins...it blesses them..blesses like the uncomplaining mother....all forgiving...all pious...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I think it always (without exception) helps not to lose your temper. When you lose your temper, you not only deprive somebody’s chances for more happiness; you in fact deprive yourself of the same. So why fall in the trap of such a bad bargain. If nobody gains anything out of it (except perhaps that hypothetical and flimsy enemy of ours, called “ego”) why invest in such a loser scheme? —Sandeep Dahiya
May be there is a fixed quota of suffering in the cosmic account book of karma to be doled out to the humanity. If that be the case then feel proud for bearing the heavier load from the destiny’s side, while so many others trudge ahead with unjustifiably lighter weights on their shoulders. Feel proud that God considers you as a tough guy capable of handling the issues on the wrong side of the fence. While you sweat it out with the larger issues, possibly your each and every step paves the road for some easy stroll by a frail fellow human being. Just carry on mighty guys! No use in browbeating now! You have been chosen for breaking the tough nut so that many a weak teeth can munch survival crumbs. —Sandeep Dahiya
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy New Year
I sing a hymn for the departure of this year. It deserves full honours. Premature welcome notes and hasty obituaries are seldom feasible. So I pray for the dying year and try to recall how much I m to be blamed for its death!!!
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